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Fandom Power Rangers: Bio Strike

Awkwardly Jane rubbed her elbow. Getting somebody's last name wrong, let alone being told its okay, is just awkward. Not everybody's going to get a word right the first time they say it or if its generally new to them but something about mispronouncing a name always felt weird to her. Let you're getting their identity wrong. Heated exchanges between mother and children made an exciting show to watch. Anybody remember to bring snacks? Jane personally felt a little uncomfortable. If not for he needing to hear things she'd just leave. This family affair isn't her business. It's like watching your friend get scolded when you're over at their house and you just came over to watch movies and tell ghost stories. The suddenly Ashley is getting blamed for something her brother Tj did and her mom is letting her have it right in front of you with a strand of licorice stuck out your mouth.

Uh...that may be from Jane's experience and memory and it has no bearing here. Her ears perked like a German Shepard. "Dogs? Lucas walks dogs all the time." Jane quickly pointed out. Random but she does remember him talking about that and even seeing it once. Unless he had a drastic change something's off. Which is plausible, but the more Claire speaks the more holes she's seeing. Moms aren't this brutal about their own kids. That disappointing mom look touched her soul. She's only seen that look a few times and it was for different stuff. The twins are just 'defending' themselves here and she's all upset. "What is it with you three and getting heated? Seriously and with all due respect its like watching three bitches in heat going after the same hound in the junkyard." Jane had to call it with the three. "Sorry, I didn't mean to just interrupt but jeez you're all doing the whole listening thing wrong..."

Jane felt something was off... Calvin on the other hand didn't seem like he'd felt different. "It's getting obvious, you guys," he started. But then, the alarm. Excellent timing, Rexian Armada. Excellent timing. To work they go!
As they were rushing into the city, Lucas caught himself smiling a little bit again. It seemed the other realized why he'd been so hesitant to speak to his mother, and the kind of games she was playing. If only they knew this was the least of it all. Sooner rather than later he'd tell them. Preferably without Claire around. The woman's presence made him uncomfortable, as everyone could notice. Anyway, into the city they go for now. Place is in danger, city may blow up if they don't stop Dynatron quickly. So off they rush at the speed of light... or as fast as the cars and bikes can go anyway. What they found in the city was a kind of chaos that would make the Joker proud. Dynatron stood amidst the flames, laughing like a maniac and throwing dynamite wherever he could. Cars, buildings, dumpsters, whatever he could set on fire with his bombs was burning. The Fire Department would have their hands full.

Tires screeched and that burning rubber smell just added to the mess they found themselves in. Lucas and Tidal lined up with everyone else. Evie tagged along, but she made sure to stay away from the worst of the heat. She'd rather help the civilians without burning to a crisp, thank you very much. Lucas stared down at Dynatron, his eyes also quickly scanning the area for Blood. He didn't quite trust the fact that he'd shown up unannounced earlier. It seemed off in many ways. No signs of a crimson figure on the rooftops or lurking between the fires though. That's kind of a relief! Tidal side-eyed Lucas from the lineup.
"I have no idea what exactly's going on between the two of you and your mother, but something's fishy enough about it that I trust you. For now."
"Geez, thanks I guess?" Lucas furrowed his brow. What was he supposed to do with that information?
"You're still gonna have to explain yourself though," Tidal turned his attention back to Dynatron. "After we take care of this maniac."
Lucas nodded quickly. That was something he could definitely agree with. "Let's do this then. Bio Morpher, Initiate!"
Both men tapped the buttons, bright flashes of lights surrounding them. "This chaos is over, Dynatron," Lucas called at the monster. "You're going down!"

Dynatron clapped his hands in deranged delight. "Ooh, you're here! I was wondering when you'd show up again." He started the fight, well, with a blast, his hands firing dynamite at them, explosions erupting at the Rangers' feet. Lucas and Tidal rapidly rolled aside to dodge the worst of it.
"Is it me, or is this guy even crazier than before?" Lucas said to nobody in particular. Really, now that Dynatron had recharged and reloaded, he seemed even more insane, even more heated than before. A murder machine even more murderous. Did that make any sense whatsoever? Either way, things weren't looking too bright. And of course Dynatron hadn't come alone either. As per basically usual, he brought his Dytron friends to start swarming them.
Emergency responders quickly dispatched themselves into the scene of the attack. Firefighters already present and holding back flame as they evacuated civilians caught in the cross fire. Soldiers' aid is appreciated and called for, seeing that a walking bomb is on the prowl. They're getting people out and shooting at Dynatron from a distance. Every shot is retaliated by blasts and explosions, forcing them to cease fire. Sheer chaos in the city to match chaos among Rangers. Drew isn't stupid, he knows somethings up now. It does not mean he is so fast to get over being lied to and having his friend turn a little cuckoo on him. Olivia on the other side is less focused on that and more on the city.
Lined up and ready for action they saw civilians shooed away by rescue workers. Stragglers here and there but they were far enough that they could get to work. Firefighters continued to battle the fires starting despite being so close to an ensuing battle. They're used to heat but not this kind of heat. "Stay back as far as you can, we'll take care of this," Olivia called out. First responders nodded, thanking her for the reassurance and keeping up the extinguishing of flame.

Drew listened in on what Tidal was saying. He's got a point. And he felt the same that this unannounced chaos is something strange. He smelled a fish. Not Marin, though. It would, however, be a strange twist of events if Marin still yet lived and was behind this. "Focus. We've been through this already Tidal," Drew stated, hands up at the ready.
"Combat does't concern the drama," Olivia said. She gave everybody a reassuring glance before staring ahead at the sight of Dynatron. Blood isn't here, or not that they can see at least. "Bio Morpher, Initiate!" She and Drew called with the others, morphing into their suits and dawning the armor required to not get blown up in. "Evie, secure the perimeter," Olivia said softly to her. She didn't have to tag along but with how things were going at the base, its hardly a surprise she did. Evelyn staying behind with Claire alone? Sure the Captain's there but he can play referee for so long before a cat fight breaks out. Something in her gut says Evie is the lioness while Claire would be the homeless kitten.

Boom! An explosion at their feet. Amid the blast Drew and Olivia scrambled around in the blaze, hitting asphalt hard. The bad guys always get their second wind and show up stronger, they should know that. Coming to their feet they braced for impact with Dynatron's friends. Without fraction of a doubt things were about to heat up even more. The funny thing about all of this is that as Allanach family matters came to their most heated so does the climax of the villain covered in dynamite. "Let's give him what he wants and blow him to smithereens," Drew said.
"Calvin, form up on the field commander with me," Olivia called to him, getting her own idea in motion and making her way over. She kicked and flipped through Dytrons so that they fell at her feet, summoning the Bio Claw and lashing it out at Dynatron.
Drew caught an incoming robo fist, pulling it closer and up and over him. Rolling over on top of said robot he slammed into its head, jumping off from it and into another. This is second nature for him now, so this will be quick. Kicking out to the side he barreled Dytrons down, drawing his blaster and rapidly firing in a circle. Sparks lit up and smoke concealed his actions for a moment.

