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Realistic or Modern Rebel RP? (Interest Check)


I've got a basic idea of a roleplay I think may be interesting, so here goes.

A corrupt government has been abusing people's rights for years, with an unruly king (or just a basic head of government) passing laws that are far less than humanly acceptable. Only the more rich of citizens have a say in anything, because the king believes they hold more value - partly in fact due to bribery. A rebellion rises to stand up against this monster-of-a-leader, with a man named Mathias Chislon leading it, fist held high and opinions never stifled. The head of the government wouldn't dare tolerate this defiance and immediately send out forces to kill Mathias and, in turn, squash the rebellion altogether.

His death only served as more fuel to the flames of hatred toward the government, and the rebellion grew far more intense and rioted through towns. With all the destruction they had caused, the head of the government became more frustrated with the situation, and demanded to have the heads of any and all those who opposed him. Many of the rebels had been slaughtered, but a portion of them had managed to escape.

And this is where you come in, survivor. [:

They're forming a plan as to how to bring the corrupt king to his knees, or bury him 6 feet under.

I could really use some suggestions on where to go from here. I think I'd need some more ideas about the unruly leader; about what he did, and whatnot. Any and all suggestions are very much appreciated, and thank you for taking your time to read. [:

PS. I'm not quite sure if this RP should be fantasy or realistic, so if you could give your preference, that'd be helpful.

ALSO, this is a very very very very rough idea. We can mold it as we please. c:
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Could you go into a bit more detail about just how badly the rebels were being treated? Like what kind of laws were in place and stuff?
Hmmmmm, I guess that kind depends on just how gritty and want to go with this. Have you ever read or heard of a book called 1984? Basically in that society there is zero privacy. Every home is monitored by the government and people aren't really allowed any free speech. Maybe if you look up that book you'll get more ideas you build off of. And maybe even look into really old laws from actually history like Hammurabi's code and you'll be able to modernize or mold it into something that fits the setting. One idea I have is a law where whenever someone does commit a crime against the government, even if its for their own survival or whatever, they tortured and/or executed and all the other citizens are forced to watch. You know, as a way to strike fear into people and stuff.
I'd be interested! @LuckLacked

@pokemariofan64 .... I think that's too similar to the 9/11 attacks and feels its bit hard hitting for some to RP, but that's an opinion and I could be completely wrong! (I won't speak for anyone but myself)

But I do like the concept of the rebels attacking something that was instilled by the government which increases the 'war' between to two. Perhaps the product factory line of government chips they force people to have? Or organ (Repoman concept) where normal people are regularly tracked and you nomally can't go anywhere like airports, banks, etc without one?

Maybe laws were passed like food ration laws, except for the rich, only one child could be educated in every household unless paying ridiculous funds for "educational stimulation",

You had to have a chip or something where you are constantly monitored, all constitutional rights in the end of democratic collapse no longer exist? Depending on your class you can only have so many kids? You can't own a vehicle if you aren't in certain (again high class) wealth range? Basically laws that only benefit the rich bribing bastards of the world and humanely destroy the rest?

Just as a few. .

So maybe a futuristis-semi realistic fantasy? >.> (I wish that category was possible?!)

Piggy backing off what @Aster Sapphire said maybe even sort of related to the book/ movie The Giver. All rights revoked, (though The Giver is far less gritty)
I really like the education thing. Knowledge is a great weapon in settings like these. I say that they only allow the youngest children of society to educated. Like the ones who were born when the antagonist came to power. Their easier corrupt.
Now that you mention it, maybe the plane attack is just a little too close to home. I really do like the idea of having no privacy, or let alone freedom.
I like that, and maybe depending on a child's age during when the antagonist comes into power he orders the older children to be "desensitized", brainwashed, and those who ultimately do not conform they kill? Or they just... lock them in prison or house arrest for the rest of their life... or make them work in a real humaneless environmen . (All depending on just how dark this RP would be if created)

Education would be the most important priority in changing a nation, maybe even the antagonist has a secret conform plan with a dictorial power??(soviet unions old status reignites or China or north Korea if we base it off of real world or made up nations if more fantasy)
Exactly. Plus, it'll make the rebellion harder and more dangerous to accomplish. The harder you make it for the characters to accomplish the goal, the juicer things get and further you push the characters. Its nice to feel to like there's an evident danger and an obstacle in the way. Gives more substance. I've done RP's where I got kind of bored with because every issue was solved like THAT and it made things less fun. So if it'll help you come up with more laws, I say that as far as laws go far enough to test the characters and keep the story interesting, but not to far to the point where even an attempt at success, cause that can lead to a dead end too. Well....that was my unwanted two cents for the day. xD


