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Location - Yemaya Ruins
The former city of Yemaya, located in the Caelia Barony in the Sadek County of Ryke; which was burnt down into ruins. However, It is now being rebuilt and recovering with the current population of a village.[1]
Artist - TBD | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
Legend - Auregnog's Amulet
Within the shadows of the Underbelly, below Ryken, a legend persists through the whispers of those who believe. Rumors of an amulet leading to a magical prison, and vault, used by the former nobles of Ryke from the earliest days on the continent. Believers claim it was used more recently by Auregnog, legendary former leader of the Underbelly who was known as 'The Champion', though the legend offers no clues to the whereabouts of the amulet or Auregnog currently.

Artist - Bezduch

Artist - AnttiHako
Artist - naiiade | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
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Hero training acedemy in Azuran, Ryke

Name: The Celestine Academy for Seekers of Lore and Legends

The campus sprawls across the verdant foothills bordering the city of Azuran. Towers of shimmering stone house arching halls filled with star-charts, trophies from quests, and relics of mythic heroes. The legendary Celestine Spring flows through the grounds, said to have miraculous healing properties.Brief History: Founded 132 years ago by the great half-elven scholar Celestine Silverquill, the academy collects knowledge and artifacts from ages past in order to prepare new generations of adventurers. Many famous legends have passed through its halls.

Example Tenured Faculty (full-time/ex-adventurer/longterm):
  1. Headmaster Iando Starseeker: A wise silver-haired elf who has led the academy for over a century. His skills in divination and foresight are unparalleled.
  2. Professor Esmuse the Song Mistress: An eccentric half-elf bard who fills the campus with music and teaches poetry, storytelling and legends.
  3. Sir Braxus Dragonheart: The bold dragonborn paladin oversees combat training and strategy in the famous Hall of Valor. He claims to be an ancestor of Infernox.
    1. Spoiler: Detailed Sir Braxus
  4. Wilderness Master Cedar's Shadow: This wood elf ranger disappeared into the Great Forest 100 years ago. Some say his spirit still guides students in dreams.More fantasy-style faculty to come!
  5. The Crow: Whispers spread each year among the students; some recognized the figure as The Crow, a mysterious Tengu professor known for their elusive nature and rumored exploits. He once uncovered the Lost Tomes of Eldar, possesses a seemingly infinite assortment of adventure maps, and a robe of living black shadows swaths their body.
Example Adjunct Faculty (part-time/adventurers/contract-basis)
  1. Eris Granstone
  2. Lysandra Swiftgear, A Gnome Ethical and Legal Advisor. As a highly skilled legal scholar, Lysandra possesses a vast knowledge of the laws, treaties, and ethical codes governing the actions of individuals and nations. Her gnomish aptitude for invention also translates into a knack for logical reasoning and puzzle-solving.
  3. Others...
Example Students
Spoiler: Example Students

Locations in the Academy

Here are more details on two famous landmarks at the Celestine Academy:
The campus was open, it's gates thrown wide for the annual Entrance Exam for new hopefuls. For those who paid the entrance fee, more of a down payment on their tuition, they could enjoy a fabulous breakfast followed by competition against other hopefuls to join one of a handful of new cohorts. Each cohort would be tested and evaluated, but first everyone would enjoy breakfast.

Inside the vaulted Feasting Hall of Champions, magical light streamed through tall rainbow prisms that sent multicolored light through the arched windows and across the long feast tables. A sumptuous buffet welcomed new hopefuls and those second and third years who were coming back after the long adventuring break in-between semesters. The academy was practical and balanced education with active field work. The Feasting Hall was filled with nervous excitement, the air charged as the newcomers took their seats among the colorful banners hanging from ceiling rafters. Today marked the start of their trials!

There were many entrances into the hall, and amidst one of the bustling entry halls, three sneering second-years stood blocking a pair of the grand doors to the Feasting Hall. Most hopeful had never been on campus and so usually had no idea they could simply go to another entrance. Bartholomew Voralcrest, a tall wizard with a wild shock of black hair like living shadow, grinned wickedly as he denied entry to the anxious first years.

A few who had tried last year and failed, knew of other entrances and wandered away from the commotion, but without making a big deal of it. They just shook their head and sighed before moving off for another door. However, most were here for the first time and observed the scene nervously. They oscillated between keeping their distance and wanting to eat before the exam. The scent of the food just beyond made many salivate. For many, they paid the enterance fee just to experience this breakfast in the celebrated hall to dream, even though they knew it would never come to be. And now they were forced to keep their distance or pay, not wanting to provoke the intimidating trio.

Vaulted ceilings towered overhead, sunlight streaming through massive stained glass windows depicting epic tales of legends who had passed through these hallowed halls. Long tables were piled high with extravagant foods - fluffy pastries dripping with honey, juicy hams glazed with spices, towers of colorful fruits and cheeses.

