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Fantasy SaltyWrench Other



Elder Member
Game Master’s Law
I, as the Game Master, have executive power over any and all parts of the RP. I, as the Game Master, will do what I must to move the RP along. I, as the Game Master, will take command of any and all orphaned characters. Co-GM’s will have certain power and must be given the same respect as the Game Master.

1.) Any and all that is submitted to the RP will be subject to my edit, or executive decision, be it over characters, lore, or other such things. This is mainly for orchestrating a smooth, fun RP.

2.) RPers must post in a timely manner to move the RP along, and due to unexpected circumstance or not , if the RPer is unable to do so, I will do my best to tie that loose end to keep going, and give as much respect to the character as possible and as little written as possible to do just that, so it’s just enough to get going.

3.) If you tap out of the RP, any character that is in some way deemed important to the RP where I can’t just drop or ignore it, I will do my best to replace it with a different character to fill that role, or, take over your character to end your character (on your terms as much as I can) and that story thread as soon and reasonably as possible. *You may also hand your character over to another RPer, either for the time being, or for good. Expectations of how that RPer is to play your character must be worked out between you two, and these terms given to me, so that if something happens I can mediate properly by looking over the contract. If there is no contract, I will consider the current main player to have all the natural rights the original player had, over whatever character was handed to them.

4.) Any co-GM will be given some amount of authority as I have, though limited in that they’re still subject to my executive orders, and so on. So please give them that respect.

5.) . . .I couldn’t stop at #4, it has to go by fives. So here we are. . . (If I think of something else, I’ll put it here……..)

1.) Do not God-mod (without explicit permission)

2.) Do not Meta-game (without explicit permission)

3.) Avoid Power-modding type 1 (unless given explicit permission)

4.) Avoid Power-modding type 2 (unless given explicit permission)

5.) Thou shalt not be whiner-babies (explicit permission…will never be given.)
1.) God-modding (taking over, or assuming control over another RPers character, such as a physical action or even internal feelings/thoughts that are written as if they that is really what is happening) without explicit permission/being sanctioned by that RPer is not allowed. Infractions are met with a warning at first, to give a chance for edit. If it is not changed— or if you do not alert me and the other RPer that it will be changed by a specific, acceptable date— your post will be deleted and your place in the RP will be insecure. *To be safe, write down in a PM what has been allowed, then send it to me, so I can be sure to note that any God-modding is not an infraction, but in fact allowed by that RPer. This is part is only a suggestion.

RPerC: *Harry drops the ball*

RPerA:“Tommy, Harry dropped the ball!”

RPerB: “I know. He did.”

RPerA: “What went wrong?”

RPerB”: “Harry kept his eyes closed. That’s why he missed the ball.”

**RPerC can call out RPerB for God-modding. He didn’t write WHY the ball was dropped, and he did not give RPerB permission to decide this was the reason either.

**If you do feel someone has crossed a line, let me know. Unless I am told, I will assume you and another RPer are in sync with each other, and that you don’t mind if the other assumes/God-modes.

2.) Meta-gaming (knowing out-of-game knowledge and having characters make decisions influenced by that knowledge, that they otherwise would not have done if you as the RPer didn’t know about said meta details) is not allowed outside the bounds of a characters ability, and being sanctioned by me.

ex: Normally Tommy can read minds, and when he enters a room he casually sweeps his ability to take a peek, but if a character among the group has a reason why that won’t work on them, Tommy will be denied. Even if the RPer playing Tommy knows what is going on with the other characters thoughts. Now it’s up to Tommy to find out which person he isn’t able to read, even if the player knows. You don’t like it Tommy? Well tough cookie, Tommy. Tough cookie.

3.) Power-modding type 1 (having seemingly a deus ex machina ability to either evade or inflict actions or know things, or who have contrived reasons why your character can do ‘this’ or ‘that’) will not be allowed. I will play it by ear and do my best to respect you and your characters abilities, but if something feels too off I will let you know I am not convinced that they can get away with something. Hopefully I can nip this in the bud beforehand, but if I miss something then I’ll try to figure out how to fix it. It is unwise, for instance, to have a character who can ‘take over’ the body of others, due to the fact that this ability can break Etiquette 1 and 2 fairly easily, and thus won’t be eventful to play for you, as it is possible other players may tap out due to the OPness of it.

4.) Power-modding type 2 (similar to type 1, but this time it can be any character, at any power level, who just happens to evade/afflict an action that should not, by all accounts, be evaded or acted) is frowned upon, but can be circumstantially acceptable. I’ll play this by ear. In general, if it’s raining and you’re character is outside, under the open sky, and they’re naked with no one around and nothing above them, and no ability whatsoever— they better be getting wet.

ex: If Sally is a human, just like anyone in our real life, and the wind blows, Sally will, in fact, feel the wind…no exceptions. And Sally, this same girl, will die if the Giant slams a massive hammer onto her, since the hammer is as large as a mountain and she’s in the center.

*If you really don’t want Sally to die it can’t be ‘just because’ you don’t want her to die. You got to work out a reason why she’s not standing there, or why she isn’t crushed. You might have to go as far as to backtrack and rewrite previous posts to have her stand elsewhere, or if she’s been given a teleportation stone, or if super-fast-Bob zips to save her, because otherwise I am totally gonna say Sally died by that sledge hammer of gargantuan proportions.

5.) Your character is precious. . .to you. Keep in mind that no one likes to have their characters hated, but if your character is being an ass-wipe, then people will probably think they’re an ass-wipe. Same goes if they’re a know-it-all, or overly sexy-slutty, or a cutie-patootie. Please, everyone, give respect to the RPer and due respect to the characters. Don’t just expect it from everyone but then not give it yourself. Also, sometimes there will be characters that are purposefully made to be jerks. It’s not disrespectful to point this out, but don’t harass an RPer about the fact that their character is a jerk. It’s what their character is supposed to be! This also doesn’t detract respect from the RPer either. On the contrary, if they do a good job and their character is a brilliant addition to the plot, they should be commended for the jerk-face character.

**Malicious arguing will not be tolerated. I am the tie-breaker if you can’t solve it politely and privately.
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