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  • cw: pet loss

    I plan on disappearing for a little bit, I think. I will do my best to keep up with people here and there but I'm at a rough patch in my life right now.

    My cherished and beloved cat Lancelot passed away a few weeks ago, and we were going to take care of him this weekend. That didn't happen, and not having that closure has been hard on myself and my family.

    I am also stressed trying to find a new job, work out my finances, as well as trying to mentally take care of myself.

    I am hoping to find myself still here and talking but overall please bear with me as I work through this.

    ps thank you for being such a wonderful community to me ❤
    I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks like a wonderful friend. Sending prayers that you and yours can find peace and healing. (Also that you can find a new job soon, and all the other stressors lighten up!)
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