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despite despite despite
“Why won’t you fuc-” He aggressively shook the door handle, trying to get any movement out of it while getting nothing out of the giant metal door in return. Brielle scoffed, using a strong fist now to jam it open, but with a baby crying in his ear who he desperately was trying to get him away from the others sleepings so as to not wake him up- it seemed pointless now. Brielle hushed his son and bounced him on his hip, but he was relentless and wasn’t having any of it. “I’m going to break this door down.” Brielle went about unlocking and locking the door to see if that would work, but he had also done that a hundred times now, and it still wasn’t moving. “Honey. Lookup..” Hatchee exclaimed, now coming up from behind him after having been in the kitchen, “It has a deadbolt lock.” She pointed up top of the six foot door, showing him a lock that was stuck into the ceiling, but it was clearly out of Brielle’s short point of view.. and missed it completely. Brielle just stood there silently in deaf with a scowl on his furry face, while Hatchee just laughed softly to herself. She reached up and pulled the dead bolt down, unlocked the door, and finally pushed it open. Brielle had enough that unwavering steel door, even though they had been living here for three days.. He was ready to break it down into tiny pieces. Hatchee herded Brielle out the door, shut it behind her as quietly as she could, and stepped into the extremely cold concrete stairway. Everything had an echo in there so Sorel’s crying seemed to be bouncing off the walls, and straight into their ears. Hatchee gently took their baby from her husband’s arms and set him comfortably on his hip before showing him the glass milk bottle. “Sorel.” The exhausted mother held it to his mouth to take notice of it, thankfully he didn’t fight her about it, and swiftly took a hold of it in his tiny fingers.

Finally, it was quiet again, only being able to hear the babies sniffling and the insistent dripping from god knows where inside the stairwell they had been looking for to cover it up but with no luck. Hatchee gazed at her husband who just had his arms folded against his chest, staring listlessly out the window facing the side of the street. It was almost five in the morning, so it was completely dark with absolutely no movement outside. Hatchee softly exhaled, taking in the silence once again before she reached out and tugged on the sturdy fur collected on Brielle’s face. “What?” Brielle jumped from the sudden tug, snapping out of his exhausted trance to turn his head to his wife who was just smiling sleepily at him. Her husband rubbed at his face in an attempt to wipe away his stubby snout and the coarse fur on his face, doing his best to try and calm down now. Hatchee tenderly rubbed their babies back, now staring intensely at Sorel to study his damp and flushed little face. Sorel’s hair was sticking to the sides of his face from the amount of sweat he accumulated while sleeping, looking as if he had just run some sort of marathon. He was nursing the bottle fairly quick, so she would gently pull it away from his mouth to get him to slow down. “They're both probably awake now.” Hatchee admitted with a chuckle, gazing back at Brielle to see him staring out the window again with a scowl on his face. “Yet.. here I am.. forced to care.” He sneered at the idea of his baby affecting anyone else but him and his wife, who already wished they could have the right to be sleeping in. “Oh boy…” Hatchee cracked up at her husband who clearly had enough of this living situation, but was managing to power through it anyways. Brielle fell completely silent and still, brows furrowing together with an intense look on his face while he stared into the night. “What is it?” Hatchee asked in concern, rarely ever seeing her husband suddenly look frozen in fear. Brielle didn’t answer her, still standing paraylized. “Brielle?” She sharply exclaimed to get his attention, but it didn’t phase him, so she now scooted in beside him to try and get a look out the window. “I saw someone out there.” Brielle revealed, his breathing becoming shallow as if he was trying to remain as still as possible to not be seen. Hatchee squinted her eyes in an attempt to survey into the darkness to see what he must’ve been looking at, but saw nothing but the wind shaking the trees. “I don’t see anything.” Hatchee muttered in a worried tone, looking back at her husband to see he was still intensely looking out at something. “I saw someone near the gate..” “It was probably the wind honey.” She worried he was being overly paranoid, especially now that it was so early in the morning, and no one was out at this hour on a thursday.

Brielle was a bit on edge coming here, he wouldn’t let Hatchee go by herself anywhere lately, and would be sure she went with someone even if it was to the store down the block. She would often go on walks with Sorel in their old neighborhood, but since moving here, he started to go with her. He was always a relatively careful and on guard person, but as of lately it’s been more intense. Hatchee’s attention turned toward Sorel once she felt her hair being tugged on by his tiny chunky hand, “Hi monkey..” Hatchee cooed lovingly, tenderly kissing his head before brushing some of his damp hair behind his ears to get a better view of his face. The baby was looking at his father while half heartedly drinking from his bottle, seeming to be just as lost in thought as Brielle looked to be in. With the both of them having the exact same expression on their faces, making her laugh at how identical they were to each other. “Is daddy being weird..” Hatchee whispered into the baby's ear, nuzzling her nose into his warm and clammy cheeks to get a good smell of him- he always smelled like oatmeal and baby powder, which happened to be the most comforting smell for her. Sorel was quiet now compared to how he was minutes ago, now almost being done with his bottle. “Let’s go back inside, Brielle.” Hatchee urged her husband who just paid no mind to her, and instead kept glaring out the window. He swore he could see the shadow of a figure shaking underneath the bushes, and it definitely didn’t look like it was due to the wind. Sorel started to fuss and squiggle around in her arms, now pushing the bottle away. “You're scaring Sorel.” Hatchee stated sternly before she took Brielle by the hand to pull him out of such a defensive position. Brielle finally gave in once hearing their baby get worked up again, choosing to set aside his gut feeling to listen to his wife who just wanted to go inside. “We’re safe honey, you don’t have to worry.” She tried to soothe her husband to try and calm down that paranoid force deep inside telling him to always be on his toes, and not forget where they live now. “That’s why we have a deadbolt lock, remember?” Hatchee teased and chuckled loudly, only for Brielle to scoff and roll his eyes, before Hatchee pulled him by the hand to start heading back inside the apartment. Once they got inside the warm apartment, Hatchee shut the door behind them and reached up to put the deadbolt back into its place. She sighed in relief, happy to be back inside the apartment and out of that cold concrete jail. Sorel started to whine and twist around in her arms insistently to be let go, “Okay, hold on..” Hatchee mumbled, trying her best not to be loud as to not wake the others. Brielle had already gone ahead to the kitchen to place the glass bottle in the sink, not caring at all for being loud or not. Hatchee stepped into the kitchen silently to peek over to the living room where she last saw Shmuel and Daemen. They both had fallen asleep watching Sorel last night on the couches, even though she tried to wake them up to go to their beds, the both of them just stayed anyway. Hatchee jumped when she saw two sets of eyes staring back at her from the dimly lit living room, the both of them sitting up right on the couches half asleep. “Did we wake you up?” Hatchee asked with a frown, and the two just nodded their heads.

“Yeah...” Shmuel groggly groaned, running a hand through his extremely messy hair which was intensified by his bed head. Daemen just yawned and laid back down onto the couches before shoving his face between the cushions of the couch. Sorel wiggled aggressively to get down now before starting to cry, only for Hatchee to saunter into the living room and gently place him on the blankets on the floor. “Can I make you two breakfast to make up for it?” The mother sighed heavily, she was exhausted but this was Sorel’s schedule after all. The parents woke up to their baby crying in between four and six in the morning, six being at the latest. After all.. It was his world and they were just living in it. Shmuel rubbed at his eyes and nodded his head drowsily before feeling Daemen’s foot smack the side of his leg. Neither Shmuel or Daemen recalled falling asleep last night, and the last thing they both remembered was just watching Sorel on the couch. Shmuel pinched Daemen’s foot, only for Daemen to retract his foot away violently before plummeting it straight into Shmuel’s chest. Hatchee didn’t notice Sorel was standing near the couch right beside Daemen’s leg to try and climb onto the couch. “Hey, watch it you two!” Hatchee gently lifted Sorel away from the couch and back onto the blankets, thankful the baby didn’t get hurt by their careless fighting. “You almost hit Sorel.” Hatchee sighed in relief, now seeing the baby was already wide awake and frantically rummaging through everything in the living room. Brielle ambled into the living room to shift Sorel away from the unused fireplace with his legs. “Pupa, look. Nanna.” The father waved a cut up piece of banana in the babies face to draw his attention away from destroying everything. The baby peered up at his father just to grab the banana slice from his hand and without hesitation shoved the banana and his hand into his mouth. Brielle plopped down onto the carpet to go about feeding Sorel his breakfast where he could watch to make sure he didn’t choke. “Do you want pancakes?” Hatchee suggested to Shmuel, he just wordlessly shook his head for a response to her. “I’ll make eggs too.” “Can I have mine over easy?” Shmuel asked, “Of course.” Hatchee cheerfully replied with a thumbs up. “Do you want any eggs Daemen?” Hatchee asked with a louder tone of voice, but he didn’t respond or react. Shmuel shoved Daemen with his shoulder to get his attention, only for Daemen to groan and pull his head out of the cushions to glare at him with half closed eyes. “What kind of eggs do you want?” Shmuel emphatically exclaimed, but Daemen just started to close his eyes again. Everytime Daemen would wake up, his hearing would always be terrible, and he could never get anything across to him. Shmuel this time gently rubbed at Daemen’s face to get his attention, and immediately upon Daemen opening his eyes for a second, Shmuel swiftly signed his question. Daemen just vaguely signed back to him, and placed his head right back in between the cushions again. “He wants them well done.” “Okay! Thank you.” Hatchee ambly made her way into the kitchen, not having to ask Brielle what he wanted, she already knew exactly how he liked his eggs. Shmuel peered down at Brielle sitting hunched over on the floor feeding Sorel small pieces of a banana, the baby looked rather content while he stood in between Brielle’s legs. “Brielle?” Shmuel piped up, “Do the new people know they're going to be living with a baby?” The brunette asked as he adjusted his knees against his chest and rested his back against the couch cushions comfortably. Brielle didn’t respond to him, and just kept going about making sure Sorel didn’t drop the banana. “Brielle…?” Shmuel asked for his attention again, but Brielle didn’t break away from watching the baby. After Shmuel bugged him enough, Brielle finally responded. “Did you hear what I said?” “I did.” The father patted Sorel on the back, clearly uninterested with what Shmuel was beckoning him to answer. “And?” “I don’t answer stupid questions.” Brielle stated as Sorel offered him a piece of his banana he had already put in his mouth. “It’s not a stupid question..” Shmuel argued, but Brielle just ignored him once again. “No thank you.. You can have it.” Brielle urged the baby, trying to feed it back to him, but Sorel was adamant on sharing his slobbery food with someone else. Upon being denied by Brielle, Sorel instead urgently offered up the banana piece to Shmuel, “Here!” Sorel chirped, holding his arm out to give it to him. “Oh wow.. Thank you.” Shmuel hesitantly reached over and took the banana from his damp little hands, completely unable to say no to him.

