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Realistic or Modern Querencia [Main]



❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜

July 1, 2019
Around midnight

There has been a disturbance in the facility where the supernatural creatures are kept.

One of them started what could be called a riot after they broke out of their cage, and freed a bunch of the others. Being smart and strong, and some of them mostly humanoid, it wasn't hard for them to escape after taking security off guard. Bodies were torn in two, and there was blood everywhere.

They're looking for an escape.


It's around midnight, and you're running around the facility, trying to find an escape. Our particular group will find a vehicle (so head to the vehicle bay, or find yourself there) so that we can get out. It'll be one of those white vans with no windows in the back. No writing on the outside.

From there, they're going to be on the run until they eventually find a town to settle down in. That'll be another chapter.

Tags: taliaangeni taliaangeni deer deer Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Keira Winston Keira Winston Cosmo Cosmo calypso calypso Xed Xed Thrushwing Thrushwing
mentions: n/a
Sirena stopped dead in the middle of the half lit hallway, her eyes widening as she took in the sight before her. She'd never seen such devastation in one place before, and definitely not in person. Blood splattered and decorated the walls and ceilings, and some of the long lights in this particular hallway had been smashed out. Better to hide the beast tearing his way through these very halls? She wasn't sure, but she surely didn't want to come across whoever it was. She'd been pretty secluded, like the rest of them, she assumed. It was enough to make anyone go crazy.

Knowing she had to be careful as she trekked through the maze of hallways for more than one reason, she stepped over a dead guy while saying a quick prayer for him. While she wasn't exactly religious, it just didn't seem right to not say something. Telling herself not to look back, she broke out into a light jog, trying to find a door that a) wasn't locked and b) led to the outside. So far, no luck. The backup security system was engaged already, and most of the doors were shut tight.

Groaning, she rounded a corner and froze about two seconds before stepping directly into water. A pipe had burst somewhere, and water was spewing out of the pipe on the wall, creating a very dangerous situation for the mermaid. Though she appeared very human right now, she-- and most if not all of those who worked here-- knew that just a drop of that water landing on her skin meant she'd grow a tail. Then she'd never escape.

Backing up, she turned and fled in the opposite direction, trying to just focus on her breathing as she ran. What felt like an hour passed as she tried door after door, though it reality it was only a few minutes. Eventually, she found one that opened, and she nearly cried out for joy. Stepping into the vehicle bay, she searched in the trucks before realizing they'd have to be hotwired.

Fuck. She didn't know how to do that.
coding by cychotic
Arlo Madoc
mentions: Sirena ( apolla apolla )
location: Vehicle bay

Searing white pain flashed across Arlo Madoc's torso as the scientist drew the sharp knife deep into his back. It burning hot and it cut through his skin like it was butter. Sweat beaded up at his forehead and on his flesh and slowly trickled down, stinging the open cuts. His muscles were taut and they bulged in preparation, waiting for the next mark to come. His hand hands were tied up above his head and he struggled to not curse the gods for this. How did I get in this mess? he thought as he spat on the ground that was flecked with droplets of his blood. Was I really too greedy? The voices... all I wanted was for them to disappear It was not the first time Madoc wondered about his predicament that he, himself, had gotten into. Now he was just a lab rat. Every so often they increased the pain so he was pushed on the edge of his sanity, so they could harvest more precious metals. This knife job was just a warm-up. They were going to go farther than this that was for sure since he hadn't procured anything out of his skin yet.

He waited for the next mark to come when the lights stopped working, then they buzzed on and off, obviously malfunctioning. The red emergency light in the room flashed with a quiet whine alerting Arlo's tormentor that there was something afoot. He heard the door hastily close behind him and ginger haired leprechaun noticed the man had left the knife within reach. He carefully moved his mouth and managed to grab the knife with his teeth. The light was dim but it was enough to see by as he pulled as hard as he could on his restraints, and managed to get the knife in his palm. He immediately cut his bonds when it all went dark. Did someone hit him? The lights flickered on again. Then off. No it's just the lights. he thought to himself. He grabbed his green shirt in the corner along with a scarf and then he carefully opened the door. The heavy metal groaned slightly at the intrusion on its person. He hastily glanced at a map and followed it. The usually neat hallways was covered with more blood and the metallic smell of it filled the air. As he progressed farther he saw more and more bodies. Madoc had no idea whether it was creatures like him, if there were creatures like him, or if they were the personal. As he stepped over them, he quickly offered up a prayer to Odin that the worthy would reach Valhalla before making his way to where the vehicles were kept. When he finally arrived he saw a girl looking at a van. Should I talk to her? his brow furrowed. It could mean his capture or his freedom. Still, she looked to be trying to find a way out, so he took a chance.

"Miss.. I'm looking for a way out. Do you know how to use this vehicle?" He looked over the white van. "Looks like we're going to hotwire it. I can try but I'm better with metals." He sighed.
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[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Sybil[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Oh, how Sybil had waited for this day to come.

The halls were drenched in blood as she walked slowly, but not a single drop was her own. No, the humans couldn't lay their hands on her own. Her feet were stained red by each puddle she stepped into, leaving a morbid trail of foot prints behind her. The flashing emergencies lights flickered on and off, illuminating her pale and nude body each time they passed over her. Bodies covered the ground, each one with a perfect and single bullet hole in their heads. Surely Sybil couldn't of done it herself, she had not a weapon on her. She didn't even stop to grab one, despite the obvious advantage it seemed to present.

No, she already ruled over these men. The cowardly creatures could only keep her contained behind walls of glass and steel, but now that she was free...A devilish smirk slipped across her crimson lips as she turned the corner with no hesitancy.

Instantly, the few guards remaining in the untouched hall turned towards her, their guns raising up to hire. Though the motion only lasted a moment, as Sybil parted her lips a moment later. Instantly, a gentle melody filled the corridor, and their arms went slack. The haunting tune was without understandable lyrics, but it didn't seem to matter. The larger guns clattered to the floor, and each of them drew their sidearms. In order, three gunshots sounded as the men shot themselves, the bodies hitting the ground in order.

Another wicked grin blossomed over her lips, before she suddenly whipped around. Instantly, her fingers curled around the arm of a guard, pushing the gun he held away from her head. Tilting her head a bit to the side, Sybil simply licked her lips and whispered to him,

"Hello minnow."

A loud scream followed, the entire hallway seeming to echo the noise. No doubt, others would hear it. Sybil made sure to let this one scream, as a warning. If anyone tried to stop her, they'd end up the same way. The guard was left on the floor, his heart neatly placed on his stomach like a gift. He wouldn't be needing it anymore, and Sybil didn't want one so dirty for her collection. With that, the siren began to walk once more. A dragging noise was heard behind her, but it was only the item she had been carrying the entire time.

Large and heavy, it appeared to be a pelt of some kind. For anyone in the faculty, they'd instantly recognize it as the skin of a selkie. For whatever reason, the siren had snatched it up the second she passed it, and she now dragged it behind her like a blanket. She had no practical use for the thing, but she did have her reasons. But for now, she'd simply make her way through the faculty. It wouldn't be long before she reached the exit.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
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[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Hallway
Mentions: [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
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The screams had been echoing down the hall for some time, Mahin wasn't able to see much of what was going on from the small slot in the large metal door that kept her imprisoned. Her long obsidian hair was dirty and matted as she hadn't been allowed to shower in some time and the scrubs were far from flattering to her curves, all done on purpose, of course, to stop guards and employees from venturing too close to her door and being descended into opening it for 'personal' time allowing her to drain them and escape. A loud whine filled the hall and the heavy metal lock on the door opened with a click and it swung open. Mahin leaned her head out to look down the long hallway, the stark white tile under the dim flickering lights was ominous, to say the least. The other doors on her hall had opened but no one else stepped through and she wasn't sure if it was because they had somehow managed to get out already or if she was the only one on this wing which was possible, isolating her would be what she would have done. For a moment, just a moment, Mahin was tempted to stay. This place was horrid, the experimentation cruel, the lack of common human decency, such as a simple shower, were appalling, but she couldn't hurt anyone in here and she was able to exert some level of control over the hunger that even now ate away at the edges of her mind... But the instinctual need for freedom was too strong a pull to resist and before she realized it, her bare feet were carrying her down the hall, the cold tile a welcome sensation as he subconscious equated it with the freedom she had for so long been denied.

The rest of the building was even more ominous. Blood was everywhere. Sometimes Mahin would spot a guard or worker that had been torn to shreds, torn apart by some beast and whatever it was Mahin had no desire to meet it. Whatever could do this was probably not the friendliest of sort. She had checked a few of the bodies for anything and managed to find a key ring that she could only hope would open up a means of escape. Side stepping a large pile of drying blood, Mahin darted to the elevator and against her better judgement took it down to the garage and prayed the elevator hadn't been damaged because if her escaped was cut short by a malfunctioning elevator, or worse, to die in an elevator that plunged into the abyss was certainly not how she wanted to go. At the garage, Mahin stepped out and was met with a... sight, yes, that was all her mind could process, it was just a sight. A man and two women by a vehicle, one they hopefully was the car for the set of keys she had scavenged from a body. One of the women was... gross. She was dragging something but from this distance Mahin couldn't tell what it was, she was stark naked and covered with blood, neither of which inspired confidence in Mahin of the woman's sanity or trust that she wouldn't do something incredibly stupid and get them all captured again.

