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Realistic or Modern Retail Hell (MxF)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to X-Mart where you can meet all your shopping needs …

Ian listened as the woman whose name MUST have been Karen gave the worker a tongue lashing about how she needed to go and check in the back of the store for a dress in a size that she was never going to fit into. He - and probably the worker - wanted to just explain that no amount of wishing was going to accomplish that. If anything it would ultimately prove unhealthy and look wrong on her. Then he looked again.

Oh … pregnant. He wondered if Karen realized this. Probably not given how she was so certain that she would fit. Ah well, it wasn’t HIS job to be the bearer of such news.

WHY did anyone torture themself like this? This was the most demeaning work one could find. But then, it could be worse, right?

He had problems of his own. He was looking for other items. He had a bad feeling the store was just out of stock. So he continued on. When he ran into the girl again she was just finishing with another customer. Such a hard worker.

Ian Colter

Ian had spotted the X-Mart girl before and had tried to get up the nerve to talk to her. And he had succeeded a few times - just long enough to ask what part of the store an item was in - and chicken out.

And why would she be interested in a loser like him. He worked alongside illegals, largely because he was an illegal himself - technically. He operated strictly by cash. At least it was better than begging. He refused to demean himself that far. He could easily have just stolen the money, but he just didn’t want to go there.

He could always go home. But home was lonely. He had come here to live among people, make a few friends, and not be so lonely in general.

And there she was, just standing there looking beautiful - so perfect in every way. He couldn’t help but stare ....


I am looking for someone to play a female role, a woman of college age (18-22), struggling to make her way by working in retail. The rest is up to you. But this IS tagged as a romance.

You will need a CS. It should include a decent pic, basic info to describe her. Include her home life, and any constant friends. If she is going to school, what is her major? Does she have any hobbies?

Ian won’t go for addicts or anyone throwing away their life.


Oh … and I almost forgot. I guess this is important. Ian is a demon. Yeah, I guess that little fact is something he should eventually bring up. Thing is, Hell was lonely.

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