Other Roleplay Pet peeves

Out of Character threads (or Channels if you use Discord) that go on and on and on about everything BUT the roleplay. I understand that some idle conversation is bound to happen. But when no one has posted IC for days, but the OOCC is lit up multiple times a day with long back and forth conversations about inconsequential topics, I feel like the players have lost sight of the roleplay at hand. If they diverted that much effort into making an IC post as they did to pointless chit-chat and meme-ing, group RPs might actually have a decent survival rate.
I want to touch on the above comment that I feel like if you're going to have a discord for your RP, there needs to be a "general chatter" channel and an actual out of character plotting channel. The reason I'm not active in RP servers is because inevitably the OOC channel is being used for plotting and just talking. I end up muting the whole thing because I can't have my phone and my laptop going off like that while I'm at work. Idle chat is great, I love bonding with my other RP members. But sometimes y'all just need to move that somewhere else.
I do not like having to cater to a partner's fantasies of mindless romance for the sake of it. It takes time for people to form relationships and bonds. Especially if the two characters come from a very different background, roleplay will have troubles and confrontations.
When my favorite partners don't reply for ages and I have to remind myself that nobody wants to be hounded to reply, so I just suffer in silence LOL
"Please be [insert gender] irl!"
Honey, maybe just log off and get on Tinder instead. This isn't a dating site, it's a writing site.
The number of times people use the phrase "quality over quantity" when referring to people with length requirements gets to me a little, and I felt the need to vent about it. Like, does anyone using that expression genuinely believe people like myself are not aiming for quality? Or that just because you don't try to set standards your writing is automatically better?

It annoys me cause it's implying I am devaluing quality, when in reality what I'm sacrificing is only the post rate/speed. I can wait for a month (or several) for a post if need be to get my quality and length. I understand not everyone can or would like that - but I think it can be a bit hypocritical coming from the same kind of people asking for several posts per day.
when a gm goes inactive, comes back and says they don’t have time to run their grps, leaves them, and then proceeds to advertise multiple new group interest checks of the rps that they dropped - and then says in the rules of those interest checks that everyone is to be active in posting even tho we were all active in their other rps they abandoned 👍
The text in your interest check shouldn't be so small that my blind self has to squint just to try to read it. For all I know I could be missing out on good RP's because I can't read the microscopic coded text.
The text in your interest check shouldn't be so small that my blind self has to squint just to try to read it. For all I know I could be missing out on good RP's because I can't read the microscopic coded text.
This! I’ve seen this I guess they don’t want people interested.
I've seen folks RPing kids around 10-12 years old and have their speech be baby talk. They "tawk wike dis," and act like toddlers.
someone most definitely already said this but wildly unrealistic injury scenes.... like bro i assure u ur oc is not gettinf back up and walking around after breaking their kneecap.
also just general craziness that doesnt fit the character??? at all???? one time my oc was in a relationship with another person's oc and the other person's oc LITERALLY FUCKING MURDERED SOMEONE IN FRONT OF MY OC. WHAT! and obviously the police didn't get into it...... like dude wth😭😭what was the point of that
oh yeah i just remembered one last thing
this is something that i saw/still see in amino chats. basically its when they open the message with some edgy ahh quote that goes like
[character name]
"hurt me, and ill hurt you.... hurt my sister, and you die."
[paragraph of text]
i just think its rlly cringe
When you go all the way through the planning process, post your opening... And your partner never replies. Like... Was the opening bad? Did the other person get hit by a bus? The world may never know...
When someone has too many ideas for what your character should be like during the character creation process. If you want someone to write a specific character by your specifications exactly, consider writing that story by yourself? People know that's still allowed, right?

Alternatively, people who insist on continuing to focus on a character who is actively preventing any kind of interesting events from happening in a multi-OC 1x1. If your antisocial character is so antisocial she's actively preventing anything from happening with my characters and herself but that's the only character you want to focus on right now, again, maybe you should be writing by yourself since you're the only person who can appease your difficult character.
I hate how my bouts of depression manifest as writer's block rather than furiously using it as a coping mechanism.

If it helps I don’t think we get to pick the ways our mental illness manifest.

But weirdly enough that kinda ties into my own pet peeve. When people project their own issues through writing.

I don’t necessarily mean “writing helps me manage my anxiety/depression/etc.”. I mean “I like shitting on certain types of people and use writing as an excuse.”

Like okay if your gonna be a dick then please do it elsewhere.
Seeing an interest check I like, messaging the person, and then having them immediately leave the conversion as I send the message. That is definitely the fastest I've ever been ghosted.
When players submit character builds that are wholly unrealistic and have "edgelord" stamped all over them (and are otherwise devoid of substance). One example that always stuck with me was someone's OC they submitted in an RP way back when I first joined this site: A teenage character that was the daughter of a mafia boss, and she was a sniper/firearms expert, and she was deadly with hand-to-hand combat. Did I mention she was only 18? Also, she was quiet, and didn't talk much to others (how convenient). Her background had no actual meat about the character besides the shallow concept of "I'm the pampered and psycho daughter of a badass mafia boss" cliche.

The worst part was that this character got approved without hesitation. I was like.... really?
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When rp rules has a gotcha line like "If you've read this far, dm me with this obituary title name so I know you read the rules in your app!" Like it's cute I guess... Thanks for showing me you got trust issues at the bare minimum.

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