Once again, Mahin hesitated. These people were likely more hindrance then help, especially the bloody naked one, being near them would be a constant temptation to feed, the beast that lurked in the dark corners of her mind urging her to take a nibble here and there... but being with them increased her odds of them being captured instead of her. After all, it wasn't who was fastest, all she had to be was faster then one of them. She weighed her options for a second before settling on a decision, she ran forward to the group, her silky voice called out and echoed in the garage, a sensation that made her cringe as one never knew who would hear, "Hey, try these," she said as she tossed the keys to the group as she closed it.

calypso calypso apolla apolla Thrushwing Thrushwing
Blood trickled down Serge's hands as he reached for a knife, strangled in the death grip of a dismembered hand and wrenched it free. The flicker of a wrecked monitor caught his attention from behind the curtain of hair covering his eyes, the small corner not yet dead flashing July 2019 before winking out. Pulling back to his full height, Rhyner felt and heard cracks in his joints and growled at the stiffness that had settled in. So that was how long those humans had kept him in that damn cage with all its restraints. Seven over decades. Anger boiled up in him as he used the knife to hack off the hair that had grown to ridiculous lengths over the course of his captivity. "All those years and not one haircut." He muttered as he ran a hand through his handiwork. Much better. At least this way he wouldn't have to worry about his hair trying to give the humans an assist in recapturing him. The stiffness of his body and weakened powers were hindrance enough. Now to deal with the nuisance. He turned his gaze onto the whimpering human huddled in the farthest corner of the room amidst a wreckage of broken machine parts and blood, some of it his. He was trembling, eyes wide with pain, fear and desperation.

That had been him once, years ago, looking at that very man, a much younger version of him, with the very look in his eyes that the man now held. What a reversal of positions. "Please!" The man yelled between gasps, his voice shaking as Rhyner drew nearer. "Please Rhyner! P-Please...d-don't hurt me. I beg you." He gripped his bleeding arm tightly as he pushed himself back up further against the wall, salt and pepper grey hair stained with the blood of those already dead. "How ironic. Didn't I say something similar to you once upon a time Alex? Years ago when you were still a young man and I was a naïve fox?"
"Rhyner please...I have a family that's waiting for me. A grandchild I haven't seen. I made a mistake all those years ago...I...I didn't mean for that to happen- AGHHHHH!" Alex fell onto his side, blood pooling from his chest where Rhyner had slashed him with a knife. He knelt down in front of Alex's writhing body, tears in his eyes as they met Rhyner's. "You're right Alex. You did make a mistake. But it's not what you think."

The sound of gun fire cut through the air and Rhyner cursed as he felt the bullets strike him in the side when he failed to react in time and he might have fallen to his knees if not for the fact that he was already on them. Growling, he turned and fired the knife across the room, burying itself in the chest of his attacker. "I hate interruptions." Turning his attention back to a fearful and aged Alex, Rhyner gripped him by the throat and lifted him up, wincing at the pain that shot up his side. "I told you that you made a mistake. I didn't get to tell you what that was."

"Rhyner please." Alex begged in a strangled voice as he kicked helplessly against Rhyner's hold. "My name isn't Rhyner," he told Alex coldly as he tightened his grip on him, "it's Serge." Alex let out one last strangled cry as he dropped him to the floor, the man's throat crushed. That was one, and if anyone else responsible for his suffering were still alive, they were next. He turned, grunting at the searing pain in his side and limped towards the exit at the opposite end of the room. He could not wait until the damn wounds healed, until then he'd deal with it by admiring his handiwork on the way out and he had to say, he'd done a damn good job redecorating the place. After decades of staring at nothing but white and machines, he was liking the splash of colour that the pools of scarlet had given it. The décor of arms, legs and organs were a welcome touch of warmth, a much needed human element to counterbalance all the machinery. And the machines, the new look he had given them? That was simply exquisite. He sure was a generous guest to provide them with a much needed makeover on his way out. And free of charge too. Maybe he ought to get a career in interior design or perhaps plastic surgery. After all, the guards and scientists all looked much better after he had finished with them, especially Alex and that monk. Shame that only the few who walked these hallways would ever see it, he thought as he rounded another corner, trying to find the vehicle bay. Hopefully they hadn't change the layout of the place or at least the location of the vehicles in the last few decades and his wounds would heal by the time he found it. Unlikely, he winced as he made another turn, that would be stupid wishful thinking on his part since his powers were still weak from his imprisonment. Now where was that damn vehicle bay? Coming across a locked door, he pulled out the card key he had nicked from Alex when he killed him and swiped it. He smirked when it opened. This was good, he wasn't in the condition to break their stupid doors as much as he wanted to wreck the place and why do that when there was a much easier, smarter method?

After a fair bit of walking and the good luck of not running into anymore humans, he found himself standing in the vehicle bay. Now all he had to do was find the keys to turn on the engine, once his wounds and strength had recovered a little he noted, wincing as pain assaulted his side yet again. Making his way slowly to the nearest truck, he slipped inside and closed the door, settling in at the back. He should have torn apart the man who rained bullets on him like he did the others, letting him off with a knife to the heart was too easy and being restrained for over 70 years was affecting his ability to heal quickly. As soon as he recovered he'd get those keys and drive out of the facility to see if the man who put him there the first time was still alive and hopefully, he was.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door to the bay opening. Well this was exactly what he ordered for. Company. Fantastic. If it was the humans, he'd have to cast an illusion on them if they opened the truck to make sure they didn't see him there. And hopefully they didn't have another damn monk or priest with them. He was confident he could take them, even while wounded but he preferred not to. If it was supernaturals, better, but as experience taught him, still a pain in the ass. Listening hard for any indication of the newcomer's identity, he heard the sound of others entering and then voices.
"Miss.. I'm looking for a way out. Do you know how to use this vehicle?"
"Looks like we're going to hotwire it. I can try but I'm better with metals."​
"Hey, try these,"
He sighed. Brilliant. Supernaturals. Now he couldn't quite decide if it would be better if they entered the truck he was in or if they chose another one
apolla apolla
Cosmo Cosmo
Thrushwing Thrushwing

A loud explosion could be heard in one corner of the lab. In the midst of the rubble, a blown-off wall and a collapsed room was in place. Smoke rose in the air as ember flames slowly started to spread while the building rumbled and quaked. A loud bellow sound echoed across the compound of the research lab. Metals bended in together, creaking as it slowly toppled over from the ceiling. Electricity wires were torn off the walls, dangling as the lights continuously flickered on and off consistently. Panic rose as the ant-sized humans scrambled about, attempting to figure out what was the cause of the commotion. Red alert sirens blared in the building as screams of horror vibrated and bounced through the tunnels of air vent.

An enraged massacre was what it was.
Blood. Splattered. Everywhere.
Claw marks, torn shirts, flesh - all ripped apart.
No human could have done or made a catastrophe such as this.
A monster - no, a beast.
His own creation.

Glowing eyes could be seen through the fire and ash. Charred flesh and no evidence of human form was in presence.

Stolen! Thieves!
All of them.

Elongated teeth sneered as the beast thrashed against the chords that still clung onto him. His tailed whipped rapidly back and forth as he shook his head, the muzzle loosening from its hold on his snout, not wanting the stupid harness entrapping him even more despite the disaster and chaos he already caused.

He was finally free. Destruction was his and it’ll only continue even more. The beast made his rounds, making a run for it with all the strength he had left. Tearing apart a building, much less using everything in his power to destroy - destroy! - took everything in him. His scales were not free from blemishes and his wings were still healing from countless harmful injuries: prodding, needles, and experimentation.

It ached.
But no more.

Whatever presence came in contact with his loose, stumbled stomps, they were not left alive. Forgiveness was not his strong suit.

They deserved it afterall.

Rage was the least of these mere mortal’s problems. No, they raided his home. Ransacked his treasures. None should be left alive and it was fight or flight. He chose, for the first time in years during his captivity, to fight. He warned them and no higher, complex greed was that of a dragon. His ego bruised more than that of his silhouette. No matter how weak he felt, he fought - to survive. His claws slashed and sliced the skin of those before him. Whatever bullet, syringes, or weapon thrown his way, he took it and crashed into whatever he wanted - carefulness was the least of his worry. Blood spilled and he still felt anger bubbling even more in the pit of his stomach. They dirtied his coat , took his blood, and forced his shift. This was their fault. They deserved death - mercy is no longer available.

Didn’t anyone warn them to never enter, touch, or steal a dragon’s hoard?

Down the rotten hallways, he felt the walls enclose in him. Dizziness started to seep in as his vision slowly began to blur. One foot in front of the other. Left, right, left right. All four legs. His resolve never lessened. He could taste the freedom. All the red liquid, the slippery grounds, crackle and zaps, and the splashing of the water never slowed him down. He was determined.

Leave nothing behind. Take them all down. Aggression was built in his DNA and he only fed that side even more. He enjoyed seeing the panic and fear stricken faces. Long, gone were the human’s smug grins and cool-headedness. Only nightmares and darkness plagued their last memory of being alive. As the door way to Hell opened up for him, he felt his form slipping away, his control dwindling. And soon, another loud, agonizing roar could be heard - a warning, a sign - the deed was done.

In place of a beast now stood a vulnerable, scarred-man - traveling by two feet, bare-footed with only torn, ripped jeans He made his way down the pathway. As he approached closer, all warning bells or reflexes told him to go the other way. But, he couldn’t. His adrenaline slowly plummeted down from its high and all he wanted to do was lie down and sleep. However, voices rang in his ear as he hissed, a low gutteral growl waiting to be released. The - now - man was on edge, shirtless was he as he spared small glances between the huddled group. With a small whiff, he knew these were no ordinary humans.