“That’s so nice of you. Thank you so much.” He half heartedly smiled at the baby who was now just staring at him intently, waiting for him to eat it. “Go on then. Eat it.” Brielle insisted with a smug smirk on his face, blatantly finding this very amusing now that Shmuel was trapped. Shmuel wasn’t planning on eating it, just holding it until he could throw it away, unbenounced to him that he would be put in such a difficult situation. “Sorel, come here!” Hatchee exclaimed from the other side of the room to get his attention, in no time at all Sorel waddled out of Brielle’s lap and straight to the kitchen where his mother stood waiting for him. Hatchee lifted the baby up and onto her hip comfortably, before petting his back tenderly. “Thank you….” Shmuel sighed in relief, thankful he wasn’t forced to eat it now with Brielle pushing him to do it. “You’re welcome.” She laughed, knowing that she saved Shmuel was a world of pain by not eating that piece of banana. “When is everyone coming?” Shmuel piped up, already knowing it would be hours from now because they were up so early in the first place. “They're supposed to be here at ten.” Brielle stated, going to look at the clock on the wall to see it was closer to six in the morning now. “Brielle and I have a lot of work to do before they get here, so you and Daemen will have to babysit.” Hatchee mentioned to Shmuel, her eyes studying the baby staring intensely at the eggs cooking slowly on the stove, the butter already beginning to start cracking and popping from the heat. Hatchee stepped back to hold Sorel away from the stove and turned down the knob that controlled the fire. She found it odd that the grease still cracked insistently, as if she hadn’t turned the temperature down already. Hatchee turned the fire off completely to see what would happen, but it started to pop more aggressively. Suddenly, the fire started up again but stronger than she had seen before, without even touching the knobs. It was so hot and so close to her hand that she swore it had already burned her. She was about to call out to Brielle for help, but just as quickly as it showed up.. It stopped, turning completely off again. Hatchee’s brows knitted together in shock and confusion, not sure of what she just witnessed or if she had just imagined it. She felt Sorel take up a fist full of her hair and tug on it to get her attention, his little face already contoured together at the sight of his mother looking so withdrawn. Hatchee chose to not bring this up with Brielle as it would make him even more paranoid, and to just pass this off as just an odd experience. “Let’s go get changed really quick..” She mumbled to her baby, wanting to step away from the stove and not touch it for a bit to see if that would get it back to normal. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to get him dressed. Watch the stove for me.” Hatchee exclaimed to her husband before making her way to their bedroom with the baby clinging to her neck. Brielle’s brows knitted together in concern at the uneasiness in her voice, but he assumed she was just tired, and went ahead to stand by the kitchen stove anyways.


Brielle thumbed through the thick packet of notes he had jotted down in preparation for this occasion. His handwriting was messy and unreadable to everyone but his wife from how quickly he would go about getting everything written down. Most all the information on the sheets consisted of the layout, what goes where, who is who, pricing, upkeep, grocery lists, phone numbers, and many other details required to manage this place. Brielle rested his back against the bar and leaned on his left leg to try and get in a comfortable position, but it seemed pointless with their chairs only being stools with no back support. He really didn’t like stools because of this. “Do we have a list of all the alcohol?” Hatchee asked, sliding over her notes to him to take a look at what she had written down about the placement of the drinks. “I just want to make sure I have everything on here.” “I’ll have to check in storage.” Brielle ran a hand through his hair to brush it from out of his face and behind his ears to get a better view of the paperwork. He studied her list, before noticing some things from his own notes were missing in hers. They were both a little off course with how many deliveries they were getting in such a short period of time. It was overwhelming to say the least. “I saw a few boxes back there that I didn’t see earlier.” Hatchee explained, exasperated by the sheer amount of alcohol she didn’t even know existed up until now. “You're missing a few things.” Brielle pointed to a few things on his list to show her what she was missing, before he picked up his pencil and jotted it down. Hatchee gazed around the extensive room, it was unreal to her. She had visited this bar countless times, but everytime she would go inside it still felt strange and unknown to her. Their original bar was small and cozy so it always looked packed, and with a tiny stage. The stage here was massive, and could fit an entire band. It was definitely an upgrade for the both of them, which felt like an understatement compared to the one they built. Hatchee peered up at the clock mantled on above the bar to see if it was ten minutes to ten am, so the new crew should be coming soon. They could finally get things moving with more hands to help, especially tall ones. Hatchee didn’t want Brielle putting away the alcohol in storage from the spaces being so high up on the shelves, so she really needed the help. “You look so handsome this morning. Did you get dressed up for everyone?” Hatchee affectionately teased her husband with a big smile on her face, knowing that he struggled to get dressed this morning after not being able to find his favorite pair of pants. He wore a white button up shirt with couple buttons undone, with light grey cashmere cardigan over it, and dark grey tweed pants. He usually wore these specific kinds of pants for dressier occasions, but it was either those pants or shorts, and Hatchee chose them. He even wore his relatively new brown leather oxfords too, instead of his well worn ones. Brielle paid no mind to her snide remarks, and just continued to quickly jot down everything needed in her notes.

Hatchee believed in first impressions, but still dressed comfortably in a grey striped midi dress with cap sleeves, a slightly flared skirt, and thin brown belt around her upper waist. She wore her regular comfortable brown ankle strap with low block heels, considering she still had to keep up with Sorel. Brielle handed back the notes to her, pointing out what was missing between each other's notes. “I’ll go back there with you and show you what you missed.” He stated with a heavy sigh, already looking very tense and exhausted. Hatchee could tell he was feeling on edge, and maybe a little nervous about meeting these new people. They both had enough information about the new group to get a good gauge of what they would be getting themselves into, so they weren’t going in completely blind. Still, it was a little odd to trust someone else's judgment about who works for them.. instead of their own choosing. “This is going to be interesting.” Hatchee mumbled to herself while tying her lengthy ginger hair up into a high ponytail, already seeing the foreseeable future once Sorel came running back to her. They both could hear their baby from a distance, only being able to know where he is by the random shrieking and squealing he was letting out. “We should set up a table for everyone.” Hatchee mentioned, now realizing they didn’t have any of the tables set out beside the bar stools. “I think a couple of the tables are behind the left bar..” Brielle tried recalling, but couldn’t exactly put his finger on where he saw it last while digging around for the delivery receipts. Hatchee’s ears perked up when she heard Sorel’s screeching coming closer to her, and the sound of shoes clacking on the concrete floor. The baby quickly waddled off to the far end of the bar, only for Shmuel to follow shortly after him. Sorel shrieked before he started to waddle and sway backwards to keep his eyes on Shmuel while trying to get away from him.

“Don’t do that!” Shmuel shouted, now quickly trying to catch up with him. As soon as he said that, Sorel fell backwards onto his bottom with a little thud. Shmuel sighed heavily, expecting the baby to start crying, but to his surprise Sorel was unphased. The baby wiggled around in a struggle to get back onto his feet again, only to give Shmuel enough time to swiftly scoop him up to finally get a hold of him. Hatchee waved Shmuel over to her to get the baby out of his hair, considering he had been babysitting Sorel for almost three hours now. “Where is Daemen?” Hatchee inquired, watching as Shmuel made his way over to both Brielle and Hatchee with their baby squirming to get out of his arms. “He’s getting dressed.” “I need the both of you to go set up a table for the group.” Brielle stated, still not breaking eye contact from his notes. Hatchee took up the baby from Shmuel’s arms to rest him on her hip, Sorel immediately started to settle down and made himself comfortable by holding onto her hair. She didn’t have it in a high enough ponytail.. which was now made clear to her by watching him try and put hair hair into his mouth. “Where are the tables?” Shmuel folded his arms across his chest before gazing around the room in search of where they could be, and if Daemen was here already. “It’s behind the left bar in the storage room. Just bring one table..” Brielle injected, now flipping through his notes, running a finger along one of the unreadable lists, “And nine chairs.” “Do we even have nine chairs?” Shmuel asked with a raised brow, only for Brielle to completely ignore him again. Shmuel realizing once again that Brielle didn’t answer ‘stupid’ questions, so there must’ve been enough chairs back there. “Both of you hurry. They should be here in a few minutes.” Brielle replied with an almost threatening tone of voice, not wanting to continue talking until they both did the task he asked them to do. Shmuel without another word, turned on his heel and went about his way before calling out to Daemen to hurry up. “Do we have any pictures of them?” Hatchee asked, trying to untangle her hair from the babies damp and chubby little hands, but he was really hanging onto her. “No. I just know their names.” Brielle sighed heavily, looking up from his notes to turn and face his wife and son going at her hair like a gremlin. “I’m going to get him something to eat so he’ll be calm while this is happening..” Hatchee laughed softly to herself, knowing the moment these people walk in the door he’ll go nuts. Brielle nodded his head slowly, already feeling very rigid at the idea of putting so much trust into someone else's judgement and why he hired these specific people. “This will be interesting.” Brielle mumbled, staring intensely at his wife and baby as they both shared a quiet moment together, unsure of what was about to transpire here.


