Reyton Academy (Always Open)


Elder Member

Anyone can join!

You woke up seeing the bright, yellow sun on your window, another normal day you would think. You took a bath, changed your clothes and decided to have breakfast but then you realized there was a letter in front of you, floating there like the wind was supporting it. It was just a normal envelope although golden flames was surrounding it. Once you open it there was a letter especially made for you.

"Congratulations! You have been accepted at Reyton Academy; a place to learn your abilities and control it. You are now hereby an official student, we are sorry for not telling earlier have a good day! Please step away from this letter otherwise you'll burn with this.'

The letter quickly disappeared and turned into dust, of course in this story you weren't just an average boy/girl you were someone who humans would be afraid of. You're someone who can't be accepted in this world, although you're not alone in this matter. So would you accept and attend a school to handle your abilities? After all, this is a once and a lifetime chance.


Character Sheet: (anyone could join~)



Nick Name: (if your character had any)



Appearance: (could be either picture or description, or if you want you could do both)




History: (How he/she knew their powers and such)


My Character:

Username: Zhailene

Name: Jared Leiran

Nick Name: JJ

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: He had light golden hair and small light blue eyes, he usually ears a green shirt then a yellow jacket with blue jeans and black shoes

Abilities: He could grow healing herbs in both his hands and use healing spells

Personality: A big softie when it comes to girls, he's always active and ready to make new friends

Weapon(s): --

History: One day he and his parents both went to the park until the moon was full, they thought it was safe to stay there alone while watching the moon glimmer at the sky. His dad stood up and went to get something after a few minutes he never returned, his mom was dead worried and wanted to go check until a few older men came in the scene. Jared couldn't understand what was happening until he finally saw blood flowing through his mom's shirt, he knelt beside her and continuesly cried then a small flower appeared on his hand. He didn't know what to do with it so he placed it on his mothers womb and wished for her to get better. A bright shined around him and his mothers eye slowly opened, 'you finally learned your abilities, sweetie' he didn't control it well so the spell broke and finally knew he could do something someone couldn't. (His dad is alive though)

View attachment 11029

Username: Zhailene

Name: Ren Kagaya

Nick Name: Ren

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: She had long brown hair and bright aqua eyes, usually he wears a black dress with purple gloves, choker and a small hat

Abilities: She could summon pets/demons from the other realm and use them to fight her battles

Personality: A really responsible person although lacks social conversation, she was born from a rich family which actually had no time for having friends but do business

Weapon(s): Two guns (always keeps one just in case)

History: Her parents had always taught her how to be a well mannered child until one day she was eavesdropping at her parents conversation, she heard that they were saying rude things about Ren then laughed. She couldn't help but felt betrayed, anger took over her and a dog with two heads suddenly came in front of her, her eyes widen as the animal killed everyone, her parents, maids, and everything living in her house. Once it was done the animal bowed to her and disappear in the shadows, she never once saw it again unless she called for help.

View attachment 11031(<-- when she's outside) (when she's in class -->)View attachment 11030


There was a huge metal gate blocking the view to the newly designed Reyton Academy, you could see some students walking in in group, pairs or even alone. This is the day where you could finally learn why you were chosen to have this powers and what good you could make out of it. Will you be a loner with no friends? or a person who could everyone rely on? or maybe someone who is smart that you could learn lots in a day? Come on, we're waiting for you.


Jared was stood there in front of the school while eating his lollipop, he wondered if it was the right thing to go here or a crazy idea to suicide. Quickly he nodded his head, took the stick of the lollipop which he had already finished and threw it away. Today is the day he would change his life then stepped inside waiting for his journey.

