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Realistic or Modern Released into the Wild OCC

oops mb, uhhh what would dr.arion say to the eldest?
She is one of the most conspicuous hybrids and as a snake has an appearance which those who are not used to her might find monstrous. Maybe Dr Marion may say something to prepare her for this. As the first child, maybe mention how Marion first held her and stopped seeing an experiment but her own flesh and blood. That sort of thing.
Hey guys. Did you want to plan out what kind of relationships our characters might have had? I was wondering if they did things like go outside, have movie nights (Maybe they watched documentaries about the outside world?) or if they were homeschooled/achieved a further education.

Did they have access to all of modern technology or were they a little behind the rest of the world?
Hey guys. Did you want to plan out what kind of relationships our characters might have had? I was wondering if they did things like go outside, have movie nights (Maybe they watched documentaries about the outside world?) or if they were homeschooled/achieved a further education.

Did they have access to all of modern technology or were they a little behind the rest of the world?
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki That's actually soemthing I was wondering about too
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki That's actually soemthing I was wondering about too

I mean theoretically I think it would be possible, no? They could always learn from online courses (if they have access to the internet) or by reading books on the subjects that interest them. There's also those movies that teachers use for lessons in class.... although I'm sure that some things like Biology would have to be adapted for them.
Were they ever allowed into the forest?
My backstory threw in an anecdote about a bunch of us getting into poison ivy, so i hope so.

Did they have movie nights or homeschooling etc.
I assumed we were homeschooled. I assume our knowledge of the outside world comes from books, movies and tv shows, hand selected by Dr Marion no doubt. I envision internet control being regulated, but perhaps some of the older kids, with more responsibilities, got to see a little bit past the curtain.

VV More or less what I imagined. :)
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They are up to date technologically and essentially at first they were home chooled by the good doctor but as the hybrid grew older and their numbers increased she switched to learning by correspondence or online. And yeah movie nights, video games, Amazon deliveries. Use of internet is restricted but gradually opened as the hybrids grow or show they csn be trusted to be discrete. The older hybrids could even have online friends or penpals, video conferencing is forbidden though. The only real restriction is leaving the compound, forest are forbidden too but rules are made to be broken.
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They are up to date technologically and essentially at first they were home chooled by the good doctor but as the hybrid grew older and their numbers increased she switched to learning by correspondence or online. And yeah movie nights, video games, Amazon deliveries. Use of internet is restricted but gradually opened as they hybrids or show thry csn be trusted to be discrete. The older hybrids could even have online friends or penpals, video conferencing is forbidden though. The only real restriction is leaving the compound, forest are forbidden too but rules are made to be broken.

Awesome. This is giving me some great ideas!!!
How do we, collectively, refer to Dr. Marion?

The intro referred to the Dr. as father, but it was signed Erika, so I'm not sure if one or the other is a typo. Using the masculine, cuz whatever. --- Fixt.

Do we call her mom? or motherr? Did the older ones who helped her with his work start calling her Doctor when their roles were formal? We all probably view her as a parental figure, but do we name her as such. Was she more of a teacher, or caregiver (i.e. babysitter, counselor)? Was she hands off, trying to alter her experiment only by observation? Or did she give in to subjectivity and whole heartedly embrace herfamily? Did she push us? Did she test us? How?
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That is a typo. Was first thought up as male but changed to female and I just missed that remaining male reference. I leave the the title up to you, Marion certainly considers herself their mother and likes to be referred as such.
Sol and Lysander (or anyone):
My character is the third winged creature Dr. Marion created. She didn't grow up with her wings, they burst from her back later on. They're still growing and were all but useless for the first year or so. She's determined to catch up, in a defeatist sort of way. She glides ok. She's overly cautious, but rightly so, she had a lot of broken bones as a kid. Her wings aren't quite large enough to support her and her back muscles are still underdeveloped.

Anyhow, there's a tie in. What advice, what consolation, what mentoring was there? Or lack there of? Tension between the winged children? Or solidarity amongst the fliers? What was it like to have her come out with them later on in life? Did it change any attitudes towards her?
Sol and Lysander (or anyone):
My character is the third winged creature Dr. Marion created. She didn't grow up with her wings, they burst from her back later on. They're still growing and were all but useless for the first year or so. She's determined to catch up, in a defeatist sort of way. She glides ok. She's overly cautious, but rightly so, she had a lot of broken bones as a kid. Her wings aren't quite large enough to support her and her back muscles are still underdeveloped.

Anyhow, there's a tie in. What advice, what consolation, what mentoring was there? Or lack there of? Tension between the winged children? Or solidarity amongst the fliers? What was it like to have her come out with them later on in life? Did it change any attitudes towards her?

I imagine that Sol would be a willing mentor, but perhaps not as effective as he'd like due to the difference in their body structures. However he'd still do his best to help with what he can, and would invest quite a bit of time and effort into researching from any materials that might be of help to teach her how to fly (as well as to why they might have appeared so late in life). He's able to empathize with wanting to be like the other fliers because he spent the majority of his childhood trapped in the medical wing without being able to interact much with the other hybrids. For the most part he's confident that she'll be able to fly properly one day and he's excited to have someone that he can possibly race with in the future ^^.

Something that might have strained their relationship though would be the fact that despite his usually amicable nature, Sol goes through 'solitary' periods; avoiding contact with others and sometimes regressing to a more feral state of mind. These can occur at random or as a result of being triggered by high stress levels or his seizures. During these periods he would avoid her as much as anyone else, and I don't imagine that would be a very pleasent experience for her.
I imagine that Sol would be a willing mentor, but perhaps not as effective as he'd like due to the difference in their body structures. However he'd still do his best to help with what he can, and would invest quite a bit of time and effort into researching from any materials that might be of help to teach her how to fly (as well as to why they might have appeared so late in life). He's able to empathize with wanting to be like the other fliers because he spent the majority of his childhood trapped in the medical wing without being able to interact much with the other hybrids. For the most part he's confident that she'll be able to fly properly one day and he's excited to have someone that he can possibly race with in the future ^^.

Something that might have strained their relationship though would be the fact that despite his usually amicable nature, Sol goes through 'solitary' periods; avoiding contact with others and sometimes regressing to a more feral state of mind. These can occur at random or as a result of being triggered by high stress levels or his seizures. During these periods he would avoid her as much as anyone else, and I don't imagine that would be a very pleasent experience for her.
hmm, idk yet Vispir is the eldest yet doesn't act like one, she tries to distance herself from her predatory nature by eating cooked meat, veggies and fruits and loves music. Maybe Sol like Vispir's calm and soothing music? and he is also like a lil devil trying to entice her into eating raw meat?
Sol and Lysander (or anyone):
My character is the third winged creature Dr. Marion created. She didn't grow up with her wings, they burst from her back later on. They're still growing and were all but useless for the first year or so. She's determined to catch up, in a defeatist sort of way. She glides ok. She's overly cautious, but rightly so, she had a lot of broken bones as a kid. Her wings aren't quite large enough to support her and her back muscles are still underdeveloped.

Anyhow, there's a tie in. What advice, what consolation, what mentoring was there? Or lack there of? Tension between the winged children? Or solidarity amongst the fliers? What was it like to have her come out with them later on in life? Did it change any attitudes towards her?
Lysander though a bit of loner would be happy to get another winged hybrid into the air as he enjoys flying as well. This could be a great bonding memories between the three winged sibling including Sol. Though Lysander might be a little bit of tough master trying to push her a tad to far.

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