“Thank you for being on time everyone.” Brielle cleared his throat, “Or I would’ve fired you.” He remarked, not really thankful for them being on time, but he was trying to be pleasant for his wife. Brielle looked fixedly around the room as everyone gathered close together, all sitting in a circle sitting in their own chairs. Brielle put them all closely together so everyone could hear each other speak, not wanting anyone to miss anything being said by him. He immediately thought they were an interesting looking group of people, but was also not interested in really getting a look at them just yet. “We’re going to go around the room and introduce ourselves first..” Brielle observed, while he stood in front of his chair to get a better view of everyone. “We’ll introduce ourselves in order, starting from the right side.” He explained before setting down his notes onto his chair, as he didn’t need them anymore. “First and foremost, my name is Gabriel, but call me Brielle.” He never went by his first name, but he knew they would be seeing his legal name on paperwork, so he wanted them to know beforehand so they didn’t come up to him to ask who that was. “My wife and I are the managers here.” Brielle turned around to point to his wife who was standing outside the circle with the baby, keeping him at a distance from the group while he was distracted by eating his pickle so he wouldn’t bother them. “Hello there! My name is Hatchee!” She cheerfully exclaimed with an inviting and warm smile, “It’s so nice to meet you guys! If you need anything, please feel free to come and talk to me or Brielle.” Hatchee insisted, while starting to sway around the baby on her hip now that he started fussing, seeing his mother paying attention to the new people gathered together away from him. “This is our son, Sorel!” Hatchee laughed softly to herself, already feeling Sorel wanting to get down and greet everyone- but she wanted to give them space for a while. “I hope you’ll learn to tolerate him! He’s a nice boy, just a little hyper.” That was an understatement, but she wanted to play it down to now worry them as much for what was about to come. Brielle just nodded in agreement at what his wife had to say, but he wasn’t concerned if they could tolerate his son or not. That wasn’t his problem. “Alright, so let’s start with some ice breakers, because we are children.” Brielle stood in silence for a moment to think about what he would ask them to say, and decided on doing something simple. “Go about introducing yourself and what instrument you play.. And tell us what your favorite drink is.” He thought that was good enough because in all honesty he just wanted to get this thing over with. “We’ll start with you.” Brielle pointed to an extremely tall woman he first met earlier for a moment before everyone else arrived. He thought she looked interesting and appreciated her familiar accent, although he hadn’t heard a russian accent in many years. “Go ahead.” Brielle picked up his notes from his chair and onto his lap, before taking a seat and crossing his leg over his knee.
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Excitement bubbled in Aleksandra's chest as she daintily sat down, smoothed down her khaki skirt and crossed her fuzzy, cougar-pawed legs. An eclectic cluster of suitcases stood guard behind her; it seemed she'd packed everything but the kitchen sink. Aleks fidgeted briefly with her headscarf that contained her well styled, curled platinum hair and the feathers that were nestled within it. It seemed like a miracle that she was here, (and that she was working) in such a swanky place, a sharp contrast to the well-worn and well-loved slums she was used to. In nervous excitement, she ran her thumb over the soft leather strap of the little black purse that sat in her lap like an old house cat. She could not help but smile, even as Brielle's strong voice echoed around the largely empty space, introducing himself and his small family. They were such beautiful people, a beautiful family, she thought to herself. Aleksandra secretly yearned for something just like that, and perhaps this bar could give her an opportunity to transmute that yearning into reality. Brielle's voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he asked the crew to introduce themselves, starting with herself. She calmly cleared her throat.

"I am Aleksandra Sokolov," she said, in her deep, slightly raspy voice. With her subtle accent, the name rolled off her tongue pleasantly. "Please ehh, call me Aleks. I like a strong old fashioned. I can sing and play a little bit of piano, nothing impressive though."

Brielle would probably notice that while her english pronunciation was fairly good, she rolled her r's and pronounced her i's like ee's. In her younger days she desperately tried to get rid of anything remotely Slavic about herself, but as she became older she accepted it more and more. To reject her family's culture like that, especially after they had died, stung more than being called a commie on the streets.
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Haeliee's Suit case.jpgWith silent yet quick fallen foot steps, Hae softly sets his suitcase right next to the uncomfortably tight knit circle of chairs. Soundlessly scooting one just a bit further from the others, before taking his seat next to an especially tall woman.‘This should be interesting’, were the only words he ghosted from his thin lips as his grey eyes carefully assessed the people closely surrounding him.

This certainly was an awkward situation to behold, but not like the ones with his clientele. So deciding it was okay for now, he pulled a small black journal from his breast pocket. Swiftly thumbing through elegantly written pages of ‘things-to-remember’. With a metal nibbed pen at the ready, Hae was ready too write down anything he 'should' remember.

Unable to control his heavily decorated ears from twitching, they sloppily faced towards a stout man who had gruffly cleared his throat as he stood up. His voice seeming to grumble further away from ‘genuinely invested’ as he gave his lackluster thank you and even more so introduction. Quickly writing ‘G - Hard ass’ in his journal, Hae glanced up through his round glasses as the gruff man gestured towards a warm looking woman in the nearby door frame, his eyes quickly locking onto the baby as it sat upon her round hip. ‘H - Soft’ was the next thing he wrote as her cheerful voice made its way into his ears. Her voice was much better than the short mans, hers was nice and soothing, methodical even . . . just how a mom’s voice should be.

Lost in thought for what felt like a moment to Hae, the scarfed woman next to him suddenly began to excitedly fix her already neat-presenting form just before she spoke. Her voice was that like the gruff mans, but still more pleasant than his would ever dare to be. ‘A - Humble’ , were the words he wrote down as he carefully listened to her rolling accent, hopefully trying to decode more of her personality before the end of the introduction.

But alas that's all he had gotten as eyes expectantly moved onto him.

Raising his head and slightly tipping his celestial nose into the air he clearly spoke to the others with an androgynous voice ,“You may call me Hae, I like anything strong and I play the harmonica”. His eyes quickly darting back to the journal as soon as he finished his last clear syllable, he waited for the next person to start . . . and for all eyes to be off him.
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Thomas Boudreaux

The moon hadn't yet gone to sleep before Thomas Boudreaux begins to awake. It was a rather chilly morning, he felt this thoroughly as he slept in an abandoned warehouse last night, no blankets for insulation. With a stretch and a yawn, the Half-Rabbit-Half-Snake began to pack his belongings into one small suitcase, one that could barely fit his two other outfits. He decided to wear his fancy suit today, one he happened to win off of a banker in a poker game. It was black in color with a gray tie, the fabrics felt soft to the touch and soothed the skin; Perfect for his first day. Today, Thomas starts a new chapter in his life, he was recently approached by a...recruiter of sorts about a job opportunity at a new bar, a controversial one. Despite all the hullabaloo about 'species taking over' First Lane, Thomas took the job. In his mind, it is easy money, plus he could always run his infamous gambling games from the establishment, whether it be Dice, Booray, or Poker!

After all of his things are in order, Thomas begins his long walk to First Lane. By the time that he arrived, he could already see multiple others walking in, must be the other hirees. He quickly merged with the small crowd and followed in suit, taking the third chair from the right of the man who introduced himself as 'Brielle.' Thomas listened intently to the other speakers, peeping over at Hae's notebook. 'G - Hardass.' Thomas is usually pretty good at reading people and though that Hae's assesment was fairly accurate, hopefully, this man isn't that much of a buzzkill. It was finally Thomas's time to speak. In his thick Cajun accent, he began;

"Comment ça va everyone, my name is Thomas Boudreaux! I like to play a little guitar and chanter a few songs every now and then. As for drinks, I like a nice Absinthe and Bourbon mix! A little bit strong, a lot-a bit firey."

Java Alvarez arrived in the city yesterday after traveling from Chicago by train the day before, and overnight he stayed at a cheap small hotel that was near the French Quarter and Mississippi River. Those past few days were so exhausting that he didn’t get at least 10 minutes of touring in the city and slept in his hotel room for most of the day until he had to get up and find dinner.

And now he was here, in the new bar that had caused a lot of murmurs, which he heard while having breakfast at a local cafe earlier this morning. If Java had other options, he would’ve tossed the letter away and forget the job offer to avoid getting involved in something controversial. He’d rather watch from afar how the whole bar thing could turn out. But Java needed the money, and he could easily live off with less than 50 dollars in his bank account.

As the three people introduced themselves, Java leaned back against his chair, stuffed his flat cap in his leather jacket pocket, and crossed his thick arms over his chest. He was bored by the time the short man started talking, and he wanted to get this done just as much as anyone. Though it may not be very apparent, Java was paying attention to the names, at least with his ears. He didn’t need to take out a puny book like the Hae kid. This place wasn’t an elementary school, despite the one toddler being in the room.

Then, it was his turn, and he didn’t look any less indifferent about it being his turn to introduce himself.

