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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

@Shaded Skies[/URL] , even Blake's alternate clones, such as the the cement/stone one, completely disappeared. This could be given to the animation, but more than like owes back to the fact that there is a limit. If there wasn't, why not just summon armies of guardians, or one constant guardian at all times? Why not just make statues from clones? Because they don;t last, because the semblance is an extension of their aura ACCORDING TO CANON and aura, also according to canon has a level amount that can be taken down during fights, such as in the Vytal Festival with the following being taken straight from the official wikia.

"Overuse of one's Semblance for prolonged periods may adversely affect its user at certain times. This was demonstrated by Weiss on one occasion after using a series of glyphs in rapid succession to assist Ruby, subsequently collapsing afterwards."- Semblance

That's your completely canon proof by the way, clearly stating that you have been, up to this point, adamant at not changing at all, and even furthermore blatantly ignoring the amount that a healing(drains from aura), lasting(drains from aura), shield taking attacks(drains from aura) while still moving about and fighting, while possibly taking attacks(which would also, canonically drain from your aura).

It is literally infeasible as of so far for the standard person to do that much, as we have no canonical proof they can save for one of the Seasons, which I'm fairly sure we won't be using.

So we can finally decide to compromise, or at this point you can take your character elsewhere, because you have been given numerous attempts to reform an overpowered skill at this point whilst constantly ignoring the amount of strain it would put on them.
I am actually legitimately surprised at your post because of just how flat out wrong it is. I never directly addressed anything you posted? How the hell not? I directly addressed EVERY point you made. You say I wouldn't be twiddling my thumbs but then the "compromises" you guys propose are that I have to be near it and actively concentrate to allow people to pass through. Or that it drains me heavily to allow one or two people through. This makes it LITERALLY USELESS for it's intended function.

What you're not getting, what you don't seem to understand, is that literally every "compromise" you offer is basically "you have no control over it, you place it down and it heals anyone and anything that enters it". That's your compromise. If you honestly can't see why I dislike the idea of having a skill I have no control over and that heals my enemies, then that's on you now isn't it? I mean honestly, how is this so difficult for you to understand? This isn't a "compromise", it's basically making me powerless and just placing a neutral healing well somewhere on the battlefield that anyone can use. If that's your idea of a compromise then yeah, I don't need it.

i wanted a buff skill to help my teammates, that's what I intended for my semblance. Clearly you guys don't want that so alright. Just fucking say so. I refuse to have a semblance I have literally no control over beyond it's initial placement and I refuse to have a buff that buffs my enemies. If that's the only way you'd accept it then I don't want it, I'll just give my character a different semblance because this is a complete waste of time.

I honestly don't know how you guys view this skill, what I do know is that you view it very differently than I do and that's where the problem is. The fact that you propose compromises that literally render it useless prove that we are looking at this from complete opposite sides. So rather than arguing I am simply going to change it and call it a day. It's not worth the hassle.

Edit: There, entirely new semblance, now there's no need to have me using a useless ability.
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It is not really a good idea to dispute something one of the GMs say. Better to just listen and follow what they ask. It is their roleplay, their story and they have the right to decide what elements they do or do not want involved.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Now going into your shield, I honestly love the idea, and it would make for a great supporting use, especially going up against a heavier force.

My words-

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Now you mentioned the Gungan shield, right?
So here's my thoughts on this. Why don't we roll with that, and anything high velocity(sprinting people, fast swung or throw items, projectiles etcetera) is kept out, while low velocity things(people walking in and the like) is good.

Have been nothing-

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]It's already been shown that someone's aura can be projected(through physical touch) to help others. I would say that your character could not only be skilled in this, but the shield could act as an extension of your 'touch' for those inside of it. Now going back to what I was saying earlier about running more than one 'primary draw source', if anyone gets into the shield they'd become affected too, friend or foe, because their in your touch.
The other option is that you can extend your aura without physical touch, but relegate it to one to two people at a time to keep it from being too over-powered.

The main reason for this is because you should keep in mind that you're running a shield, while healing people, while possibly being under attack yourself. It's a lot going on all at once for anyone to handle.

