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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

Whelp, I've pretty much given up on this thread. Been two weeks in, character hasn't been accepted, and it looks like you'll all be carrying on the plot without me anyways (despite being told Kiyoko was still accepting, which is why I'm mildly annoyed), and then Kiyoko says anyone accepted after this point isn't part of the main plot so...


Entirely discouraged now. If you need me or such, send a message, I probably won't be checking on this thread unless something radical happens.
Pinkalyn said:
Whelp, I've pretty much given up on this thread. Been two weeks in, character hasn't been accepted, and it looks like you'll all be carrying on the plot without me anyways (despite being told Kiyoko was still accepting, which is why I'm mildly annoyed), and then Kiyoko says anyone accepted after this point isn't part of the main plot so...

Entirely discouraged now. If you need me or such, send a message, I probably won't be checking on this thread unless something radical happens.
There are more professional ways you could have handled that, especially given the posts I've been posting recently, namely about myself and IceQueen working with Kiyo to get all the characters reviewed, and either accepted or given instruction on the changes wanted, to be accepted effectively immediately on having those changes done.

Furthermore, IceQueen and I both figured that the best thing would be to have the new players try to evenly distribute themselves to the N,W,E and S directions as if you'd been with the group the whole time, which would keep everyone together.

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Right, so for anyone wondering what's up, I talked to Ice and Kiyo, and we're going through the Pending Characters today, and maybe a touch tomorrow if needed, to get that finished.
Now it's really just figuring out who is still going to be here for the RP.

Keep in mind it was also the holidays, and a lot of peoples schedules get crazy during the holidays. People travel, people have giants families, that type of thing.

So the only thing that needs answered is, if you are accepted into the roleplay, will you stick around, or bail, and also will you be willing to accept that some people, such as Kiyo, sometimes have hectic real life scenarios they can't control, which can lead to the odd break or two?
arcaneSentinel said:
Hey @Dead. Nila's brooch is powered by Dust right? Can it do anything other than just shoot projectiles of the selected element?

Yep, her brooch is her dust holder that gives her gloves the ability to project attacks.

Actually, this is a working progress but besides projectile attacks, she can actually create weapons of her own with the elements. The physics in how this is possible is by a certain function she placed in the gloves to know/ understand how she wants the weapons for each element to take form as. This, however, takes a lot out of her dust and she has a limit to how much she can use this ability for. Of course, if she wanted to use this ability more, she has to reload her brooch which would take her a while to do...

The forms for each element are still to be revealed. <w>
This idea was actually inspired by this video!~ cx I really admire this animator somuchtalentasdfghjkl; ;;;;w;;;;;


Hey guys. Ive barely gotten any notifications since I got back from vacation. I'll post ASAP!

But what have I missed???
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rooke said:
Hey guys. Ive barely gotten any notifications since I got back from vacation. I'll post ASAP!
But what have I missed???
Not much, we're trying to get everyone who needs brought in still, brought in, and also get the ranks solidified and the teams hammered down. I should be able to get the acceptance list up tomorrow.
[QUOTE="Shaded Skies]Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

That is one hell of a word right there.
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[QUOTE="Shaded Skies]It's actually a real word in the dictionary, and it isn't anywhere NEAR the longest.

Trust me, I've googled the longest word in English and texted it to a friend trying to prove a point...

I can't scroll anywhere near it without the application crashing on me xD
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Sorry, haven't had time to do much until now, thus the reason that there's been a lack of that RP-progressing post until now. I'll try and get arond to it, though chances are I won't be able to get any more characters accepted in time to be a part of the main of this RP. I'll probably have any characters I accept from here on out be latecomers and on their own little airship together.

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]There are more professional ways you could have handled that, especially given the posts I've been posting recently, namely about myself and IceQueen working with Kiyo to get all the characters reviewed, and either accepted or given instruction on the changes wanted, to be accepted effectively immediately on having those changes done.

I was tired, agitated, and the part in bold struck me as something telling us that players accepted beyond this point would be excluded from main plot events, or the main plot entirely. Perhaps I could have handled it more 'professionally', but it was that specific part in that post which prompted my own post. I would have been fine waiting even longer had I not read and interpreted that as I had.

I will apologize for how I posted, but not what I posted. I understand that the holidays make things slow, especially RP, and that's why I didn't say anything before now. Sure I pushed to have my character checked earlier, when I first wrote it, but Kiyoko asked me to wait and I did. I still will, IF I misinterpreted what Kiyo meant by the statement in bold, because I was excited about this thread and the people in it.
Pinkalyn said:
I was tired, agitated, and the part in bold struck me as something telling us that players accepted beyond this point would be excluded from main plot events, or the main plot entirely. Perhaps I could have handled it more 'professionally', but it was that specific part in that post which prompted my own post. I would have been fine waiting even longer had I not read and interpreted that as I had.
I will apologize for how I posted, but not what I posted. I understand that the holidays make things slow, especially RP, and that's why I didn't say anything before now. Sure I pushed to have my character checked earlier, when I first wrote it, but Kiyoko asked me to wait and I did. I still will, IF I misinterpreted what Kiyo meant by the statement in bold, because I was excited about this thread and the people in it.
You'll definitely get to see the main plot through the character'seyes, just won't be involved in the current event as it's hard to incorporate characters without a cliche 'mysterious stranger has appeared from the crowd' bit; not something food for a RP that emphasizes the word focus on the characters and the events they're part of, as then it means a period of time where characters were completely ignored.
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Hi, just dropping in to say I'm still here. I haven't gotten a notice so I wouldn't know, but did my cs get looked at yet?
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Hi, just dropping in to say I'm still here. I haven't gotten a notice so I wouldn't know, but did my cs get looked at yet?

It has and we are ok with it~

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