Off in the shadows, a lone civilian stands just within potential blast radius. He isn't moving... he may be trapped! A good Scottish soldier may be just what he needs.
"Impeccable timing," Calvin uttered quietly on his bike under the loud screaming of its motor. In front of the Bio Cruisers he guided to the attack to be discreet. Discretion is hinted to be one thing they value the most but as many times as they've fought unmorphed it is hard to not put together they're the Rangers. So discreet to bust out kicking robots in a park full of people running for their lives. Even more so when they wear colors matching the costume-wearing heroes. Didn't the original three even morph right in front of people their first time morphing? They're a military operation. Discretion hasn't been the case for their troops, so why them? Ya know, this is a topic of discussion for a later arc. Fourth wall. But timing is impeccable. Right when things get heated out of suit they're called to action!

"Hey, save the mama drama, ya damn llamas," Jane told her team mates in lineup. Everyone's got quips today. Explosive behaviors were going to be the last of their problems if they didn't handle this guy with explosive...behaviors. There's a writer out there going to overly critique that sentence. Claire, Lucas and Evie were centers of attention today. Things were metaphorically blowing up like they were physically. Crudely put, today's probably going out with a bang. "Bio Morpher, Initiate!" Jane and Calvin joined everyone, hitting the button--more of slam--and energy flowing over them. Poses and battle stances ready, they felt able to handle it this time. Jane's injuries from before pulsated under suit, but she would manage. How's Drew, she wondered... "Oh he's crazier. That I believe you," Jane replied to Lucas' outward thought. Letting everyone do their thing, she wanted to clobber Dynatron but looks like Cosmo and Wanda have that covered.

"Dual Bio Blast!" Jane fired a dual blast from both the Trigger and Blaster. Double pistol-whipping Blue Ranger in the house. Blue surges of energy ate at the Dytrons, Jane flipping over a trio of them and kicking back. She continuously fired at the foot soldiers, even spinning around to get good shots in. Careful, team, she's feelin whacky!!!
"Right behind ya, Liv," Calvin responded. He formed up with Olivia, bringing out the trusty Bio Ax and whamming the wide blunt side of it into Dynatron's head. Shoveling it now under his feet he swept with its blade and heavily came down on him. "Should we heat things up ourselves?" Calvin asked, suggesting they squad up.
"Roger that," Evie nodded and even briefly saluted before leaving the Rangers to their business and making herself useful in aiding civilians. Best get them to safety so nobody gets hurt too badly. It's already clear, though, that some people around might need to go to the hospital to get some burns taken care of. Burns are nasty, she knows that all to well. But overall the people are safe enough. Evie rushed over to help a poor sod that tripped over debris back to their feet, gently patting them on the back. "You're going to be fine," she smiled kindly. "Just keep moving as fast as you can, right that way." Evie gestured in the direction the Rangers and her had just come from. The sky that way is clearly less smoky, and the buildings less.... 'splody? Her mind's working so fast she can't keep up with her thoughts anymore, just purely relying on her gut-feeling. Speaking of which, said gut-feeling is heavy and ominous. Something's about to happen, and she's got no idea what. The Rangers could handle themselves, she fully trusted them - even now that they might not fully trust each other - but something felt... off. That gut-feeling had been there since Lucas had pointed out that detail he'd spotted in the photobook back in the apartment. Claire... hadn't changed. Literally and figuratively, even if years had passed since either of the twins saw her last. Everything happening today, on the anniversary of Lucy's death. Things were awfully heated, again literally and figuratively. It didn't add up. It didn't fit together, like a 1000-piece puzzle and when you're almost done you find out you're missing a piece or two. Or you randomly got a piece from a completely different puzzle in the box. Evie scratched her head and paused for a second. She was on the very verge of figuring out what was going on. It was there, in the back of her mind, but just... a little out of reach.

Lucas shot a glare at Jane for her comment. It felt dismissive. Sure, the problems Evie and he'd had with his mom were less important than saving the city - and the rest of the world - from being blown to smithereens by a crazed walking time bomb about to overheat, but still... It stung. Yeah, yeah, it was his own fault for not telling his friends what had happened sooner. If they'd known... things would've been very different. Not just today, but on several different times as well. Forgive him for not wanting to be a bother to anyone. What also stung was his head. Much like his sister off in the distance, he was trying to figure out what had happened. Everything happened too fast and it was all way too convenient. It felt wrong, but life's stranger than fiction they say. It may not at all be a plot against him, and really just the universe trying to kick him to the curb once again. Wouldn't be the first time that happened. He shook his head, trying to get the thoughts out of his mind. Part in frustration, and partially simply doing his task of saving the city, he punched an incoming Dynatron in the head so hard it left a dent in the robotic head. The Dynatron stumbled backwards and fell to the concrete. Lucas' heart was racing. There was a lot of anger inside there longing to break out after being held back for way too long. The rage terrified him. Lucas staggered back a few steps, taking deep breaths. He would not let the rage get the better of him, and he was not going to have a panic attack in the middle of the fight. God, his last panic attack must have been... three years ago? That day he arrived in the city, when the realization he'd lost everything he knew was seriously kicking in. He clenched his hands to fists so tight it cracked his knuckles. "Focus," he told himself. "For the love of God, FOCUS!"

Tidal ignored the banter and the general chaos going on around him. Whatever talking needs to be done has to wait until later. Right now there's a shitload of Dytrons swarming them, and a walking stick of Dynamite about to change the city into a crater if somebody doesn't stop him soon. That somebody being the six of them. Maybe five... Tidal shot a quick glance at Lucas, who stood back slightly, trembling. Didn't look too good, but he had no time to pay it any mind. Dytrons be swarming like an angry bunch of hornets. Where's the bugspray and a flame thrower when you can use one? "Bio Crescent Slash!" Ah, it felt strangely good to hold the weapon once used for evil again. It seemed as if it'd been forever since he used the large blade. He broke the blade into his two smaller blades and lashed out at any Dytron that came too close for comfort. Tidal leaped over to cut down a Dytron about to hit Lucas in revenge for punching a hole in his comrade's head.
"Get a hold of yourself already!" he called to him, having not the slightest clue what was going on in Lucas' mind at the moment. Tidal left him be again, focusing instead on the other Dytrons in the area, and hoping Lucas would rejoin the fray soon. He wasn't going to run, was he?