One smelled of decaying of the flesh and another spilled of iron, the same scent of those fallen humans. However, the other three scents he couldn’t fathom - a slight aroma of . . . fish, pine, and mixing of other scents that only caused his head to pound even more. Weary and annoyed, he made himself known - in all of his glory - shirtless, filled with scars, and blood splatters upon his facial features and hand. He didn’t know any of them - much less began to fathom why of all places they crowded around this junk. If they continued to speak among each other any longer, their attempt and his need to escape would be useless.

“Escape now. Speak later.” He uttered lowly, leaning against the vehicle. “Whoever knows how to use this mundane piece of shit, give it a whirl.”

apolla apolla , Thrushwing Thrushwing , calypso calypso , Cosmo Cosmo , Xed Xed
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A red sea — it was all Ronan could think of as he made his way around the catastrophic hallway. The beast or monster that went on a rampant wasn’t one he wanted to come in contact with, at all. He wasn't a fighter, much less, wanted to engage in any physical activity during the chaos of the spontaneous riot. Though grateful, Ronan felt as if the rebellion was taking a wrong turn. Lives could have been spared. Nevertheless, instincts kicked in and the first person he wanted to seek was his little sister. Although there was a pep to his step, Ronan was still cautious, attempting to block out the blaring noise from the ceiling as it rang in his ears. The call was all too familiar and hit close to home — a siren sound. Gritting his teeth, Ronan frantically searched around the cells, looking for his precious baby sister. The loud noise and panic-striken humans and others would only induce more stress — that he knew. No one liked being caged in. Looking both ways before going in the direction he wanted to wander towards, Ronan carefully chose the path that seemed deserted, noticing that perhaps others were already escaping or escaped already. The blood-soaked floors and walls, lifeless bodies laying on the ground, water seeping from the pipes and spilling, and yells all across the compound only made Ronan’s stomach churn as an uncomfortable shiver ran down his back.

Obey us or your sister will be punished for your disobedience. You don’t want her harmed, do you? The taunt from the white coats continued to bring fear in him, afraid harm would come to his kin. He couldn’t allow that to happen, not again. Hesitation continued with each step he took. They couldn’t get captured again, no, they couldn’t. There was no telling what the survivors would do to them. Ronan could only imagine the worse possible scenarios: killed and be put on display. He’d never allow that to happen — even if he couldn’t get out, he banked and wanted his sister out of captivity first. Darya — the little one — shouldn’t have been compromised but free with the rest of their kin: playing and diving in the water along with happily swimming back and forth in a game of tag. But, no, she was trapped here and that only caused his heart to break even more. This time would be different — no humans could touch her again, never again.

What felt likes hours could only have been mere minutes that passed since the escapade. Treading lightly, Ronan made his rounds once more before stumbling towards a cell that held a small figure huddled in the corner. Frowning, Ronan's heart drop as he slowly made his way over, recognising the small mass. Not wanting to spook her, Ronan slowly made his way over before kneeling besides the young girl, not wanting to alarm her than she already was. A small coo and comforting noise escaped his lips - a sound Ronan hopefully Darya could hear and focus on. It was a call that only the both of them knew — a lullaby: soothing and melodic. Once Darya noticed him, Ronan nodded in reassurance, his arms opening widely to embrace his sister for a brief moment, hoping she felt a safe and secure in his arms for a second.

"You're okay, Darya. Just listen to my voice and quickly hop on my back. We're getting out of here." He softly whispered towards her. "Just look towards me and close your eyes once you settle." Waiting for his sister, Ronan turned his body around, wanting his sister to get on his back. Once he felt movements, he quickly adjusted his sister's position before standing up slowly. "Hold on tightly."

Without wasting another second, Ronan made his way around. He could feel his legs feeling sore and his left leg going limp, but that didn't stop him from continuing to find a way out. It was only when he heard another scream and thrashing of two distinct sounds did Ronan jump slightly. "Shhhhh." He gently mummered before realising the noises were thumping louder and louder.

However, with another turn, Ronan noticed a few others across the way, running around, not having an inkling of where to go. Biting his lip, Ronan did what he knew best: lead. Friend or foe, they were all in this maze.

"Hey! " He called out towards them, hoping they could hear his voice. "Is everyone okay? Anyone injured? Come this way. There's a door." As he waited for the others to come towards where he stood, Ronan noticed specific features, but one particular caught his attention: a missing right hand. Shaking his head, he didn't stare too long before he adjusted his sister who was on his back, wanting to get a better grip on her legs. Although she was light and petite, Ronan knew that his legs would give out soon if he didn't hurry.

Soon, Ronan opened the door, ushering those who followed him to exit. It was only when he closed the door behind him that he realised they were in some sort of "garage" or vehicle bay filled with others. Furrowing his brows, Ronan felt a lump in his throat. It was too late. He forgot one important thing. His skin! Those white coats knew his weakness. . . both of them. But, it was too late now. It would get lost in the rubble and Ronan could only feel despair for a brief moment. It didn't matter now. He knew the consequences and to his relief. . . his sister is now safe and out. "Are you okay?" He inquired to Darya, looking over his shoulder.

Making his way towards the others, in the distance, he noticed her. Anger bubbled in the pit of his stomach only to be suppressed as he recognised something in her arms. In the hands of none other than her, Ronan's eyes widened.

"That," he spoke out-loud, ".. . . why?" Ronan questioned, confusion crossing his features. She couldn't have known it belonged. . . to him. He felt its call. No matter how much he tried to get her to tell him the reason of her betrayal or acknowledge she knew him, Ronan could only stare at her only to be distracted a second later as he stared at the pelt.

He could hear the crashing of the waves as it kissed the shore — lovers that could never be together for too long. The smell of salt and the refreshment of water against his skin, aching to be dived in. Rebirth and renewal — water moves fluidly and Ronan felt as he was there once more — twirling and swimming in his natural habitat. He yearned for the sea and the call was too bearing to resist. Ronan wanted to go home.

interactions: Sybil [ calypso calypso ] , Darya [ JayeTheKat JayeTheKat ] | mentions: JayeTheKat JayeTheKat , Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy | others: apolla apolla , Thrushwing Thrushwing , Cosmo Cosmo , Xed Xed
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Elinore Westwood
Mood: Scared
Tags: deer deer

Elinore thought that night would end just like the others with her crying to sleep while she remembered everything she had to go through that day and hoping that her brother was still alive, She knew the temper of Lucas and how much he liked pissing of everyone and she was worried that he would end doing something stupid and Elinore would never be able to see her brother.

But somehow a riot started and Elinore wasn't sure what to do, everyone was going crazy and she hated conflicts, people were screaming and getting hurt and also the mess of blood almost made Elinore to stay on her cell but somehow she knew this would be her only chance to be free and somehow see her brother again, she knew Lucas would take this opportunity to run away, but would he come for her? She didn't know where Lucas was held and she wasn't sure he knew abour her whereabouts.

With all the courage she could gather she left her cell just to see a horrible scene and try not stay still and run away even if she didn't have a clue where the nearest exit was. She tried to follow some people but in the end they ended in a dead end, she was completely lost and no sights of her older brother. Would he have made it outside or would he have been caught again trying to escape? Elinore hope it was the first thing, her brother was her only family and even if they weren't related by blood she just wanted to see him again.

For a moment Elinore thought she was not going to be able to make it outside until she heard the voice of someone a guy but she couldn't put a name to the voice but somehow she thought that voice was the savior she needed in this maze without exit that she thought she was in. When that voice mentioned a door, Elinore felt that there was still hope for her and her brother, she knew lucas would be able to find that door and they would see each other again eventually, she follow that voice and eventually got out and saw that she wasn't alone and that more people were out but they knew they were against the clock or they would be caught but after seeing the faces of ever, she didn't saw the one she was looking for, she thought for a moment in going back but she was terrified of seeing again all that blookd and people getting hurt she couldn't do anything to help her brother and she felt useless "I want my brother" she said with a small sob, she was right she was going to end that night just like the rest, crying until she couldn't anymore.
Darya Lachlan & Casper Nyquist
"A riot is the language of the unheard."
A faint scream of terror echoed out of a small cell in the compound when the walls and air shook with the power of explosion. The small being it came from hastily scrambled into a corner of the cold cell and balled herself up as tiny and compact as she could get. Her trembling hands blanaced over her ears and panicked breaths forced their way from her body. Ronan... I'm scared...please help me. She pleaded in her head for her brother, her safety and security in her times of need. However her terror kept her right where she was, trying to block out the screams and smell of blood in the air. Her cell door was opened at some point in the chaos, but however had opened it was quickly knocked away but a dark flash of somebeing, blood splattering onto the cell door and causing Darya to squeeze her eyes shut. Her eyes remined closed as she rocked back and forth slightly in place.

In a cell farther down the corridor, a dark skinned male paced anxiously. The explosion and screams didnt scare him. No, they meant there was a chance at freedom. He could get away from this place, away from the monsters in white coats who poke and prod at every inch of him. The monsters who took his hand. He lifted the stub of his right hand into the air, feeling the ghost of what used to be there tingling in the back of his mind. Somehow he managed to escape the claustrophobic cell that was filling with the smell of blood into the stench of it in the corridor. Bodies and blood. Red covered any surface it could reach and he shook his head. He started down the corridor but pulled to a stop as he spotted a scientist frantically opening a cell. Whatever supernatural that was still contained inside did not need this monster in their way. And they wouldn't. Casper wasn't normally a killer but he hated the white coated monsters who called themselves scientists. His hand found a scalpel that had been dropped in the chaos. Red with rage and adreneline, he attacked the scientist, kocking them away from the door and out of the doorway. Everything that followed was a blur but he walked away with bloodied hands and left behind a body with a mutilated face, a cell door splatted with blood, and a weapon in a pool of red.

