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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

I started without basic guidelines and then I had a drawing battle with cheeky muimui and she destroyed me and because I am a sore loser I started borrowing how to draw manga books and started to use the basic guideline and shapes. It was very helpful but i don't have the patience for it so I just went with the repetition method of just drawing a pictures over and over. I kinda stool have problems with proportion and jazz sometimes. Anyway better focus lol 
I started without basic guidelines and then I had a drawing battle with cheeky muimui and she destroyed me and because I am a sore loser I started borrowing how to draw manga books and started to use the basic guideline and shapes. It was very helpful but i don't have the patience for it so I just went with the repetition method of just drawing a pictures over and over. I kinda stool have problems with proportion and jazz sometimes. Anyway better focus lol 

yeah like in the how to draw books a full body with the proper guidelines looking like a mannequin intimidates me so
I'll make the shape of the base of the body first, which is really just a sort of oddly shaped oval (similar to a pillow case or potato sack) and I go from there and adjust
Hi everyone

Sorry I edit my post right now because vegeta want me to add the Omusubi (rice ball).

( Rina Natsuki)

And sorry for my wired English. Maybe sometime I get misunderstanding or write make no seance on my post.

Please forgive me.
I'll make the shape of the base of the body first, which is really just a sort of oddly shaped oval (similar to a pillow case or potato sack) and I go from there and adjust

do you have a full body using that method?

Hi everyone

Sorry I edit my post right now because vegeta want me to add the Omusubi (rice ball).

( Rina Natsuki)

And sorry for my wired English. Maybe sometime I get misunderstanding or write make no seance on my post.

Please forgive me.

And it's no problem friend!
okay I have one that's about hip-level up and another two that are almost full body but I avoided drawing feet... (shame on me I know I took the lazy way out)

There you go, if you wanted to cnc my old art for me xD Looks like crap now

By your standards maybe, still eons above my current skill level. Your old stuff should always look like crap by comparison though so it's a good thing.

I've only posted 1 picture on this website though, sadly, to shy I guess.

you mean actual pictures right?, like not these drawings. Just not clear on that *easily confused*
By your standards maybe, still eons above my current skill level. Your old stuff should always look like crap by comparison though so it's a good thing.

you mean actual pictures right?, like not these drawings. Just not clear on that *easily confused*

God no, I've only posted 1 drawing! I'd die of shyness if I tried to post a real picture of me or something.
God no, I've only posted 1 drawing! I'd die of shyness if I tried to post a real picture of me or something.

Oh, okay then lol that had me confuzzled. I've posted drawings a few times, I only die of shyness irl or if I'm forced to skype or video call someone, anything involving just text communication and pictures I can handle though (usually)
Oh, okay then lol that had me confuzzled. I've posted drawings a few times, I only die of shyness irl or if I'm forced to skype or video call someone, anything involving just text communication and pictures I can handle though (usually)

I never talk in a call xD, most the time I'll still be typing.
What I'm noticing is your poses are rather stiff, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to recreate the original one just to show you
This isn't a full body but one of the few hings I actually like I drew so I'll finish the drawings bomb with it.


What I'm noticing is your poses are rather stiff, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to recreate the original one just to show you

I'm aware I cant do poses, those were attempts xD I should specify attempts, you can use the first as an example I don't mind one bit although I may not be awake to see it lol

I'm guessing she's falling right?

the hair that defies logic of physics girl?, somewhat I mean't for her to look like she's doing a leap
I think the looseness needed for the poses and will come with practice along with maybe some anatomy lessons
I did not want to keep you waiting to long, so I did not try as hard, but if you look it's not as stiff, and what I mean by this is if I drew a line through it and your original pose. 


I can more or less draw a straight line through yours, which makes it sort of stiff and boring 

1: wow that was fast

2: yeah I probably should have went for like an all out belly flop leap like that but at the time I was trying to get the appearance she was floating as well while falling if that makes sense at all (thus the bubbles) and since I avoid feet like the plague the legs weren't there. I was really going beyond what I thought I could possibly do.

I should try that simple line trick though that I've never really tried, it could help them look at least somewhat more dynamic. Anyways thank you for your time it really means a lot to get some advice from someone directly. Like I can see how the line is much more curved in your pose and thus it creates three dimensional space.
1: wow that was fast

2: yeah I probably should have went for like an all out belly flop leap like that but at the time I was trying to get the appearance she was floating as well while falling if that makes sense at all (thus the bubbles) and since I avoid feet like the plague the legs weren't there. I was really going beyond what I thought I could possibly do.

I should try that simple line trick though that I've never really tried, it could help them look at least somewhat more dynamic. Anyways thank you for your time it really means a lot to get some advice from someone directly. Like I can see how the line is much more curved in your pose and thus it creates three dimensional space.

It's no problem at all! I'd be happy to help anytime! (I'd make a little tutorial post to teach simple stuff to artist but I doubt people would actually use it xD)

And sorry, I've learned to sketch very quickly.

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