Reyton Academy (Always Open)

Duster laughed as he was pushed forwards, he turned corners when needed and even jumped when the situation called for it. He looked back to see if Silver was still tailing them
Duster kept going for a while before skidding to a halt. "This is your stop." He smirked, they were outside the classroom!? "Remember, I'm taking the wrap." He said. "Also, don't tell the others about us. The game's only just started" He smiled, kissing Nichole on the cheek and opening the door.
Duster nodded to himself and skated a bit further away before stopping in his tracks, he awaited the angry ravings of Silver when he caught up to him. Quite brave he was.
Silver came towards them but instead of trying to attack them he ran into the classroom "GET IN BEFORE I GET IN TROUBLE, PLEASE" he yelled at them, and everybody on his path.

He had to teach atleast SOMETHING today
Duster sighed, and skated into the classroom, just in time to hear the guy hitting on Nichole. He skated over to him, put his hand on his shoulder and got fairly close to his face. "Do my ears decieve me, or did I just hear you hitting on her?" He asked, squeezing the guy's shoulder slightly, causing a small amount of pain.
"You wanted to what? Compliment my girlfriend? If that's the case, you're very kind." Said Duster, whispering so no-one else in the class could hear. "But if you were hitting on her..." He added, not finishing the sentence to fill the guy's mind with possibilities. He left the boy and sat down in his place in front of Nichole. "Look, I'm sorry about that..." He said, thinking that Nichole facepalmed because of him.
Nichole stood and said"no it wasnt you it was.....EEEEKKKK!!!!"the dude smirked. "turquoise undies? sweet" He had flipped her skirt up. Nichole was blushing brightly and held her skirt down. she felt violated!
Duster was outraged! He stood up, grabbed the guy by the shirt and slammed him into the wall. "What the f**k do you think you're doing!?" (Hooray censorship!) He roared. "I warned you didn't I!?" He added. "But no! You just had to go and be a pervert!" He said, not even giving the guy a chance to reply. He kneed the boy in the crotch.
Duster put his foot on the boy, keeping him down, the wheels of his skates that he still wore dug into the boy, causing that extra added pain to get his point across. "Tell me, are you going to even think of doing that again!? Huh!?" He cried
Duster growled, then kicked the guy hard in the face, he then took the guy's phone, then set about calling every single one of his friends. And told them to delete the pictures, with a perfect mimicry of the boy's voice. Another part of his ability apparently.
Duster crushed the guy's phone, no more underwear photos for him! Duster went over to Nichole and hugged her tight, he didn't care if people stared. His love needed comforting, and that's all that mattered in his eyes. A few students just sat and stared, their mouths agape. "So much for our little game then..." He said with a quiet laugh.
Duster patted Nichole as she sobbed. "That's it, let it all out..." He said. "I made sure he won't be doing anything like that ever again..." He added, softly kissing her cheek. Other students wanted to snap photos, but after seeing the previous display, they thought better of it.
"It's no problem at all. What kind of sorry excuse for a boyfriend would I be if I just let someone do that to you?" Asked Duster. He kept hugging her for a while before whispering. "Turqoise? How cute..." With a teasing smile. He kissed her one more time before returning to his seat
Duster gave a thumbs up. "Very nice!" He whispered, then turned to the front again and raised his hand. "The answer to that question miss, is the Great Wall of China" He said to the current teacher

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