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Fandom SBURB: Beta

@Chat Noir

I updated Caelum's CS with a picture and his moon. Sorry the picture is so messy! I haven't had much time to draw lately, but I'll try to get a better one up as soon as I have a few hours to sit down and work on it.
@Chat Noir I'm curious about something that you will probably going to answer soon but do the Trolls and humans share the same Dream moons? Also can they connect with other before the game or will they meet when they enter the game?
Aquaknight said:
@Chat Noir I'm curious about something that you will probably going to answer soon but do the Trolls and humans share the same Dream moons? Also can they connect with other before the game or will they meet when they enter the game?
The Trolls and the Humans can and probably have been messaging each other for a while. To each other, they are both aliens. Whether they believe each other is up to the players involved. In this AU the trolls weren't responsible for creating the Human's universe, it was another session entirely (But the players of that session will remain unrevealed until further notice).

As far as the game goes, they do share moons. The Humans and Trolls are convinced that they will each be playing their own version of the game but really they will all be mixed together into 1 session. How this goes about happening, I'm still thinking of ideas. I have a few and they involve the meddling of certain omniscient beings.

But that's all the overarching stuff. For now all that needs to be told is that the Humans and Trolls are sharing a session but they don't know that yet. They can communicate freely with each other. The trolls also have their viewports, so they'd be able to see what the humans look like. The humans wouldn't be able to do that.

That's pretty much all the set up I need to give really. Earth and Alternia are otherwise the same as the comic. There's no Doc Scratch though. Well there is, but they aren't called Doc Scratch.
Yo so I added some information to the Rules tab (As well as the actual rules but there aren't many of those so it's not that big of a deal I guess)

I just wanted to highlight something of importance here though, to really get the point across.

[QUOTE="Chat Noir]A quick note before I continue about Pesterlogs. The Homestuck comic is written in second person perspective, giving it that unique adventure game charm that is a big part of the aesthetic. That works well given the medium the story is presented in, but we don't necessarily have to follow that. You are able to roleplay your character from any perspective you desire. You can continue to stick with the adventure game theme and roleplay in second person as though your character is being controlled like they are in a game (Which I guess they technically are). You can go to a more personal first person perspective as well, describing the events of Sburb as if they are unfolding before your very eyes, if you so desire. Lastly, there's third person, the perspective of being a spectator to your characters journey. Personally I will be writing in 3rd Person because it's what I'm used to. By no means must you feel inclined to do the same. You write in whatever perspective is most comfortable or fun for you.

That is all.
That sounds like a good idea. I was going to start the roleplay though, but feel free to continue with that idea!

The Humans and Trolls would have probably been talking to each other for a while, so they'd be well acquainted by now. Not sure if they'd be friends, but maybe? Who knows. It's up to you guys.

On that note, anyone interested in working on a close, pre-established friendship with Adrien?
@Chat Noir I think Cato and Adrian would make for an odd couple of friends, I think Cato would be too nice to Ditch him or call Adrian out on his attitude. Maybe Cato even put Adrian in a few of his Let's play video?
Aquaknight said:
@Chat Noir I think Cato and Adrian would make for an odd couple of friends, I think Cato would be too nice to Ditch him or call Adrian out on his attitude. Maybe Cato even put Adrian in a few of his Let's play video?
Sounds good to me. I think as a Heart Player, Adrian would call out Cato when he tries to act like someone he's not. Like if Cato starts trying to seem all hipstery or cold and distant Adrien would pretty much tell him he's being a twat and to stop acting like something he's not.

Cato could also be responsible for Adrien's love of video games as well. He could have been pulled into one of his Let's Play videos and now he's suddenly super into the gaming scene.
If you want a short tempered snake alien with a caffeine addiction and a brain full of law and order quotes, hit me up.
Caelum's red and black quadrants are open to whoever wants to take a swing at them - though no promises on if he'll reciprocate or not. @Quiet and I were talking about making our trolls moirails though so I guess their pale quadrants are (or are going to be, at some point) filled.
I'm not sure how Adrien would respond to the trolls. I imagine they've had conversations before.

I think Adrien would get a kick out of talking to Caelum and he'd probably spend most of his conversations with Moreli trying to invoke one of her mood swings for the sake of it. He might find talking to Karrim to be frustrating because Karrim seems like the kind of guy who is hard to get a reaction out of, which kind of takes the fun away from the whole thing in Adrien's opinion.
Sure as sugar, Caelum and Moreli'll be perfect for one another! She'll be his backbone and he'll be her emotional tank.

Moreli's a volatile sort of girl, so I'm sure Adrien, Caelum, and everyone else that pesters her will be getting a cold, verbal kick in the pants, both angrily and supportively.
I imagine Caelum would be pretty easy for Adrien to mess with. Though, since Caelum has a good handle on talking through text, the two of them could also have some pretty great back-and-forth. Meeting face-to-face would be a totally different story though, haha.
The IC is open for posting now!

I have plans for White Text Person(s) to message other players, but for now I'll start with The Witch of Doom to keep things not cluttered.
Karrim's calm but if you get on the subject of fighting or sharpshooting, he'll be easy to mess with. I'll have a proper look at the char profiles later and I'd see how he'd react to the others
Caelum's style of writing would confuse Karrim a little so he'd probably have the lead in most convos in text. Karrim's a little patronising so he probably wouldn't be too helpful towards Caelum's cowardice in person.

With Moreli, I feel that Karrim would do well with her due to his life of peace and calm and the distant way she acts. Her love of justice would go well with Karrim's morality cowboy being but he'd put himself over which'd annoy her probably.

All in all, Karrim's the annoying high blood bitch in sheeps clothing

With Aepeta's seeming rejection of the hemospectrum, she'd have a few issues with Karrim cause his way of talking about his blood caste in his calm manner can be VERY patronising.

Sivuru would maybe be one of the few people with the chance to annoy Karrim when he isn't 'gung-ho'. Her clinginess would conflict with his appreciation of calm and isolation. Nothing too serious though.
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Sivuru's always open. She pretty much makes her life goal to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. She'll message Karrim right now, in fact.
By the way, just wanna mention that you don't have to ask me before starting a pesterlog with Caelum. If anyone wants to deal with him, then by all means.
I have some errands I need to run today so I won't be able to respond to the IC until later.

Things seem to be going well in the IC though! Always good to see.
Does anybody want to start a Pesterlog? I have some free time and I would like to finish some before it's too late~

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