Dynatron staggered back ever so slightly as the claw hit him across the chest. As the ax hit him in the head, he wildly shook it like an animal that had been startled. But with both Green and Pink exactly where he wanted them to be, he started laughing even more maniacally than before. One could swear his eyes glowed some ominous shade of whatever. This robot doesn't care about what color his eyes are. He cared only about very few things: destruction, explosions, and death. Things that can be combined ever so nicely. "Got you now, Rangers," Dynatron cackled, knocking both rangers back with one of the biggest explosions he's thrown at people thus far. He turned his head around a full 180 degrees, briefly glancing at something or someone hiding just out of sight, giving the tiniest nod. Everything was ready, the plan they'd been hatching is about to reach the final stages. Which meant... his head turned back into the original position. He marched to the next rangers in sight, not bothering to look whether or not he's step on or kick the already downed two rangers. Blue gets a bomb thrown at her, Red gets a bomb thrown at him, Black gets a bomb thrown at him. Everyone gets bombs thrown at them! Well... almost everyone, for one particular target needed to, for now, be spared. Dynatron turned towards one of the most important targets of his mission. A certain red-haired half-Scottish soldier woman was still standing perfectly in his radius, conveniently distracted.

Lucas froze even more as he watched Dynatron blast down his friends one by one. He had to do something! He... he had to protect them! But a primal, all consuming fear got an icy hold of him. Despite being surrounded by flames, Lucas shivered from a chill that wouldn't let him go. He watched Dynatron turn his attention to Evie. Fear now clenched his throat. Lucas wanted to call out to her, but not a sound escaped from him, merely a gasp for breath. He caught movement from the corner of his eye. Something... someone showing up. Crimson. Blood.
"Squadron Mode? I thought you would never ask," Olivia called back to Calvin. Pistol morpher out, she prepared to change. Running at the dynamite head-on is a fools errand but they need only hold out a little longer. Distract him while everyone takes down his foot soldiers so they can engage him as one. Inezia is threatened with a massive explosive outburst. Olivia's mind raced under the pressure of handling Dynatron and keeping everybody good. Lucas' psychie was incredibly fragile. Like that's the point. Looking at the evidence that's what seems to be happening. Lucy's anniversary, Claire, the bombs, all of it a little too perfectly timed to come down so hard on Lucas. Blood earlier really went after him. This has to be part of some bigger plan within the Armada. "Squadron Mode, Initi--ahh!" Olivia began to change right as Dynatron threw a bomb to her. Hurdling explosives right at a girls front is one way to sweep her off her feet, so to speak. The blast knocked her down tumbling on the concrete. She rolled like a bowling ball down the track to hit the pins. Blood curdling screams escaped her lips under the intensity of the blast. Dynatron, for a machine, was incredibly savage and psychotic. He stepped on her as he made his way through, blasting the entire zone without a care. "You'll destroy yourself if you're not careful, Rexian dog," she warned Dynatron on top of a grunt.

Drew unleashed a fury of saber strikes at the Dytrons left and right. He knew something was up with how concentrated the efforts were today. Unlike herself, Olivia had not noticed Lucas freezing up in the middle of a battle. Distracted with a bomb in her face. Drew on the other hand, saw everything. The beginnings of a panic attack for the Yellow Ranger. His mother showing and his friends questioning his truth on the day his friend died is ultimately too much to ignore. He's mad, and for a good reason, but he won't be blind to something going on under their noses. "Hey, you alive over there?" Drew asked, sweeping his saber under Dytrons' legs to clear a path. Sternly he shook Lucas' arm to bring him back. From mechanic and grad student to Rangers. "Focus, we've gotta... look out!" Drew startled himself--or rather Dynatron startled him--by throwing a bomb. Drew was right next to Lucas, so it would hit both of them if not for him slicing the bomb mid air. Funny that it didn't set off an explosion anyhow, but slicing a bomb means disarming it...somehow. Running ahead, Drew was blasted with another bomb, this time it hitting his torso and catapulting him straight into a car just a few feet from Lucas. Protecting the man he was yelling at an hour ago? Drew rolled off of the car and winced, every wound seething back up with intense heat. He reached for the Battlizer Visor but his arms fell weak, clutching his chest and stomach.

The shadowed man finally has help. Evie helped everybody she could, eventually making her way to him. After gesturing people into safer direction she could focus on physically escorting this one out. The man, however, gave Dynatron a nod. He stepped out from the shadows. He's no victim. He's an unmorphed Blood. "Hello, Yellow sister," he greeted her. Tapping his morpher, a dark crimson energy wave swept over him. Less polished of a wave than that of the Rangers'. Blood grabbed Evie, laughing as every Ranger but one went down one by one. "Rangers! Watch this!" Blood shouted. Taking Evie he teleported much closer to the walking bomb. He threw her aside, zapping himself out of there...leaving Evie smack dab in Dynatron's blast range. But oh no, he isn't done. Blood teleported behind Lucas, restraining him from behind with a deathgrip. "Boom..." he whispered into Lucas' ear. Helmet, whatever.
Drew and Olivia gasped in horror. Slowly they started crawling towards their direction, scrounging for a grip to get to her. Only a little farther and maybe...
See, had they gone into their upgrades sooner things would be a lot smoother. Having not replaced standard morphing with Squadron morphing is a mistake. Why wait to use the better powers for when you need them when you can use them all the time? Advantages in combat, and all. The talking tin can already blew up everything in sight, may as well go in prepared. "Squadron Mode, In..." Calvin paused mid call. Bomb, coming straight for him. On impact the blast surged all around, wiping him out along various pieces of debris and rubble. Randomly he thought while Squadron Mode would be handier at the start, it's better they don't start with it so they don't rely on it. Huh... hasn't someone told them that already? Chunks of drywall from a nearby fallen structure cushioned his fall. Not even able to get into the higher up form. "Next time we're gonna go in already Squadron," Calvin grumbled to himself, ignoring his own revelation a moment ago. Mind boggling that they would not get a break an time soon. With all of the heat on things today, it's like it was intended...okay, cut that surprised bullshit. Something is definitely going on here. The metaphoric and literal explosions. Reiterating it is getting old.

Jane did not see Lucas' beginning stage of a panic attack. She found herself having a swell time with her friends. They're gonna make a band, you see. Jane and the Aristo-cans. She's the lead singer, Dytron tin cans play the instruments. Their hit single? Why it's Jane hitting them with things, of course. "See, you guys, why blast you when I can," she grunted between swerves and dashes, "wham you?!" Jane rammed both blaster and Trigger into a Dytron's head. Double whammy. Blasters aren't just for going pew pew. They can hit people, too. Robots, actually--she doesn't fight people with her weapons. Just her words in trash talk online. All in good fun, though. She spun on her heel, quick firing all Dytrons down, not missing a beat. Months of practice make perfect. It was then and only then when she was in the zone that she saw one of her friends not fighting. The very same one they'd been on all day. Laziness isn't why he isn't fighting. "Everything al--" Jane started to ask, bomb at her back. All of her wounds from last time seared in fiery pulsations. FUCK!
"Fuck!" she screamed. "I am gonna rip that fucking bombs switch off and shove it up--" Jane angrily shouted, cutting her own self off under a cry. Shit hurts.

