Other Random question of the day

honestly I can't exactly answer this question all to well since i never even heard of this History def. doesn't teach us about this type of stuff all i can say from what i have learned from the stock market crash and the great depression is that there are ups and downs in the marketing world and you shouldn't solely put your money into something in case something where to happen. now the quality over quantity is pretty point on
Random question of the day:

Have you ever had so much crap going on in your life that it pushed you to your snapping point and caused you to do things you'd never do otherwise?
because we are human and sometimes humans can be trashy but to me it really comes down to the point how that celeb was raised and such not every celeb in my eyes are trashy beings least not out in public eye maybe behind closed doors but there are some who are passionate about what they do and also love there fans so to me those who are trashy either where raised in a similar fashioned life style or ya succumbed to there ego and became trashy people that way but I don't believe all are that way.

Now justin bieber is a trashy human he got himself banned from performing in the US for a lot of reasons drunk driving, public urination, running red lights and to name a few other misconducts but i wouldn't chalk it up to him being raised in a trashy lifestyle i will chalk it up to his ego being inflated to the point he thought he could get away with shit.

Simon cowell on the other hand is a jerk because he knows sometimes tough love can make people want to try harder to achieve higher he's not a bad person he has his moments of compassion and will smile now and then just he knows tough love can be mean and brutal, but as a judge he wants to see contestants to try and aim higher (plus with the other judges showing sympathy and no ounce of tough love he's got to be the mean one) so I can't call him trashy he's just being tough to people cause he knows people can achieve higher things.

but really in the end for me I just personally think it's how a person is raised ya there are trashy celebs who are trashy cause there tripping on power but it's not all.
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To add on to what the others have said already, power is a very corrupting force, and as a celebrity, you naturally have some sort of power over a portion of the general population. Thus the corruption.

More idolatry directed towards someone means a higher likelihood of an inflated ego.

I also imagine that since the public reacts more to negative stimuli than positive, you naturally get a lot of characters who tend towards the negative side of the spectrum.

Antisocial personalities are famously very charming and charismatic. That could also play a part - though it's very unlikely that we'd actually ever know about their underhanded behaviour, in that situation.

Really, fame is a large burden. I wouldn't want that on my shoulders, nor do I envy those who do.

Don't idolize people, folks.
To add on to what the others have said already, power is a very corrupting force, and as a celebrity, you naturally have some sort of power over a portion of the general population. Thus the corruption.

More idolatry directed towards someone means a higher likelihood of an inflated ego.

I also imagine that since the public reacts more to negative stimuli than positive, you naturally get a lot of characters who tend towards the negative side of the spectrum.

Antisocial personalities are famously very charming and charismatic. That could also play a part - though it's very unlikely that we'd actually ever know about their underhanded behaviour, in that situation.

Really, fame is a large burden. I wouldn't want that on my shoulders, nor do I envy those who do.
I can't really fully agree on this while yes a lot of celebs are trashy individuals not all are there are a good chunk of celebs who are sympathetic to there fans and love interacting with them or even visting children with cancer or of other various illments to put a smile on there face does influence corrupt people yes it can and so can money and power, but not every celeb is like that to me it comes down to the point we are human some human beings are raised in trashy environments (trashy parents so to speak) and just learn from them and are trashy individuals that way others ya grow an ego and become trashy that way but we are human no one is 100% perfect our flaws are what makes us unique and human.

should you idolize celebs you may like no not always but we are human if there is a celeb we look up to we'll idolize them I idolized steve irwin for some time as I loved watching his shows on animal planet when he died I was heartbroken that guy was so cheerful and truly loved his job and his family there was never a single ounce of corruption in that mans heart he was passionate of his job and wanted everyone around the world to learn about things he was passionate about. Honestly I still idolize him as he's probably the one who made me want to try getting a career in animal care though I graduated as a conservationists over a vet tech. he probably shapped most of my love for animals so no not every celeb is trashy it depends on the person and how they where raised.
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Random question of the day:

Why are a lot of celebrities such garbage human beings? (If I already asked this question, let me know and I'll ask a new one.)
"Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely."

Don't remember who said it, but that sums it up pretty well for me. I've made a habit of keeping any celebrities I grow interested in (especially actors) at an arm's length. Letdowns are less disappointing that way.
while yes a lot of celebs are trashy individuals not all are
I never stated that all celebs are trashy.

there are a good chunk of celebs who are sympathetic to there fans and love interacting with them or even visting children with cancer or of other various illments to put a smile on there face
I never said they couldn't be good. In fact, I was one of the cancer kids who got to meet my celebrity heroes.

should you idolize celebs you may like no not always but we are human if there is a celeb we look up to we'll idolize them
Idolization is a normal human tendency, yes. That doesn't always mean it's good, though. Sometimes you can't avoid it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

While it's better to idolize someone than to degrade them, both actions cause the same thing: dehumanization. If you degrade someone, you dismiss all their virtues. Likewise, if you worship someone, you dismiss all their faults.

I have a very intimate knowledge of my own flaws. I'd be really weirded out - even possibly offended - if someone dismissed those flaws and trials and said I was simply perfect. Especially someone I've never met. They haven't even been around to see me at my worst, so they're making a judgment of me that can't possibly be accurate.

Celebrities can be good people, and of course they can have a massive influence on our lives (again, being one of the Make-A-Wish kids that got the chance to meet their celebrity heroes), but I think it's dehumanizing to dismiss the fact that they have flaws.

Interesting discussion!
Random question of the day:

Would you say that the magic of a reality show like Survivor is how it shows how nice people can actually turn out to be a-holes and a-holes can turn out to be nice people?
No answers yesterday. Although given the question, I'm not surprised.

Random question of the day:

Is there any roleplay you have done in the past that you regret doing?
Not really. All my roleplays were nice, I only regret that some of them died out.
I googled it and apparently it's some comic book publisher. Never heard of it so I guess I don't have any opinion.
never really heard of that like onmyoji had to google it to know what it was so my opinion is I don't really have one
It was a fun little movie. Honestly I think having it be the only one of its kind is enough. It wasn't bad by any means, but I don't really need to see another.
Random question of the day:

Is it true that the casting of celebrities in animated movies is a marketing tactic aimed at parents so that they will take their kids to see the movies?

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