Hands pulled back from Darya's ears, still shaking horribly, and instead wrapped around in front of her to hug her knees to her chest. This motion allowed her to hear footsteps entering her cell. They were slow sounding, causing her heart to jump wondering if something was stalking her but too afraid to open her eyes. They stayed shut, that is until she heard a familiar sound. A lullaby, one forever ingrained into her being. Ronan. Her eyes blinked open, then closed a couple more times to clear the blur from having them so tightly shut. Her vision focused in on her brothers face. Tears welled in her eyes, a mix of the fears coursing through her body and relief. She latched onto Ronan's shirt front for a second when he opened his arms and took her into his arms, relaxing a little knowing she was safe now. She was not in danger. Finally.

Bodies littering the hallways tripped up Casper as he stumbled down the halls, trying to find an 'out'. An escape. He stumbled around and into examination rooms in a haste to get out. In one of the rooms he stumbled into he literally crashed into a scientist frantically scrambling to grab whatever papers she could and get out of the building. Casper assumed she was trying to save the data and was one of the cold hearted monsters. The werelynx jumped backwards, makeshift weapon at the ready to take out another monster. He hesitated when she held up both hands and dropped everything. "Wait!! I'm not against you. I promise. Just let me leave, we can both make it out of this alive." She stutters out panic clear in her eyes. He's not sure what mades him believe her, maybe its the honest in her voice, but he relaxed and stashed his weapon. When he relaxed, the scientist let out a sigh of relief then backed away slowly. Before leaving, she paused and looked Casper in the eyes. She asked him to please find the selkies and to tell them the little ones skin was moved to the hidden cabin near the shore and it's safe. Casper was very confused by this whole thing. Skin? Selkie? The what now? All he though to ask was what a Selkie was, and all he got as answer was the seal people. What the fuck is a seal person...

"You're okay, Darya. Just listen to my voice and quickly hop on my back. We're getting out of here." Darya nodded and took a deep, settling breath to stablize herself as Ronan turned around. She climbed onto his back and settled into place, allowing Ronan to adjust her position when he needed to. "Hold on tightly." She tightened her grip on her big brother a bit. Her eyes closed again, not in fear but in disgust, as Ronan stood up and made his way out into the hall. She didnt want to look at all the blood and bodies. It made her want to throw up. Draya flinched a when a scream filled the air and Ronan startled a bit. A very quiet sound, almost like a whimper, slipped from her but she stayed quiet past that. She clung to her brother, trusting the one shes always trusted.

"Hey! Is everyone okay? Anyone injured? Come this way. There's a door." A voice, Ronan's voice, rang through the corridor. Darya assumed he was calling out to other supernaturals. Her eyes slid open long enough to take note of who her kin was calling to. A one handed, dark skinned male stumbled towards from the direction of one of the rooms and another young girl with brown hair. That was all Darya needed to know before she closed her eyes again. Casper had heard the calls from where he had just exited the room he was in when he encountered the woman with a message. He didn't like to accept help, but he was desperate to get out. So he followed the man who was carrying a young girl on his back out of the halls and into the garage. They traveled over to the others who were gathered, all of which smelling of blood to some degree and not human.

Casper didn't interact with the others gathered and merely opened the back end of the truck--versus getting into the cab area which was already pretty full--then jumped inside. He shifted into his lynx form and layed down in a corner, leaving space because there were lots of them and definitely not enough room in the large cab. He stayed there, listening to the others and thinking about who he spotted outside of the truck. I didn't see any damn seal people. That scientist hit her head damnit.

Darya on the other hand answered Ronan's question on if she was okay with a choked out "No." and prompted him to help her down. As ronan got distracted by the woman and his seal skin, Darya threw herself onto the floor. It took all of two seconds for her to start vomitting up the contents of her stomach until she couldn't anymore. Her mouth tasted disgusting after but she was not able to keep it down. She cleaned off her face with a part of her clothing, which shed avoided getting too much on if she could help it. Once she was safe to stand up, feeling really gross and unsanitary, she took in those that were gathered in the garage. Most of them just looked very intimidating and she didnt look at those covered in blood for long. The one leaned on the side on the truck was very scary looking. She looked to the woman holding Ronan's skin and wondered how she got ahold of it. Her attention was drawn to the young girl who had made it out with them though. She was crying and Darya felt the need to comfort her. While she would have hugged the girl, she didnt want to get her all gross. So she came to stand in front of her instead and smiled. "It's okay. Your safe. We're gonna get out of here. If your scared..." She looked to Ronan and pointed, "Just trust me. My brother will protect." She finished, and she knew she was right. While she was one of Ronan's main priorities, she knew her brother would not let harm come to someone like the sweet girl in front of her. They made it out. They were getting out of there. They were free.
tags: deer deer apolla apolla Thrushwing Thrushwing calypso calypso Cosmo Cosmo Xed Xed Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy || with: Everyone at some point || location: Cells ---> Garage​
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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mentions: Arlo ( Thrushwing Thrushwing ); Sybil ( calypso calypso ); Mahin ( Cosmo Cosmo ); Serge ( Xed Xed ); Kane & Ronan ( deer deer ); Elinore ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ); Darya & Casper ( JayeTheKat JayeTheKat )
Sirena felt panic settling in. She couldn't hotwire a vehicle, that was for sure, much less drive one. She'd never been given the chance, since the eighteen year old had been in captivity for three years now. The thought made her sick to her stomach, although it still didn't compare to the devastation and carnage she'd seen on her way here.

Trying to push both thoughts out of her mind, she lifted her head as she heard footsteps. She didn't recognize the man approaching, but he wasn't a whitecoat, nor did he look as though he were going to try to lock her up. Relaxing just slightly, she looked back towards the trucks and vans as he spoke.

"Miss.. I'm looking for a way out. Do you know how to use this vehicle? Looks like we're going to hotwire it. I can try but I'm better with metals."

"I-" She barely got the chance to say anything before another person entered the room, naked and covered in blood. Sirena felt herself blushing, though thankfully another female entered and drew her attention away from the siren carrying... fur? Catching the keys tossed in their direction, she stared at them. Sure, she knew the basic concept, but there's no way she'd be able to get them out of here.

"Who can drive?" Her voice only served to get drowned out as others entered. A grumpy shirtless guy, another guy carrying another female, another girl with tear-filled eyes, and finally, a dark-skinned man she didn't recognize. Not that that said much; she didn't know any of them, really.

Clearing her throat, she turned to the nearest van and stuck a random key into the lock, surprising herself when the doors unlocked. "Who can drive?" She asked again, louder, turning back to the group and lifting the keys. "I don't know how, but I do know if we don't get out of here soon, we're all screwed."

coding by cychotic
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Sybil[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Other supernaturals. That's who surrounded the naked and bloody Sybil.

Inhaling slowly, the siren's nostrils flared. Instantly, differently scents invaded her senses. Her pupils acutely dilated as she looked around, her eyes falling first on Sirena. It seems she wasn't the only fish out of water here, though Sybil considered herself more of a shark. And who she was staring at...She was nothing more than a clownfish. Sybil had always despised the happy-go-lucky mermaids and their perky love for humans. Besides, they were fundamentally weaker than her own superior species. Dragging her tongue across her lips to catch a droplet of blood, Sybil jerked her gaze away from the pathetic thing.

She had better creatures to waste her time on. Hiking the fur over one shoulder, Sybil casually jutted one hip out as she stared at the people around her. When she spoke, her voice was low and sultry, as if she had been drinking the sea for her entire life.

"Oh, isn't this cute? A little clownfish, and what? You smell like tainted metal," she said in reference to Arlo, licking a bit more blood from her lips once again. It seems like she didn't intend to actually help them. Her eyes were glued to the entrance, seemingly waiting for someone in particular to come out. "If I knew I would be stuck outside with your kind, I would of gone through the window," she said to no one in particular, effectively insulting possibly everyone. (The more, the merrier.)

As more and more supernaturals entered, Sybil silenced herself for the most part. Sharp glares were thrown at anyone who looked for too long, as a warning to turn their eyes elsewhere. The shirtless man retained her attention for a few more seconds than most, but only because of his scent. It wasn't enough to keep Sybil fully entertained in the moment, however.

No, someone far more interesting was approaching. A vicious grin spread across her lips as he appeared, carrying a girl on his back like some sort of hero. That's what he was, right? A pretty boy hero. Her head slowly tilted to the side as she watched her reaction, and she nearly squirmed in delight when she knew he recognized her. Ignoring the others around, and pointedly the girl emptying her stomach next to him. Moving forward, Sybil slowly shifted the pelt off her shoulder so she held it up with one hand.

She knew he felt the call. She also knew she was taunting him with the pelt. Her free hand reached up, before she grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged him down to her level. Her lips were soon pressed up against his ear, and her sultry voice once again whispered out.

"Hello, Ronan. It has been such a long time, hasn't it?" She began, tilting her head a bit to the side as she whispered. Her grasp was like steel against his shirt, a firm reminder of the supernatural power that lurked under her pristine skin. "I have something of yours, but I think I'll be keeping it for a little bit," she finished, before slowly leaning away from his ear and releasing his shirt. Stepping back, she draped the pelt over her shoulders. Though it hardly covered the woman, it was a clear message to Ronan.