“I’m Java. I play piano. There's a lot of drinks I like, but I don't feel like telling which's my favorite,” he said, shrugging his shoulders on the last statement with disinterest. This part of the idea of the introduction was stupid to him, including the sitting-in-a-circle thing. If they start doing show-and-tell, Java would walk out. He wasn’t getting paid to tell people his favorite things, and he didn’t care what drinks the other employees liked.
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Shmuel adjusted the collar of his thin yellow beige dress shirt in an attempt to cover his chest more from the chilly air wafting in through the room, and undo his sleeves that were rolled to his elbows. He regretted choosing to wear such a loose fitting shirt today that exposed most of his upper chest that only buttoned at the very end, with the rest of the shirt tucked into a pair of dark blue high waisted pinstripe trousers. He showered after having jogged around the block with Daemen this morning, so his hair wasn’t as severely bushy as usual, but was brushed through and swept from his face. Shmuel slightly turned his head to glance at Daemen who had his elbow on his knee, and his hand covering his mouth. It looked like a regular relaxed position, but only from where he was sitting could he see he was covering a smile, his chest moving like he was clearing his throat.. but it was definitely him trying to hide his laughter. Shmuel upon seeing his laugh felt a small smirk grow on his face, and put his head down with a sigh to make it look like he was just tired. Both him and Daemen looked at each other from the corner of their eyes, Daemen had tears built up in his eyes, barely keeping it together after Java had spoken. Shmuel’s shoulders started to shake from laughter, but he just desperately tried to cover it up by rolling his shoulders to make it look like he was stretching. Daemen bit his bottom lip and shut his eyes to not see Shmuel, sense looking at him just made him laugh more. Shmuel gazed up from his lap to see Brielle was staring at him with daggers, he knew them well enough to see they were both trying to control their laughter. He had an extremely hard time keeping his composure especially under pressure, and with the look Brielle was giving him it felt even more unbearable trying to hold his laughter in. “Shmuel, you’re next.” Brielle snapped, just about done waiting for Shmuel to introduce himself. Daemen slapped his leg to get his attention, but Shmuel didn’t think he could do it with how much he was barely keeping it together. “I can’t do this..” Shmuel mouthed the words to Daemen, who upon seeing what he said just turned his head away again, his shoulders shaking more aggressively now. They couldn’t look at each other without laughing more, even if it all started with Daemen laughing in the first place. Once Java finished speaking, he was doing a decent job at holding in his laughter with an out of place smile after seeing Brielle looking so miffed by what Java said in his introduction. Shmuel and Daemen had known Brielle long enough to see he was controlling his anger by the tuft of dark fur growing from the back of his neck. Shmuel took in a deep breath to gain his composure again, clearing his throat with a shaky smile to finally look at the group, completely turning his head away from Daemen to not see him.

He cleared his throat a couple more times, and rubbed at his mouth to try and wipe his smirk away. It felt even worse with how Java was sitting directly beside him, the person who was making him laugh so tactlessly in the first place. Shmuel kept his eyes to the bar stools, knowing he wouldn’t be able to do this if he caught a glimpse of Brielle too. “Hello, my name is Shmuel.” Shmuel exclaimed, finally able to catch his breath only to see Hatchee had her back turned away from the group- her shoulders were shaking, but she managed to hide it by swaying Sorel. He felt another tight smirk fight to pull itself onto his face, trying so hard to contain his laughter just looked like uncomfortable twitching. “I was a singer at Brielle and Hatchee’s original bar, and I play piano and sax too.” Shmuel cleared his throat again, still intensely staring at the bar stool. “I should mention working with Brielle and Hatchee means there is never a dull moment, so you’re lucky to be working here!” He could feel his face start to settle into a more relaxed position, realizing now he should straighten himself out to speak on behalf of his experience working for them. “You took the offer to be here, so I would take it seriously and be respectful.” Shmuel glanced up from the bar stool to see Hatchee warmly smiling at him in some sense of relief knowing he would be the one to speak on behalf of them. “It’s a pleasure to work for them, and I would absolutely not take it for granted.” Shmuel stated in a very serious tone of voice, as he felt strongly about the little family he loved and cared for. “This isn’t just a regular rinky dink job you do just to get by. I’m also pretty sure we are getting paid way above what you’d be used to.” “We also get free food..” Daemen interjected, “No rent too.. It’s a good honest living.” Daemen had thankfully chilled out now, watching Shmuel take a more direct turn made him want to give his own peace of mind too. Shmuel shook his head, nudging his head over to Daemen in agreement. “The place upstairs is also really nice and we have air conditioning too. So…just keep that in mind.” Shmuel insisted, wanting everyone in the room to understand what exactly they would be getting out of this. After spending a couple nights with Hatchee and Brielle here, he could overhear them often talk about the risk they are taking being at the forefront of this. Brielle especially was frustrated about it, out of everyone but his wife’s view, he could hear his voice crack and shake. Despite popular belief, it was Hatchee who was really running the show. She was the one who was keeping Brielle going with this movement, spending most of the time with Brielle talking him out of spiraling into abandoning it, and going back to the life they had before. Hatchee wanted a better world for their son, a more accepting one, for the day Sorel goes out into the world without them always being there to protect him. She strongly believed this would be a giant step into that optimistic future, and they would have a part in the history of that. Hatchee saw that as something worth fighting for, if not for themselves, but for their child. “Oh, I also like any kind of bourbon cocktails. I’m not super picky about it, but I'd reach for a hot toddy first.” Shmuel simpered, looking pleased with himself, now being done with introducing himself.. Including that small lecture. Shmuel glanced at Daemen who looked to be preoccupied with something else room, toning everyone out, and was just engrossed in thoughts. Daemen still inattentively rubbing the sleeve of his flowy, loose fitting, buttoned olive green shirt against his lower lip. Shmuel stared hard at him to see if he would take notice, before eventually nudging his elbow into Daemen’s arm to get his attention.

“What?” Daemen snapped, retracting his arm swiftly away from Shmuel who had just been relentlessly going about getting his attention that way. Daemen finally took notice of his surroundings again with Shmuel shaking his head slowly, laughing through his nose due to how quickly distracted he would get. “Oh. Sorry..” Daemen laughed nervously as he ran a shaky hand through his still damp and shaggy silver hair anxiously, his body still recovering from having to control his laughter for what felt like ages. “Hey, my name is Daemen Tahan, I worked at the Gabay’s bar too.” Daemen spoke up with a husky and rough voice, his piercing eyes now intensely studying everyone in the room. “I’m a bartender and was a bouncer.” Daemen could recall every time he got into multiple fights with all kinds of people, and how often it was at that bar. People would get rowdy outside after jumping from bar to bar and weren’t afraid to start a pointless argument because of it, which would get them both hurt. He remembered the worst fight he got into as a bouncer was being punched in the eyebrow by a person three times his height, and how he swore he had just died as he hit the floor in an instant. After that incident, he had to stay in the hospital for a couple days due to a serious concussion from knocking his head so hard on the ground and fifteen stitches in his eyebrow. It really messed up his hearing even more than it already was, and for a week he couldn’t hear anything. Daemen could still see the fading image of Shmuel swinging at the drunk guy, only for Brielle to follow a second later before decking the guy out with one hit and just like that the guy was down with the sound of a trumpet playing aggressively in the background. The worst for him was when his motorcycle got keyed and his tires got slashed, his assumption was it being the kids he denied letting in the bar. Hatchee let him park his car in the back storage room after that, even though Brielle was very against it, but something just had to give. “I like spicy tequila. Also It’s nice to meet you guys, and I hope we can all get along.” Daemen gave an awkward toothy smile, thankful for this ice breaker to be over for everyone. Brielle sighed heavily from his nose in relief before getting out of his seat again, “I’ll show you all to the apartment so you can put your stuff up, and we can get going on setting everything up down here.” He lethargically said, already feeling exhausted even with it being so early in the morning. “Follow me when you’re ready guys!” Hatchee heartily exclaimed, excited to show the group the new spotless apartment.


“You guys will be sharing a room with someone, so grab whatever free bed you want.” Brielle announced from where he stood in the kitchen with his arms folded over his chest, wanting to supervise how this will go down just in case. Daemen and Shmuel stayed downstairs in the bar to finish arranging their boxes in the storage room after Brielle ordered them to do it before coming upstairs. Hatchee sat on the sofa in the living room with Sorel, trying to keep him from going after everyone so they could get settled in, although it was a real struggle between the two. She tried earlier to stay in their bedroom with him, but he wouldn’t have it and went in an all out fit about it. He just wanted to watch everyone do their thing, so she sat out in the living room in hopes that he would calm down, and he thankfully did with some mishaps. Hatchee shifted him in her lap to face away from everyone while trying to keep his attention on the picture book she dug out from one of the couch cushions and the baby had hid it in. Sorel relentlessly was twisting around in her arms to be freed from her grasp, but she kept a firm hand on him to keep him from interfering with everyone just yet. Instead he peeked his head up from her shoulder to get a good look at everyone that was now roaming in his space, which was very confusing to him, now being very curious in what exactly they were doing here. “We can look but don’t touch.” Hatchee whispered in his little ear as she patted his back to keep him still and preoccupied. Sorel stood on her legs looking wide-eyed at everyone, still squirming to get out of her arms while shrilly babbling a string of words to get their attention. Brielle caught Sorel’s attention, so Brielle gave a small wave to him from where he stood.

