• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

Sorry I haven't posted lately! I've just been really caught up with life and school lately, but hopefully I'll be able to post Friday or this weekend.

Hey it's all good. i already know that if you could Rp you would. Life comes first so sort that jazz out first. I will be patient and await your reply :).
Sup guys I will be playing as sendo for muimui. As promised no one should be left out so if anyone else is out there and still wants to join let me know it's never too late. :)

Peace guys
Hi guys! I really really really apologize for not being on RpN for 10000 years ahaha. I was super busy for a while and then, well, I procrastinated on coming back >< (lazy me). Can I still join back? I missed out on so many things and it totally makes sense if me joining mid-RP will mess things up. Sorry again guys.
I still hold my words true to the end. This Rp is open to all and you can join anytime. WB!!!

On the side note umm lots of ppl died in making of this Rp. RIP to all the role players who could not make it to the end.

illicit illicit
Yay, thank you ^^ Ahaha yep RIP (to me as well for a while). Okidoks, grandma illicit shall get to reading the posts now and get up to date with things.

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