The newcomers eagerly filled their plates and found seats among the other students. An energetic hum of conversation filled the hall as they swapped stories, compared programs of study, and marveled at the wonders surrounding them. Many second and third year students welcomed the newcomers warmly.

After the anxiety of the morning, the mood lightened considerably as the new recruits enjoyed the camaraderie and bountiful feast. Their initial challenges outside faded into memory as they immersed themselves in the celebrations.

This ancient spring flows from a cave covered in colorful mosaics, depicting Celestine Silverquill's discovery of the magical waters. The perfectly clear pool is said to have rejuvenating properties - drinking or bathing in it restores vitality and health. Students flock to the spring before exams or difficult quests. The waters glimmer an ethereal blue-silver hue under the moonlight. Many couples have had moonlit trysts beside the enchanting spring.

Nervous whispers circulated as the newcomers were led in groups along winding paths that followed the glittering streams flowing from the legendary Celestine Spring.

The crystalline waters burbled merrily over moss-covered rocks. Intricate mosaics depicting the spring's mythical origins lined the passageways, hints of magic glimmering in the tiles. The first years paused to sip from the rejuvenating waters, gathering their courage before entering the testing chambers.

This hallowed hall contains artifacts collected the past century by adventurers and scholars. Towering fossilized dragon bones form a dramatic centerpiece, coming from an ancient red dragon called Infernox who once terrorized the kingdom. His skull alone is larger than a carriage. Other highlights include the shattered Blade of Andariel, ring armor worn by the famous dwarf Grun Stoneheart, and a rare phoenix feather quill. Scholars study the relics while dreaming up quests to find more. There are always new wings and vaults being expanded as the museum continues growing.

Unlike more illustrious and grand occasions, today students and low-ranked adventurers, mixed in groups, filled into Shade Hall of the Celestine Academy. This large room was concave, with a gently sloping spiral walk way around it that slopped down towards a flat section in the middle and like most halls had doors at each cardinal point. It was dimly lit, shadows dancing along walls adorned with ancient books and artifacts. The air with a buzz of anticipation. The setting sun cast a golden glow through tall stain glass windows, signaling the approach of twilight when the stain glass seemed to come alive with shifting patterns.

Each Autumn Equinox an ancient crypt, a relic of a time shrouded in mystery, said to conceal secrets and treasures of unimaginable worth, awakens."

The map showed a labyrinthine crypt marked with arcane symbols and cryptic notes. The crypt seemed to have eight entrances at each cardinal point and in-between. The Crow's finger traced paths through the corridors, pausing at a chamber marked with an enigmatic sigil. "These halls will test your skill, courage, and thirst for knowledge. But beware, the crypt guards its secrets fiercely, with ancient guardians and long-forgotten curses."

With a sigh, he paused, "Those of you gathered are being offered an opportunity during semester break to pay for your tuition and further your course work. Not all of you are students, others are vetted adventurers or potential recruits for the next semester. This event starts with our students of course, but others are invited to support them in their studies. It's important that they are exposed to all aspects of this life. For those of you outside our illustrious academy, fame and glory can be found."

He gestured to the map, the crypt shifts but these records are from last year. "Look at it if you want. You'll have until midnight to prepare as you see fit. Then we will meet at the South Quad and I'll lead you to the crypt."

Amidst the preparations, snippets of conversation floated in the air. "They say The Crow knows passages in the crypt that aren't on any map," a grizzled adventurer shared in a hushed tone. "And I heard the crypt is cursed, that not all who enter find their way back," a student replied, his voice tinged with both fear and excitement.

Events at the Academy
  1. Entrance Exams (start of fall semester)
  2. Monsters for Tuition Program (fall break)
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Faction – Blue Viscera Occult
The Blue Viscera cult, situated mainly within Ryke, is a religious faction which believes that the nation of Ryke should under the rule of the [Undead]. The cult’s leader, Orcus[1], is in pursuit of the resurrection of Ryke Bulvark and his family to act as the regime. Little is known of Ryke Bulvark and only few are privy to his name.
Artist - TBD | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
Faction - Divee's Crew
A criminal gang that once operated out of the Underbelly beneath Ryke. It is led by a man named Vido and is comprised of an eclectic group of individuals. After disbanding, some of its members decided to stick together as a travelling mercenary group, though only the desperate seek out such an unlawful crew. Other notable members include Lunes, a petite elf skilled in stealth and deception, and Dirv, a ratkin who returns mysteriously each time he is killed.
Artist - uriak
Artist - Greg-Opalinski | Contributed by Elvario Elvario
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Faction - The Iron Wolves
This mercenary group operating in Ironwright County is commonly hailed as heroes and authority figures by the local population. Many of Ironwright County's youth aspire to join their ranks one day, dreaming of the glory and renown that come with their adventurous lifestyle. However, those outside of Ironwright County do not share their positive opinion. Instead, they know them as heartless mercs who forsake all that is unnecessary to fulfill their missions.


Artist - ??? | Contributed by StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

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