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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

I'm not in the mood currently for critiquing xD, and I doubt you'd want me to, I'm a rather blunt person when I try to help them with art.

xD I try to find a happy medium between cruel honesty and being fair when I critique which is sometimes hard to do, if you try to critique and not sound like a total ass it usually doesn't work out lol
Isn't being a blunt person, perfect for critiquing?

Depends on how someone takes it, a rather insecure or not really wanting your help person may only want compliments, and if you are blunt you may hurt their feelings. A person who is seeking help and wants it, may get mad if you're not blunt and beat around the bush.
Not saying all Insecure people only want compliments of course, they may want help but taking criticism to heart.
precisely, and I'm not very good at that xD

Hey. Some people have the gift. Other's don't. XD

Depends on how someone takes it, a rather insecure or not really wanting your help person may only want compliments, and if you are blunt you may hurt their feelings. A person who is seeking help and wants it, may get mad if you're not blunt and beat around the bush.


I have to agree with you on that. Personally, I see what sort of people I'm dealing with before giving them the business. Though I have to say that I overanalyze every little bit of detail.
Like I can point out my shading can use some work, pencils lines can clearly be seen, I didn't make use of my background, proportions are a bit off and my hands are pretty bad. 

But I couldn't point all that out to another person without making an ass of myself I feel xD

Depends on how someone takes it, a rather insecure or not really wanting your help person may only want compliments, and if you are blunt you may hurt their feelings. A person who is seeking help and wants it, may get mad if you're not blunt and beat around the bush.

Exactly!, I've had friends ask me about their drawings and react both ways, that I'm being too critical or not actually telling them the real improvements to be made
I've been drawing for 7 years as I said before hand, and when you spend that much time doing something you learn allot. So if you do want Critiques I guess I can give them to you, I'm not harsh about it like calling it crap or anything, that's not helping that's being a dick.
The reason for this is, if I were to say, your shading is bad and here's why. That's going to help you improve if you choose to listen, I won't sugar coat and go "Oh no your shading is good but you could do this" as I feel it gives false sense of security, like when you show your friends and they all say "It looks awesome!" but you take it to a teacher and they point out all your flaws, this is because people like teachers are actively looking for mistakes to help you improve, and your friends might just be looking at it as a picture. Just saying "This is shit." Like, where's the actual help, all you did was make fun of it.
Yeah, I could only imagine 7 years. I just procrastinate things like filling a sketch book and make excuses of not having enough time etc. I don't draw as much as I used to but considering it's only been 4, maybe 5 years of drawing/sketching inconsistently it's a no brainer with the lack of real effort you don't see much improvement
The reason for this is, if I were to say, your shading is bad and here's why. That's going to help you improve if you choose to listen, I won't sugar coat and go "Oh no your shading is good but you could do this" as I feel it gives false sense of security, like when you show your friends and they all say "It looks awesome!" but you take it to a teacher and they point out all your flaws, this is because people like teachers are actively looking for mistakes to help you improve, and your friends might just be looking at it as a picture. Just saying "This is ####." Like, where's the actual help, all you did was make fun of it.

what feedback could you give me about my drawing. be honest
I'm heading out for the night. Got to get up early in the morning.

@Aes Probably not gonna be able to reply for a bit. Just a heads up.

Anyway guys, hope you enjoy the rest of your day... or night.... whatever timezones you peeps are.
I'm heading out for the night. Got to get up early in the morning.

@Aes Probably not gonna be able to reply for a bit. Just a heads up.

Anyway guys, hope you enjoy the rest of your day... or night.... whatever timezones you peeps are.

Like, 1:34 am here lol, and night
what feedback could you give me about my drawing. be honest

This is an example, 
 But you didn't shade your stuff right, and doesn't this make your jacket not as bland?

By not shade it right, I mean how I shaded it, the light cannot reach the right, so it will be darker.
I understand you went for a more anime/cartoon style though, so my example is a little way to much, but you need to add the darks where the darks are going to be
@Hope Robinson

Would you mind critiquing mine as well?, I just want your advice I know shading is an issue and use of space/dimension is nonexistant but is there anything specific you'd say I'm missing?
Well first, I'd like to tell you that you should work on eye spacing, usually you can draw an eye in between two eyes

Well first, I'd like to tell you that you should work on eye spacing, usually you can draw an eye in between two eyes


I feel like I've heard that tip before, probably on youtube how to draw _____ videos. So if I wanted to make the eyes that big and space them apart evenly I should have widened the head. Makes sense I just usually don't put that much thought into it (I should though)
Also, if you don't do this I'd implore you to start as it helps you with your style. When you draw anything you can break it into basic shapes, lets take a head for example.


As you can see, we have the circle to start it all off, and off the edges of that circle I start the jaw and then connect it in a small arc. Next the guideline for the eyes usually goes right in the middle of the circle, then the bottom of the circle serves as the nose line, and then you can place the mouth where ever it looks good.
Sup guys good to see people sharing some interesting information. I enjoyed the pictures and love to see people's talents more :). I thought I was good at drawing but my friend cheeky muimui just destroyed me lol. I'll try to persuade her to show you guys. Adding to the conversation above I believe that every person reacts differently to cratique so it's kinda hard to know what type of approach should be used. I like the straight forward approach to be used on me because I think of it as room for improvement. Okay anyway I'm waiting for pumpkin to edit her post before I drop some bombs. 
Also, if you don't do this I'd implore you to start as it helps you with your style. When you draw anything you can break it into basic shapes, lets take a head for example.


As you can see, we have the circle to start it all off, and off the edges of that circle I start the jaw and then connect it in a small arc. Next the guideline for the eyes usually goes right in the middle of the circle, then the bottom of the circle serves as the nose line, and then you can place the mouth where ever it looks good.

I do use basic guidelines for the head, when I do full figures I find it too complicated and take the "potato sack" approach if nothing else. If that makes any sense, you probably have no clue what I'm talking about though. What I'm getting from this is I should work with my basic shapes and spacing in general 

Sup guys good to see people sharing some interesting information. I enjoyed the pictures and love to see people's talents more :). I thought I was good at drawing but my friend cheeky muimui just destroyed me lol. I'll try to persuade her to show you guys. Adding to the conversation above I believe that every person reacts differently to cratique so it's kinda hard to know what type of approach should be used. I like the straight forward approach to be used on me because I think of it as room for improvement. Okay anyway I'm waiting for pumpkin to edit her post before I drop some bombs. 

okay lol
I do use basic guidelines for the head, when I do full figures I find it too complicated and take the "potato sack" approach if nothing else. If that makes any sense, you probably have no clue what I'm talking about though. What I'm getting from this is I should work with my basic shapes and spacing in general 

Even a body can be turned into shapes

Of course I'd need to fine tune and adjust xD, but it gets the general idea.

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