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Fandom RWBY: Hunters Secrets


Aqueous Knight


Legends, stories scattered through time.

Mankind are quite fond of retelling the stories of heroes and villains, forgetting that heroes and villains were once people like them, lowly humans and faunas who strived to survive day to day attacks by the Grimm.

But our story isn't about these ancient heroes and villains, instead we will talk about the next generation of stories and legends. We'll see how they grow from lowly children in a cruel world to amazing wonders of Warriors. But everybody has secrets, and sometimes those secrets are dangerous to themselves and even others.

What is their secrets?

Howdy there~

So as you can tell I am creating a RWBY RP! But as you can tell we will be playing Huntsman and Huntresses in training and they will have secrets that risk everything they worked for so long on. What these secrets are is up to you but they need to be something that causes stress and doubt in their actions!

And for convenience sake, I will start the RP a day after the initiation since that always seem to kill a RWBY fast. So we will need to form teams right off the bat, which you can work amongst ourselves I am looking for 3-4 Teams, 2-3 First years teams and 1 second year team~

Here's the CS


[Tab=Character Info]

Name: (Names in the RWBY-verse seems to follow a naming convention of being named after Colors in one way or another with very rare and unusual circumstances, so please name a character after a color in some way.) 
Color: (What color does your character allude to? This will be color of your Aura)
Age: (16-17 for first years, 18-19 for Second years, any age older or younger will need to have an explanation and needs to be approved by me.)
Species: (Humans? Faunus? Android even?
Kingdom of Origins: (Atlas? Mistral? Vale? Vacuo? None?)
Affiliation: (Yourself? Beacon Academy? The White Fang? The Military?

Appearance: (You can use an image by itself, a description, both? Its all good~)

Symbol: (What symbol does your character use?)


[Tab=Personal Information]

History: (At least a Paragraph but it can be as long as you wish after that. It needs to at least explain where you were born and why you wanted to become a Huntsmen or Huntress, as will as allude to your secret but besides those you can explain in the Rp)

Personality: (2-3 Paragraph minimum)

Secret: (The secret that is holding you back in some way, a Person's secrets or hardship is often tied to their Semblance in someway, but that's not always the case but I find that a fun to make a character more 3 dimensional)



Relationships: (What their Relationships with their Teams and Classmates?)


[Tab=Combat Information]

Weapons: (Go Crazy this is a RWBY Rp after all, as long as it doesn't kill people in one hit it will most likely be allowed)

Semblance: (Go crazy with this as well, as long as it's not too OP it should be okay.)

Strength: (What is your character's Combat Strengths? )

Weakness: (What is their Weaknesses?)

Combat Role: (Tank? DPS? Support? Mixed?)



There's the CopyPaste version and here's how it should look~

  • Name: (Names in the RWBY-verse seems to follow a naming convention of being named after Colors in one way or another with very rare and unusual circumstances, so please name a character after a color in some way.)

    Color: (What color does your character allude to? This will be color of your Aura)

    Age: (16-17 for first years, 18-19 for Second years, any age older or younger will need to have an explanation and needs to be approved by me.)



    Species: (Humans? Faunus? Android even?

    Kingdom of Origins: (Atlas? Mistral? Vale? Vacuo? None?)

    Affiliation: (Yourself? Beacon Academy? The White Fang? The Military?

    Appearance: (You can use an image by itself, a description, both? Its all good~)

    Symbol: (What symbol does your character use?)

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  • Name: Virgo Capri

    Color: Capri is a sort of darker light blue.

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Kingdom: Atlas

    Affiliation: Beacon Academy

    Appearance: Is an african-american that is about 4'7 and a half that normally wears a light blue shirt with black joggers and timberland boots, as well as a white cape with black tips and a yellow bracelet with the bold words HERO in all black marker. He weighs about 92 pounds and has a sharp crew-cut for hair. There are various scrapes on his arms and legs due to training.

    When at home he normally wears a normal white T-shirt with black basketball shorts with fuzzy blue slippers, bracelet off and safe in a place he hides it, yet still wears his cape.

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//screammmmmm oh my the form is a huge w.i.p.

but I'll be reserving a spot please~

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  • Name: Adeline Amaranth Keir

    Color: Amaranth; a dark magenta/red

    Age: 16.5 (yes, the half is important)

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Strictly Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Mistral

    Affiliation: She affiliates mainly with Beacon, however will take matters into her own hands when she deems necessary.



    Adeline is extremely striking in her looks, this being neither good nor bad inherently. She has blinding blue eyes as well as wavy, ginger-esque hair. Her hair is another trait entirely, being simultaneously ginger and brunette. It also has a slightly pink tone, and can only really be appreciated through imagery. It is normally braided into a halo around her head, several small strands falling out around her ears that curl into loose ringlets. It has also been seen in a side braid and completely down. Another important trait is her milky, light skin. Like that of porcelain, she has no freckles or imperfections. However, this can seem almost eerie; drawing unwanted attention for her.

    Adeline is about average height, with a rectangular body shape that has been regarded as "boy-ish". In school and on missions, she wears a long, faceted coat that flares out from her hips; reaching down to about her knees. It has a large hood and is gray in color; accented with amaranth colored stitching around the seams. Her symbol (see below) is etched into the back of the coat in white, and she always has the large buttons in front undone. Beneath this, she wears a light blue blouse and a black, flowing skirt that is about finger-tip in length. She pairs this outfit with large, clunky combat boots and leggings. She also wears dangling earrings, donned with blue crystals.

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So are teams going be from separate academies and be grouped into teams based on that or is everyone just training at the same place?



Character Completion

  • Name:

    Esmeralda Jade


    Esmeralda, this is greek for Emerald

    Jade, this is a type of green gemstone.