[QUOTE="Masks of Ayn]I like that, and maybe depending on a child's age during when the antagonist comes into power he orders the older children to be "desensitized", brainwashed, and those who ultimately do not conform they kill? Or they just... lock them in prison or house arrest for the rest of their life... or make them work in a real humaneless environmen . (All depending on just how dark this RP would be if created)
Education would be the most important priority in changing a nation, maybe even the antagonist has a secret conform plan with a dictorial power??(soviet unions old status reignites or China or north Korea if we base it off of real world or made up nations if more fantasy)

I think it's best to go with desensitizing them. If a mother is known to be with child, the child is taken away immediately and raised as a drone of the government. Which is why they would out number the people. A mother could potentially hide her pregnancy and her child, but if she is discovered then she executed after the the birth her child along with anyone else who knew about it and didn't blow the whistle on them.
Lol @LuckLacked wants suggestions so your two cents is awesome to include!

And I won't feel alone >.> ha!

I honestly forget the book series ----- SHADOW CHILDREN. The world was conformed after years (but this was after rebellion and whatnot) and if families were discovered with illegal third children the kids were killed. Yeah... good book to look into also for ideas and laws, probably.


I think it's best to go with desensitizing them. If a mother is known to be with child, the child is taken away immediately and raised as a drone of the government. Which is why they would out number the people. A mother could potentially hide her pregnancy and her child, but if she is discovered then she executed after the the birth her child alongwith anyone else who knew about itand didn't blow the whistle on them.
That would contradict that being the oldest child then. Unless there was a law by the age of... say 8, all children and had go to a boarding school where they were taught the laws and history of the world, and any children older had the option of being desensitized or jail/hard labor, and those who resisted either ran to go with the rebellion, parents just tried to constantly have them live in secret/hiding or well, they got caught and forcibly taken to the desensitizing "academy" or something..?

@LuckLacked any suggestions seeming to light up like Christmas lights to you? Lol

That's a good idea. Send the ones its too late to brainwash to simmer in there hatred, bitterness and pain of being ripped from their familes all while the evil tyrant government they are powerless to stop continues to thrive and crush those oppose like ants....how chipper!
Ooooh, the desensitizing idea seems like a good one. The age of 8 is a good time to send the kids to a boarding school, and I think the history they teach should be false and glorifying their type of government and tyrannical leader. They would, basically, teach acting out would only result in failure and they shouldn't question the choices of their leader. Essentially, conformity could be heavily enforced, and thinking for yourself would be practically nonexistent. Maybe children are assigned jobs for their future, as well? The government could choose the jobs for the children, and they wouldn't have any say to what happens in their own life.

ALSO, are you guys thinking about having this on a nation-wide level or world-wide one?
That depends on just how powerful this government is. It could even be bigger than that bigger than that. You can just have this stable of people in place in different parts of the world that run everything, but they're all working for someone else.

I think nation-wide would be wise RP wise, but that there are world-wide influence on the RP itself with the tyrant. Again, like having help from another nation or nations, but never physically involving them except, say in the history, that they are the allies that helped bring "the nation to the peace it is in" or something?

if that makes any sense?

@Aster Sapphire

Like rebellion Cells that corrolate with one another on how things in their region/nation is going against the government (s)?
I agree with @Mask of Ayn. Acknowledge the other countries and stuff. And yes, like rebellion cells. Too make the rebellion a bit more....possible. We could maybe have a gaurd or two side with the rebellion.
Or maybe @Aster Sapphire

Rebellion scouts or officers (or however they "rank" if at all, maybe not maybe just "experience via age"?) Have actually infiltrated some jobs within the government's main branches of action? They passed the "desensitizing" school but maybe they're (Psycho-Pass anime reference / idea base ) not effected by the brain washing just due to some genetic evolution, which one would consider (possibly) sociopathic? If that makes sense at all too?!
Maybe. I'm thinking these guys were raised within the richer part of the government so they were never seen as needing to desensitized in the first place. Some of those who go on to train to be police (or whatever you wanna call them) for this RP witness how the other people are being treated and want to do something about it.

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