“You don’t want to let him loose?” Brielle asked his wife as he didn’t see much trouble in it, even though it might be distracting for anyone he wants to greet, but it was still harmless. “I want everyone to settle in first.” She hesitantly replied, even though she also wanted to let him go to explore. Hatchee had to be holding him back most the day, and keeping him still was like trying to keep a hyper monkey in a tiny cage. “It’s fine.” Brielle nonchalantly shrugged, “If they don’t want to meet him then they could just ignore him or close their door.” He also wanted to let Sorel get his energy off after he was being held back from doing his natural meet and greet behavior with strangers. “Are you sure?” Hatchee half heartedly asked, wanting to make sure her husband was completely okay with releasing their baby into the wild. “Yeah. Let’s just keep an eye on him.” Brielle affirmed, knowing that the new group had to get used to him eventually, as if he was a new puppy being introduced to everyone. Hatchee gathered herself on her feet with the baby before placing him down onto the carpet, and immediately upon letting him go, he quickly waddled off toward the left hallway near the balcony. The mother swiftly walked around him to make sure the balcony door was locked and out of reach as she slowly paced behind the baby to survey the area. Hatchee checked to see if it was safe for him to go ahead into the hallway, and so far everything looked clear of trouble. Hatchee didn’t want to keep him out of her sight, but she also kept to the belief that these adults wouldn’t harm him based on first impressions alone. The mother stood by the beginning of the hallway to keep an eye on him as he went right ahead, poking his head into the first empty bedroom he saw to get a look at what was inside now that the door was wide open.
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As everyone introduced themselves, Aleks quietly took in their first impressions with a gentle smile on her face. Hae, the fellow next to her, had a little notebook. Although curious about its contents, she averted her eyes from the pages to preserve the little hopper's privacy. While he definitely seemed to be male, masculinity and femininity were simultaneous in his voice. How interesting would that sound in song! Her gaze drifted to the half-species next to Hae - Thomas Boudreaux, as he soon made clear. A bonafide Louisianan if she'd ever seen one (or heard one); and a fan of bourbon, like herself. Maybe once the hubbub died they could share a drink. Next was Java, a handsome fellow for sure, albeit in standoffish composure. A piano player. As a singer, she'd have to get along with the piano player if this gig was to work out. He seemed to be disinterested not only in body language but also in verbal language. Shmuel and Daemen, on the other hand, seemed to be far less uptight. Watching their shoulders shake as they contained whatever giggles had risen, she couldn't help but smile wider herself, especially as she watched Brielle stare at them pointedly. She liked them immediately; they reminded her of the seventeen year old boys who would come into her curbside tent for a tarot reading as a joke or a dare, but would end up interested in the meanings of the cards and would ask for readings about their crushes. Finally, when the introduction ordeal was over, Aleks picked up her many bags, carrying as many as possible, when she heard Hatchee ask the group to follow her to the apartment. It was an understatement to say Aleks was excited - she was ecstatic to have roommates. While she certainly enjoyed living alone in her row-house nestled near the slums, it got lonely - fast - when her parents died.

The apartment was spotless, and Aleks fully intended to keep it that way. Cleanliness had been instilled in her via smack of a wooden spoon. She wasn't afraid to break out her own (which, she did in fact bring). For now, however, all was well. As she ducked under the door frame, she took in the surroundings. It was a spacious place, yet cozy and inviting. Living here would not be difficult, she thought, particularly the moment she spotted the balcony - and the room just beside it. Aleks loved a good smoke; one of the things in her "essentials" bag was a pack of long, high-quality cigarettes, so it would be convenient to reside just beside a place where she could take a drag without stinking up the house. She set her things down in the little bedroom by the balcony, noticing the bunkbed. Yikes. Aleks needed to spread out, not just because she liked to, but also because she was quite literally almost eight feet in total length head to tail. Maybe when she earned some money she could pay for a queen sized mattress to suit her size, but curling up on the bottom bunk would have to do for now. Excited as she was, Aleks wasn't exactly in the mood to unpack everything at the moment. It was time for a victory smoke! She rummaged through one of her bags, only to spot something - or, someone - out of the corner of her eagle eye. It was Sorel, Hatchee and Brielle's son, just a baby. Aleks absolutely loved babies, ever since her mother started taking in young families to help them get on their feet. She learned from her mother (and from many other women) how to feed them, care for them, and how to understand them. Aleks had a complicated relationship with the idea of having children of her own, but she openly adored the children of others. Her heart swelled in her chest, and a big, warm, fang-toothed smile braced her features as she saw him in the door way. The feathers in her hair started to sprout when she saw just how adorable Sorel was! What Sorel probably saw, however, was the giant pair of cougar feet settled underneath a neatly hemmed skirt, so fluffy you could mistake them for stuffed animals. Aleks sat on the ground, leaning against the nightstand, as she opened her arms and said in her raspy voice, "Come here!"

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Hae’s ears twitched irritably when he noticed the slightly-scaled rabbit peep his sharp eyes onto his personal notebook. Slightly shivering under the piercing orbs, he swiftly positioned himself differently. Making sure the other would no longer be able to look at his journal. Quickly taking note of the insolent behavior, Hae made sure to capitalize ‘Intrusive’ and underline it three times. Just as a personal reminder to keep an eye on the snooper. As for any more information, Hae could only understand his name,Thomas. The man's voice had a pleasant depth to it, but his accent made him barely comprehensible to him.
Plus whenever he talked, Hae could only take notice of his snake-like fangs. Making it even more puzzling and a bit terrifying to listen to the man.

The next person in line, Java is what he called himself, made Hae roll his eyes in pure vexation. Just going off of his less-than-mediocre presentation, Hae could immediately tell this feline had a stick firmly up his ass, much like another carnivorous man in the room. Hae knew his ‘type’ well, as his ilk was normal on his clientele list. Emotionally guarded, apathetic and colder than the dead of northern winters. Despite all that though, those specific men still desperately craved the heat of anything they could get their icy hands on.
Quickly Jotting down next to a ‘J’ in his neat cursive writing, Hae wrote ‘Possible client’ before flipping to the next page.

Not soon after, Hae’s ears twitched again but this time in curiosity of restrained laughter. Looking up from the newly blank page, he took notice of two men across the way, their sounds of suppressed gaiety filling the otherwise quiet space. He had not known why those two were so giddy with one another but the low tone emanating from Mr. Brielle seemed to have put them slightly back on track.
The first to speak of the chortling duo was a brunette man, Shmuel. His face still obviously showing signs of laughter, as his fox-like lips twitched uncomfortably to hide a mirthful smirk. Though he seemed to have gathered himself when he spoke warmly of his employers.

The affable words made Hae fairly uncomfortable to say the least. . . And perhaps a wee bit jealous of this oddly established family.

‘S - Genuine’ Was the only word he could feel for the brunette, how else could he describe a man like him? That's when a wave of sudden realization washed over Hae’s features as he quickly wrote down ‘halfwit’ right after.

Soon after, Shmuel prodded the silver haired man next to him. Seemingly giving him quite a spook, as he snapped at the other he was just having a warm discussion of his employers with. He introduced himself as Daemen, as well as giving everyone an awkward and toothy smile. This made Hae mentally shiver when the sharp teeth caught the light just right. Keeping his head low, and his eyes glued to his journal, he wrote down ‘D - Awkward’

Feeling a tinge of remorse for his calloused demeanor coming in. He uncomfortably ruminated on his treatment of the strangers.

The people here seemed close to one another, genuinely caring for each other. Maybe he shouldn’t be such a prick, maybe he should give them a chance in the very least. . . maybe this could be his chance . . .

Hopelessly lost in his mind, Hae only became aware as people noisily rustled around him. He seemed to have spaced out for a bit. Sighing to himself, Hae closed his journal with a quiet thud, before being one of the last to get up.

Mentally, he reminded himself that this is a job, and will only be that. He was not going to let himself fall for such stupidly warm thoughts. . .

Not again.


Taking a deep breath, Hae mentally composed himself once more just as he made it to the apartment entrance. With his worn luggage bag in hand, he silently walked into the living room just as the babe poked his head in a door frame.
He Effectively weaved his small body around the others with quiet foot falls. Soon finding his way to the room with the warm toned woman, the odd speaking cougar, and the wildly curious toddler.

Knocking on the door frame as to gently alert the others to his presence, Hae gives everyone the warmest smile he could muster up without make up. Speaking in a suck-uppity kinda tone.
“ Sorry to intrude ,but I was wondering if I could ask to be your roommate Ms. Sokolov~ I would be greatly appreciative if you accept!”

The last thing Hae wanted was to be roomed with the sharp eyed snooper, or the feline man with the stick up his ass. So, the sphinx like woman seemed like his best bet if he were to keep any sanity in this very new arrangement. Plus she knows how to mind her own business, making her someone he would get along swimmingly with.
Java narrowed his eyes at Hae when he noticed his obvious eye roll. The fuck is this kid’s problem? All Java did was get right to the point, and so what that he didn’t want to say what his favorite drink was? If this punk of a small-fry was going to be a problem to him later on, he had no problem throttling him to the next decade or two.

After the last two people introduced themselves, Java picked up his suitcase and went upstairs to see the apartment. Honestly, Java had hoped to live somewhere else. He wouldn’t have minded paying rent and getting his own food if it meant getting his own place without roommates. And the letter never mentioned that a baby would be living under the same roof.

Java entered the third room on the back, away from the balcony—and away from the first room, so he wouldn’t have to hear the baby fuss and cry in the middle of the night. He claimed the bed situated against the back corner, placing his suitcase, flat cap, and jacket on the mattress, and he began putting his clothes inside the dresser next to the bed. He didn’t bring a lot of stuff from Chicago, though he didn’t have many belongings even after getting out of jail. The only item that reminded him of the Mud City was a brass knuckle-duster that he had for 5 years. Despite how clean and slightly polished it was, the brass knuckles still reminded him of the many things he wasn’t proud of doing.

Still, it was useful. He took it out from one of the small compartments of his suitcase and slipped it inside his side pants pocket. It was his own "minor insurance", as his older brother had once said when he gave it to him. Who knows what he would run into in New Orleans?
“You should’ve just roomed with me!” Daemen exclaimed as he tossed one of the many empty boxes across the room toward the other pile of boxes. Shmuel was crouched down beside one of the containers chalked full of brand new bottles of alcohol, busy trying to separate it into the right places. “Too late now..” Daemen chuckled mockingly, “That means no more sleepovers..” He ran a hand through his silver and rubbed some of the sweat built up on his forehead from all the heavy lifting they had been doing moving each box one by one from the outside, and into the storage room. Shmuel aggressively chucked another empty box straight at Daemen, only for the snake to dodge it and just about missing him by a smidge. “You’re really annoying me.” Shmuel scoffed in irritability, already having enough of the quality time they had been spending together this morning that he began to feel a headache coming on. “Why are you annoyed? I’m right.” Daemen retorted, unphased by Shmuel’s how standoffish he was being with him. The brunette shook his head, rolling his eyes once again just to ignore him and go back into digging through the various bottles. Daemen just smirked, admirably staring at the back of Shmuel’s bushy head of curly hair, noticing the dampness had already worn off into it’s full bloom of chaos. Shmuel sat down onto his legs with a heavy sigh of relief after being on his knees for so long, going about picking through the bottles in an awkward position on the cold concrete floor. “You’re not going to help me with the heavy lifting?” Daemen remarked, considering he had been managing to pull boxes by himself carefully from outside filled with glass bottles without any help. Shmuel blatantly ignored him, frustrated by how persistent Daemen was being, as he tossed another empty box across the room. The two of them both just went about silently doing their chores, Daemen wanting to say something to Shmuel but decided to bite his tongue instead of picking at him any further. “Pass me another box with the words “M-T-S” on it.” Shmuel finally spoke up after the ten minutes of the awkward silence they both forcefully shared with each other. “Please?” Daemen teased, knowing full well Shmuel wouldn’t have any of it.

