• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy SaltyWrench Character Information



Elder Member

1.) All ‘official’ characters of the RP must be submitted for approval, directly to Private Message. Please don’t post it here for approval.

2.) Any character NOT officially recognized is considered an NPC, and thus, not protected by the Code of Conduct. It is urged that, for the sake of your rights over that character, you have it officially approved, complete with a profile.

3.) !DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE IN THE CHARACTERS THREAD!Each RPer will have ONE post to list any information they want to be public to the other RPErs or people coming in to check out the RP, that they can edit as they add new information or new characters. I will give an example with mine here. Extra posts will be deleted, but with warning first so you can save what you wrote in that post. Unless given permission to have multiple posts, which I doubt will happen, do not post more than once. If your character knows another character here that belongs to a different RPer, you both must agree to what your character can list about the other.

**KEEP IN MIND that just because something isn’t listed doesn’t mean it’s not true for that character. A person who lists ‘photography’ as a talent they want the public to know, doesn’t mean that this same person can’t cook or doesn’t sing really well. It simply means that the RPer wanted this particular aspect of their character to be known around town. That being said, if a person does not list a character at all doesn’t mean they don’t have multiple characters.

**KEEP IN MIND that this doesn’t mean people can make up random, convenient, out of the blue, talents, abilities, etc. I will be keeping a copy of their profile on a document to make sure that this doesn’t happen, and to help me keep track of who is who. This means you must put careful thought in what you put in your character profile. Updating is fine. Editing after a character was considered ‘complete’ is deeply frowned upon, unless for a good reason.

**KEEP IN MIND that the Discord for all of those want to be in the RP will have a text-channels dedicated to sharing character details to the appropriate RPers who have characters that would know more about another RPers characters, for whatever reason they decide for plot and such. So if you and some other RPer happen to have characters that are siblings, and these siblings have secrets no one else would know, these RPers can have a text-channel to communicate about these characters.

****To be sent privately to me in PM****

**Use my post below as an example of what I am looking for in ‘character’ thread**

And unlike non-employees, this character must have information to share with all the others. They do not have to divulge anything other than what is naturally observable as any co-worker might experience. I will have a place in discord for the employees of Salty Wrench so people considering joining do not at first get all your characters information.
*Any information that isn’t available now can be filled in later, such as ‘enemy’. If your character has none at this time, wait and see. However, please fill in any and all information that can be filled.

*Full name.


*Ex: Elvish/Drowish. Details are explained in lore.

Birthdate/Male or Female:
*Put Month/Day/Year. Use the Gregorian calendar for simplicity. Start of RP year is 1820. Historical Time Line will be updated as needed.
*Ex: January 1, 1800; female.

Blood Type:
*Despite races/species being different, I will allow blood-types to align with our own real-life types)

Status: *can be ‘single’, ‘complicated’ or ‘married’ or ‘dating’, etc.
Significant Other?: *name(s), reasons why, list what they are attracted to, etc.
Children?: *N/A (not applicable), or 3 (then list names, ages, etc.)
Pets: *species, size, gender, capabilities, age, details about how long it will live, when they got it, etc. Please keep in mind what is written in lore about animals in Spireton.
Best Friends:
Other/Notes: (Extra info, or added detail)

Belief system: (Religion/Belief/Philosophy/Sophology, etc. ex: Buddhist, or, Atheist)

Do any of their beliefs influence your characters choices? Explain:

Temperament: (Introvert, extrovert, assertive, quiet, hyper, etc.)

Virtues/Strengths: (empathic, fearless, etc.)

Vices/Faults: (clingy, reckless, etc.)

Have they gone too far with discipline? Give an example and why, and do they regret going too far? What have they done to apologize, and if not, why?:

Have they assumed wrongly about someone? Give an example and why:

Have they ever had to forgive a great wrong done to them? Give an example and explain if they ended up forgiving or not, and why:

Have they dealt with criticism when appropriate to the situation or not? Give an example and why they reacted the way they did:

Have they had trouble with making a change for the good? Give an example and why:

What bad habits do they struggle with? Give examples of when they succeed and when they fail to avoid their bad habit, and how does this negatively affect their lives:

Desires/Wants/Dreams: (Do they want to leave Spireton at some point? Why? What do they want to do outside of town, and why, and what are they willing to do to get there? Explain:

If they were to become a high ranking police officer, then why? What are they willing to do to get there? etc, etc.

What is their greatest regret/Why?

What is their greatest delight/Why?

