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Dice Robotech - Southern Cross Adventure - OOC

The quickest way to get to the two man crew of the Tomahawk is to use your mecha's hands to open up the cockpit.
There are a great many Battle Pods visible, along with a multitude of Male Powered Armor that are trying to take you down. Plenty of targets to choose from.
Not anymore! Eleven of those bastards blown to smithereens! All right! 8D
Just wish we could do something about Rykon's craptastic luck with these dice. Good on you for going after those pilots, though! =)
To heck with brownie points; Gabi was looking to save some lives and get some payback and it seems she did a bit of both! =)
I rolled a 5!

Thanks what I get for shooting 20 Missles at once! XD
If I may make a comment, there is really no system in place to be able to attack multiple targets with a single attack, unless the weapon has a area of effect component to it. I would suggest you pick a single target, and launch a smaller amount of missiles at it. Say, five or six. That should be enough to take out a MPA.
If I may make a comment, there is really no system in place to be able to attack multiple targets with a single attack, unless the weapon has a area of effect component to it. I would suggest you pick a single target, and launch a smaller amount of missiles at it. Say, five or six. That should be enough to take out a MPA.
I'll go fix it then.
I think that means it still hits. Those Salvos are brutal.
Yep. With a salvo of 4 or more missiles, any roll above a 4 will hit.
If I may make a comment, there is really no system in place to be able to attack multiple targets with a single attack, unless the weapon has a area of effect component to it. I would suggest you pick a single target, and launch a smaller amount of missiles at it. Say, five or six. That should be enough to take out a MPA.
Good point. Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 if you want, you can edit your post.
There are some unknown targets still in the trees that have not shown themselves that were not in the area of the bombardment. But keep in mind that the Monster's main guns can only fire once per round, unless they use missiles.
Could Gabi act as spotter against the male power armors using the Monster's missiles?
If you were to do that, you would in effect 'paint' the target of your choice with your laser designator, then you would make a to hit roll to see how well you can lock onto your target. The downside to this is that Chaff/Flares can still confuse the missiles.
Can pull a cheeky pro gamer and paint them, with the express purpose of getting them to waste their chaffs when they panic that they are being locked onto. :3
If there are targets in the trees, can we get the missiles to do an area bombardment in the woods?

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