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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

Way more efficient than me, you two. Really glad I have helpers, because I'd probably be dead by now if I had to do this all alone on top of all I have to deal with being made to do by my friend's family away from electronic devices Dx
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Way more efficient than me, you two. Really glad I have helpers, because I'd probably be dead by now if I had to do this all alone on top of all I have to deal with being made to do by my friend's family away from electronic devices Dx

No problem Kiyo! I get my shit done. Sometimes.
IceQueen said:
@Colt556 i would say if she was completely focused on the field, like visual contact, maybe, bit other than that not really.
I still don't really agree. She sets up the barrier and tells it "ok this person, this person, and this person are allowed to pass through. Everything else can't". It'd be like programming, once it's programmed it stays that way until she changes it. So unless she decides you're allowed inside, you can't pass through. I don't see why she wouldn't have control over this when every other example of semblance in RWBY shows the user has a great deal of control over who or what gets influenced by their abilities.
Colt556 said:
I still don't really agree. She sets up the barrier and tells it "ok this person, this person, and this person are allowed to pass through. Everything else can't". It'd be like programming, once it's programmed it stays that way until she changes it. So unless she decides you're allowed inside, you can't pass through. I don't see why she wouldn't have control over this when every other example of semblance in RWBY shows the user has a great deal of control over who or what gets influenced by their abilities.
Alright, seems we have come to a disagreement, so I am going to pull @Kiyoko Tomoe into this one
Well, due to the magic of clicking the edit button and changing part of my character's history into something that makes more sense in retrospect, IceQueen has liked my character. Thank you, by the way, for pointing out how odd it was. I try to be logical when making a character, but whenever I make a character like this, I tend to miss a few things.

So at the moment, I have one thing to say:

Colt556 said:
I still don't really agree. She sets up the barrier and tells it "ok this person, this person, and this person are allowed to pass through. Everything else can't". It'd be like programming, once it's programmed it stays that way until she changes it. So unless she decides you're allowed inside, you can't pass through. I don't see why she wouldn't have control over this when every other example of semblance in RWBY shows the user has a great deal of control over who or what gets influenced by their abilities.
You have to keep in mind though, that this isn't the show. There are rules here unlike in the show, because those characters are professional badasses while we're RPers who need rules to keep a flowing RP. I'd say that at most you can let one person be able to pass in and out at a time, but have to be consciously putting effort into it as that person passes through. At least for now, as I so have plans for growth in abilities throughout the RP. Would that be a good compromise, seeing as it's not a permanent limitation given everybody develops more control as things progress?
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[QUOTE="Shaded Skies]Well, due to the magic of clicking the edit button and changing part of my character's history into something that makes more sense in retrospect, IceQueen has liked my character. Thank you, by the way, for pointing out how odd it was. I try to be logical when making a character, but whenever I make a character like this, I tend to miss a few things.
So at the moment, I have one thing to say:


Yay, I have people who understand that sometimes everyone writes things that don't make sense!!

Now, I need to finish drawing and stop procrastinating
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]You have to keep in mind though, that this isn't the show. There are rules here unlike in the show, because those characters are professional badasses while we're RPers who need rules to keep a flowing RP. I'd say that at most you can let one person be able to pass in and out at a time, but have to be consciously putting effort into it as that person passes through. At least for now, as I so have plans for growth in abilities throughout the RP. Would that be a good compromise, seeing as it's not a permanent limitation given everybody develops more control as things progress?

I still really don't get the issue with controlling what can and can't enter. That's literally the only part of the thing she has control over, other than placing it down. And with the show bit, -EVERY- character can control their semblance. Not every single character is a badass. Literally every student that should be in these schools already has control over their semblance, they wouldn't be allowed in otherwise (Jaun demonstrated this perfectly when he revealed how he got in). You're basically telling me that my character has virtually no control over her semblance. They said in the show that students train at other schools before going to one of the main ones, that's where Ruby went before transferring to Beacon. Those schools are where they learn to control their semblance.

I don't mind compromising in the size, but I can't agree with not having control over the power. I, personally, have little interest in RPing a Jaun-tier character. As I said, if my character can't even control her semblance she wouldn't even be in the school in the first place.

Edit: I think the best way to look at it is like Summoning. When someone summons something, like when Winter summoned that white grimm, it didn't just go and attack everything. She could control it, tell it what to do. The same principle applies to the barrier. Mikado effectively summons the barrier and programs it to recognize whatever she wants as friendlies. So just as a summoned monster wont attack people you consider allies, so too will her barrier not stop people she considers allies.