Then Blood did what he does best. Be a pain in their multicolor asses. Evie... he just took...and he tossed her... "E...Evie!" Jane let out, getting a limping start. Calvin followed suit, rolling out of rubble. The ringing in his head made everything else go quiet and time slow down. His friend staring down Dynatron merely an inch away? Hold on, help's coming!
Eveline was sweating under her gear, and not just because she was getting hot from the fighting and fires. Her breathing quickened slightly, she started frantically looking around. Shut it out.... Shut it out.... Keep on fighting. She had faced pretty severe battles in her short career, but only few of them were against the bigger guys from Armada. Eveline gulped. Yes, she was afraid, but she couldn't let it show. Not in front of the civilians, not in front of fellow soldiers desperately trying to help out, but also not in front of her brother and their friends. Then Blood popped up out of nowhere, greeting her in the eeriest way possible, and tossing her right into Dynatron's blast range. The robot laughed and laughed and laughed. Her eyes widened in fear, and she desperately glanced around. For the love of whatever god, someone help me... She made eye contact with Lucas, at least she thought she did, it was kind of hard to tell under that visor of his. Judging by his change in posture, he had seen she was in danger, but that he would never be in time to help her, not with fucking Blood holding him back. Time seemed to slow. The monster's blast hit, and he hit hard. She heard the sound of something breaking and was sent flying back before making hard impact with the ground. Her head landed first, then her back. The fall knocked all air out of her lungs and her vision started fading in and out quickly. Eveline wanted to roll over, but much to her shock and fear, she couldn't move. Was this it then? The remaining sounds of battle were distant, more distant than they should be. For a brief moment she closed her eyes. She didn't want to die, and if she had been afraid before she was down downright terrified. But nothing could show it except for the tears rolling down her cheeks.

For Lucas too time seemed to slow as he and Eveline made eye contact. He watched her flying back, making hard and painful impact with the ground in a way nobody should make impact with the ground. But what was more... she remained motionless. Too motionless. Every detail registered so clearly that it'd be forever inscribed into his mind. Evie. His friends were hurt, writhing on the ground in pain, crawling between debris... Evie. His sister was on the ground, motionless. Lucas struggled in Blood's grasp, elbowing at the man's ribcage until he forced himself free. Dynatron cackled again, one of the first sounds to pierce through the bubble that his mind had created. Lucas rushed over to his sister and fell to his knees, demorphing in the progress. "Evie!" he called her name on the top of his lungs, carefully touching his sister's tear-stained cheek, afraid she'd fall apart in front of his eyes. It looked... bad. Scraped and burned and bleeding. The attempts to fight back his tears were futile as can be. They burned in his eyes, blurred his vision. Evie, under his hand, forced her eyes open. The look of terror in them froze Lucas to the bone.
"I... can't..." she weakly uttered, "feel... anything."
"You're going to be okay, Evie. I promise you're going to be okay," Lucas dared slightly squeezing her shoulder. No, this couldn't actually be happening! That blast... that impact... It would... no. She had to be okay. She HAD to be alright. A quick glance was more than enough to tell that things were, in fact, not okay.
"I'm scared," Evie's voice was barely louder than a whisper. "And ...cold."
Lucas saw her struggle, how she fought to keep her eyes open, a fight she was losing. "Help is on the way, sis. You'll be fine. I promise." His voice trembled. He had to believe it. He had to believe she was going to be okay. Lucas wiped the tears from his eyes, and in that brief moment of him not looking. Evie gave up her fight of trying to keep her eyes open.
"No! Stay with me, Evie. Please... stay with me." Tears one again streamed down his cheeks, leaked onto her face. "Don't leave me..." Now it was his own voice that was no louder than a whisper. His shoulders shook in a silent cry.

Lost and broken, like the day he arrived. Everything he'd known was gone. The last family member he could hold on to... No, he wouldn't stand for it. Evie was going to be alright. Yet still...
I lost my sister because of you... It'd only be fitting if you were to lose yours by the hand of the Armada.
Gemini... he'd told him months ago, when they had defeated his sister, when Evie and him stopped their spire-trap from destroying the barrier that kept the dome safe from the outside world. His heart skipped a beat. That rage that had been boiling inside him before, that he'd pushed back to a far corner of his stomach, flared through his body. Whereas he'd expect to feel heated, he just felt... cold. Numb. With one deep breath he wiped the tears from his face and rose to his feet, his face cold and hard as stone.
"You know..." he scoffed, glaring at Dynatron. "I know it's been a while since I warned you, but I think I made it pretty clear there are a few things you should never try to do. One: you shouldn't try to piss me off. Two: you should never EVER hurt someone I care about. And guess what, chunúis...?"
"What?" the robot stupidly asked.
"Well... obviously you just hurt someone quite close to me. And I'm just a teensy bit beyond pissed now." There was the tiniest change in his tone. Obviously he was more than just a "teensy" bit beyond pissed. His tone betrayed he was livid, held back fury about that was about to break loose. "Beat me, break me, knock me to the ground, and I won't care. But you don't hurt my friends or my family," he spoke coldly, trembling with rage.

Tidal, who was just pushing himself up a little bit again, gulped. That was not the cold emotionless anger and hatred of a brainwashed person, this was the seething hatred of someone who's way, way beyond pissed. Lucas was just radiation a dark and ominous aura there!
"Guys... for our own good, nobody get close to him," he warned the others, but Olivia specifically, just presuming she'd want to hurry over to him. Really, if a guy was that livid, it was not a good idea.. Seriously, even after months his emotions weren't quite back where they were supposed to be, but at this moment Lucas terrified him.
"I'm also pretty sure," Lucas continued without paying Tidal or the others any mind, "That I've told the last person who hurt Evie I would make them regret ever setting foot on this planet. I will tear the whole fucking Armada apart with my own hands if I have to. Starting with you."
There was a darkness in his eyes that was very much unlike his usual self. The darkness of a man who's furious, grieving, and trying to give everything a place all at the same time.
Tidal glanced at the rest. "Am I the only one who feels the sudden urge to run away?" he asked them. Who would've ever thought he'd be afraid of Lucas, one of the kindest most gentle people of the city?

Lucas still glared down at Dynatron, his face growing darker with each passing second.
"I'm going to give you a three second head start. If you're not out of my face by then, well..." he let out a small chuckle, the kind of someone about to absolutely lose it. "I will make you regret the day you were even created," Lucas threatened. Whoa there. And he seemed to mean it too.
That was just dark! It would have been dark coming from anyone, but Tidal just couldn't quite get over the idea it was Lucas of all people who had said it. No matter how he tried to picture it or reasoned with himself... it just didn't fit. "Whatever is going to happen next..." Tidal said to the others, hardly daring to speak loud enough that Lucas might hear it. "Remind me to never piss him off."