“You're ridiculous.” Shmuel sneered, his eyebrows knitting together tightly into an intense scowl before he glared fiercely at the silver haired snake. Daemen smiled widely at Shmuel and his pinched expression, greatly enthused by how Shmuel was so easily irritated and set off by the littlest things. “I’m not giving you the box then.” Daemen rebuked, not bending to how hostile Shmuel was being. Daemen rarely felt threatened by Shmuel, so he never passed up the opportunity to take little jabs at him. “You’re making me homicidal.” Shmuel threatened in a rage as he clumsily gathered himself onto his feet just to stomp toward the back door. “I need a break.” Shmuel grumbled, going over to Daemen’s bag to dig through his things just to snatch a cigar and lighter from one of the pockets. Shmuel threw Daemen the finger before he stomped out the door, slamming it loudly behind him. Daemen just sighed with a broad grin on his face, thoroughly entertained at Shmuel’s messy scramble to stand up, just to furiously stomp out the door in a tantrum. “What a thief..” Daemen whispered under his breath, as his smile slowly slipped from his face, taken away with the deafening silence of the concrete room. Without Shmuel currently not being there to annoy, he went back to lifting the heavy boxes. Ten minutes later and with a lot of hard work, Daemen managed to pull together the dozen boxes into the storage room in a heap of sweat. He rubbed the back of his hand against his forehead to get the sweat out of his face, before pulling out his shirt from being tucked into his pants and straight over his head. “Jesus…” Daemen breathed heavily from his nose, already irked by the fact that he didn’t expect to get so worked up over moving all these boxes. He had already taken a shower after jogging with Shmuel earlier, only to remember they would be doing more busy work once the new crew was done putting their things away.. So showering again would just be pointless. They all had a heap of things to put away to hopefully get the bar up and running by tomorrow night, which he realized would take a lot of work with how much work they had to do. Daemen tossed his shirt onto one of the boxes for now to dry off, but the room was already stark chilly, so he made the hesitant decision to join the irked Shmuel outside.

Daemen shoved open the heavy door with his arm to get outside, and once he was out there he warily shut the door behind him to try and not make noise after Shmuel already slammed it earlier. It was relatively warm and breezy outside, it was now well into fall, so the earlier afternoons when the sun was beating down was comfortable, but right after sunset it was stagnant and freezing. Daemen glanced down at the curb beside the door to see Shmuel sitting hunched over with his cigar being held in between his nimble fingers. Shmuel didn’t look up at him, only continuing to sit there silently. Daemen stood leaning against the brick wall right underneath the sun as he felt the scales on his body stand up from the sudden change of temperature. Daemen squinted up to look at the empty cloudless sky, it was just an almost blinding bright blue color. Daemen couldn’t hear the murmur of the world around him like the sound of the wind, the birds, and just the regular bustle of daily life living in the city, it was instead a ringing hum in his ears. Daemen flinched when he felt a nudge on his leg from Shmuel, once he looked down he saw the brunette had his hand holding the cigar in between his fingers raised up to Daemen nonchalantly, “Here.” Shmuel muttered with a sour but apologetic look on his face, Daemen knew Shmuel well enough to tell this was his way of apologizing without tainting his ego. Daemen took the cigar from his fingers before plopping down beside Shmuel on the curb, relieved to be next to him again. “Why are you half naked?” Shmuel asked with a brow raised and a small smile on his face, finding it silly at the sight of the current sweaty mess he was in. “It was a work out.” Daemen gave a simper shrug before taking a small puff of the cigar and blowing it out from his nose. “Why do you like cigars.. They taste horrible.” Shmuel incuriqued with his chin resting in the palm of his hand while he stared adamantly at Daemen zoning off into the distance.

“I stole them from my dad as a kid.” Daemen laughed through his nose at himself- still confused by what his younger self was thinking back then picking that up from his father. “It just became a habit, I guess.” Daemen shrugged before cutting off the butt of the cigar to stop it from burning as he already had enough of it now. The two both sat in silence again, staring up at the sky to keep an eye out for any sneaky clouds.. But there was nothing. “You think that Java guy is going to be the bouncer?” Shmuel piped up, turning his head to stare at the side of Daemen, who just turned to face Shmuel with a puzzled look on his face. “I’d hope so. I can’t take this bouncer shit anymore.” Daemen laughed, but he really meant what he said. He was genuinely sick of being a bouncer due to how many times he got into trouble, and would be happy to pass the mantle onto someone more fitting for the job. “You’re taller than him though.” Shmuel remarked, unsure of if Brielle would really give that job away to someone else beside him. “And? He probably still kicked my ass.. Being taller than him has nothing to do with strength, ya know.” Daemen stated without hesitation, knowing full well that height wasn’t everything when it came to brute strength. “God I hope I don’t share a room with him.” Shmuel grumbled before pressing his head against his knees, already feeling a bit overwhelmed by the new crew. “You’ll be fine.” Daemen assured him in a tender voice, as he patted the brunette’s back gently. He was a little surprised Shmuel was so nervous about making new friends, while Daemen on the other hand was more easy going about it. “Everyone seems to be nice, different, but still nice.. and my gut so far hasn’t been wrong.” Daemen thought aloud, trying to calm Shmuel’s anxiety, along with his own nerves surrounding such a big change in their lives. “I’ll protect you from them. I’m a good screamer.” Daemen laughed obnoxiously loud with a wide toothy grin on his face, knocking his shoulder against Shmuel’s arm playfully. Shmuel just rolled his eyes at him before shoving him in the chest with his elbow, turning his head away from Daemen to hide the smirk growing on his face.


Hatchee anxiously stood at the door frame as she watched Sorel immediately climb on Aleks without any hesitation right as she told him to come over to her. Of course the first thing he did was grab a fist full of her feathers, which made the mother wince at how rough he was being right off the bat. Hatchee knew this would happen once she saw the tall woman sit down to face him and welcome Sorel over to her. “Sorel, gentle!” Hatchee sharply exclaimed to get his attention, before she started to step into the room to get ahold of her baby to stop him from being so rough on Aleks. She was already extremely nervous about Sorel making a bad first impression by going absolutely crazy on the new people, and as expected- it was happening. Hatchee stopped in her tracks as she was about to scoop Sorel, but was surprised by the sound of knocking on the door frame. She immediately turned her head to see one of the small members of the group, slowly remembering in between the intensity of her wanting to get Sorel away from Aleks, that his name was Hae. Hatchee retratched away from wanting to pull Sorel away from Aleks, it hitting her now that she didn’t want to seem like she was a hawkish and overbearing mother. Sorel upon seeing a new stranger enter the room, he froze in place, shocked by the sudden amount of people in the room he wasn’t accustomed to yet. “Oh god..” She thought, already wanting to apologize repeatedly to Alek’s, seeing Sorel white knuckling a fist full of her feathers in his little hands. Hatchee knew this would become overwhelming for the baby and he could easily be set into a fit just based on how she saw him begin to fuss uncomfortably. Hatchee continued to stand back, not wanting to interrupt the two and come off as a crazy mother who wouldn’t let anyone be near her child. The mother apprehensively backed away with a frantic smile on her face, making sure the two could see each other now that Hae was speaking directly to Aleks. Hatchee was using every ounce of her control to not put a stop to how her baby was behaving. She was already extremely self conscious about her baby's behavior and would reflect on what kind of parent she was, letting Sorel become out of control, and thinking badly of her as a mother.
Just like that, the toddler grabbed a fist full of feathers. This wasn't the first time Aleks had been grabbed by the hair- er, feathers. It didn't hurt all that much, and she knew toddlers didn't have great motor skills or strength control. She laughed before supporting Sorel with a strong arm and gently opening his little fist with her thumb. "Mmm... no, no, no... like this," she said to him, holding his little hand in her giant one. It was obvious he wanted to touch the feathers, so she decided she'd let him, by teaching him how to stroke them instead of grab them. She moved his little hand in a stroking movement over the feathers, emitting a low, comforting purr. Hopefully, he'd learn with a bit of guidance. Even if he didn't Aleks wouldn't be angry at all.

Holding Sorel, she glanced over at Hae, who had just asked to be roommates. No big deal! Hae seemed nice enough, as long as he could tolerate a bit of the occult in his surroundings. "Go ahead, settle down," she told him, "I have a, oh what's the word... ehm, OH! Privacy screen! I have a privacy screen if you feel uncomfortable changing near me. I am a fortune teller as well, so I hope you do not mind a little bit of occult... ehh, stuff."

Then she noticed Hatchee in the doorway, looking nervous as a cat. Maybe she didn't intend to let Sorel run free, and she wanted him back. Toddlers are rambunctious little things, and no matter how well behaved, curiosity would always have control. Poor thing, Hatchee looked so embarrassed! "Your name - Hatchee, right?" she said. "Do not worry. I love children, I have helped raise many. Do you want him back?" She continued to move Sorel's little hand with her own until she sensed that he was moving on his own.

An audible sense of relief quickly escaped Hae as he sighed out a silent stream of tension from his shoulders. He would have never thought that he’d love to hear the words ‘go ahead’ so much in his life.