Edit2: Lots of edits, but thinking about it I could make it so the shield works sort of like the Gungan shields in star wars episode 1, people can pass through but projectiles can't. So you couldn't shoot through it but anyone, even enemy, could walk through it. But then I'd need to be able to control who benefits from the healing effect. I mean a buff skill that buffs the enemy is an entirely worthless skill. I need SOME kind of ability to dictate who can use it.
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HEY! Character roster has been updated again! =D And it looks like even more characters are going to be passing. For now it's accessible here

@Veirrianna Valentine @Airebsi
noalaniwolf said:
HEY! Character roster has been updated again! =D And it looks like even more characters are going to be passing. For now it's accessible here
@Veirrianna Valentine @Airebsi
My offer also still stands to fill in gaps that we need.
Colt556 said:
I still really don't get the issue with controlling what can and can't enter. That's literally the only part of the thing she has control over, other than placing it down. And with the show bit, -EVERY- character can control their semblance. Not every single character is a badass. Literally every student that should be in these schools already has control over their semblance, they wouldn't be allowed in otherwise (Jaun demonstrated this perfectly when he revealed how he got in). You're basically telling me that my character has virtually no control over her semblance. They said in the show that students train at other schools before going to one of the main ones, that's where Ruby went before transferring to Beacon. Those schools are where they learn to control their semblance.
I don't mind compromising in the size, but I can't agree with not having control over the power. I, personally, have little interest in RPing a Jaun-tier character. As I said, if my character can't even control her semblance she wouldn't even be in the school in the first place.

Edit: I think the best way to look at it is like Summoning. When someone summons something, like when Winter summoned that white grimm, it didn't just go and attack everything. She could control it, tell it what to do. The same principle applies to the barrier. Mikado effectively summons the barrier and programs it to recognize whatever she wants as friendlies. So just as a summoned monster wont attack people you consider allies, so too will her barrier not stop people she considers allies.

Edit2: Lots of edits, but thinking about it I could make it so the shield works sort of like the Gungan shields in star wars episode 1, people can pass through but projectiles can't. So you couldn't shoot through it but anyone, even enemy, could walk through it. But then I'd need to be able to control who benefits from the healing effect. I mean a buff skill that buffs the enemy is an entirely worthless skill. I need SOME kind of ability to dictate who can use it.
Okay, so to lay it out, the main issue that was taken up with the original semblance, aside from it's size, was that the ability to constantly control who gets in and out would be a massive leap, and here's why.

It's shown in show that the semblance seems to directly tie in to your physical endurance, your willpower, and your mental endurance, and that if you use a straining semblance for too long, and are too fatigued, it will backfire and wear you out. If Nora was constantly struck by lightning, she no doubt would eventually overload like any power converter would, if Yang tried to run her semblance too long she would eventually take too much physical damage. Even the characters in the show have their general limits and the like.

Now going into your shield, I honestly love the idea, and it would make for a great supporting use, especially going up against a heavier force. But lets say that eight people are trying to get in at the same time, and another four are going out. That's twelve people in total taxing you characters mind to keep up with memorising their specific auras, recognising them to be the ones at the shield, and choosing whether or not to let them in. Furthermore, that's not even going in to whether or not you're shield is under fire or attack at the time, and over all that would be a lot of stress to put on a character at any given time, especially since the Semblances in show seem to draw specifically from a single range first and foremost(Mental power, willpower or physical power[your primary draw sources]) while this would seem to draw of both mental and physical primarily.

Now you mentioned the Gungan shield, right?

So here's my thoughts on this. Why don't we roll with that, and anything high velocity(sprinting people, fast swung or throw items, projectiles etcetera) is kept out, while low velocity things(people walking in and the like) is good.

That leaves the healing factor. It's already been shown that someone's aura can be projected(through physical touch) to help others. I would say that your character could not only be skilled in this, but the shield could act as an extension of your 'touch' for those inside of it. Now going back to what I was saying earlier about running more than one 'primary draw source', if anyone gets into the shield they'd become affected too, friend or foe, because their in your touch.

The other option is that you can extend your aura without physical touch, but relegate it to one to two people at a time to keep it from being too over-powered.

The main reason for this is because you should keep in mind that you're running a shield, while healing people, while possibly being under attack yourself. It's a lot going on all at once for anyone to handle.

Besides, while Pyrrha can control when she uses her semblance, she also isn't using it to stop large groups of robots or destabilise mag-trains. She's usually just using it to aid her in dodging attacks that she's already got a knack for avoiding from basic training.

Next we come back to the size aspect.

I would say you can run your shield at 3, 4, or 5 metres in size, but the larger it is, the more it draws on your character and the less time you have to keep it going, given the range from roughly ten to sixteen feet and all.

TL;DR- I like the high velocity protection idea for it, and while I agree that there has been training with semblances already, we are still students so relegating the size to 3-5 metres would be best, and picking either to have the shield revitalise everyone inside, or to be able to expand your aura to up to two others right now to aid them would be the most balanced way to make you character at this given time period in their lives. Remember, they aren't true blue huntsmen yet, but they eventually will be.
@Pinkalyn @Kiyoko Tomoe @IceQueen

I actually think that the incorporation of dust is rather clever and smart.

