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Realistic or Modern Rebel RP? (Interest Check)

I think the teacher idea could work with some tinkering. If the kids can't be desensitized they don't go to the school.
I thought the law was all children by the age of 8 must go to "school" which is where they are taught the forged history and that any life against the government's is a failure? (This is just going off of all the past mentioned ideas of course)

I'm not saying they reteach the kids. I'm saying they falsify records where a non conformed child passes along with all the other conformed ones to build up a life, where the teachers or teacher who had rebellion contacts points them out via code. Or something... yeah

Ohhhhhhhhh, okay I get what you're saying now. So whoever is in charge of desensitizing sneaks in the kids who remained unaffected to communicate with other who are rebelling. Got it. That sounds like a really cool setting...which reminds me. Is our setting in the camp, or do we have a team of unsensitized kids undercover in the boarding school/elite society?
Now is the rebel force completely stomped, or is there some kind of remnant group?

EDIT: I know there were survivors, but did they reform what's left or no? Essentially my question.
@LuckLacked for more idea building!! :3

Ohhhhhhhhh, okay I get what you're saying now. So whoever is in charge of desensitizing sneaks in the kids who remained unaffected to communicate with other who are rebelling. Got it. That sounds like a really cool setting...which reminds me. Is our setting in the camp, or do we have a team of unsensitized kids undercover in the boardingschool/elite society?

That became a wonder to me too while these new ideas came to the table. Would it be a time skip, kids who've already gone through the trials and living within normal life secretly plotting? A few elitists included. Would it be a group before these children, who possibly help? Like someone being the teacher to help "build the rebellions future" like it was their job within the rebellion and their cell?

Or... would it be a large mixture of older people who've seen the destruction and rebuilding of society and those who are slowly coming too?

@Llane Wrynn I do believe, from all we've been conspiring, there are remnant groups

Alright, that's what I was understanding.

Now what I have been interpreting is that it is only a few people within this school that are rebels or rebel supporters and not the entire school. Yes or no? Just want to make sure I'm understanding everything going on xD
@Llane Wrynn[/URL] I do believe, from all we've been conspiring, there are remnant groups
Personally, I really like the idea of us focusing on a group of unsensitized people spying within the school or elite community (depends on how old they are I guess) and developing the story to the point where they're either imprisoned and awaiting whatever fate comes there way. When it comes to RP, I'm sucker for the more laid back, story developing stuff. But again, that's just me. Sounds like a cool setting.


[QUOTE="Llane Wrynn]Alright, that's what I was understanding.
Now what I have been interpreting is that it is only a few people within this school that are rebels or rebel supporters and not the entire school. Yes or no? Just want to make sure I'm understanding everything going on xD

Yes. Just some.
Yes, haha. There are only going to be a few rebels within the school. Also, what do you guys think about your characters so far? Do you want them to still be in the school by this time or be out and in the rebellion/helping the rebellion?
I say still in the school. Since they're such a small, unique group surrounded by all these brainwashed people, it could make for some good development between them and set up more back story. It may help them to connect better and make it easier for us to write with each other. Or maybe I'm just a hermit who's still not use to RP forums. xD
@LuckLacked @Aster Sapphire

I personally like the character who's already passed beyond childhood and has been one of the ones who's barely escaped the slaughter of the original rebellion.

Or someone who escaped the work houses or other facility and found a cell in the process if running away.

Or an elitist... but I like gritty stuff. Lol.

I think keeping it in the school alone would have the rp in its wholeness ... lacking? It'd lack more action in the outside economy since its all about conform within the boarding school environment..

But that's me.
How about both? You could choose the backstory of your character and so on, but I believe eventually they should all interact with one another.
Masks of Ayn]@LuckLacked [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10914-aster-sapphire/ said:
@Aster Sapphire[/URL]
I personally like the character who's already passed beyond childhood and has been one of the ones who's barely escaped the slaughter of the original rebellion.

Or someone who escaped the work houses or other facility and found a cell in the process if running away.

Or an elitist... but I like gritty stuff. Lol.

I think keeping it in the school alone would have the rp in its wholeness ... lacking? It'd lack more action in the outside economy since its all about conform within the boarding school environment..

But that's me.
Well not for WHOLE RP. Trust me I want grittness and action too, I just didn't want that to be all there was to it. But...that's just me and this isn't MY RP anyways. xD . But I totally see your point.

I like the idea of both and of course all characters interacting together. Honestly having a young rebellious character/s would be a creative incorporation since most tend to shy away or keep it at one age group.

But we could always have maybe a plotted time skip for some characters, like a giant background intro story.

They're in school, a few rp on their experience within, moving on to graduation (how long should the desensitizing school be? Middle school to end of high school?) And then to where they are now, what they're doing to "be apart of society"

which we could then go from there with everyone involved, where it incorporates the rebellion and all their efforts to work on breaking down the government?
I personally lean toward characters beyond childhood as well, but an incorporation of both would be very interesting to see unfold.
You guys are like the three parts of my brain, everything you've said my brain has bounced on xD
...Okay, so not to be too weird but I put 'Lord Protector' into a name generator... And spent a few laughing over this.

The Eternal Dictator Napoleon Skarprättare the Prosperous

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