She wasn't done with him.

Turning away with a toss of her hair, Sybil walked over to Sirena with a bit of a strut and opened the door. "Give me the keys. A little clownfish like you shouldn't be calling the shots," she said, her voice dripping with calculated venom. Her free hand extended for the keys, her nails sharp and coated in blood.

"If no one can drive here, I will be the one to do so. I've done it once before, and it can't possibly be that difficult. I'm not an idiot, unlike most," she announced loudly to the group, before motioning them over to the car.
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[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Parking Garage
Interactions: Ronan
Mentions: deer deer JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Thrushwing Thrushwing Cosmo Cosmo Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Xed Xed [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
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Lucas Westwood

It was the end of another day, Lucas still tired of everything he had to go through that day mostly because he pissed everyone and as a punishment, the experiments they run in him were more painful than usual but at least he felt a little bit of satisfaction of making the white coats having a hard wtime with him.

When he was taken back into his cell it didn't took too much until everything became a chaos, he wasn't taken back with the scene in front of his eyes, before he was found by Danika he saw that kind of scene everyday and in most of them he was the one that caused them, but Lucas wasn't going to admire the scenario and releived old memories, he knew this was his only chance to break free from this place and finally have the freedom that he have always wanted to have.

He left his cell with the only objective of getting out of there, he didn't have time to worry about Elinore, if the girl was smart enough she would find a way to to get out of there and her personality would touch someone's heart and that person would help her, she would suffer to for a moment but she needed to realize that life wasn't a fairytale like Danika made her believe and that eventually she would ahve to do that kind of stuff if she wanted to survive and Lucas knew by experience that life could be horrible at times.

It didn't take him that long to find an exit, he would have spent some time taking revenge on the white coats but revenge was better served in a cold plate and he wouldn't miss his only chance to leave just because he wanted to have some fun with the people tha tmade his life miserable.

To Lucas surprise he found more people that made it outside and one of them was Elinore who was crying probably thinking that she was alone and because she was terrified of what she just saw, Lucas could stay calm in that kind of situation but Elinore was diffrent and he knew that, he took a glance to the group and realize that a girl who was naked and covered in blood was arguing with someone else about some keys and who was going to drive, Lucas couldn't be more annoyed at the situation, he could go on his own but it was obvious he wasn't going to make it far without a vehicle, Lucas ignore Elinore who was crying and walked towards the blonde girl and grab the keys from her hand not caring about what the girl who was covered in blood had to say "I'm driving" he said and turn back to the group "Listen assholes! If you want to make it out of here stop being crybabies and acting like maniacs and get inside of the vehicle. I don't plan on staying here any longer so you can continue being here and arguing to see who is an idiot an whose not or we leave this hellhole, your choice" H esaid out loud to the group pissed that he was surrounded by useless people.
The nude creature would cause issues, Mahin observed. Her instincts told her it would be better to kill and feed on her now, to remove the obvious threat and malcontent of the group. The creature had little obvious self-control and from her demeanor, Mahin was willing to put money she no longer had on it finding enjoyment in knifing others to get reactions. Such a creature would disrupt the group, endanger them, and most importantly, endanger Mahin. It wasn't much of a group as it is from ones that were crying to being unable to drive but still demanding keys anyways from a pretty blond thing, it wouldn't go far and their journey would be much, much shorter if the... creature was allowed to live. There was an issue, a glaring one, she had no idea how the little ansambel would react if she were to attack the nude thing, likely hostile and Mahin didn't fancy her chances against an entire group and the commotion would likely draw even more unwanted attention. It was frustrating and the beast within her heart wanted to hiss and lash out at the frustration.

Another blood covered creature arrived, although luckily for everyone, they were only half nude which was already an improvement, but there was a scent in the air. An unmistakable stench that carried through the air towards her. She had never met one, she had no point of reference, but it knew. The creature within her knew what he, what
it, was. Dragon. Predator. Danger. The instincts flushed through her core followed by even more dangerous thoughts as she seized him up, he had recently transferred, he was vulnerable, weak. The beast rouse in her chest, the desire to tear into soft flesh, to maim and kill, to devour coiled itself around her heart. The dragon was likely the reason they escaped, but it didn't matter. Dragons killed Lamia. This dragon was weak, this would likely be her only shot at taking it down before it found out what she was and killed her once it had recovered... but the same problem presented itself. She had no frame of reference as to what the others would do if she attacked the over-inflated iguana. Even as her instincts drove her to claim the kill, to kill it before it killed her, the reason of the human mind won out. She had to bide her time and leave the first chance she got, leave the nude troublemaker and the half-nude beast. She had no other choice.

Mahin nearly snarled as her mind was made up, her upper lip curling just a bit to bare fangs that did not exist as she shoved past the group to slide into one of the back seats of the vehicle. She didn't care who drove, someone would step up, she would claim a seat while she could.

apolla apolla deer deer calypso calypso
  • KANE
    Whatever was happening at this point, Kane didn't care. He didn't know how to drive this human contraption when asked who could drive. The girl knew much more than he had - sticking whatever into the lock. So, he waited, observing those around him as he attempted to keep his eyes open. He couldn't sleep, not yet. The moment he let his guard down, it would be game over, no matter who it was.

    As more people filed into the area, Kane sighed loudly, taking in the others. One was carrying another, seemingly protective of the girl much like he was with his hoard. A small tch escaped his lips as he shook his head, wanting to bring more fire and hell upon the humans who hid and stole his treasures. Thieves, all of them. Foolish. Corrupted.

    It wasn't until he heard the sound of someone crying as well as the someone vomiting did Kane scrunch up his nose in disgust as he stared at the two female newcomers. The smell of salt and whatever else filled his nose and Kane hated the scent. They couldn't handle his masterpiece: the blood-soaked walls, disfigured humans, and most of all, a chance of escape. It was an insult to his pride, his ego, and that only enflamed Kane's annoyance further. Weakness should never be displayed, not in front of strangers. Shaking his head, Kane decided to focus his attention on something else, trying to tame the itch down to cause chaos again.

    A haunting, alluring voice grabbed ahold of his attention as he curiosity was piqued. The fur she had been holding seemed heavier than she yet she held it with grace and purpose. But, he knew the look in her eyes as she moved forward to this. . . Ronan. A slight grin formed upon his lips as he wondered what would come out of this little. . . play. Currently, thus far, the only person remarkably intriguing was this scarlet-haired supernatural as her hair reminded him of red liquid, seeping out in waves. But not a moment sooner, Kane shook his head as the woman moved away from Ronan, hearing bits and pieces of the convo. Kane could only let out a breath of air, knowing he wouldn't want to be caught in that woman's clutches.

    It was a no-brainer for him. He'd never mess with the likes of her, however, as another man came bumbling in, acting as if he owned the place, attempting to be some sort of leader, Kane's eyes and lips twitched as he listened to his monologue.

    A small clap slowly began as Kane's right and left hand came into contact with each other when the man was finished with his soliloquy. A small smirk yet hint of annoyance displayed upon his lips as he stared at the man barking orders or rather, to him, looked like a mental breakdown.

    "Hey, man. You done?" He gave a small chuckle.

    Straightening himself up from leaning against the car, Kane clicked his tongue, placing his hand at his side as he moved forward, treading with a purpose as his steps were stomping hard against the ground.

    The small smirk slowly slipped from his lips before a small snarl escaped. "Kuso Kurae." He stated before spitting on the ground. [ translation: Eat Shit ].

    His eyes narrowed at the male, the fiery embers sleeping within wanting to lash out once more for adding more pain to his already raging headache. However, as Kane stood before the male, only a few feet apart, Kane shook his head, "Come on then, get in this vehicle. Drive." He taunted, sarcasm dripping with every word he spoke.

    Kane stood for a moment, never allowing his eyes to break contact as he felt irritation bubbling in the depth of his stomach once more. This man's need to showcase dominance was a threat to him and he only ever reminded him of those fools he once lived with, but worst of all, those damn white coats. He was just like them a chikushou. [ translation: son of a bitch ].