Here's my general thought on this, based on the show.

I view it as one of the 'sorcerer' like powers you see Glynda or Amber using, where a specific Dust allows for specific based powers. Like there is always a 'blast' power, but whether or not it is ice, wind, fire etcetera is up to the dust used.

So I think that the best way to run this idea Pink, is that your character does have these abilities, but they are dust specific and, at least at your current level of training, can't be used in tandem to keep things evened out. So if you're using Earth dust, and swap to Air dust, anyone affected by your Earth dust previously stops being affected.

The only changes I personally see that would make more sense is to swap the Air and Water ones. Water particles are more oft known for causing visual disturbances, such as blurred vision and seeing mirages, while wind changes more often affect how your skin feels and the like.

We can see what Mrs. Wiess and Mrs. Kiyo think when they log in.

Overall we decided that Zeke was good to go as long as in character RP his semblance wasn't overused, but I've RP-ed with you before so I'm not too worried about that.

Not really something big, though, was that IceQueen and I felt that your character being apathetic towards his own death versus suicidal would potentially make a more realistic character. The only real change is that instead of intentionally doing things to get himself killed, he does things he knows are risky, but just doesn't care enough that they could kill him. It doesn't seem like there's a big difference, but it goes more into all the mental health stuff and makes him more likely to be accepted if mental exams are involved xD
Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25980-pinkalyn/ said:
@Pinkalyn[/URL] @Kiyoko Tomoe @IceQueen
I actually think that the incorporation of dust is rather clever and smart.

Here's my general thought on this, based on the show.

I view it as one of the 'sorcerer' like powers you see Glynda or Amber using, where a specific Dust allows for specific based powers. Like there is always a 'blast' power, but whether or not it is ice, wind, fire etcetera is up to the dust used.

So I think that the best way to run this idea Pink, is that your character does have these abilities, but they are dust specific and, at least at your current level of training, can't be used in tandem to keep things evened out. So if you're using Earth dust, and swap to Air dust, anyone affected by your Earth dust previously stops being affected.

The only changes I personally see that would make more sense is to swap the Air and Water ones. Water particles are more oft known for causing visual disturbances, such as blurred vision and seeing mirages, while wind changes more often affect how your skin feels and the like.

We can see what Mrs. Wiess and Mrs. Kiyo think when they log in.
Agreed that they shouldn't be used in tandem, at least for now. At a starting level, I don't think she even knows how to use Dust on entering the academy. At most she knows what it is and what it should theoretically do based on its application, but not that it can be used with her specific ability. I'd prefer Chi learn these things at the academy, and of course, not be able to use them in combination until well into her training, if at all. I'll swap air and water on the sheet and wait for everyone else's opinion.
Another thing I'd like clarified @ModernRanger is whether or not your semblance works outside of direct sunlight, like inside or in shade. Mostly whether or not it works at all, or if it's just not as strong, but still needs the natural light.
@Cruor Flumine @IceQueen

The only thing I think Ice left out accidentally was that I don't think activating another persons aura is in any way possible without them being okay with it.

If anyone remembers from the Juanne and Pyrrha scene, it was that Pyrrha had to have Juanne work with her to unlock his aura, she couldn't just do it herself, and that's where I get that basis from.
Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19536-cruor-flumine/ said:
@Cruor Flumine[/URL] @IceQueen
The only thing I think Ice left out accidentally was that I don't think activating another persons aura is in any way possible without them being okay with it.

If anyone remembers from the Juanne and Pyrrha scene, it was that Pyrrha had to have Juanne work with her to unlock his aura, she couldn't just do it herself, and that's where I get that basis from.
I didnt mention anything about activating someones aura, did I?
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]I didnt mention anything about activating someones aura, did I?

[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]Anyone with aura glows the color of their aura.

The only time someone would glow with the colour of their aura is when they activate it, and even then it doesn't always happen, such as Yang going saiyan-mode or Flynt doing his Quartet thing. Other than that, though, I don't think there are any other issues.
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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]The only time someone would glow with the colour of their aura is when they activate it, and even then it doesn't always happen, such as Yang going saiyan-mode or Flynt doing his Quartet thing. Other than that, though, I don't think there are any other issues.

Ah, what I meant by that was that he could see the color of their soul, not activate their aura. They would only glow to him and not anyone else. It was a way of tracking someone when something cut off his vision, like fog.
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]Ah, what I meant by that was that he could see the color of their soul, not activate their aura. They would only glow to him and not anyone else. It was a way of tracking someone when something cut off his vision, like fog.

Ahhhh, okay, much better. Alrighty, if you could just put that on the sheet then it'll be good. I was over here thinking we'd all be turning into a Yule light display xD
[QUOTE="Shaded Skies]So...teams...

We're just letting people have a chance to fix anything that needs fixing on their sheets and get everyone's characters finalised, then when Kiyo and Weiss get back online I have a message waiting for them and we should start putting teams together after that.

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