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Fantasy Princes and Archangels - OOC

Gizaira Gizaira and Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo

Yes, Lucifer was the archangel who hated God in the original story. I just had to change his name since I really wanted Lucifer to be a separate demon, though technically he is still T'moh.
So you want me to come up with something completely new or would it be okay to make him sort of connected to T'moh?

(Like he also made him fall from grace like suggested.)
So you want me to come up with something completely new or would it be okay to make him sort of connected to T'moh?
I don't see why he couldn't be a sort of lieutenant of T'moh and once the war in heaven started he showed his wrath and then became the prince of wrath.
Actually it would be much better if Lucifer sticks to pride. In other versions it was Satan who fell from heaven, though (I think), so maybe it could work for Satan instead.
Actually it would be much better if Lucifer sticks to pride. In other versions it was Satan who fell from heaven, though (I think), so maybe it could work for Satan instead.

Satan: *flips hair* Nah, I was just too good for them there. So now I punish those puny children of God.

Actually it would be much better if Lucifer sticks to pride. In other versions it was Satan who fell from heaven, though (I think), so maybe it could work for Satan instead.
I mean, I wasn't planning to change his sin but I guess that means I need to come up with something else.

(I wonder if Satan and Lucifer would always be trying to rip each other's throats out because of Lucy's domineering personality and Satan being... Wrath.)
I mean, I wasn't planning to change his sin but I guess that means I need to come up with something else.

(I wonder if Satan and Lucifer would always be trying to rip each other's throats out because of Lucy's domineering personality and Satan being... Wrath.)

Pffft Satan is so chill it's really scary

Satan: *brings out his whip* Where be them sinners.
I'm working on him now....

I'm half tempted to just steal him and make him mine

How the hell am I Christian

Satan: Told you I was tempting. :P

Oh, okay. Well I'd like to talk about the relationship between my characters and their bros so maybe we could talk about it now while you're working on it.
Sure. You said Lucifier was domineering?

I have traits in mind but it's harder to put everything in paragraphs so I'll list ideas so you can have an idea about how his personality is.

  • He isn't the type to admit he's ever wrong in anything no matter the situation. Ever.
  • Despises being called Lucy and 99% of other nicknames. Is likely to get very upset over it too.
  • Usually speaks as if he's in charge and doesn't like to be told what to do.
(Those are some of the ideas I have in mind)

I have traits in mind but it's harder to put everything in paragraphs so I'll list ideas so you can have an idea about how his personality is.

  • He isn't the type to admit he's ever wrong in anything no matter the situation. Ever.
  • Despises being called Lucy and 99% of other nicknames. Is likely to get very upset over it too.
  • Usually speaks as if he's in charge and doesn't like to be told what to do.
(Those are some of the ideas I have in mind)

Welp Satan's calling him Lucy then
He likes teasing his fellow Sins and kinda comes across as cocky but he's mostly a sadistic bastard

He rarely gets truly angry, but when he does, don't be there

There's a bit of a moral compass present in him, and it's caused his loyalty to Hell to come into question

He tends to leap into places like, "Surprise, mothafucka!"
I'm so excited....I just posted my Satan baby


Oh yeah.... Here's his "SURPRISE, MOTHAFUCKA!" leap XD

So... I was browsing over Devils and Realist in search of a different face claim for Gabriel and found the Beezlebub in that anime


I don't know why but I found this funny

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