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Probably a raccoon.
*This is a 1x1 RP between Krominel and Tiff the Odd*

Wade lay draped across an armchair with a frozen water bottle pressed against his forehead. The summer heat was boiling and it seemed as though it could not be subdued. The air conditioner in their apartment hadn’t worked since the beginning of summer. August heat penetrated the building like it was trying to roast its inhabitants alive. Groaning, Wade pulled himself from the chair, maybe outside he’d have a better chance at relief if there was a breeze, he thought to himself.

He descended the flight of stairs down to the first floor of the apartment building and exited through the front door. Taking a right he headed down the path that led to a small park he often frequented. It was hidden back in the woods by the apartment complex, and the only real traffic it got was the occasional jogger. A small dilapidated gazebo stood on the far side of the open area, just past the duckweed choked pond that always flooded in the rainy season. As Wade walked past the pool of drying muck frogs scattered into the remaining water.

The heat was just as intense in the gazebo as in the apartment, the air was stagnant and suffocating. Taking a swig from his now mostly melted water bottle, Wade noticed his step-sister approaching from the far side of the clearing. “Hey, I thought I’d find you here,” she called to him.

“It’s too hot, out here isn’t really better than in there. I hate the summer,” he replied.

She smirked as she approached him, “At least there’s not much summer left. Speaking of, have you heard back from any of those jobs you applied for? I know you said you can’t afford college, and I get it, but a little debt in the short term..”

“It’s not a little debt, and it would be for the long term. It’s not in cards for me. Sorry I don’t have a rich father like you to pay for my school,” he retorted.

She sighed and leaned against the rotting wood of the gazebo. “I know, but I just hate to see you work away your life in a menial job, you’re still my brother and I care about you.”

Wade made face and then laughed, “Gross, what’s that in your hand?”

“Oh! This letter is for you, it looked important. It was the only thing in the mailbox and I didn’t feel like walking up to the apartment.”

“Wait, then how did you know I was here?”

“You’re always here, is that a trick question? Just take your dumb letter, I’m making tacos tonight so be back before sundown, okay?” She handed him the letter before turning to head back to the apartment.

“Yes, ma’am,” he quipped back. Turning the letter over in his hands he noticed the golden lettering spelling out his name, Wade Waters. There wasn’t a return address, or his address either, did someone hand deliver it?

Ripping open the letter’s seal he pulled out the thick parchment. It certainly felt important by the quality of its materials. What could it be? The same golden lettering read in large font at the top of the page:

Rosarth Academy of Magics

Is this a joke? He thought.

The rest of the letter read as such:

Dear Mr. Waters,

It is our pleasure to inform you that you’ve been accepted to the Rosarth Academy of Magics on a full scholarship. Our academy offers the best in higher education for any aspiring mage. We understand you have questions; Ask the psychic paper and it’ll do it’s best to answer them.

Hope to eat you there,

Headmaster Pendragon

Below that letters began to swirl around, arranging themselves into words.

To answer your question, no this is not a joke.

“What the hell?” How can it know what I’m thinking?

Magic, dear boy, magic.

“Magic isn’t real.”

Magic is real. You of all people should know this. You’ve turned yourself into a cat at least six times that we’ve observed.

“No…no. That was a hallucination, just like this is. Why am I talking to a letter?” Wade took a deep sigh. I must be losing my mind. There’s no other explanation.

An alternative explanation is that your father is a shape-shifter, you’re part shape-shifter, and I’m a psychic letter. Magic is real, and you have a deep and intrinsic connection to it. Here at Rosarth we can help you control it.


I can see you need time to process all of this. Classes start on the 20th, If you decide to attend just read the script on the back of this letter out loud and we’ll take care of the rest. You may consult me at any time if you have more questions.

Flipping over the letter Wade watched as the golden words seemed bubble up and float just above the page. “What am I supposed to do now?” he mused as he folded the letter and slipped it back into its envelope.


Nero flipped through his copy of “Runes and Their Uses” by Kenneth Markey, he stopped when he reached a page detailing how to use a simple matter transformation rune. Grabbing a small block of wood from his bedside table, he lay down on his mattress and held the block in the air. While closing his eyes he used his other hand to trace out the rune on the block. In his mind he focused on the form he wanted the block to take. He could feel it reforming in his hand, but didn’t dare to look until it was completed. When he did open his eyes, he held out a small figure in his hand. It was fearsome looking wooden lion.

Standing up from his bed Nero rushed out of his room and down the hall to his younger sibling’s room. They were laying on the rug surrounded by what appeared to over fifty similar wooden figures in various forms of people and animals, some of which seemed rough around the edges and lacked the finesse that the new lion had.

“I’ve got another one for you, Mads. Here catch.” Nero tossed the wooden lion to the child on the floor.

They caught the figurine and began inspecting it thoughtfully, “I think this is your best one yet, Nero! You even got texture in the fur! I think I’ll name it Fuzzy,” Mads laughed and added it next to the king on a throne. “Fuzzy can guard King Wobbly Chair.”

The voice of their father called up from downstairs, “Nero! Would you come down here a sec?”

“I’ll be right down, Dad!” Nero called back. Turning to Mads he said, “Don’t let Fuzzy eat anyone while I’m gone.” Then he turned and headed down the stairs.

His father was sitting by the dining room table. His reading glasses were on and various papers were scattered over the surface, covering about a third of the table. Seeing Nero approach, he held out a letter to him. “Guess who’s Rosarth letter just came?” he smiled knowingly.

“For real?!” Nero’s eyes lit up as he snatched the letter from his father’s hand. The golden lettering spelling out his name gleamed under the dining room lights. “I can’t believe it’s finally here!”

“Are you just going to look at it, or are you going to open it?” his father gibed in a teasing fashion.

Carefully lifting the seal of the envelope, Nero pulled the letter from it’s protective cover. He ran his fingers over the golden print reading Rosarth. It was a letter of acceptance into the Academy of Magics. The psychic letter greeted him.

I see you know a fair amount about runes, you must take after your father.

I do, psychic paper is soo cool!
He thought.

I’m very cool, yes. It seems you don’t really need me to explain anything. You’ve done your research.

Yeah, I’ve wanted to go to Rosarth my whole life, and now it’s finally happening!

Yes, congratulations. Classes begin on the 20th, when you’re ready to leave just speak the words on the back of this letter out loud. We’ll handle all of the arrangements.

Thank you!
He replied before flipping the letter over and seeing the magical words lift from the page.

“Good news?” his father inquired.

“I got in! Classes start on the 20th, it’s the 10th today, so that gives me 10 days to work with, but I want to get there early to settle in and meet my dorm mates. I should probably leave by the 15th to be safe. I can’t wait! I need to tell Mads and mom!” he spoke with a quick rambling intensity.

His father laughed, “Well, go forth and conquer young mage, I have to clean up my mess here before your mother has my head.”

Nero was already halfway up the stairs when he absent-mindedly replied, “Uh-huh, sure thing dad.” His mind was a little preoccupied.

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