If not supportive as I blatantly attempted to work with you-

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]I would say you can run your shield at 3, 4, or 5 metres in size, but the larger it is, the more it draws on your character and the less time you have to keep it going, given the range from roughly ten to sixteen feet and all.
TL;DR- I like the high velocity protection idea for it, and while I agree that there has been training with semblances already, we are still students so relegating the size to 3-5 metres would be best, and picking either to have the shield revitalise everyone inside, or to be able to expand your aura to up to two others right now to aid them would be the most balanced way to make you character at this given time period in their lives. Remember, they aren't true blue huntsmen yet, but they eventually will be.

Giving plenty of options that do not render you useless, and do not make it an 'uncontrolled' skill-

Colt556 said:
Actually it's never once shown that there's any actual limit on semblance. There isn't even one single example of a user using their semblance so much that it drains them and they can't use it anymore. Literally not even one single example. It's a possibility, sure, but anything's possible. There's nothing to suggest that that is how it works.
But here you are contradicting not only I, but canon-

Colt556 said:
So basically she'd have to put a little energy any time she altered the barrier's "programming" to allow someone access, and she'd have to put in energy whenever it came under attack or otherwise stopped an object. If it's just sitting there not doing anything, it doesn't drain really any energy. At that point it's more like a passive ability. I mean, it'll always drain a little, you can't have something from nothing. So it's not like she could leave it up permanently. But in the context of a single battle the amount required to just keep it up and not have it do anything is negligible.
The biggest issue, and really the only reason I'm even arguing, is that I'm not being allowed any form of control. Literally the only thing I'd be allowed to do with this semblance is place it. The limitations imposed on letting people pass through would basically mean my character just sits inside the dome and does fuck all the entire fight, and that's not fun. But then if enemies can freely pass through that makes it beyond useless because it benefits the enemy as much as your allies and so I'd never even use it to begin with.

Basically, one of two things HAS to be allowed otherwise I'll just change my semblance to something else. Either I can freely control who's allowed to pass through without being forced to sit around twiddling my thumbs (I.E. my original idea). Or I'm allowed to control who benefits from the healing factor. If I can't have at least one of those then I'm just going to change it. I have no need for a semblance that helps my opponents as much as my teammates after all rofl. Nor do I want a semblance I have literally no control over.
Whilst going on a rant that no options giving you proper power or control-

Colt556 said:
I am actually legitimately surprised at your post because of just how flat out wrong it is. I never directly addressed anything you posted? How the hell not? I directly addressed EVERY point you made. You say I wouldn't be twiddling my thumbs but then the "compromises" you guys propose are that I have to be near it and actively concentrate to allow people to pass through. Or that it drains me heavily to allow one or two people through. This makes it LITERALLY USELESS for it's intended function.
Despite all my perfectly fair and honest attempts to help-

Colt556 said:
What you're not getting, what you don't seem to understand, is that literally every "compromise" you offer is basically "you have no control over it, you place it down and it heals anyone and anything that enters it". That's your compromise. If you honestly can't see why I dislike the idea of having a skill I have no control over and that heals my enemies, then that's on you now isn't it?
Have been thrown in my face-

Colt556 said:
If that's your idea of a compromise then yeah, I don't need it.
If that's your idea of not receiving any real help-

Colt556 said:
It's not worth the hassle.
Then I wholly agree. Have a good day, and good luck elsewhere.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]My words-
Have been nothing-

If not supportive as I blatantly attempted to work with you-

Giving plenty of options that do not render you useless, and do not make it an 'uncontrolled' skill-

But here you are contradicting not only I, but canon-

Whilst going on a rant that no options giving you proper power or control-

Despite all my perfectly fair and honest attempts to help-

Have been thrown in my face-

If that's your idea of not receiving any real help-

Then I wholly agree. Have a good day, and good luck elsewhere.