“Thank you so much Ms. Sokolov, I am eternally grateful to your kindness”, Bowing his head with a gentle smile he makes sure he plays the part of ‘pleasant company’ well. Last thing he wanted was for his room mate to find him as distasteful as he was during introductions.Lightly making his way around the cougar women and toddler he can’t help but smile brightly when he hears she has also brought a privacy screen, certainly this woman is a godsend.
“Oh my how smart of you Ms. Sokolov! That entirely slipped my mind as to bring an item like that along,” chuckling lightly between his words. The truth of the matter was that it never actually slipped his mind. It was always on the forefront, especially when it came to his . . . body. He’d just rather not explain why he has 8 nursing teats when he’s a male or really anything else considered odd or contradictory to his identity. It would be too much of a hassle.
Softly grunting, he pushes his luggage to the top bunk.
“Also, I don’t mind occult items. So no need to worry ‘bout that Ms. Sokolov.~”
Making his way back around the playing duo,Hae swiftly makes his way out of the room and out of the hair of the women.


Walking back to the living room, Hae opens his journal and turns to a seemingly random page near the back.
was the only word he needed before clicking his tongue in dis-amusement.
That’s right, he needed to find a less cumbersome bag to carry his work get-up in. The last thing he was going to do was change and get ready anywhere near this vicinity, especially with that snooper under his radar now. But he can’t just carry his make-up and dress out in the open either. So his best bet was just getting a discreet bag and using that in an attempt to keep that part of his life well hidden.
Putting on his best sweet smile, he carefully approaches the stout man with the ‘vaguest-yet-not-alarming-so’ request.
“Mr. Brielle, is there a chance I could go out real quick? I seem to have forgotten something important.” Hae didn’t want to seem like he was trying to be shady or dodgy in this environment, even though those were his absolute intentions.
“Are you unaware of how to address someone you are not familiar with?” Brielle without hesitation snapped with a scowl on his face, his brows beginning to knit together tightly, unsure of what exactly he would be agreeing to by letting this new person out of his sight. Unphased by the smile on Hae’s face, as he felt insulted being referred to by his first name by someone he had just met. Brielle clearly was not used to a stranger so nonchalantly calling him by his first name, even if it included a proper title. He learned the hard way as a child never to call adults by their first name, clearly remembering how his grandmother's friends would react to it with a hard knock on the head or a sharp slap to the face. “Only refer to me as Mr. Gabay, and not by my first name.” Brielle informed callously, thankfully without hitting him, even though he felt his grandmother’s hands willing him to go ahead and do it. “You may leave, but come back in half an hour. We need to begin working downstairs, so do not be late.” He waved Hae off with a flick of his wrist, no longer interested in staying in the kitchen so he could go about what he had been planning on doing earlier. Brielle roamed into the living room, stopping a couple times to set some of his son’s things onto the coffee table to get it off the floor and clear the walkway. He passed the balcony, and through the hallway to see his wife in one of the rooms with the familiar sounding woman from earlier. They both looked fine, so he just kept on going to look into the next bedroom, only to see a messy room strictly on one side of the room. This irked Brielle greatly after he had told Shmuel earlier to clean his room when the new people would be moving in, obviously he didn’t do a good enough job or put any effort into it at all. He would have to threaten him to clean his room the next time he saw or he’d send him to the sewers where the full fledged crocodiles lived.

Now walking past Shmuel’s room and to the next one, he saw from the doorway who exactly he had been meaning to talk too. Quietly as to not alert his wife, he stepped into the bedroom and shut the door carefully behind him to not make a sound. Brielle folded his arms across his chest to stare at Java from where he sat on the bed. “I need to talk to you.” Brielle started with a very stoic look on his face, “You were hired to live here for a specific purpose, which is to be our guard dog.” He cut right to the chase, refusing to ever begin a conversation with hated small talk. “By that I mean, you are here to watch over the bar not just as the guard to who enters our doors, but for the living space as well.” Brielle knew very well of Java’s history before coming here, making sure that the owner understood the importance of having sufficient protection, or he wouldn’t have agreed to living here. “You will be taking shifts during the day and through the night to survey the apartment, the bar, and the outside premises so no one uninvited enters here.” Brielle addressed clearly to Java, wanting to make sure he understood all the details before carrying on with the day. “You will be paid more as compensation, and I can get you a bigger bed so you won’t be stuck on that little thing.” Brielle informed with a stern tone of voice, he really disliked the choice of beds the owner gave them, even he and his wife swapped out for one of their own. Compared to how large and tidy the main living space was, the bedrooms didn’t compare. “You won’t be bothered if you do your job well. That’s it.” Brielle held out his sturdy hand to Java to maintain a sense of respect for each other, considering he would put a lot of his trust into him. “Do we have a mutual agreement?” He asked bluntly to set a official deal in place.


“Yes, that’s me..!” The mother nervously smiled while keeping a glaring look at her son as if to tell him with her strong ever present aura to behave. Hatchee didn’t want to take Sorel away from her immediately in hopes that he would calm down and listen to Alek’s directions. She could tell Sorel was captivated by the newcomer, especially someone who felt completely different from both his parents. Sorel thankfully turned his attention away from touching Alek’s feathers, already seeming bored of it, to gripping her large hands. Hatchee and Brielle both had small hands, so after seeing him beginning to explore the other features of Alek’s gave her a bit more relief. The mother was very well aware of how sensitive hair could be to the touch, especially when it was being pulled on by such a surprisingly strong little hand. Sorel turned Alek’s into a jungle gym at this point as he began using her arm that was supporting him as a ladder to grab onto her shoulders. Hatchee rubbed her face in defeat, but after hearing Alek’s say this wasn’t foregin to her, she felt a bit of comfort in letting Sorel explore while also letting out a string of high pitched babbling. Sorel didn’t make much sense when he spoke, it was usually just screeching or grunts, and only a few understandable words here and there. He had a relatively sizable speech delay, much like how Brielle was as a child. Sorel was really trying to get comfortable with her to go about investigating her with wide doe eyes. “I’m sorry..” Hatchee apologized anxiously, still very embarrassed by her baby's behavior, but she took some solace in Alek’s experience with small children.

Shockingly, when the baby got close enough to her shoulders, he wrapped his arms around Alek’s neck to nuzzle his head into the crook of her neck before letting out a exaggerated sigh. Sorel mirrored much of his father's behavior, especially when it came to his expressive exhales. Hatchee felt a wide smile pull onto her cheeks as she let out soft laughs in such ease to see him cuddle against her to be held more. He really wasn’t used to being held by such a different person so much that he would settle down on her. Hatchee slowly sat on the floor in front of both of them to stay at a close distance just in case he went wild again. “Are you giving a cuddle to Alek’s?” Hatchee asked as she tenderly rubbed his back, and of course as Hatchee said that, Sorel grabbed a chunk of her feathers to hold them in between his chubby fingers. This wasn’t surprising for the mother, Sorel did the same with her and Brielle, but it thankfully meant he was trying to get comfortable. “Such a good boy…” Hatchee cooed, but her ears perked up when she heard Sorel mumbled something, but it was muffled from his head being hidden away in Alek’s neck. The mother started to laugh heartily when she realized the baby was making fake sleeping sounds to pretend he was sleeping, which he often liked to do. “Thank you so much for being patient.” Hatchee warmly said with a face still full of concern and worry, “I can take him from you when you’re ready.” She didn’t want her child to overstay his welcome as he typically wanted to soak whomever it was he was meeting like a sponge for as long as he liked, which was usually an unrealistic amount of time.
"No no no! Don't be sorry," she said to Hatchee. She was perfectly calm as Sorel climbed over her - she wasn't even slightly annoyed, but utterly charmed, especially when he grabbed a hold of her neck and cuddled her. She made sure to support him by the bottom even though he seemed perfectly content and not likely to fall. Aleks hugged him gently close to her, a deep purr rising from her throat. It wasn't long before she noticed this and turned red in front of the half-species woman in front of her. Sometimes, pretty half-species like Hatchee could be just as judgmental as the human race, though she doubted Hatchee was one of these types. Aleks usually did her best to suppress her animal side, and she was lenient about letting her feathers grow considering some folks thought it was interesting. But purring? People thought that was weird. "Mm, you're very welcome. He's a dear, aren't you kroshka? I can babysit if you need me to. Ehm, by the way, I'm sorry if I purr, many people find it strange. It just means I am content," she said, obviously a little embarrassed. As for being ready, Aleks laughed and said "I do not think it is up to me. While you are here though, Mrs. Gabay, may I use your kitchen? I would like to bake a cake to celebrate." As they spoke, Aleks gently held Sorel close to her and ran her thumb over his hair. Aleks knew toddlers could be moody, so she was ready to put him down or stop touching him all together at any hint of frustration from him.
with: Brielle gouache gouache

A moment after Java folded his last shirt inside the dresser, his ears twitched, hearing footsteps approaching him from behind, and he turned around. Java glanced at the door as Brielle entered the room, his thick eyebrows slightly furrowed at how the small man closed it. Out of habit, he slipped both of his hands inside pockets of his pants casually, wrapping his fingers comfortably around the brass knuckles that nestled in one of them. The last time someone closed the door to chat with Java in private, it didn’t end well for anyone. Even though Brielle didn’t seem like the type to give radical surprises, Java still wanted to be careful.

The young cat listened to what the manager had to say without interjecting or reacting to anything. He almost smirked at the mention of him being their “guard dog”, finding the term very ironic. Aside from that, he supposed his home arrangement did make some more sense.

“Okay then,” Java said after Brielle finished. Letting go of the brass knuckles inside his pocket, he shook the manager’s hand. The job description itself sounded like he wasn’t going to get much free time or sleep, though he hardly had enough since finishing school. If the generous compensation is true, he thought, this job better be worth it.