Ren was already in the classroom, she was the earliest one to get here since she couldn't sleep last night once she had gotten the letter. How come all the students got theirs in the morning, she groaned. She saw students already walking in, she was sitting at the front maybe it was a wrong choice. No one talked to her or greeted her, she started to think maybe it was a bad idea, she would be alone again like always she shuddered in the thought. Her eyes was looking at the window staring outside seeing cherry blossom trees around,
please let this year change, even if i have to get hurt to earn some friends.
( Sure why not, just create a character and you cant start, if you want though or you could wait for more people )
(ok and yea lets wait for some more)


name:Nichole Lowe




appearance:short black hair,long bangs, african american with light skin,hazel eyes,wears glasses. 5'41/2

personality:shy sometimes cold to people,she is protective of friends and animals.

powers:elemental,talk to animals

history:one day she saw a poor puppy getting abused by some teens. she felt so angry and lightning came from her hands. she looked up and saw all of them either dead or serverly injured. she ran to the puppy and saw it bow to her. it said''tank you miss.'' she never heard an animal speak before so she was surprised.

weapons:usually a bow and arrows. but she carries a bat and knives to be safe.
Username: RavvyRavbit

Name: Maximus D. Wetherly


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black shaggy hair , tan skin, light brown eyes, button nose, 5'11, wears chucks, straight legged pants and a small pea coat.

Abilities: Can alter and twist inanimate objects.

Weapon(s): Keeps a block of
metal in his pocket. (for now)

Personality: Silly, Sundance kid, secretly smart, but too careless to notice.

History: One day while at school, while the subject of telekinesis was brought up, max tried to bend a spoon with his mind. Frustrated as deemed impossible he used his hands to bend spoon with his might. As all the kids were doing so with great struggle, Max finally concentrated and slowly bent the spoon with a gentle pull with with his thumb an index finger. His two close class mates were amazed, believing that he was the super strong and with that thought challenged him to bend a wooden ruler. Max gleefully accepted the challenge and try to do so, but failed. With his third try Max concentrated hard and then his hands started to dimly illuminate; the ruler was beginning to budge, but it didn't snap but bended. He twisted the wood around with ease. With this he grew frightened, telling his friends that the ruler was a joke and after he never exposed his abilities to anyone at his school or home.

In his journal he explained that is was "just like origami, but the world is your paper and there's really not much folding."
As everyone is heading to class, Max stays asleep in bed. The snooze alarm finally wakes him up after the 5th time and he realizes that he is later than ever. He quickly washes his face, brushes his teeth, throws some clothes that he had set up earlier that week and throws on his sneakers. He smiles at first but moves in hasty paste for his tardiness on the first day of school.

When finally reaching the school gates Max felt a bit taken back; it was a large building and seemed like one of those schools that rich kids go to. But he didn’t try and show his surprise and asked one faculty member where room B-317 was. Slowly, he began walking to his class while quietly reciting a poem to himself in the large,empty, quiet halls.

"Tyger, Tyger, burning bright
, In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry…”
While Jared entered the room he sat to the nearest chair to the door and placed his head on his desk already falling asleep. For the first time all he wants to do in his life was sleep like he never did before.

Ren placed both her feet to the chair in front of her and layed back facing the ceiling, she thought she could rest for a while before the teacher would come in and start talking. She thought what she could say in introducing herself then sigh and thought,
like anyone would even notice me. Looking at her watch it was already time, the teacher was late too, great.
Nichole looked up at the school and gulped. she dragged her heavy bags behind her. she huffed and said''ugh cmon!'' struggling up the stairs.
Showing half of his face, Jared scanned the room and noticed lots of people were talking in groups. He wanted to join although he wasn't sure on who to talk to yet, he saw some group of students talking behind him and began talking about they're 'abilities', he gave a big warm smile to them and said, "I could use some healing herbs if you need any, that's the only thing i could do sorry..." a girl messed up his hair to cheer him up, he would think of his abilities useless since it wouldn't be use to fighting all that he could do was watch the fights and heal someone who was hurt. Like that will even happen. He took another lollipop from his pocket, this time lemon flavored, and placed it on his mouth. Strangely he had high addiction in candy's and actually couldn't live without them.

Ren looked up the ceiling again and stared at the light above, her feet still in the chair in front of her and laid on her back. She made sure to balance so that she wouldn't fall backwards, which happened last year in her old class, she flinched at the thought. It wasn't that entertaining for her. A girl appearing behind her said she wanted to take the seat in front, ren just gave a c
old glance and she walked away heading to another seat. To be honest she wasn't that much 'friendly' as she looks. After being what she calls 'held as prisoner' at her home because of her over protective parents she wasn't able to make friends when she was younger, so basically 'friends' is actually not in her agenda sadly. "Hmmm..." while closing her eyes she hummed a soft tune that was relaxing her, almost falling asleep though doesn't.
Nichole took her bags to her room and rushed to class. she ran into the door and fell. ''owwwwww....'' she rubbed her nose opening the door going inside. she held her books close to her and looked for an empty desk. she sat close to the frontso she could see.
Jared heard a thump at the door but ignored it, he thought he was hallucinating the sound until a girl [ Nichole ] who was rubbing her nose entered. He gave a smile at the group again then stared at the girl who just entered, "Hello there!" he smiled knowing that he might have another friend at the first day of school, "My names Jared, what's yours?" he extended his hand to the girl.

