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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

btw i think the festival of light just died :( . Lucky for you that you left. I should have done the same. Anyway it was a pleasure talking with you and i think its time for me to crash. If you got any ideas for the RP that you want my involvment give me buzz okay!! Nite.
hey vegeta

i think u mean Hanabi taikai  6pm - 12am ?

is stalls still open until 12am and during the time we have dance and Hanabi ?
Anyway how do you guys do the reply box thing?

By reply box, I'm guessing you mean this? ^

It's very simple! Just press 'Quote' at the bottom of the message you want to do it to. It's next to Bookmark and the +. If you want to quote a certain part of a message, just highlight the part and "Quote this" should come up. And boom shaka laka you did it ahaha.
By reply box, I'm guessing you mean this? ^

It's very simple! Just press 'Quote' at the bottom of the message you want to do it to. It's next to Bookmark and the +. If you want to quote a certain part of a message, just highlight the part and "Quote this" should come up. And boom shaka laka you did it ahaha.

wow I see! I tried before but I couldn't.  Thank you ;D
hahah no worries @illicit it happenns. (sweet starting to learn the @ thingy and soon will be able to use it in RP thx to you guys) Anyway how do you guys do the reply box thing?

Okay i forgot how long posts get when theres more people involved lol. My brains dead now but ill throw up the hanabi taikai schedule before i go to bed and tomorrow you guys can let me know if u want things changed or added.

I feel by reply box thingy you mean this ^^ then it's quote
I come from a far dark place in the world. One in which life hinders to exist. Where tempatures so cold that even exposing the tips of your fingers will turn to ice. As place so harsh, that the only means of survival is to go the local Tim Hortons for a $1 coffee. They call it..... Canada.
I was thinking Rina might be Momoki's friend because Momoki plays volleyball too!

But Rina is emo right now maybe concern them little bit later.
Im Samoan but born in NZ. I live between Aus and NZ long story short it's just that I have family in both countries so it's this annoying back and forth thing.

anyway guys I won't be able to post until  I come home so see you then. Btw guys omfg I just got a private message from a cool role player that I role played with back in the day!! He noticed my name was the same and asked holy crap small world huh. Let's hope he joins that would be cool. Anyway see you guys around dinner.
Sup guys thx for telling me about the quote thingies omfg when I was trying to figure it out I really thought it was the quotes but my stupid brain said it wasn't lol. Anyway as usual after dinner I'll sup in the RP c u guys soon.@illicit @Miss Obsess

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