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Multiple Settings Rune’s RP Search


Tired, spiteful, and ready to rumble.
Hello, everyone!
This quarantine has hit me hard in the boredom department, and classes have finished for the semester, so I am left with a severe lack of entertainment. Therefore, I must put myself out there and start searching for some rp buddies!
The name is Flame, or Rune, or whatever you’d like to call me. I’m almost 20 years old and I am a female, though I mainly play male characters.
What is your rp style?
My rp style is semi-literate to adv.literate. I know that is a HUGE difference, but my replies tend to carry proper grammar and the length varies from a single paragraph of 3-5 sentences to nearly 8 paragraphs with 12+ sentences. I tend to match my partner’s lengths, in all honesty. However, I am slightly picky. If my rp buddy does not have decent grammar and punctuation, I tend to grow uninterested quite quickly.
What kind of rps do you do?
I am interested in all sorts of roleplay genres. I prefer MxM pairings, but I will settle for MxF (with me playing as the male). I absolutely adore OC roleplays in medieval or western settings, and I tend to lean towards more action genres, as well as sci-fi and fantasy. I do love to make my characters suffer. Angst is a must in my roleplays.
There is very little that I will not do. Just ask, and I will tell you if I’m interested. Worst that I can do is say no.
I also enjoy some fandom roleplays.
Fandoms? (* means I am craving this)
- Witcher (Netflix)
Jaskier (Me) x Geralt ***
OC x OC **
- Lucifer (TV)
- Pokemon
“When The Villains Fall”
Muse A is the hero of the land, songs sung of their victory. They have just recently defeated the villain terrorizing their kingdom, and the entire population is celebrating.
Muse B is that villain. They have woken from a slumber, remembering nothing. They knew not who they were, nor why the people around them reacted with terror and fury when they saw them.
Muse A is told of the return of their enemy, and go to investigate. What they find is a pitifully broken shell of their once powerful rival, with zero memory of their battles. In order to keep Muse B out of trouble, Muse A takes them in, and the two slowly bond.

“These Gifts We Share”
Muse A is a pitiful peasant, living alone with their dying mother. They become desperate, their mother close to death, and they have no food and no money to sustain themselves. Thinking they have no choose, they resort to thievery and are captured, brought before the monarch, Muse B, for punishment.
Muse B senses magic in Muse A and is overcome by curiosity. So, they decide to investigate and teach Muse A to use their magic.
Confused by their newfound power, Muse A grows in strength every day, under the watchful eye of Muse B. Through investigation, the two find out that Muse A is the lost prince/ess of a kingdom overrun by a barbarian.

The Magic System:
Every kingdom has its own "color" of magic. One heir is born from each king with a mark. This heir is not always the oldest, but instead chosen by fate.

Each magic user is able to form a connection with others, but only by growing close to the other magic user. At first, the magics seem to repel each other, then gradually grow to strengthen one another.
It is used by thinking of what you would like it to do, then speaking out the words. A connection to your own magic must be formed. The one thing it cannot do is create things from nothing. Also, it is highly reliant on the user's emotional state, and can drain energy.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now! Lemme know if you’re interested. :3
Super Interested! I think we could be super compatible, but I'd love to discuss plots/ideas more!

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