    Kingdom of Origins:



    Beacon, The Family (A crime organization, my own made RWBY version of the Mafia)



    Esmeralda has a rather strange appearance when you first meet her. She has a strange shade of green hair that the closest thing it resembles is seaweed after its wound up on a beach, it also has many different shades some of it being lighter than others but all in all its natural something most people find rather peculiar she often stated it must have been something in the water (which is possible as to much copper in the water can cause green-ish tinted hair). Other than her hair the next thing that stands out are her eyes, almost being the opposite of her hair. She has a condition called Heterochromia iridium which causes her to have two different eye colors both of which are natural, she has one red eye and one blue one. Finally if you ever find her not wearing a hat or something covering her head then you would find two small fox ears but she normally covers this up since she hears that the Faunus normally get bullied.

    Body shape wise Esmeralda is rather short standing just under 5 foot at 4'11, her body shape is clearly feminine amplified by the clothing she wears it would be nearly impossible to mistaken this girl for anything other than that. Her clothing style is one of very formal ware which gives the idea that she came from some sort of rich background, it normally contains some sort of skirt normally one that she can easily move in and a formal shirt and formal jacket over it along with some kind of hat. Her jacket often holds a golden chain or some other accessories. Unlike most people her age she has a tattoo which kind of breaks the law but heck she breaks the law on a day to day bases. The tattoo is of her symbol and it does from her forearm to her hand and then all the lines go off her finger almost like she is pulling the strings.



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  • Name: Adam Grau

    Color: Gray.

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Kingdom of Origins: Atlas

    Affiliation: Uncertain, currently the Atlas Armed Forces

    Appearance: Adam is a large man. He’s always been: fro, his earliest memories, he stood a head above the rest of his playmates. Now, a short mop of light brown hair crowns a pillar of humanity nearly seven feet tall. Wide shoulders narrow to a barrel chest, and thick arms speak of a life of fitness. Each of his features is large; large hands, large feet, a large nose bearing the marks of several breaks, wide eyes keen for detail, and in his past a somewhat embarrassing overbite, now thankfully cured. First noticed, usually, is his large voice, which upon puberty dropped into a deep register from which it never returned. His laughs fill the room, his rages set silverware shaking, his voice carries across open fields without difficulty. His skin is pale, his eyes brown: he likes neither. He hides the former behind sensible, comfortable, and characteristically conservative clothing. Callouses which had grown on well-used hands fade as aura shields his skin from abrasion. Long strides carry him to his destinations, even if he doesn’t know quite where it is.


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  • Name: Amber Autumn Fall (Two last names)

    Color: Auburn

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Species: Cyborg

    Kingdom of Origins: Atlas

    Affiliation: Ex-Military, now Beacon

    Appearance: (Ignore the name on the top left. Friend made me this one and named it herself)


    Symbol: Look in right middle of appearance

@Aquaknight This good?
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Sorry for the late reply but I like to welcome everybody and I'm glad to have so many already~

@SpicyLickiTounge Your guys CS's are accepted~

@NekoChanBo Looks good so far, leave a message here once you're finished~

@IG42 All the teams will be located in Beacon but your character can come from anywhere.

With all that said and done I will create the main Thread, once we either have four or more people are interested or by tomorrow night if we get nobody else, I hope that works for everybody.
Aquaknight said:
Sorry for the late reply but I like to welcome everybody and I'm glad to have so many already~
@SpicyLickiTounge Your guys CS's are accepted~

@NekoChanBo Looks good so far, leave a message here once you're finished~

@IG42 All the teams will be located in Beacon but your character can come from anywhere.

With all that said and done I will create the main Thread, once we either have four or more people are interested or by tomorrow night if we get nobody else, I hope that works for everybody.
I've got a support chara i'm working on!

@The Unamed Beast

For faunus I have Buck from the last rp, A boxer guy, a really lazy guy who can be considered a bit of a comedic relief, A really disturbing guy who looks like a kid but actually is not. I have a ton of characters for RWBY.
@IG42 Can't wait to see them~

@XiaoWeiXiao Characters can have similar roles as long as they don't fight the exact same way it's okay and it's unlikely that characters of similar roles won't be on the same team.

@BlackJack I remember him, he would work well~ But it's up to you which character you want to use~
Hey Aqua I have a question: In RWBY characters are seen getting hit by swords, but then dodging bullets and then dodging lightning. What, in this game, is going to be the approximate reaction speed and general top speed of the average hunter-in-training? If it's the bullets or the 'literally nothing matters' dodging lighting, I need to know because as much as I like Adam being the underdog, I'd rather not have him be utterly pointless. Sorry to bother you with this.
Aquaknight said:
@IG42 Can't wait to see them~
@XiaoWeiXiao Characters can have similar roles as long as they don't fight the exact same way it's okay and it's unlikely that characters of similar roles won't be on the same team.

@BlackJack I remember him, he would work well~ But it's up to you which character you want to use~
Oooh, okay then. I'll be sticking to the swordsman style though, I have a particular image in mind...
I can do buck, he is a supportive guy but if you would like a hunter thats motives are shady I can make that as well xD
@Pentagon You're not bothering me at all~ The reaction speed of the average Huntsman and Huntresses will be at about Yang's which while decent at dodging they can get still get hit by bullets and other long range weapons, but each character is different some could be amazing at dodging like Ruby and Blake while others takes hit easily. But I will make sure your character won't be pointless since I like to believe that in the RWBY-verse even the most under of dogs could become legendary hero with enough time~

@BlackJack A hunter doesn't need to be shady to join they just need a secret that they hide from everybody, but shadiness is a diverse subject so there's so many ideas to go with it~

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