I'll be perfectly honest, I didn't see your TL;DR bit where I could choose between healing everyone inside the dome or healing only specific people. That is something that actually is a genuine compromise. However other than that everything suggested makes the whole thing pointless. Every other suggestion required my character to be at the dome or to within sight of the dome and to concentrate really hard, basically preventing me from actually doing anything other than be a glorified doorman who holds the door open for people. If I had noticed your TL;DR bit I woulda gone with that, but eh what's done is done. I think my new idea is decent enough, albeit far more generic than what I had originally wanted.
Ok, good to see that a potentially thread-ending argument has been ended. And for those who might say I'm overestimating this, I've seen threads (although not on this particular site) ended over reasons that are so petty, such as 'my shield is stronger than that', or because some schmuck took over a thread when the one who made it was on hiatus for a while and turned it into a horrible Twilight Saga/Kingdom Hearts crossover. That almost everyone else on the thread agreed with the premise of.
shadowz1995 said:
Uh....kind of an ...awkward time it seems but too late to join this one?
Unfortunately we just closed sign ups this morning since we worked out the team math, so I'm sorry but no it is not
Noooo worries. Good luck guys. And uh try to avoid killing each other haha. Things seemed like they were getting pretty tense.
shadowz1995 said:
Noooo worries. Good luck guys. And uh try to avoid killing each other haha. Things seemed like they were getting pretty tense.
No promises there mate.
Hey guys, I am so sorry for being inactive. I had a RL emergency, but I can be active now. I'm still interested in this :'D

@noalaniwolf Darynoch has had more than enough time to reply, and I don't think she's going to be active here. BRNT is a go.

@katseye @shadowdude505 @StoneWolf18 Again, I apologize for the inactivity. I'm going through the posts I missed right now.
Mollisol said:
Hey guys, I am so sorry for being inactive. I had a RL emergency, but I can be active now. I'm still interested in this :'D
@noalaniwolf Darynoch has had more than enough time to reply, and I don't think she's going to be active here. BRNT is a go.

@katseye @shadowdude505 @StoneWolf18 Again, I apologize for the inactivity. I'm going through the posts I missed right now.
Actually, could you possible tell me where ya'll are at? I haven't made a post yet and this seems like an awkward time to join...
StoneWolf18 said:
Actually, could you possible tell me where ya'll are at? I haven't made a post yet and this seems like an awkward time to join...
Well, everyone is on the ground, walking to the academy, and from what I can gather, depending on which way your character walks to the academy, they have a different challenge. I believe Fina, Violet, and Robin have met and went south (south!), if you wish to interact with them. Let me sum up Kiyoko's most recent GM post:

SOUTH: The students have to fight each other, and the last person standing gets to fight a third-year named Setsuna. In his words, nobody other than the person to defeat him will pass.

WEST: The students have to defeat Atlesian paladins (the mech you saw in the second season). Sections of the floor have retracted inwards to form holes; if you fall in, you fail. In her words, the room looks like this:

The entire room transformed into two rings of land. The outer edge of the room, where the knights were, still existed. In the middle, a ring also existed. However, there was a hole in the middle of the inner circle gone, large enough for people to be knocked through. Between the two rings of solid surface were four bridges that held the center ring up, though no other surface to stand on.

EAST: Everyone has to fight the horned teacher-child who's been doing the announcements, Miyako Graves.

NORTH: Students must defeat Crimson, a third-year, before she defeats them. This is difficult because she can completely erase her presence, and only Perception-strength characters can have "even a moderate chance" of noticing her before she attacks.
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Mollisol said:
Well, everyone is on the ground, walking to the academy, and from what I can gather, depending on which way your character walks to the academy, they have a different challenge. I believe Fina, Violet, and Robin have met and went west, if you wish to interact with them. Let me sum up Kiyoko's most recent GM post:
SOUTH: The students have to fight each other, and the last person standing gets to fight a third-year named Setsuna. In his words, nobody other than the person to defeat him will pass.

WEST: The students have to defeat Atlesian paladins (the mech you saw in the second season). Sections of the floor have retracted inwards to form holes; if you fall in, you fail. In her words, the room looks like this:

The entire room transformed into two rings of land. The outer edge of the room, where the knights were, still existed. In the middle, a ring also existed. However, there was a hole in the middle of the inner circle gone, large enough for people to be knocked through. Between the two rings of solid surface were four bridges that held the center ring up, though no other surface to stand on.

EAST: Everyone has to fight the horned teacher-child who's been doing the announcements, Miyako Graves.

NORTH: Students must defeat Crimson, a third-year, before she defeats them. This is difficult because she can completely erase her presence, and only Perception-strength characters can have "even a moderate chance" of noticing her before she attacks.

That's pretty much it. IceQueen, Kiyo and I have been putting our heads together to get the backlisted applications done, and now we're just trying to get the teams finished before we continue is all.
Mollisol said:
Well, everyone is on the ground, walking to the academy, and from what I can gather, depending on which way your character walks to the academy, they have a different challenge. I believe Fina, Violet, and Robin have met and went west, if you wish to interact with them. Let me sum up Kiyoko's most recent GM post:
SOUTH: The students have to fight each other, and the last person standing gets to fight a third-year named Setsuna. In his words, nobody other than the person to defeat him will pass.