Ren opened her right eye once the girl entered then closed it, she hummed very softly this time to herself, a lullaby that her mother and father used to sing.
Nichole blushed and said''h-hi im Nichole...''shaking his hand. a book fell and she quickly tried to reach for it but her hands were full. she closed her eyes and wind blew it back to her. she fixed her hair and sighed. her necklace glowed. she said''huh?'' setting her books down. her necklace had a thunderbolt and a cloud on it. she tilted her head then held that certain book close to her.
He saw her book falling, "I'll--" he noticed the book flew back to her and finished his sentence with a soft voice, "get it..." He noticed she was carrying a lot of books and said, "You're an advance student....?" he said with a bright smile, wishing he didn't say an insult.
She shook her head saying''just a few honors classes...3 to be exact''blushing. she then felt something sprout from her back. ''what the?'' she saw sky blue Pegasus wings on her back. her eyes were also a different color a magenta. she was super confused.
"Awesome!" he said excitedly until another voice from behind them appeared, "Don't even try to ask answers if there's a quiz," Jared looked back and sent them a cute glared that made them go 'awww' instead of scaring them away. He looked at you and saw some changes and ask, "What's happening....?" It was actually amazing, although different from how she looked before.

Nichole heard a voice in her head '' young child you are to unlock the elements of harmony if you want to enhance your abilities and powers the first you have unlocked is loyalty you were loyal with yourself.....'' Nichole said''elements of harmony?'' POOF! she was back to how should we say normal.
[ Haha, 'kay 'kay, i'll make the teacher come in so you could start your entrance, cx ]

Jared blinked then smiled, "Was that your ability? That was cool!" he shouted as a compliment the heard someone entered from the door. It was the teacher, he gave one last smile to Nichole then waved a little bit then sat back down his seat. He took another lollipop from his pocket, grape flavored and ate it.

Ren got surprise when the teacher went in and fell backwards from her chair "Oww..." , some kids snickered and laughed didn't even bother to help her. Again she sent a cold glare to them and fixed her sit and sat down as the teacher made his way to his desk. He gave a warm welcoming smile, "Welcome to Reyton Academy everyone." he said joyfully, some students groaned, some smiled, some just minded their own business. "Let's start by introducing ourselves shall we?" he said. Ren rolled her eyes looking at the view on the window, he acts like he wasn't even late at coming here. Then again she was too early for coming here
Jared gave an encouraging smile to himself thinking he can do this. The teacher called some names on the pupils on his list and let them introduce themselves, then it comes to his turn. "Jared Leiran, your up." the man said carrying his folder with the list. Jared stood up at the front and gave a small wave and a genuine smile, "Hi, my names Jared, call me Jay if you want." he then sat down with that simple introduction and felt a bit confident on himself.

Ren sighed as many students went up for their introductions, she honestly hated it.
"Next is..Nichole Lowe" he said announcing to the class. She was grateful too that she might be the last one to be called. She hopes.
Nichole eeped and stood up. she said'h-hi i-i'm Nichole don't ever call me cole or you die.'' glaring though some people laughed. she sat back down blushing and something hit her and hard. she fell outta her desk''owwwwwwwwww........'' there stood an elegant alicorn (unicorn pegasus). she said''hello! i hope i'm not interrupting''
As the teacher called out his name, Max gently knocked on the door and entered the classroom. "Hi, sorry I'm late," Max smiled apologetically, "I'm Wetherly, Maximus Wetherly."

The teacher smiled in return and asked him to sit in the back by the window.

In front of her? I guess since it's the only empty seat, at least I can see the sunshine... And the Sakuras are in bloom.


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