Tidal and possibly the others weren't the only ones to be unsettled. Even Dynatron was getting a bit nervous now, glancing at Blood. "I think that maybe we just should..." he started.
"Three seconds are over, " Lucas tapped the button on his morpher. Without saying another word, he went straight into Squadron mode, hammer in hand and superstrength flowing through his veins. He leaped at Dynatron and smashed him with the hammer, over and over again. Under the helmet, invisible for the others, tears ran down his cheeks once again. He had been so afraid to lose his sister, so afraid she'd get hurt because he is a Power Ranger, that she'd get herself trapped in the crossfire... He'd been so afraid he'd lose his friendship with the others once his story would come to light. And now that it seemed it was all going to come true, it felt like there was nothing left to lose.
"I am not doing this for myself, not even for Inezia. I am doing this because you hurt the people I care about the most. My friends, my sister... Now let me ask you something; do you know why they say you should be so wary of the kind and quiet people? It is because you really, really do not want to get us angry. And guess what you did when you hurt them..." He'd said something similar before, in the early days of being a ranger. How fitting it was to utter those same words again right here and now.
"You might have lost a lot. But you've gained more."
"We are friends first. Rangers second. Nothing will break us apart, Lucas. Nothing."

Kind words spoken by the others, many great memories flooded his mind, bringing him slightly back to his senses. It didn't stop the tears, but it did stop him from completely disregarding his own life and safety. Lucas breathed heavily, feeling the exhaustion creep up on him. He wanted to completely obliterate Dynatron and Blood single-handedly, but that would be asking way too much off himself. He wasn't alone, not anymore. His friends would be right there to help him. With a deep breath and a shake of his head he forced some clarity back into his mind. Don't let the rage blind you, he told himself softly. Another deep breath later he lowered his hammer, having severely damaged and knocked back Dynatron already. Lucas turned to his friends.
"Let's finish this together," he said softly. "Squadron Mode, Initiate! Spirit of Compassion! Bio Squadron Mode Yellow!"
"EVIE!" Could be heard from a mile away. Okay, not really. But it's loud. Drew and Olivia both reacted on pure instinct to scream.
When somebody close to you dies, you have the initial shock. That 10 second mark of time where everything's quiet and it rushes through your mind. Nothing you hear is really being heard and you're stuck in a pool of 'what?' Evie isn't dead. But she's looking it in the eye, most likely. Dynatron's blast hit her, a civilian, with such force it would make the Rangers demorph. Blood laughed this maniacal laugh, only silenced by an elbow to the ribs. Evie's friends--arguably her closest ones--were witness to this horrible act. Lucas' reaction is totally justified. The panic, the cries, the frantic movement. Had it been Isaac in that spot, Drew would have completely shut down. But no shut down. No giving in to this odd motive of the Armada. Lucas just got mad. Really... really... mad. Comprehensive on a scale they could compare with the moment Urthemial first paid them all a visit and directly challenged them. Thinking he would annihilate them and just take the world for his own. This runs deeper. A personal, brutal tactic. In this moment would anybody see it as such? Absolutely not. They're watching someone they all care about potentially die.
"We should--..." Olivia started, going out of her own sense. But Tidal's warning convinced her. Lucas' voice. His demeanor. His entire presence shifted. Her body jolted like she would be moving towards him but Olivia isn't stupid. Drew froze solid.

"We're not going anywhere," Drew said in response to Tidal. He felt no urge to run. He wants to watch this. "Lucas, buddy, if you can hear me over your anger... kick his fucking ass." In this moment he switched from being mad at him to having his back completely. The events to transpire next were pure justice. This man is so quiet and honestly one of the last people you see get mad. So seeing him get mad like this is a shock. Mad and frustrated are two separate things. One's where you get heated in the moment and fight on to win. The other is total emotion and a scary place to stay at for too long. But a walking stick of dynamite happens to be around for a punching bag.

Blood and the Rangers watched in silence while Lucas waled on Dynatron. Brutally beating him down into a condensed can of space soup. One more hit and he would have triggered a detonation on his person and exploded him as well as himself. Savage, uninhibited rage being pulverized into this bots butt. His head, his chest... his everything, really. Each hit may as well be for someone Lucas cares about. And the rest are just hits to grow on.
"You worthless tin can," Blood said to Dynatron, kicking him while he was down and pulling him back up. "We aren't going until they're dead."

"Then you're not going," Drew replied. He walked up to Lucas, as well as Olivia. Softly he rested a hand on his shoulder. "Remember what I said a long time ago? We are friends first. Rangers second. Nothing will break us apart, Lucas. Nothing. I'm sorry about Lucy. About Evie. But now you'e here--we're here--alive and fighting. Make them proud," he said. Quoting himself from back then and what Lucas just remembered. Adding to it with a minor modification. But the memory stands. If this moment, he forgot all about his mistrust in Lucas. Seeing him break down raw flipped the switch. Screw it. He wants more answers but he'll get them later. His friend is what's important. Lucas Fletcher is a good man. Damn it all.
"Together. Battlizer, Initiate!" Drew nodded, attaching the red visor to his morpher. Armor engulfed his suit to the most advanced form. "Bio Commander Mode!"
"I've had enough out of this one. Squadron Mode, Initiate!" Pink energy converted to armor on Olivia's body. "Spirit of Intellect! Bio Squadron Mode Pink!"

"I don't care what suits you wear. You're joining her in the morgue," Blood said. Oh he did not just...
"EVIE!" The screaming. The screaming brought on only by the inevitable fear that is death. Death comes for everyone at some time in their life. Death better not take her. Not today. Not because of a stupid piece of scrap metal. Scrapping to their knees, everyone watched in horror as Lucas met with his critically injured sister. The sight of the whole thing was shocking. The raw, powerful emotion being drawn out is too much to handle. It's ugly emotion. Calvin's chest felt light as a feather but also like it may erupt in true volcanic style. Jane let a tear from the fear run down her cheek. Her friend...her friend...
Mourning Evie already, everybody just had to watch Lucas. More than anything did they want to go to him. Fuck all of the bullshit that happened today. This is what matters. Right here, right now. Tidal's right, they shouldn't go to him. Because the storm that's about to rain down is something nobody wants to get caught in the middle of.

