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Fantasy Princes and Archangels - OOC

So... I was browsing over Devils and Realist in search of a different face claim for Gabriel and found the Beezlebub in that anime


I don't know why but I found this funny

That also entertains me XD
Jail Rose Jail Rose

Alright, so, I know a guy who would like to reserve Samiel but they asked me to ask you to reserve that spot. Would that be okay?

(Their username is Lettuce by the way)
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only remaining demon is the counterpart to the angel i wanted

looks like im not eating everything in hell today


Random and completely unrelated question, but do any of you guys know who this guy is?


thats lucifer from shingeki no bahamut: genesis
That was unfortunate too since Bee would of completed the sin set but all is well since we have another slightly dysfunctional archangel.
well while im at writing my character...

would any of the other angels like to take about relationships?

*points yuna sena yuna sena *

i think that raph and sam should be close!
Jail Rose Jail Rose

Alright, so, I know a guy who would like to reserve Samiel but they asked me to ask you to reserve that spot. Would that be okay?

(Their username is Lettuce by the way)

oh hey do i know you

so... ive been sitting here for two hours and realized that i just cant get the personality for temperance right

for reasons that giza probably knows too damn well

so im switching to michael. personality seems to fit charity better

also means im taking beelzebub. enjoy me eating all the food. trying to lock me out of the fridge will not work
Hello hello!

I've been thinking of making a human... is that bad...?

And I would actually think that AnimeGenork AnimeGenork 's Satan and my Leviathan can be best buddies XD

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