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Dice Rifts Japan - OOC Thread

Nope. I just took it easy, and healed up on my own. Just took a few days to get myself squared away, but I'm good now.
Darned glad to hear it, Bud! =)

I'll have some questions concerning Snowfall later, but for right now, I'm just happy you're doing good again! =)
Just to let everyone know, I had originally hoped to start our have thread yesterday, but I'm still waiting on our last few characters to be posted so they are not trying to play catch up.
Just to let everyone know, I had originally hoped to start our have thread yesterday, but I'm still waiting on our last few characters to be posted so they are not trying to play catch up.
No worries at all. I feel long-lasting games are often the result of careful preparation.

AHH, I'll get to it, I didn't know you had such a quick timeline. I'll get everything I can do on my end done asap
Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Please don't rush on my account, lady! Look how long it took me to make my characters and how many questions I asked. Who am I to tell you to hurry up?
Dann is right. It is better to get your character right the first time and not rush than to come up with a character you would not be satisfied with. We have plenty of time.
I am slug. Smooth brain. Caveman drag down. Sherwood help much! He did most of work. Only a little left. Caveman Rex will try to finish tonight.

Tease pic? Maybe this.


After got the majority of the CS posted.

Fukuizumi Fuyumi. A fun mouthful.

I still got to add in background and equipment.
The name is easy to remember. Just got to think of it as too Japanese girls fighting through instant messaging
Fitting name, D.! Per japanese.names.info, Fuyumi could easily be translated at "winter beauty" which I feel lines up perfectly with your selection of artwork

(Who is the artist, please? They are excellent!).
Fitting name, D.! Per japanese.names.info, Fuyumi could easily be translated at "winter beauty" which I feel lines up perfectly with your selection of artwork

(Who is the artist, please? They are excellent!).

That it did seem to be a happy coincidence!

As for the artist, I found it on Pintrest under Chen YC. @chen8945

A lot of good art there. I think they make it through AI. But rather well crafted. I actually saved quite a few before I realized.
How cool!

Hey Eonivar Eonivar ! Looks like our D. Rex has been playing around in what you and yours call the "Rabbit Hole!" Hee hee! =)

D. Rex D. Rex Let me know if you still want a hand with her background or anything. =)
Getting the basics together, working on it today. Is there any established canon or lore for the clans beyond the basics online? I’m leaning toward Clann Dhonnchaidh for the flavor but want to do them justice if more lore is available
Sherwood Sherwood While I really like that opening scene, Bud, I have to ask - what, if anything, are we to post or are we waiting on another in-game post from you?

Put more formally... *Dannigan stiffens up, looks at the information on the monitor, and grimly asks* "How should we proceed, Oh Cat That Chases The Laser Dot?"

Cat Play GIF
That first post is the start of me setting up the scene for your introduction. I have another post on the way, but I wanted to get that one up for you to get a feel for your characters.
Sherwood Sherwood I've put some short and long-term goals in a tab on Snowfall's sheet. As the game progresses, I imagine we will sooner or later be left to our own devices and Snowy would like to find ways to bring the New Empire and Republic of Japan closer to becoming allies. Food and martial arts, perhaps?

Do these goals work for your game? Or should I try different paths? I am aware that any goal I want is right, but that doesn't mean they will fit well into your atmosphere, your peoples, and your game if you get my meaning. =)

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