Compassion turning into hatred? Maybe this is what they want. Why they blew Evie up. Why Blood threw up right into the blast range. But turning him into hatred is what will be their undoing. "Jokes on the Rexian Armada. Bio Strike never quits," Jane said as Tidal suggested the run, and that Lucas started to scare him. Broody cat man afraid of the quiet Scotsman. Hilarious!
Lucas went totally ham on the battle bot. It's bomb as hell to watch.... fuck that's poor timing. "Would this be a good time to mention when I first saw Lucas all that time ago...I could see this in him? It's true. The quiet ones are the ones you don't wanna tick off. Because they keep a lot inside. And after today it's more apparent than ever he's bottled something up for years. Dynatron isn't a killer. He's about to be a victim." Calvin spoke, slowly but steadily walking up to Lucas when the slaughter was over. When he first saw Lucas...what, back in the wasteland? Jane didn't get it. She followed, though. Now that they're less liekly to be rammed with a hammer.

Jane snickered slightly at Drew's past quote. "Yeah. What he said. And you've lost a lot... but you haven't lost her. Not yet. And you really have gained so much more from when we first met. I'm with you, Lucas." Jane saying his name felt important. Screw whoever he used to be. This man right here is her friend and she fucking loves him. Wait....fucking gross, dude.
"Hang tight, Evie. We're gonna kick this guys ass for you," Jane said, glancing back at their fallen friend on the ground. Cold and limp.
"Together! Squadron Mode, Initiate!" Blue and Green energy for Jane and Calvin swirled around their suits.
"Spirit of Imagination! Bi Squadron Mode Blue!"
"Spirit of Honor! Bio Squadron Mode Green!"
"I'm not saying we have to run. Or that I'm actually going to run," Tidal defended himself. "Just that I feel the urge to not get in the way of someone who's as pissed as Lucas is. Rightfully so, too." The Armada had gone too far. Way too far. This attack was so personal, so vicious and incomprehensibly evil... Tidal was shocked to see the events unfolding, and silently shot a quick prayer that Eveline would be okay. That help would arrive soon and she could be taken to the hospital. He joined the others in the lineup, glaring down at Dynatron and Blood. Where the beaten up tin can looked like he wanted to retreat, his replacement looked like he wanted a fight. And if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get. Today they'll stand even more united than before, funny since only a few hours before they were far from a unison. But now the Armada had potentially killed a friend of theirs right in front of their eyes, and they wouldn't have it. They would stand with their friend and fight to avenge Eveline. "Squadron Mode, Initiate! Spirit of Redemption! Bio Squadron Mode Shadow!"

Lucas nodded at Drew and Jane. Them repeating the words they said way back when they just became rangers - the very words he'd just remembered himself, no less - struck a cord. Through all the anger, the hatred the confusing and the gut wrenching grief all fighting for the upper hand in his mind, Lucas managed to force a smile on his face. Not that anyone was going to see it through the visor. But maybe they could tell through a slight change in posture. As if he relaxed a little bit more. Once this day was over, Lucas was going to need a long ass nap and maybe an aspirin or two. The headache was already coming up, making the veins in his temples pulse. Or so it felt like, anyway. It would take a couple of days for him to give this all a place. But he wasn't alone, and he wouldn't have to deal with it alone. He had his friends to rely on. Now even more so than before. For now his secrecy, his avoidance of talking about his past seemed forgiven and forgotten, but he owed them all answers. About why he left Zalfari, why neither he nor his sister wanted anything to do with Claire, and why he had so desperately avoided talking about it all for so long. There was a whole lot of shit he'd been bottling up for a very long time, and now that was about to explode - as poor of a timing as that choice of words may be - into a complete shitstorm.

He snapped his head in Blood's direction. "If it's up to me, the only one headed in that direction is you. Fucking piece of shit." He might have calmed down enough to not get himself killed in a fit of blinded rage, but the rage is still very much there. Flowing through his body and more than eager to break loose through the means of whacking something with a hammer until it stops moving. Whether that's Dynatron, Blood, or preferably both, that doesn't matter to him. All he cares about it to keep fighting. For Lucy. For Evie. For his friends, and for everyone still out there in the world holding on for dear life. He'd just said it; he would tear apart the entire Armada with his bare hands if he had to. And he meant it.
Tidal nodded in agreement. Now Blood was just pouring salt into open wounds. He was going to regret saying what he did. He was going to regret tossing Evie into blast range, and he was going to regret holding Lucas back so he couldn't save his sister. "Shall I punch him for you?" Tidal offered Lucas.
A small nod in reply followed. "Be my guest. As long as you save some for me after I'm done with Dynatron," Lucas glared down at the very beaten up robot before him. Geez, if he hadn't stopped himself they would've both exploded just now. Note to self: try not to get so angry again you completely disregard your own life. That leaves a mess and makes people sad. Lucas tightened his fist around the handle of the hammer. Once Dynatron would be annihilated twice, Blood would be next and get beaten into a pulp on the ground if it was up to him. Lucas normally isn't one to feel hatred or murder tendencies, but today the Rexian Armada crossed a few lines too many.
"Whoever wants to give Blood a run for his money, go right ahead. Whoever wants to join me in making sure Dynatron won't even be good for scrap metal anymore... let's go."
And with that, Lucas charged again, hammer ready to deliver the last few devastating blows.
"Oh this is going to be so much fun," Blood said, saber in hand and blaster in the other. A truly marvelous stance about him. A famous space pirate once had that stance...
True comrades in arms and friends behind doors. This scale of pain and suffering only deserves to be met with a simple solution. Justice for all and serious amounts of collateral damage. Getting a story from the clean-up crew following this fight will be interesting. But the damage is already set with all of the bombs went off. For once the Armada get really close to the Rangers. Hurt somebody they loved and wanted to protect. Stabbing Wilson wasn't enough, it seems. Now they blow up Eveline Tucker--the single most explosive woman in the military. Again, horrible wording, but she's a firecracker. Never wanted to mess with her. Everyone's about to unleash the inner Evie.

Drew readied for takeoff in the Battlizer. His armor was hyped up and fully charged for some good, sweet revenge. "It's payback time," Drew uttered, leaping into the air with a single bound. He soared high above, nearly hitting the dome itself. Lucas wants some help in disarming this bomb for good? He's his man. Drew spiraled downward into a furious slashing circle with his armblades. Cut! Cut! Cut! For every ounce of chaos caused is one more relentless scratch in this guys paint. He pierced the metal of this thing in such a way, his dents from the hammer where getting deeper and deeper for every slash. Kicking back off the ground Drew shoulder rushed straight into the bomb. Not something he should ever do in any other context. Lucas would have blown himself up if he didn't stop. Good thing he did, because Drew wanted a piece of this action too. After the rush and blades, he went back in the air to ready his final attack for both bomb bot and Blood.