WEST: The students have to defeat Atlesian paladins (the mech you saw in the second season). Sections of the floor have retracted inwards to form holes; if you fall in, you fail. In her words, the room looks like this:

The entire room transformed into two rings of land. The outer edge of the room, where the knights were, still existed. In the middle, a ring also existed. However, there was a hole in the middle of the inner circle gone, large enough for people to be knocked through. Between the two rings of solid surface were four bridges that held the center ring up, though no other surface to stand on.

EAST: Everyone has to fight the horned teacher-child who's been doing the announcements, Miyako Graves.

NORTH: Students must defeat Crimson, a third-year, before she defeats them. This is difficult because she can completely erase her presence, and only Perception-strength characters can have "even a moderate chance" of noticing her before she attacks.

Actually Fina, Violet, and Robin are South. @StoneWolf18
Mollisol said:
Well, everyone is on the ground, walking to the academy, and from what I can gather, depending on which way your character walks to the academy, they have a different challenge. I believe Fina, Violet, and Robin have met and went west, if you wish to interact with them. Let me sum up Kiyoko's most recent GM post:
SOUTH: The students have to fight each other, and the last person standing gets to fight a third-year named Setsuna. In his words, nobody other than the person to defeat him will pass.

WEST: The students have to defeat Atlesian paladins (the mech you saw in the second season). Sections of the floor have retracted inwards to form holes; if you fall in, you fail. In her words, the room looks like this:

The entire room transformed into two rings of land. The outer edge of the room, where the knights were, still existed. In the middle, a ring also existed. However, there was a hole in the middle of the inner circle gone, large enough for people to be knocked through. Between the two rings of solid surface were four bridges that held the center ring up, though no other surface to stand on.

EAST: Everyone has to fight the horned teacher-child who's been doing the announcements, Miyako Graves.

NORTH: Students must defeat Crimson, a third-year, before she defeats them. This is difficult because she can completely erase her presence, and only Perception-strength characters can have "even a moderate chance" of noticing her before she attacks.

Alright so were would you suggest I begin? Stumbling upon your group?

Okay, so Kiyoko and Weiss(IceQueen[somebody get the joke, please lol]) aren't on at the moment, and I have a couple ideas for the late comers, and we may have at least two new team ideas for the people without teams, but I need to wait for them to give their opinions. Once that's done and the three of us have our thoughts out, it shouldn't take long to get everything hammered down and have us going on our way again.

I know it's been a bit of a long process, and that the holidays made a lot of people busy, but we've just about got this all tucked away neatly, I promise.

Also, on the behalf of Kiyoko and Weiss, thank you for the patience in so far for this process.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]*Flops*
Okay, so Kiyoko and Weiss(IceQueen[somebody get the joke, please lol]) aren't on at the moment, and I have a couple ideas for the late comers, and we may have at least two new team ideas for the people without teams, but I need to wait for them to give their opinions. Once that's done and the three of us have our thoughts out, it shouldn't take long to get everything hammered down and have us going on our way again.

I know it's been a bit of a long process, and that the holidays made a lot of people busy, but we've just about got this all tucked away neatly, I promise.

Also, on the behalf of Kiyoko and Weiss, thank you for the patience in so far for this process.

I'm right here you damn loon
StoneWolf18 said:
Alright so were would you suggest I begin? Stumbling upon your group?
Depending on how you want to catch up, you may want to start with the jumping out of a hover jet and landing safely after a large drop, follow the arrows toward the South, and then find our characters as the fight is breaking out.
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StoneWolf18 said:
Alright so were would you suggest I begin? Stumbling upon your group?
I would recommend you stumbling upon us, maybe from around the crowd of students that Violet mentioned using her earthquake dust/axe combo on. Maybe you got knocked back and are going over to us from the crowd, maybe you didn't and are coming from somewhere else, whatever you think is most conducive to interaction. Either way, the three of us are teamed up fighting Setsuna, so it would probably be good to join the team somehow. I can toss around some ideas with you here if you'd like; I haven't posted yet and could incorporate you somehow if you'd like.

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