Talents(inherent): (naturally good at whistling, etc. Not more than one. If your character is unique and has great discipline, then we can talk about you having more.))

Skills(acquired): (painstakingly learned piano over hours and hours of practice, etc. NOT more than two. One must be worse than the other. If your character is unique and has great discipline, then we can talk about you having more.)

Interests/Hobbies: (whether or not they’re good at it)

Other/Notes: (Extra info, or added detail)

Magic in Aerden is elemental. Metal-working, earth-shaping, fire blazes, icing water, etc. Think of Avatar, if that helps. A person can possibly specialize in more than one, but it’s quite rare. There are only a tiny handful of magic-users who have tapped into magic beyond the elemental. Unless a good plot reason comes up, there’s a 99.9999% your character isn’t one of them.

**I will be very hard on who believes their character has ‘magic’ since it has all but died out. Sure, there is some here and there, but for VERY specific reasons. You’d have to have a really, really, really good plot idea for me to allow secret magical abilities. That being said, if and when someone does use magic, please fill-out this section:

What type do you believe they would be able to wield and why? (Remember that humans don’t have the ability for magic and aren’t affected. Literally, a fireball cast by magic can hit them and they would be fine. But a magic-user shaking the ground can throw them off footing.):

Alchemy: IF THEY HAVE THIS SKILL *List type of alchemy they studied, why they got into it, how far along they have studied, and how good they are, etc. (Flora/Fauna/Mineral/Metal)

*When they started
*Why they got into this job in specific
*What rank are they in the job (are there ranks?), do they plan on leaving to another job, their schedule, etc? Explain as much as you can. Your character can have multiple jobs too, but make sure to state their schedule as well. List any and all jobs they’ve ever had, how good they were, why they aren’t doing that job now, etc.

Yearly earnings:
*Ex: $19,000

Monthly monetary allotment:
*Ex: $1,583

Main expenses each month:
Dependents: *Anyone your character provides for on a consistent basis. This may include a friend you give gas money to, if they have that arrangement with you.

Food: *Ex: $200

Rent/House: *Ex: $500

Gas/Electric: *Ex: $50

Water: *Ex: $50

Vehicle: (motorcycle? Scooter? Car?) *Ex: playing off still? About $200.

Random: *Repairs for house, spoiled food? Did you buy a piano? New shoes?

Savings each month: *Possible $583

*Variables such as damage to house, damage to items, replacing old items, gifts for people, eating out, lawsuits, taxes, debts, slow traffic for repair, etc, can drop it down.)

***Note*** Use the aforementioned prices as a guide. Too low of rent will need to correspond to the price, as in, I expect their house to look shabby or at least be in a poorer part of town, or that you’re in a room-mate situation.

Savings account:
*Keep in mind your characters impulse control, any debts, maybe they have even possibly been robbed at some point, the period of time they have been working, etc. This will affect how much you have saved thus far.

*Also keep in mind that anyone with enough money to leave Sireton would most likely do so, and if they do have such— but stay anyway (and explain to me why)— be ready for people to come to them for money, or for people to beg them to invest in their businesses, etc.

*You can have wealth as a secret, of course. But with that there must be a good reason why they stay, why they don’t want other people do know, and how they managed to keep it quiet, etc.

*Any information pertinent to your character that happened before they were born.

*Give as detailed of a time-line from since they were born, as sterile as you can (as in, instead of saying “…because Sally had this fight, she maliciously destroyed the vase out of rage and angst, and she’s totally evil and Bob was blameless!!…” I’d like “….after the fight between Bob and Sally, he found that Sally had broken the vase….” or even “…Bob found evidence to assume Sally broke the vase…”. This isn’t a hard-fast rule, so you can write it anyway you like in the end.
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-Public details

Mosby Morello

-Boss of the Salty Wrench
-Plays guitar in bars or on streets
-*Will continue later

Julian Hunter

  • Name: Julian Hunter

    Description: Six foot five inches. He has a mesomorphic build, toned muscles, and fair skin. Light brown hair, grey-blue eyes.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25

    Julian exemplifies a light, pleasant manner. At least he believes so! 'Stubborn' is a harsher word for what he would call 'perseverance'. A trait he realizes is unavoidable in his family. While he does do his best to keep calm like his mother, and level headed like his father, sometimes the fire of his heritage gets the better of him. Julian rather dust the dirt off his shoulder and keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel than fall into the dredges of sadness and despair. He feels a natural pull to socializing and does his best to be honest with whom ever he spends time. Julian can get grumpy too. He just tries his best not to.

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