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Fantasy Quest


The king has sent for warriors willing to deliver a message of peace to the enemy nation of Toga.

They will travel through pastures, monster territory and enemy kingdoms.

If successful, peace and happiness for the kingdom. If not, the adventurers may lose their lives and a war will begin.

A tale of courage.

Join the quest

Hello! This is a fantasy adventure roleplay. Casual.

You can choose almost any race though nothing too powerful. You can choose your characters class.

This will be a roleplay with 5-10 people.
I'm willing to bow out if an absurd amount of people show up for the actual thread. Twelve players on a simple quest RP just sounds like a mess.
Question though, can we put pictures and maybe even BBcode our CS? (It isn't much big of a deal since there are only a few points.)
If we can put pictures, e.g. what our character looks like, weapons... Do they have to be a certain type? (realistic, semi-realistic, etc.)?

I'm a nerd so this is just a simple nerd question :v
Quest, I'm already on a quest. A quest to get my... Yeah. Bad joke. Anyway, if you find that you need a person if not everyone shows, let me know. Tsuna Tsuna
Quest, I'm already on a quest. A quest to get my... Yeah. Bad joke. Anyway, if you find that you need a person if not everyone shows, let me know. Tsuna Tsuna
I don't think there are reservations(Maybe ask Tsuna if it's first come first serve?). You can still make a CS I guess. So far only five people have made a CS.

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