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Fandom Ravenhurst University of Magic OoC Chat

Aww Isla will like talking to her about plants. She doesn’t like how people underestimate how important they are and she insists that they can hear people talking badly about them when they’re around and tells people off 😂
100% Quinn will just info dump the hell out of people, will take any change she can get "hate plants? here is a 35 page essay i wrote about HOW YOU ARE WRONG"
Hey I was curious, could I make a character for the Professor of Muggle Relations? I had a pretty fun(ny) idea for it
Divya is absolutely wonderful and she’s accepted!

Also she and my guy Lysander would have at least known of each other at Hogwarts since they were in the same year :)

thank you so much!! also i can definitely see divya and lysander being "superficial friends" back in Hogwarts- they shared some of the same classes, were always friendly with one another, maybe even sat and ate lunch once- but they never really got to know each other on a deeper level, mainly because they both ran in their own groups of popularity/all of divya's friends cautioned her to watch out for him, so she's always a little tentative around him, but she'll definitely be happy to see a familiar face.
thank you so much!! also i can definitely see divya and lysander being "superficial friends" back in Hogwarts- they shared some of the same classes, were always friendly with one another, maybe even sat and ate lunch once- but they never really got to know each other on a deeper level, mainly because they both ran in their own groups of popularity/all of divya's friends cautioned her to watch out for him, so she's always a little tentative around him, but she'll definitely be happy to see a familiar face.
That’s perfect cause honestly Xander is “superficial friends” with pretty much everyone except his own little brother.

I imagine he might get better at friendships whilst at Ravenhurst
Reminder to everyone that the RP is open to start posting as you wish! :)

Both accepted! And as a side note my girl Isla has decided that Cedar is a kindred spirit haha

Another side note but I adore that Willow song Wait A Minute. She’s so cool with her music
Thank you!
And i love that, Cedar is my chaotic bean who i just adore and

I KNOW wait a minute is such a slap, it just is such a good song
LMAO probably doesn't help that Cedar is also a Gryffindor LMAO
almost done with the character sheet.
Serafina is accepted! She's lovely.

It's great how we have so many Hogwarts alumni xD

She would probably know of most of t he other characters from her school days so far :)

Feel free to join the IC whenever you're ready
Serafina is accepted! She's lovely.

It's great how we have so many Hogwarts alumni xD

She would probably know of most of t he other characters from her school days so far :)

Feel free to join the IC whenever you're ready
Yeah and I will be sure too

and ty!!

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