"I'll hit him for you, sweetheart," Olivia broke her own code of conduct for keeping personal affairs personal and formal ones formal. She paused, shaking her head and very focused, ran for Blood. After this was over, she's going to cook Lucas a nice warm meal. Olivia was keeping perfect cool in contrast to the raw heat from the targetted Ranger. Phasing through him, she swept her knee into the back of Blood's side. Or rather she kneed him in the side from the back. He bounced from it, staying on his feet and firing in her direction. The bad guys need to learn that when the team has a second wind, they can't be stopped. Olivia flipped out of the way so his shot hit a random wall instead. "Bio Claw!" Claw in hand, she slashed it right in his side where she kneed him previously. Gotta hurt!
Funniest thing about pissing off superheroes? They just might become a little less heroic and a lot more vengeful. No longer are they Power Rangers, they are the Revengers. "After we blow up the bomb, we're taking Blood's morpher and shoving it up his a--" Jane began to say with much vulgarity.
Calvin placed a hand over her mouthpiece. "We get it, we're mad," he said. Tomboy simmers down, now. Less so when she uses her agility to leap into action. Literally. Bouncing like a happy bunny rabbit, Jane fired from the trigger at a distance while Lucas ran in. Let him have his moment, she'll go in in a second. The frustration from today is enough to keep stamina high and full. Tearing the Armada apart in one day sounds like a tall order. But with the new adrenaline rush it isn't that far fetched. Jane alone could bounce up to the main ship and kick Splica in the face. But she'd have to go through the done and...that... yeah that might hurt a little bit.
Firing blasts on blasts, she let Drew go in with his slashes and bashes. Gave her an idea. When he bashed him, Dynatron kind of went back. A football tackle. And football is a sport. Sports are cool, and there's one sport the Rangers haven't played in a while. When clear, Jane leaped in, Bio Ring in hand, tossing it like Tidal does the Slicer. It sawed into the bomb momentarily as she plotted where to go. Behind him now, Jane seized the chance and took the ring from its buzzsaw attack. "Hey Lucas... batter up!" Oh yeah, baseball time! Jane used her agility to pick up Dynatron and lift him just enough to throw him from a few feet in the air. Will it be a homerun? Cue baseball music!

"All eyes on him," Calvin said, true field commander fashion. Not field commander like the Armada, but in the military. He's lead a battalion of men before. Leading one now, even. A battalion of himself! With all five of his copies summoned, Calvin took out his frustration and delivered justice. Tidal's facing down his replacement while Lucas faces his past blowing up around him. Odd. Speaking of replacements... man, the evil Ranger business looks better in black. The Calvin squad surrounded Blood when Olivia bought them time. "Bio Enforcer Roulette!" From six directions they fired. Blasting Blood in all sides until he was just a sparking mess of sparks.
Aww, all the violence taking place to help him avenge his sister is just strangely heart-warming. Channeling his inner-Evie, maybe? They're twins after all, bound to share some personality traits. Even if one is way less explosive than the other. Olivia breaking the code of conduct they'd agreed to stick to would have made him chuckle under lighter circumstanced. But then again, under lighter circumstances, she wouldn't have broken the code of conduct. He knew her well enough to be sure of that. The collateral damage already having been done by a robot throwing bombs everywhere was insane. Sure, Inezia has seen a lot of terrible things since the Armada arrived and the domes went up, but a significant part of a district being reduced to rubble and warzone... that's fairly new. Where was the city going to find the resources needed to rebuild the buildings that were now just messy piles of stones, and concrete skeletons with steel beams sticking out?

Tidal went invisible and held the Slicer tight. Time to face Blood, give him some bruises and bloody scrapes.... and keep his word to Lucas and punch him in the face with all he got. Olivia tossing the code of conduct out of the window was adorable. Very sweet, albeit under weird circumstances. Goes to show just how much those two care for one another. If somehow, ever, the situation would be flipped around, Lucas would do just the same for her. Tidal's got to admit he envies the two of them. But lets not get distracted too much and carried away by emotions. Blood needs an ass-kicking and Dynatron needs to go for good. From invisibility he struck Blood with the Slicer the moment the smoke from Calvin's attack started to clear. Once he'd gotten close enough, he kept his word and punched Blood in the head. Visor might keep some of the damage out, but at least it should rattle and hurt a bit. Maybe dazzle and stun him for just long enough?

Lucas could've gone for the knuckles and just punch Dynatron until the robot would be destroyed, but Lucas had a different plan. Brutal, but he simply didn't care in the moment. He summoned the drill attachment and added it to the hammer. Now the hammer has a drill-spike that cam be rammed right into Dynatron's core, dealing with him once and for all. So this was a really wonderful timing for Jane to pick up their old baseball habit. Man, that had been way too long. Surely it happened one or two times after they'd become rangers, but it sure felt nostalgic to one again get to "play around" like this. Except that Lucas wasn't playing around and still very much pissed off. He swung back the Hammer and waited for Dynatron to be within his slamming range. Very much like how Dynatron had waited for Evie to be within his blast range. Using his super strength once more, he slammed the Hammer with spinning Drill into Dynatron's center. The Drill spun and dug deep into the metal armor, and the force of the hit flung Dynatron backwards into one of the concrete walls of a building that had largely blown up due to his bombs earlier. With a loud explosion and a blaze of glory, Dynatron went down.

