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Fandom SBURB: Beta

Chat Noir

Black Cat
This is the OOC. Feel free to chat about anything, talk about your characters and ask questions!

If you wish to discuss Homestuck or any other form of media, remember your spoiler tags!
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@ghastlytypist Your character is accepted, but would you mind adding Sean's appearance to the sheet? You can add an image or a description if you'd like.

@Aquaknight Your character is also accepted!

There's a few things that should be discussed before we start writing in the IC though, so for now hold off on posting. I'll bring said topics up a bit later.
added her appearance and updated some things.

still getting the hang of this site. :P
ghastlytypist said:
Her all time favorite game is DARK SOULS
Me too Sean, me too.

Thanks for adding the appearance! I'm thinking of making a Thief of Heart. But before that, I think I should bring up the issue of Pesterlogs.

Most Homestuck roleplays I've seen include Pesterlogs in them, and I think that's great because I love Pesterlogs. However I've noticed a lot of them times the post seem to just become back and forth pesterlogs between two people. Since this is a casual/detailed roleplay, I'd like to avoid that.

I have an idea of how we can work around this whilst still including Pesterlogs. I think we should take a page from the comic and instead of having back and forth IM chats with each others characters, if we're going to pester someone then perhaps it will be better for us to pre-emptively have the chat through private messages and then when it's finished add it in it's completion to our posts.

I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't I can try and clarify some more of what I mean.
i'd be down for that. still gotta wait to unlock my private messages tho.

*throws another post into the abyss*
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Ah yes, the 24 hour wait. I remember that. Well the roleplay won't be starting for a day or so anyway so we should be good.
@Chat Noir

Thank you! It's been literal years since I've done a Homestuck RP on a forum, so this should be fun. I'll add his appearance as soon as I'm finished with the drawing.
Chat Noir] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22690-quiet/ said:
@Quiet[/URL] Your character is accepted! Welcome to the party :D
Awesome! I'm glad to be on board!
Sorry guys I forgot to add something rather important to the Character Sheet. That is, which Moon our characters Dream Selves reside on. Some of you have already included it, so that's great.

I'm not sure if there's a system in place, like certain aspects belonging to certain moons. I don't think there is. I know that the Hero of Doom gets two dream selves though. So yeah feel free to add in a moon if you haven't already. There should be 7 on one moon and 6 on another... I think? Yeah that sounds right. I'll keep a log of it on the Overview tab when I add our Party there.
That's awesome! I plan on being a troll girl, by the way, and I'll post her as soon as I can. Which may be a couple hours from now, as I'm in school right now.

Edit: She'll be a jade blood, by the way.
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budgieboo said:
That's awesome! I plan on being a troll girl, by the way, and I'll post her as soon as I can. Which may be a couple hours from now, as I'm in school right now.
Edit: She'll be a jade blood, by the way.
Sweet, I look forward to it! I'll reserve you a spot as a troll.
[QUOTE="Chat Noir]Sorry guys I forgot to add something rather important to the Character Sheet. That is, which Moon our characters Dream Selves reside on. Some of you have already included it, so that's great.
I'm not sure if there's a system in place, like certain aspects belonging to certain moons. I don't think there is. I know that the Hero of Doom gets two dream selves though. So yeah feel free to add in a moon if you haven't already. There should be 7 on one moon and 6 on another... I think? Yeah that sounds right. I'll keep a log of it on the Overview tab when I add our Party there.

Moon allocation depends on the class and gender. Prospit favours Males with Passive classes and Females with Active classes whilst Derse favours the opposite.
Also, finished my char, not gonna try and play with BBCodes at this pint. Need to find some kind of base. I tried to keep it thematically correct with the concepts of Sburb in terms of class, personality and moon location. Just makes the char seem nicer.
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AncientHoliday said:
Moon allocation depends on the class and gender. Prospit favours Males with Passive classes and Females with Active classes whilst Derse favours the opposite.
You learn something everyday then! Well I suppose it's up to everyone else if we want to abide by that system. Otherwise we'll just leave it as an omitted detail.

AncientHoliday said:
Also, finished my char, not gonna try and play with BBCodes at this pint. Need to find some kind of base. I tried to keep it thematically correct with the concepts of Sburb in terms of class, personality and moon location. Just makes the char seem nicer.
Your character is accepted! The roles are filling up quite fast.

There are some things I will clarify tomorrow regarding the IC and the world this AU is set in. Nothing too big, since I kind of want things to be established and worked on by you guys. Hopefully we'll fill all the roles before starting, but if we don't then it really isn't a big deal. As an FYI, I'm going to leave the roleplay open until either all the roles are filled or until everyone's characters enter the game.

If there's anyone you know that might be interested, let em know we still got room.
AncientHoliday said:
I rely on Dahni as a way to check for things related to Sburb
Ah yes, Dahni. Her detailed descriptions of classes and aspects are incredibly helpful for roleplaying. Even if they aren't homestuck roleplays you can get some pretty neato ideas for characters just be reading up on the different titles.

also @JackOfHearts Your character is accepted :D

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