    Not waiting for an answer nor wanting to look at the guy anymore, Kane turned around and headed towards the trunk of the car, opening the door before noticing two others. One had been some sort of feline, making themselves comfortable already while another seemed to have been quiet, hidden in the car while the others were outside. Regardless, Kane got inside and closed the trunk behind him before finding his own small section of the trunk to sit, leaning his head against the window, not in the mood for talking. But, for added emphasis, he let out a low growl for those who came near him.

    tags: Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy , JayeTheKat JayeTheKat , Xed Xed , apolla apolla , Cosmo Cosmo , calypso calypso
Serge could barely bring himself to keep up with all the chaos that was happening right outside the van but from the little he did register and what he could garner, these supernaturals were all idiots, especially the last one who was yelling like a drill sergeant. Perhaps someone ought to tell him that he was delusional and probably the most maniacal and idiotic one of the lot. Then again maybe he wasn't. They all sounded pretty damn awful. At least one of the females sounded like she was maybe in possession of some sense and a head that wasn't full of rainbows and unicorns. Same with looney and his yelling, as dumb as he thought it to be. But while they both didn't sound like sunshine and happy times which was great news, they were also clearly shit stirrers. He honestly couldn't care less if they were but some peace and quiet in his present state would have been very much welcome and he silently mourned the likely loss of that. "Who cares," Serge muttered softly under his breath as he sunk even further into his seat at the back, resigning himself to a fate of being stuck with the group since one had opened the door, "the point is get out and split not form the next group of x men and fight over who gets to be leader." Though he used the term as if he knew what he was talking about, he'd only heard of these 'x men' from the hallway talk of bored humans and that they were mutants or something and he had no idea if any of the rest would understand his reference. It was certainly a fitting choice considering that they were all supernaturals and the human world likely viewed their kind as he heard the x men described by the scientists, mutants, freaks, inhuman. Serge's ears perked up a little at the sound of a voice cursing looney in Japanese. His mother had Japanese blood and though those words the man uttered had never been thought to him by his mother, god forbid, he'd picked it up along with a number of other things that would have earned him his mother's disapproval. He'd found ways despite living in Britain and his kitsune side helped with picking up and understanding the language. So far he liked this one. Sounded like he would make things entertaining if nothing else. The very one soon introduced himself by way of entering through the back and making himself home by the window, joining Serge and a lynx who had leapt inside shortly before. He personally found it most curious that the supernatural would give away its supernatural identity. Though they were all supernaturals Serge hated the idea of others understanding exactly what kind of supernatural he was and through that, his abilities and weaknesses, almost as much as he despised humans and he concentrated on ensuring that he did not give away any hint of his supernatural identity as much as he possibly could in his weakened and wounded state. More of them started to enter the vehicle and while the others had more or less gotten acquainted with one another by way of yelling, thievery or simply showing their face, socialising was definitely not on Serge's agenda. He wasn't here to make friends or get to know people. He was here to get out and he could care less about knowing who the rest were or introducing himself to them. In fact it would be best if he could actually get out of this hell hole and split from these idiots with his wounds more or less recovered, his sanity intact and without having to say a word to any of them. Judging from the bits and pieces of idiocy and disaster he'd heard from within the car the odds were not in his favour but ever since the day his dad died and his life came crashing down, the odds never were.
deer deer calypso calypso JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
mentions: Sybil ( calypso calypso ); Ronan ( deer deer ); Lucas ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )
Sirena, at first, managed to fight the panicky feeling rising in her chest and throat. But the more people that showed up, the more the feeling began to win out. They were all different, especially from the human population beyond these walls. Sirena didn't know how many of them had ever lived out in the world, who had been bred in captivity... and now wasn't the time to find out.

People started piling into the van that she'd unlocked, and just as a guy burst into the room, calling everyone assholes and whatnot-- someone stepped towards Sirena. The first thing she noticed were the razor sharp nails, coated in mostly dried blood. Swallowing heavily, she lifted her gaze to meet her sister-in-fins.

Narrowing her eyes, she gripped the keys tighter and took a step back. She knew that time was precious; backup could be arriving at any moment. But she didn't trust the siren in front of her. "You might just kill us all, for the fun of it. Drive us over a cliff into the water." And if that were the case, Sirena knew she couldn't save everyone.

Glancing over at Lucas, Sirena took a deep breath and then tossed him the keys. "Get in. Get us the hell out of here." With one final glance at Sybil, including a glance down at the fur in her hand, Sirena turned to hop in the passenger seat. She reached over and honked the horn twice. "Get in now or you'll be left behind!"

coding by cychotic
Darya Lachlan
"When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars."
The sudden arrival of a very bossy sounding male startled Darya for a mere moment. Her eyes turned to look in the direction of the vehicle as the man demanded the keys and gave a long speech about them being crybabies, maniacs, and assholes. She thought back to her fear earlier and the fact that she'd just literally thrown up her last few meals. Was she being weak? Probably, but it wasn't her job to be strong. She just had to be herself, and try not to be an idiot. She stared in thedirection of the vehicle for a few moments then turned back to the girl in front of her. Her smile was sweet, calming and the exact ooposite of the fear anf nerves still running through her system.

"They're right. We need to get going." Ronan's voice calling to them pulled her attention again and Darya nodded. She turned back to the other girl, and grabbed lightly onto her hand. "Comeon, it'll be okay." She'd barely finished talking when two loud honks cause her to jump. Who honks a horn in an enclosed garage? Don't they know that sound echos? Were they trying to give her a heart attack? Whatever it was, she took that and the "Get in now or you'll be left behind!" as their cue. They didn't have time to dilly-dally any more. They had to go, NOW.

Darya couldn't stand and wait for the girl who was probably in shock to respond. With a final decision to get then the heck out of there, she lightly pulled the other girl with her towards the vehicle. Thankfully, she was not resisted and the pair arrived beside the vehicle in a short amount of time. It took them a bit of apologizing and politely asking for people to slide over a little, but soon both Elinore and Darya were seated inside the vehicle, ready to leave. Ready to be free of the prison they'd found themselves in and the tortures of the past.
tags: deer deer apolla apolla Thrushwing Thrushwing calypso calypso Cosmo Cosmo Xed Xed Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy || with: Elinore mainly, then everyone || location: Garage ---> Inside Vehicle || Elinore was moved/bunnyed with Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy 's consent, both Elinore and Darya are in vehicle now.​
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Sybil[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
There was a major difference between confidence, and being idiotic. Sybil knew the line was thin and easy to cross, though she was still shocked at how stupid one could be.

Slowly, her head tilted to the side at the man who came up and snatched the key from the mermaid in front of her. An interesting choice to make, though Sybil didn't lash out just yet. It'd be stupid to start a fight at the moment, especially with another supernatural. Time was precious at the moment, and even a short fight would be a mistake. Though, she couldn't promise not ripping him a new one once they were far enough away. Based on the reactions of others, perhaps they'd appreciate her taking him out.

Though, she had to admit, the mermaid did make her chuckle softly. Driving them over a cliff would surely be an easy solution to wipe them all out.

A worrisome grin spread over her lips slowly, her left hand reaching up to stroke at the pelt that rested on her shoulders. Ronan's reaction had been perfect. It told her everything she needed to know about the selkie, and how much she still dictated his thoughts. Just when he had given up on her, her presence shoved itself right back into his mind. It was a dangerous game to play at the moment, but she couldn't help herself. It was all far too tempting, the familiarity of it all. Perhaps it was even...comforting. No, absolutely not. She didn't need to be comforted.

Rolling her head back slowly, Sybil licked her lips as she made eye-contact with Kane for only a brief moment as he moved towards the car. The man had been there for a few minutes, though his scent was unfamiliar. A tang of metal and blood, but that's all she was getting at the moment. Perhaps the muddled scents of others was preventing her from truly getting the information she needed. It didn't matter, she'd get all she needed later. She had Ronan's pelt for the time being, and that's all that mattered.

Moving towards the van, Sybil peered inside with bright blue eyes. Her gaze was clear, though if not a bit concerning. It was the gaze of a woman who had killed people before, and she'd happily kill more if needed, or wanted. The blood had mostly dried against her, almost like a skin-tight dark dress. The pelt over her shoulders slumped forward as she leaned into the car, covering her up for a moment as she smiled widely.

There was another female, then Ronan. Sliding in next to the selkie, she was careful to make sure the pelt brushed against his shoulder. Her head tilted to the side a bit, her scarlet locks sliding like water against the fur. Her hand reached forward, sliding across Ronan's chest purposefully before she presented it to the girl on the opposite side of him. A deadly smile was upon her lips again, and her voice was low and sultry as she spoke.

"Sybil. I can tell you're one of the most dangerous ones here, isn't that fun?" She said with a purr in her voice, keeping her hand out for a formal shake. Whatever game Sybil was playing, it was hard to tell. She wasn't an idiot, she could smell the power and hunger leaking from the girl now that she was isolated from the others a bit. It seems her rage was in check for the time being.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Van
Interactions: Ronan / Mahin
Mentions: deer deer JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Cosmo Cosmo Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Xed Xed [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#731F1F; --color2:#E4D8DA; --color3:#FDFDFD; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/542572913648205824/601893915829731329/Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_5.51.06_PM.png'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
Alaya M. Sinclaire

Location: Outside of the facility drenched in water
Mentioned: Everyone Everyone
Interacting w/: N/A

Alaya had been up all night, not because she wanted too, but because she kept on fighting back with the officers who had strict orders to take her to the labs. Every time they tried to take her to the labs, it would result in blood being shed. Due to her nature, since she is a half-breed of lycan and vampire blood, she doesn't transform into a werewolf, but instead her eyes glow a bright crimson red and her nails become extremely sharp and grow up to 8 inches. No matter how many times they try to clip her nails they just grow back two times longer, so the scientist have stopped doing so. Alaya was in her cell, sitting in the middle of the twin bed that they gave everyone; it hardly had anything special about it. White sheets, that were usually covered in blood, and yet everytime she came back it was always switched out for a clean white one again.

Alaya had suddenly opened her eyes to the sound of her cell being opened, her vision was a bit blur but she tried her hardest to focus. Immediatly her eyes changed to a bright red, giving her a bit of a boost in vision and her claws began to grow out, but when she saw that there was nobody there, she became suspicious. But soon realized what was happened when the alarm began to sound, either somebody had opened all the cells or there was a problem with the electrical wiring that caused for some of the cells to open up.

She didn't hesitate to quicky hope off the bed and run towards the opening, but before she began to fully run, she looked left and right to see if there was anyone or anything in the halls. It was completely desserted from where she was looking from, Alaya turned to her right and began to run down the hallway. She heard a loud chatter and lots of footsteps coming from around the corner and she stopped where she was and hid behind the wall. About five or six officers ran past where she was hiding. She overheard one of their walkies speak, A couple of the creatures from sections A, B and D have escaped, make sure they do not make it past the gates! Alaya was right, it was a prison break, and she was not going to fail like she did the last times. As soon as they turned down the hall, Alaya proceeded to her left and remember that there was a large window in which she usually tried to escape from and since the guards were off scouting the halls, she thought it was a perfect way to go.

