Reyton Academy (Always Open)

as duster tried to do a sweeping kick by slowing down the speeding up wolf jumped over it, using his body as a platform, jumping onto Nichole's board, nails stuck in the board deeply, tossing him off would break the board so you better try to stop him with a plan because every second he is climbing up further!
Duster jumped from the fence and up to Nichole and Silver, he stuck his tongue out at Silver before grabbing Nichole and jumping off the board. "Hold on!" He laughed
Unfortunately for Silver, Neko Mode, increases agility AND strength. "You are very welcome." Said Duster. "Shame about your board though..." He added, grinding down the handrail of a flight of stairs
"You have a brother? What's his name?" Asked Duster, stopping at what looked to be a good hiding place. Looks like he found what to get Nichole in return for the bracelet that still graced his wrist... A new board!
"Really? I have a cousin named Jesse." Said Duster, keeping an eye out for Silver. He fully expected him to turn up again shortly, and when he did, it'd be time to move!
A large roar was heard as silver lost it, his wolf changed color and approuched them quicker as he sat ontop of a flaming disk on the wolf's back somehow....this meant trouble...very very many troubles

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"Then we're not related." Said Duster, picking Nichole up again and skating off. "JUST TRY TO CATCH TO ME!" He roared at Silver
The wolf roared as it stopped for a moment, silver jumped up as the disk flew forward, slashing the crystals apart as john landed on the beasts back, rushing towards you guys, it came closer and closer to you guys!
Duster kept going forward for a moment before jumping behind Silver and skating off in the other direction. "Look. If he catches us. I'll take the wrap." Said Duster. "I talked you into this, we clear?"
"Now what kind of guy would I be if I let a pretty little flower like yourself get into trouble?" Said Duster. "I'll take the wrap." He said again
Silver jumped off the wolf as the wolf went for Duster, the fast one and silver for Nichole, who was without board it was in somebody elses hands now...guess who~
(Wrong names there Fox) Duster grinned as he kept skating ahead to the best of his ability. He was quite tuckered out, but he fought through the exhaustion and kept going. "Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall..." He sighed, then laughed slightly. "And remember, the others would expect this from me, but not so much you."

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