Other Random question of the day

Except herbivores still eat meat when given the opportunity, lol
Since humans are biologically omnivorous that means a vegetarian is an omnivore that chooses a plant based (or mostly plant based since some forms of vegetarianism allow for eggs, dairy, or both, and some consider pescetarianism to be a type of vegetarianism too) diet, not a herbivore

Basically, herbivores are a species that dont eat meat, vegetarians just choose not to.
That would imply a time machine is a device for storing or transferring time, or an ATM a device to travel through money. Neither of which is correct.

That being said, in some senses an ATM does transfer and store time. It takes time to earn money after all, so you could see it as almost the embodiment or proof of the time and effort you spent to earn it. From a different perspective, if you lose that money it’s going to take time to earn it back. On yet another perspective, bank lending is an important element of the economy by enabling and stimulating new businesses and business ventures that might otherwise lack the necessary capital.
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

What's the most painful injury you've sustained in life so far?
Ohhh boy I somehow cut my big toe open I needed a tetanus shot. Then I had to do a small procedure it got infected.
Considering the number of merpeople within most fiction they are described within usually seem to have a population around the number humans would (being rare sights in and of themselves within the ocean), I would hazard to say that they at least have the reproductive numbers of people. Whether or not they would mechanically reproduce in the same matter is another thing- I would say no to that, considering they're ocean dwellers. They'd have to reproduce similarly to fish or sharks, unless you're saying merpeople are closer related to dolphins or whales.

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