When Alaya made it to the window, she brought her right hand up into a fist and smashed the glass. She did this about three times before the glass had finally shattered into a million pieces. Alaya could feel the cool breeze brushing against her cheeks and the slow runs of her blood from her right knuckle.

"Hey you!" an officer shouted.

Alaya looked over her right shoulder and gave the man a quick wink as she turned her head away from him, and as soon as she heard his gun cock quick, she jumped out of the shattered window and began to fall from the building. There was a pond just below, that was deep enough to help her impact. As she fell, she had spotted a van just a couple of feet away from where she was going to land. There was a big splash below when she made contact with the water, Alaya held her breath for as long as she could, just long enough for her to reach the surface of the water. When she finally made it to the surface, she gasped for air, before she began to control her breathing. She manuvered around the water to see in which location the van was in again, before she spotted it and began swimming towards shore.

Alaya walked out of the pond soaking wet, her white almost silk-like gown that they had her wear was soaking wet. Her hair was drenched and stuck to her skin and the side of her face like glue, before she moved it away from her face. Alaya saw that the van had people inside, but it didnt look lke officers, some of the people who were the same as her had already aboarded and Alaya hoped that by the time she got to them they didn't start the car.

Alaya began to pick up the pace as she ran up to the van, she could have used her speed, but she was a bit drugged up from last night to even run at her full capacity. Alaya finally got to the van and knocked on the back door, before she leaned against it.


Elinore Westwood
Mood: Scared
With: Darya
Tags: JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Elinore could feel the tears running down her face, she was scared and she wanted to know if her brother was safe until she heard the voice of a girl talking to her "It's okay. Your safe. We're gonna get out of here. If your scared...Just trust me. My brother will protect." and somehow Elinore trusted the stranger and knew that she would be alright but knowing that both of them were siblings made her heart ache thinking about Lucas.

But it wasn't until she heard the familiar voice of someone she knew since she had memory, that she felt the biggest relieved at seeing her brother even if he was yelling at everyone and telling Elinore that she was a crybaby, she wanted to go and hug Lucas but it was obvious he was going to push her away and they didn't have time to have a family reunion "That's my brother" Elinore said to the girl trying to clean her face from the tears she had on it.

But even if she tried to calm herself it was impossible while the strange girl tried her best, the sound of a honk made Elinore jumped she was so scared that every sound scared her to death that she felt that she couldn't move again, but she felt someone pulling her inside the van and was the same girl who tried to calm her "Thank you, I'm so scared and I thought I was never going to see my brother again. I don't know what I would do without him" she said as some tears fell down of her face "I'm sure Lucas would take us to a safe place, he looks though and he really is like that but he is going to take us out of here" Elinore said to the girl who was acting as her guardian.

Lucas Westwood

One thing that Lucas hated was to deal with people and somehow he got stuck with a bunch of idiots. It might seem that he wanted to take the role as a leader but in fact, he wanted nothing to do with being a leader, he just wanted to get out and he would leave them if they survive or leave afterward it was their own problem.

He wasn't there to say a speech but all of them needed to listen to someone otherwise they would be dead but as some listen to him some found him annoying "Maybe if you were useful, you could have found a way to get of here, but I guess you are just an insignificant creature" he said to the guy who seemed he wanted to act like the alpha but was far away from one, Lucas knew he could kick his ass and the guy would be done after the first punch, but he would prove that once they were out of there.

When the sound of a honk was heard Lucas felt like punching the person who did that "Are you stupid? Or your fish brain can't let you think. Is not like we are being chased by everyone here" Lucas yell to the girl who was seated now into the passenger seat. He went inside and started the engine of the car and left as fast as he could, only with the objective in mind of being free or that's what he thought since once they were away from the facility but still he wouldn't think they were in a safe place the car started to break down, it was sure they would have some problems since the condition of the van wasn't the best but at least he expected it would work until they were out of trouble "Why you grabbed the keys os the worst van!?" he said to the girl as he gave a hit to the steering wheel. Lucas left the van and open to the condition of the motor and it was a total disaster there was no way they could fix it, not without the necessary tools and he was sure no one brought them "This van is done, is just a complete pile of trash" he said angrily and annoyed.
    Clenching his jaw, Kane listened to the male's voice outside of the van. Was he out of his god damn mind? A small "tsk" slipped through his lips as Kane shook his head sighing, deciding not to argue with him. Kane knew his energy was better saved elsewhere and it would be a waste of his breath telling him that their breakout was thanks to him. Finding a way out of the compound wasn't part of his criteria nor was it his goal to cause an explosion in the facility. But, fate dealt Kane the cards and he took it. He did the heavy work-load and the easy shit was their task. You're welcome. The black-haired male never asked for recognition, but, Kane assumed that the raging male was overcompensating for whatever the hell happened.

    Before Kane could nap to regain his energy, a honk by the blonde-haired female in the passenger seat and another yell by the male was heard. Kane quietly let out a guttural sound in his throat, hoping the "sergeant" would shut up. Once everyone was inside, a small gentle knock on the backdoor was heard. Furrowing his brows, Kane opened the door, seeing the last stow-away. "Get in before the maniac drives off."

    A day and a half passed and during the whole car ride, Kane slept, not concerning himself with the hushed whispers or the silence that filled the car. It wasn't long before the car suddenly stopped and another frustrated shout came from the driver, scolding another innocent person. A small growl slipped from his lips as his eyes fluttered open. His weary eyes gazed at those surrounding him. "Out of gas?" He questioned rhetorically.

    Opening the back of the van, Kane jumped out, annoyance crossing his features at the deranged male. If there was anyone more insane than he, it was the male before him. “Hey! Wouldya knock it off?" Kane growled, irritated by the loud sound as he peeked around his surroundings where the car decidedly stopped. Trees only surrounded them and Kane was okay with sticking alone, leaving the rest to do whatever the hell they wanted. He had a hoard to locate but where was here?

    With the light hitting against his frame, scars could be seen throughout his back and chest. His eyes narrowed as he took in the green around him and every direction he turned, it looked like the same path. Closing his eyes, Kane concentrated on his breathing, attempting to find the strength again to grow his wings, but, no matter how much he willed to shapeshift, he couldn't. The iron blood stain on his arm, pants, and silhouette remained, reminding himself of the accomplishment of destroying the lab. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he looked up, seeing the sky for the first time in years. How long had he smelled fresh grass or felt the freedom of walking wherever he wanted. Kane wanted to explore, to travel, to find another nest. But, he was stuck in the middle of wherever with these "fair" folks.

    However, sniffing the air, Kane smelled scents he couldn't recognize, whether it was from the group that formed from fleeing the facility or the smell of nature around him, Kane was on high-alert. Although he stepped in the direction of leaving the other to fend for themselves, a part of him paused in his steps. He was about to call out to them, telling the party he was leaving, but, for whatever reason, Kane backtracked and headed towards the impressionable male. While Kane was deeply pissed off at the raging headache he was receiving, he was much calmer and cooler than the hot-head across from him. The nap was a relaxer and Kane felt better, refreshed and lackadaisical. Whatever made the male - Lucas, hearing the teary-eyed female call him - angry at the world, Kane could only fathom, not blaming him for the hatred-filled grief. How the girl and Lucas were related when they were on opposite ends of the spectrum was astonishing, but, that was one thing Kane could relate to. Kane looked nothing like his kins.

    A long time ago, Kane knew he was just as mad as Lucas, believing himself to be better than others and that everyone around him was useless. He still deduced that he could be superior, however, the idea of ruling and beating others into submission made Kane want to vomit. There was nothing to respect about Kane and he knew that. Yelling and fighting took too much energy. He wasn't right for the job of "leading" or "guardianship". If Kane had to choose to throw punches or sleep, he'd rather nap, take him out of his godforsaken misery.

    Without delaying any further, Kane approached. "Look," He began, watching as the hood of the car come up in smoke. "We're far from where we were. Leave it be.” Kane tiredly stated, leaning against the van as his arm crossed.

    Smoke slowly dispersed from his nostril as he huffed, eyes changing a deep crimson with golden details around his irises as his irritation grew. Whether the male liked it or not, he was in the same boat as them, or vehicle. "I don't care to know the shit you went through. But, word of warning, speak to me, to them," He signaled towards the others, "that way will cause issues. We're not friends. Patience wears thin and their temperament? Unknown. Those scientist will be the least of your problems." Kane started, propping himself up before standing dangerously close towards Lucas, head inches apart.

    Kane didn't care for the man's attitude, but what he did care for was that someone's pain in the ass was someone else's weapon. Whether the idiot knew it or not, if the egotistic male made an enemy out of all of them, Kane didn't want to leave any evidence for the other scientist to take. "That said, let it out, punch me." A grin formed across his lips as he wondered if the male was just as crazy. Kane was intrigued, playing a game of cat and mouse wondering who'll turn out better. Will the guy's ego and anger entrap him or will he learn to let go. Kane never minced words and bluntly stated he shrugged his shoulder. "Will that make you feel "better"? The anger subside? Do it. I dare you."

    interactions: Alaya [ sprouhtt sprouhtt ] , Casper [ JayeTheKat JayeTheKat ] , Sergio [ Xed Xed ] , Lucas [ Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ]
Last edited:
mentions: Lucas & Elinore ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ); Ronan & Kane ( deer deer ); Alaya ( sprouhtt sprouhtt ); Sybil ( calypso calypso ); Mahin ( Cosmo Cosmo ); Darya & Casper ( JayeTheKat JayeTheKat )
Although a small part of her had known honking the horn wasn't the best idea, she'd done it for a reason. The white coats could surely regroup fast, and even faster if she and the others weren't paying attention. The longer they stood outside of the van, the more time the scientists had to recover from the attack, and entrap the supernaturals again. Sirena knew that everyone wanted out, so to get their attention and get them moving, she made a bold move. Still, that didn't stop her own temper from flaring as some of the others lashed out at her for doing it.

