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Fantasy Runaways | OOC |

Hey guys! <3 Everyone's characters are looking amazing, and nice art NyxDarling NyxDarling . I'm working on my character right now and he'll likely be done some time tomorrow- just need to finish some art. So far I'm thinking the ghost of a spiritual leader/healer who's hella spacey and forgetful, but we'll see how he ends up.
erzulie erzulie Yo he's amazing I'm shook. Love him.

My character, Kaya, is also finished now <3
I can see Kaya trying to give Narah something and with her being immune making for some interesting interactions.
q r o w q r o w
That's %100 going to happen, and Kaya is going to be in awe of her, thinking she just takes tripping balls really well lmao.
Also, what do you guys think of using discord for ooc? I completely understand if it's not your thing, but I've always had great experiences with it for some good chatting.
Also, what do you guys think of using discord for ooc? I completely understand if it's not your thing, but I've always had good experiences with it for some good chatting.
Singularity has mentioned with me making a discord, however we were not sure if everyone was up for using it.
Hmm, I'd definitely be down, it usually helps me get into character. But no pressure either way! <3

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