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Dice Robotech - The Invid War - OOC Thread

Yes. There may be special occasions that I will allow a multiple target attack with your short range missiles, but for the near future, we'll do one on one shooting.
Certainly reasonable. Personally, I'm a little worried that we'll be stuck in a few too many repetitive-feeling fights - large groups of unimportant foes are an essential part of the Invids' identity, and this is just the first of many fights against them to come. Most likely, at least, who knows what you're up to, but the rp's name kind of suggests that much. That's why I'd like some option to speed up those parts of the combat, and to do fancy stuff like firing a bunch of missiles at once; to add one more tool that can be used every once in a while. That said, it's tricky to find the right way to go about it - and you can always call for that special occasion when you feel like we'd be stuck for eternity without being under any real threat.

On a somewhat related note: Do you think it'd be possible to let me do a bit more of the dodging so that Milo can dish out a little damage as well? That way, I'd burn a little quicker through my actions, and thus would be more likely to end the rounds after firing about as often as most of the others. Plus I'm good at dodging, and he might make better use of the missiles that I'm mostly avoiding to get my strike bonuses.
On a somewhat related note: Do you think it'd be possible to let me do a bit more of the dodging so that Milo can dish out a little damage as well? That way, I'd burn a little quicker through my actions, and thus would be more likely to end the rounds after firing about as often as most of the others. Plus I'm good at dodging, and he might make better use of the missiles that I'm mostly avoiding to get my strike bonuses.
That is very much doable. I'll have Milo do some shooting with his Beta's ordnance on his next action.
Sorry for the short post, I've just been a bit conflicted on how to respond, so I figured a short and direct approach was better than stagnating.
So.... I suppose i can drop a filler post? Also, could I say that Cyrus is with any of the crew?
That is fine. I was holding on another post until everyone has had a chance to interact if you wanted. You are all on the Arwyn now, and it is a relatively small ship (compared to the much larger Command Cruisers or the Escort Carriers) so it would be easy to meet up with other pilots from your squad.
Pretty sure that works - looking at the rules, it only states Battloid mode as the problem. Does make sense too, looking at the pictures; the Guardian mode seems to have the wings still out there, in position to glide and carry a loadout like the hardpoints, while the Battloid doesn't. Correct me if I'm wrong, though!
Sorry if i'm too scarce with posting, just letting the pros take the wheel and i'm just hoping to learn so i can be better....
Short question: Do Protoculture engines need to be running for the invids to notice them, or do they notice them even when they're turned off? Just wondering if they'd sense the Alphas and Betas when we leave those behind...
Unless Psy has changed things, it is only detectable when active and turned on.
No, I have not changed anything. The Protoculture power systems are only detectable by the Invid when on.
Thanks, both of you - I thought that was the way things work, but wasn't sure. Makes me less worried to leave my Alpha behind... I'll get a post up in a bit.
Sorry for the wait, I just need to find time to crunch numbers for cyclone stats so I know what my actual modifier is.
Bonuses with MECT Cyclone: +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 4, 8, and 12. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to disarm, +1 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, and +2 automatic dodge
Here ya go! Just add these to your own bonuses to get your totals.
"This seems completely one sided."
Cyrus misses.
I should have seen this one coming.

(Also, I looked at it, I count +4 with strike, and saw +1 for damage, did I count correctly, Sherwood Sherwood or Psychie Psychie ?)
Close. First, you don't have MECT Cyclone skill, but I also see that you are at a level 1, when you should be at level 2 now. With each level up you get to pick a new skill, so if you want, you can have the combat training needed to get the most of your Cyclone. If you do not, you only have your own personal combat bonuses, not the ones that are added by the combat training in the smaller mecha. I will say that having the Cyclone MECT will be a handy skill to have, as it adds attack actions and other bonuses to your character that you wouldn't have otherwise.

When you level your character up to 2nd, you add 1d6 to your Hit Points, increase all of your skills by the smaller percentage next to the larger one (for example, Basic Electronics: 46% +5% with this one skill), and advance your HtH bonuses to get the +2 to Parry and +2 to Dodge.

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