Biting down on her lip to keep from retorting, especially to the one who climbed into the drivers seat, she settled back in the seat and closed her eyes as they set off. Reaching up, she rubbed her temples slowly, trying to ease the ache that had suddenly appeared there. So many thoughts popped off in her head, one after the other. Did she even have enough room in her head for all those words? Jeez... so painful.

The scientists, despite the worst possible scenario in her head, didn't catch up to them. They didn't descend from the sky or surround them in vehicles of their own. There were murmurings from the back, light conversations going on, though Sirena didn't need to look to know that they were mostly tense ones. She remained silent, as did their driver, except for grumblings here and there. More than once Sirena rolled her eyes, keeping her lips pursed to keep from saying anything.

Her headache finally passed, and she began to study the scenery. She even closed her eyes again and napped for a few hours. She awoke with a start to cursing, and a thud that she realized was Lucas' hand slamming down on the wheel. "What?" She questioned his insult, confused. Glancing behind her, fear striking in her heart, she realized they were all still there and there wasn't anyone behind the van.

But the van had stopped.

"What happened?" Lucas stormed out of the vehicle, not bothering to answer her question. A few of the others got out of the van, and Sirena realized then that the van had actually broken down. A knock on her window startled her, causing her to jerk her head in the direction of the sound. She recognized Ronan from seeing him earlier at the facility, though she didn't know him. Nodding in response to his question, she pushed open her door.

Spotting Alaya, not recognizing her, Sirena's guard instantly shot up. But the woman looked injured, or at the very least, extremely fatigued. "Are you okay?" Approaching her, Sirena helped her to stand, starting her towards the open door of the van so that she could at least sit for a moment. Unfortunately, it was the side of the van that Lucas and Kane were on, one very pissed off and the other egging him on.

"Come on you two, stop it!" Sirena helped Alaya to sit on the edge of the van. Ronan approached the almost fighting duo as well, and Sirena admired the way he spoke and tried to bring everyone together. "I'm a shit tracker, but I imagine there's someone here who can help." Looking at the others still in the van, she offered them a small smile. "Anyone?"

coding by cychotic
[div class=mainCon][div class=header]Sybil[/div][div class=contentWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textWrap]
Clicking her tongue, another dangerous smile slipped over the lips of Sybil. Even if he spoke to her in a rather rude manner, Ronan had still addressed her. Drawing her hand back slowly and tracing over his chest, Sybil just let out a soft hum. A familiar tune to him, no doubt. His pelt was still being brushed against his shoulders as she leaned back and forth in the seat, but it was still perched delicately over her shoulders. Whatever she was getting at still wasn't clear, but she was never one to reveal her ways. Even if they were questionable, and seemingly out of the blue.

Speaking, her voice came out in a soft purr that was barely audible over the rumble of the car. "Oh no, no need to move Ronan. I'm rather comfy right here, it's familiar," she said with a slight grin, before moving to rest her head against his arm. To some, this may be seen as some sort of call for attention. Though to Ronan, it should be clear she was simply teasing him more and more. Her little games had no end, and this one was just beginning. Sitting in the seat with the pelt brushing her cheek, and the top of her head against Ronan's arm, it appeared the siren was choosing to be peaceful for the time being.

But in her mind, she couldn't stop the quick flashes that shifted through her memory. Other selkies, young ones. Her own tail, cut deeply by some other beast in the sea. The smell of blood that was ever-present, and her own clawed hand as she stared up at a larger male selkie. His confused and hurt look, that was only viewed for a second before she darted away into the sea. A frown crossed over Sybil's face in the present time, and her fingers slowly curled into a fist as she gripped the bottom of the furs. She hadn't had those thoughts for a long time, yet her own mind decided to betray her now? This wasn't the time for any sort of regret. Her lip curled downward in a slight snarl, and she squeezed her eyes shut.


Of course, Sybil didn't sleep as the bumpy van continued on its journey. She hadn't slept in a long, long time. Instead, she simply sat with her head against Ronan's arm to irritate him. Sometimes she shifted away from the selkie, but that meant pulling his pelt away too. Sybil was simply creating a dilemma with no solution for him, just to be a dick. Unlikable? Very much so.

So when the car came to a stop, followed by incessant yelling and shouting from outside, a slight growl of a hum sounded from the siren. Ronan had slipped out to deal with it, along with a few other members of the group. The young mermaid was heard talking to someone, which prompted Sybil to groan and push the door open with her foot. Still covered in dried blood and mostly naked, she gave the door a firm so it slammed right into Kane and Lucas.

Of course, she did that on purpose.

A moment later, and her slender legs slipped from the doorway as she stood up and slammed the door behind her. As if showing off her actual strength, the entire car rocked a bit at the motion. The look on her face suggested she was more annoyed than pissed, but it was hard to tell when she constantly looked that way. Her blue eyes shifted to Kane and Lucas, and she shrugged the pelt off her shoulders slowly. A second later, and she threw it over at Ronan without saying a word to him.

"Alright, boys. While it would be oh-so entertaining to see you two beat the living shit out of each other," she began, resting her hand on Kane's arm and using her other to edge Lucas away. "We actually have more important things to do. I don't doubt that either of you are such strong, handsome men," she said, cooing, before continuing on, "But there's just a time and place for everything. Perhaps we can move this little fight till later?" She suggested, tilting her head to the side. Though her voice never rose, there was a clear look in her eyes. A 'If you even test me right now, I will rip your dick off' sort of look.

"And if you do ignore my advice right now, I will be the one to stop the fight. Do not test me on that," she added, her voice dropping to a much lower tone. Her lips pulled back in a snarl for a moment, revealing a mouth of perfectly pointed fangs. She then turned over to Sirena, and raised both her hands up into the air.

"I can track and hunt easily. It used to be my life. Anyone may come with me, but I am more than fine with going on my own."
[/div][/div][/div][div class=footer]
[div class=mainPic]
[/div][div class=tagBox]Location: Van
Interactions: Kane / Ronan / Lucas / Sirena
Mentions: deer deer JayeTheKat JayeTheKat Cosmo Cosmo Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Xed Xed [/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a
[class=mainCon] margin:auto;center; min-width200px; max-width:700px; height:auto; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center; --color1:#731F1F; --color2:#E4D8DA; --color3:#FDFDFD; --img1:url('https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/542572913648205824/601893915829731329/Screen_Shot_2019-07-19_at_5.51.06_PM.png'); background:var(--color1); [/class] [class=contentWrap] min-width:200px; max-width:700px; height:40vh; overflow:hidden; border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); border-top:3px double var(--color2); [/class] [class=scrollWrap] width:105%; height:40vh; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=textWrap] width:93%; padding:0.8em; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); [/class] [class=header] width:100%; height:auto; font-family:Fredericka the Great; font-size:3em; color:var(--color3); align-self:flex-start; [/class] [class=footer] width:100%; align-self:flex-end; padding:10px; display:flex; padding-top:10px; align-items:center; [/class] [class=mainPic] flex:1; min-width:150px; height:150px; border-radius:50%; border:1px solid var(--color2); background:var(--img1); background-size:cover; background-position:center; transform:rotateY(180deg); [/class] [class=tagBox] flex:4; height:auto; padding:10px; font-family:Josefin Slab; font-size:0.8em; color:var(--color3); border-top:3px double var(--color2); border-bottom:3px double var(--color2); opacity:0; transition:all 0.75s ease-in; [/class] [class name=tagBox state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]

Lucas Westwood
Interactions:Kane, Sybil
With: deer deer calypso calypso

Lucas couldn't be more pissed at the situation, maybe they were gone from the facility but that didn't mean they were saved, but it seems like everyone thought they were out of trouble and they weren't as worried and thought they were just hanging out in the park, because it wouldn't be weird having a bunch of people in the middle of the forest, who seemed they just escaped a murder scene.

But what got into Lucas nerves was the nerves of the guy who was pushing him into a fight, he knew what the guy was doing, putting more anger into Lucas so he would let it out and look like a maniac, he was sure he could be the guy and if he was lucky enough he would only end with a couple of broken bones, but somehow everyone was telling them to stop, he stepped away from the girl who was covered in blood who also seemed like a threat he walk towards the guy and got closer to him "You and me, we are going to settle this later" he threat him.

Lucas leaned in the van seeing everyone else "Okay, geniuses what are your ideas to get out of here? Oh let me guess stick together until we found a safe place because we don't look anything suspicious but go ahead I'm all ears" he said sarcastically, waiting to hear the ideas of everyone else just when the girl who was covered in blood mention she was a hunter and gave the invitation to anyone that wanted to follow her "If I were you, I should be going right now. Those girls are complete the opposite of hunters" he said referring to the mermaid, the selkie and Elinore "You and that guy seems to have a feud and Mr. I'm the alpha seems he is more about words than actions"


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