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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

lol all these talented people here can play an instrument and I be here like: I can draw a decent chibi does that count for something? xD

I can't play any instruments, but I have been drawing for 7 years....So I guess we are in the some boat!
lol all these talented people here can play an instrument and I be here like: I can draw a decent chibi does that count for something? xD

Yes. I think people who can draw are legendary figures. Compared to me, I can only crt+c and crt+v stuff.

For god's sakes, I can't even draw a straight line using a ruler!
lol I can draw and sketch,but sometimes I wonder how do artist fill a canvas with such beauty. So instead I'm make you see with your ears. Wisdommm
thats pretty good as well, since i have a hard time drawing chibis. my bread and butter with art comes to drawing anime and concept art, although i havent had the time to put the effort i want into it
@Hope Robinson @MattieLee

Ooh, impressive. oh gosh when people ask you to draw them though

I have drawn a couple of people when they asked, but they always get mad because I draw THEM and not them with better facial features (Because people hate their own appearance I guess.) So I quit doing that, now a days if someone asks me to draw an anime character or a cartoon I can do that in like 30 mins xD 
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I can't play any instruments, but I have been drawing for 7 years....So I guess we are in the some boat!

In a way I suppose but I haven't been drawing that long and don't even sketch as much as I used to so yeah not as good as I could or should be I'm sure your much better with the experience and all

@Hope Robinson @MattieLee

Ooh, impressive. oh gosh when people ask you to draw them though

When people ask you to draw a specific person or them yes omg, usually they have curly hair or a braid or something hard for me to draw as well.
Well this is a drawing that I sort of put together about a month ago. One of the first one's I ever done.

It was done digitally so it wasn't easy. Take a look if you want.

Profile Picture FINAL.png
I have drawn a couple of people when they asked, but they always get mad because I draw THEM and now them with better facial features (Because people hate their own appearance I guess.) So I quit doing that, now a days if someone asks me to draw an anime character or a cartoon I can do that in like 30 mins xD 

that's why I never ask anyone else to draw me, like, I just know I will never like it if they draw my own face lol, people are naturally like that from my experience.

here is one i put together a few days ago. thoughts?

I have some from last year but the files are huge lol so one at a time, also bad picture quality taken on a 3ds lol so yeah

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