“The bed’s fine, I don’t wanna make the room any smaller. Also, next time you wanna talk to me about nonconfidential work stuff, don’t close the door. I don’t like it when people sneak up on me like that,” he added. “So, when do I actually start working?”
As the burly man scolded his normally-well-received smile with a very unwelcome tone, Hae’s lopped ears instinctively pulled back as a secret scowl of his own slightly contorted his features. ‘Hard ass’, was the only thing repeating in his head, when he held back a few choice remarks. With quick riposte, he pleasantly turned the facial mistake into a plastered and well practiced smile as a giddy laugh escaped his throat.
“Ahaha~ I apologize Mr. G-Gabay. . .” Hae's voice actively worked against him as he forced out a seemingly-affable apology, slightly gagging on the bile that rose from the back of his throat from the demanded respect. Yet, he still tried his best to finish. “. . . Formality isn't my best forte~ But I will be sure to not slip up with future proceedings, thank you again! I’ll be back soon Mr. Gabay”

With a less-than-elegant bow, his normally-silent feet fell heavier as he swiftly fled from the less-than-pleasant interaction. Quietly affirming with himself that his perceptive note on the man, was in his own good graces.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, his teeth grind together loudly as he reaches the bottom of the staircase. He only had thirty minutes to go find a discreet bag and . . .
“Fuck. . .”, a hint hiss of irritation escapes his now fully scowling lips when he finds his wallet is missing. Quickly turning on his heel, he quietly rushes back into the apartment with even quieter foot falls, quietly making his way back to his shared quarters.

But hushed voices stop him dead in his tracks. . .

Damn it . . . was the only thing his brain could repeat as Mr. Gabay finished his proposal for the feline.
The last thing Hae needs is a ‘guard dog’ on his ass every night he heads in and out for his work.
Quickly weaving his way in and out of his room, he keeps his face of irritation low as he retrieves his wallet. Finally making his way back down the stairs with the object tightly in his fists.

“Really dug myself a deep hole now, haven’t I?” He talks under his breath as he heads to one of the business districts with quick steps. Avidly Reminding himself he needs to focus and get what he can get for now. . . or at least until he makes a rapport of faithful clientele again.
“Yeah well… I didn’t go to jail,” Brielle snidely remarked as he began to turn on his heel to face the door from behind him, “So we can chalk it up to cultural differences..” He mentioned, and shrugged nonchalantly before he carefully twisted the knob to make sure he wouldn’t be hitting anyone walking by. “You’re always on guard, but we’ll start setting up the bar in half an hour or so. You can rest until then.” Although, Shmuel and Daemen weren’t as lucky considering they hadn’t started working up until now. “Time depends on how long it takes to serve lunch.. which I’m assuming will happen. ” He guessed, but was pretty sure knowing his wife would set something up for everyone. Brielle gave a small wave goodbye before he stepped outside the door, leaving it slightly ajar. He slowly sauntered to the room directly beside Java’s, following the sound of his wife's voice. Now stepping into the door frame, his brows furrowed together in the interesting and confusing sight he was now facing. “What’s going on in here?” He asked, surprised at the sight of his son burrowed away in the familiar sounding woman’s chest, which was a little odd considering they had just met.. But he wouldn’t put it past him. Hatchee jumped in shock by the sudden sound of her husband's voice, “You scared me! Stop sneaking up on me!” She exclaimed as she whipped her head around to face him with a frown. “Sorry..” Brielle grumbled with a little smirk on his face, now with two complaints under his belt about his sneakiness today.

“He’s giving cuddles..” Hatchee warmly smiled looking very much at ease at her husband, relieved to see their son was able to be so gentle- even if it was usually short lived. “Sorel’s being a monkey on you?” Brielle laughed through his nose, it becoming clear of the shift in his voice from sounding professional to a father was drastic. It was easy to hear the tenderness in his voice shift so naturally when talking to his son. Sorel didn’t react to Brielle’s voice and just continued to rest nestled up constantly against her. Brielle could tell by Sorel’s stillness that he was about ready to fall asleep on Alek’s if he didn’t step in soon. “You’re going to be stuck like that for hours if he decides to sleep on you.” He warned, and his wife slowly nodded in defeat knowing the reality of being held captive by the baby if he happened to fall asleep on her. “I’m going to put him down, he looks sleepy.” Brielle muttered quietly to his wife, not using the word ‘nap’ completely to not get their son to force himself awake to avoid sleeping. Hatchee insistently nodded her head, wanting to take Sorel from Alek’s reach so she could have the ability to freely bake without being nuzzled to death. Brielle mindfully stepped into the room, careful not to step on any hands and feet while making his way to Alek’s holding the baby. “Pupa, come lay down with me.” The father softly scratched Sorel’s back to get his attention, only for him to sluggishly lift his head up from Alek’s neck to stare at his father with a drowsy look on his flushed complexion. The baby looked about ready to fall asleep right then, which made sense after he had been up at four in the morning without having had a nap yet. It only took Sorel a second to start fussing and whimpering once he saw his father standing in front of him, as if he hadn’t noticed Brielle was in the room until now. Sorel held his arms out to his father impatiently just as he already began breaking into tears, “Okay, hold on.” Brielle sighed heavily at his now wailing son, lifting Sorel up into his arms against his chest to rest him in the same position he had been in before. Sorel just continued to let out breathy cries, while simultaneously nestling himself aggressively into Brielle’s chest to find a comfortable place to rest his head.

“Why are you crying..” Brielle grumbled as he began to pet his son’s back to help soothe him from the fit he broke into after being abruptly interrupted by his father. “There’s a bottle in the fridge!” Hatchee exclaimed over Sorel’s crying, Brielle just nodded his head and promptly left the room to save them from the ear sore. The father studied his son’s face intensely from where he was resting on his shoulder while he made his way into the kitchen, trying to get a good gauge on how Sorel was feeling, which looked to be very exhausted. He wondered how he had been staying awake for so long now realizing he hadn’t napped yet which was most likely due to all the chatter and new faces. Sorel usually already passed out by now, so this way passed his nap-time. “No more crying.” Brielle chided him to get his attention in an attempt to distract him from crying, “We can read a book, yeah?” He carefully opened the creaky brand new fridge, but after Sorel went behind his parents to hang on the fridge door- it was never the same. Sorel started to quiet down with heavy breathing whimpering and shaking, but was still not giving in just yet. Brielle grabbed one of the glass bottles from the side fridge shelves and slowly closed it so as not to risk anymore damage. He ambley made his way into their bedroom and shut the door behind him, “Choose only one book to read.” Brielle set Sorel down onto the carpet knowing he’d want to choose his own book, and upon setting the baby onto the ground, he stopped crying, and he went straight to the open box in the corner of the room. Brielle sighed heavily as he sat on the edge of the bed, relieved to finally be relaxing after racing around all morning. The father watched Sorel digging around the box and threw out one hardback book right into Brielle’s ankle, “Ow.” He grumbled before picking up the book, rubbing at the now sore spot on him he had a feeling would bruise later from how rock solid that book was. Brielle beckoned the baby to come over to him, only for Sorel to toss out another book onto the floor. “Only one book, Sorel.” The baby just ignored him and picked up the second book and held it up to his father eagerly. “No, just one.” Brielle rebuked, and upon denying Sorel the second book, he plopped back onto his bottom and immediately started to cry again.

Hatchee laughed nervously at the scene that unfolded before herself and Alek’s, which she regretted allowing that to happen in the first place. “You’re fine, don’t worry!” She recalled Alek’s mentioning the purring even after Brielle cut into their conversation, “You don’t need to worry about watching him, I’ll be here!” Hatchee insisted, not wanting to put Alek’s into another situation where Sorel had a hold on her again. “Yes.. you can bake now that he’s out of your hair!” The mother adjusted her dress from underneath her to get onto her feet, “We can make lunch too, if you’d like.” She offered a hand out to Alek’s from where she stood to help her up, relieved that Sorel was out of her way now. “Is there any kind of cake you are wanting to bake in particular? We don’t have much ingredients here, so I'll have to run to the store.” Hatchee anxiously smiled remembering they really only had very few items in the fridge after cooking this morning. She was planning on running errands today too, but Brielle had been too busy to join her on the walk. Hatchee knew Brielle wouldn’t want her going alone, but also didn’t want to drag anyone along with her but going by herself would upset him greatly. Both Shmuel and Daemen were busy downstairs, and her husband was trying to get Sorel down for a nap so her options were limited. Hatchee thought sneaking out which she could easily do and wasn't worried about not being able to protect herself. "I'll be quick, you can just make me a list of the things you need!" She exclaimed with a confidence to not sound unsure of herself.
Brielle gouache gouache

Java narrowed his eyes at Brielle’s response, confused and a bit ticked off.

“It’s fuckin’ courteous, not cultural difference,” he rebuked as the short man walked away. Once Brielle left the room, Java shook his head and tsked under his breath, “Dumbass.” What the fuck made this schmuck to imply Java’s jail time? Absolutely nothing at all. All Java had done was mention a simple request. Nobody liked getting snuck up from behind. At least some of the Chicago gangsters he had as bosses didn’t act like pricks all the time.

You’re lucky to be working here, the guy Shumuel had said during his introduction. As if, Java thought. Perhaps when he had enough money in the preferably-near future, he could resign from this place, travel the world or something.

Now he couldn’t get himself to take a nap. His mood was ruined, which meant he felt restless. With an annoyed huff, Java grabbed his lightweight blazer, put his wallet in his pocket, and his flat cap on his head.

“Getting coffee. I’ll be back in 30 minutes,” he said to no one in particular, striding through the living room without looking at anyone there, and he stepped downstairs without waiting for a reply from anyone. He planned to go out to a local cafe nearby. Sure, he could make some in the apartment kitchen, but he didn’t feel like doing that. He wanted to get out and familiarize himself with the area. Maybe walking through the city would energize him a bit more.

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