Lucas flung the hammer over his shoulder and took a deep breath, watching the burning debris and smoldering metal with a certain satisfaction. One of the two was gone, and it brought him quite some relief. Yet the tension hadn't fully faded yet. Other than all of them knowing Dynatron would be back in a few moments, Blood was still there. Getting pummeled by the other three ganging up on him - funny in hindsight how the original three joined forces against Dynatron while the other three went after Blood - but it wasn't quite good enough for him yet. He approached Blood, who appeared to be slightly dazed from all the attacks that had hit him already. A perfect opportunity to.... Just as Lucas reached for his Hammer again, the loud laughter of Dynatron booming over the city told him that it was time to hop into their Zords before said robot would drop one gigantic bomb on the city and destroy everything and everyone at once. "Ah fuck..." he muttered under his breath. Seemed like his chance of beating Blood would have to wait for another day.
"Well guys... as Evie would say... It's boom time."
Slash, roulette, slash again, a punch to the cranium. Blood felt it from all sides as intended, launching backward at the hands of the futile one. He coughed up actual blood inside of his helmet. His visor glowed, a hint that his special ability is ready for use, until he watched the game of baseball being played. The Rangers, for all of their victories, sure waste a lot of time playing games in the middle of a fight. What is it about these odd styles that win the day? No tactical advantage or organized routine. Just play ball and somehow victory is attainable. Dynatron went down at the hands of Yellow and his spiked hammer. A painful display of power. In anger, Blood hit the ground with his fist. All of their work was going to Hell. But it isn't over. It's never over after this part. "My Empress, your assistance, please," Blood called Splica.
"I am displeased. But Actera will make him grow. A giant walking bomb is a lot more effective than a man-szed one."
Nostalgia in play for the others made Olivia smile. Back when it was only three was a different time. Had things been ready she and Calvin would be powered up sooner. But they got the job done in the meantime. Drew, watching Jane batter up Dynatron to Lucas, continued his final assault. But right when he wanted to strike, Dynatron become huge. He grew so that as he came up, his head nearly bonked Drew! "Hey, watch it!" he said, flinging his slashing final attack into giant Dynatron's head. Ought to distract him long enough! As he descent down, he landed and exited Battlizer. "Well, just him is all we've got left down here," he said, pointing to Blood.
Blood retaliated with a shot at their feet. "Not today, Rangers. Dynatron's more powerful in this form. Better hurry before he actives self destruct and destroys your entire city. Ciao." With that grim statement, Blood teleported away, back to his ship. Damn!
"He got away... but he's got a point. We've gotta stop Dynatron now," Drew said.
"Agreed," Olivia rose her morpher up. "Wilson, immediate assistance required." Zord time. Indeed as Evie would say...boom time. "We'll follow your lead Lucas. Please, let's hurry." So the formation is up to him? Well, that's kind of...fitting.
"Out of the park! And the crowd goes wild!" Jane cheered to Lucas' obliteration of Dynatron. It has been a while since they engaged in their older fight moves. Having fun while kicking robot alien butt s a great pass time. Pairing it with Amercia's greatest pass time. But let's be real, baseball is not the American pass time anymore. It wasn't when the Armada invaded and it definitely isn't now. Outside of this one move Jane personally never thinks about baseball. Dynatron's time was too long, and it's high time he be gone already. Funny how in such a short instance she ditched the anger at Lucas and redirected it at the robot. Lucas isn't deserving of bad things right now. He gets to kick ass and avenge his sister. "Awesome work, Lucas. Just like the old days, am I right?"
Blood had been cornered and defeated. He got away, but that's fine by Calvin. They'll get another chance with him. He only told them what to do now, though. Dynatron, big and powerful, is a lot more dangerous as a giant. "Hold on the celebration. One more to deal with... Olivia's right, Lucas. You should call the shots here. I believe in you," Calvin said. Hand on his shoulder he gently nudged him. Calving did have a lot of faith in him. He's grown much since they first met. Since he first became the Yellow Ranger.
"Oh I'm with you on that one," Jane interjected. "Let's paint the town yellow and blow this guy away before he blows us and everything else away. But if his whole goal is to blow us away...are we even fighting him if he's a bomb that blows up anyway? Fuck my head hurts...literally and figuratively."
"Sure is," Lucas nodded. Just like the old days... Things surely had changed a lot since he got to Inezia, hadn't it? Changed even more since he became the Yellow Ranger. He'd grown a lot as a person. And once the weight he was carrying would be lifted off his shoulders, there would be nothing holding him back anymore. Only more growth ahead. Speaking of growth, they really should deal with Dynatron, as Blood had warned them. Imagine Dynatron self-destructing..... or rather, don't do that. It's nasty. Everyone had his back again, and united they'd stand stronger. Something that had been proven time and time again.
"Personally, I'd much rather see the city painted yellow than painted red," Lucas glanced at Drew. "No offence dude, but "painting something red" just gives me associations I really don't like." That certain something also just so happening to be the "name" of the figure that tossed his sister into a bomb, Evie... we're doing this for you. Just hold on. Help was on the way. Medics would get to the scene soon to rush her to a hospital and do whatever they could to save her life.
"I say... let's get Siren Strike over here and deal with this asshole before he destroys us all."

Thus it was said, thus it was done. Racer, Jet, Hauler, Heli, Medical, and Siren all made their way to the scene and formed into their trusted Megazord. "Siren Strike Megazord, ready," Lucas called, hands at the buttons and ready to deliver some very serious ass-kicking. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. Once they were done... well, he'd have to go after his sister tot the hospital. To check if she was okay. See if there was any paperwork he needed to fill out. He just wanted to be with her for a while, in private. He didn't know whether she would live or not, so as long as she wasn't pronounced dead yet... he'd be with her as much as he could. Tears welled up in his eyes again. Lucas shook his head. Focus. As hard as it may be, he had to keep his head in the game to prevent him from literally losing his head.

Everyone had their chances to kick, punch, and blast Dynatron with all they had in them. Dynatron fought back, throwing a bomb at Siren's feet. Lucas used Hauler to play another little game called "soccer" (though "sucker" would've worked out too, probably) and kick the bomb right back at Dynatron. "I've warned you," Lucas coldly said to Dynatron. "If you hurt my sister, or my friends... you're not gonna walk away alive and well."
Tidal nodded too. Compassion turning into hatred? Didn't seem much the case to him. In his idea he just switched over to Calvin's Spirit of Protection. Being very protective of the people he cares about. Which... falls right back under Compassion. What the Armada did today wasn't destroy his spirit or alter it... unbeknownst to themselves they had only strengthened it, given Lucas even more reason to fight them. Ah the bittersweet irony. Tidal appreciated that very much. He didn't really have a lot to say to Dynatron, other than the standard "fuck you and the rest of the Armada". This was something personal between the dynamite robot and their yellow Scotsman.
"I've had enough of this...." Lucas charged up the weapons for the finisher. "Say goodbye now. Siren Strike Finisher!"
With all the energy, he also released all that last fury he'd left inside of him. "Thread Terminated." Lucas let his head rest on his arms for a moment. He was drained after today. Completely and utterly exhausted. They had saved the day, but it didn't feel very much like a celebratory occasion to him.
Once they were all outside the Megazord again, standing unmorphed between the rubble, Lucas remained silent, arms wrapped around himself. He was looking for words, for a way to start a conversation he should've had way sooner with his friends. Nothing, however, came to his mind. Just his worries for his sister.
"Guys, I... I'm so sorry... about everything," he managed to say, his voice still thick with emotion. "I owe you all an explanation, but.... not now. I... I need a few days to give this all a place. To get my mind sorted out. All I want to do right now is see my sister in the hospital and take a nap. I'll... give a call in a few days. Sorry."
Tidal smiled softly. "It's alright dude. I understand. Go see your sister. We can wait." They didn't know if Evie would live and how much longer she'd have if she wouldn't. Family took priority here. At least when it's a family member they cared about. Although Tidal wasn't angry at Lucas anymore, he was just confused. But he trusted their friend would explain himself soon enough.
"Tidal, stay back with Evie until help arrives?" Olivia softly suggested to him while the others hop into their Zords. He did lend them access to Siren, now that its under his control, but someone's gotta stay with her.
"Siren Strike Megazord Ready!" Sat in the cockpit, Drew, Olivia and their friends prepared for the final showdown against Dynatron. Bright signals flashed around and around from the bright chest piece dawned on their Megazord. Had it been nighttime it would be pretty to look at. For all of the bravado the Armada has, they don't know who they're dealing with. They think they do. They believe they're smarter. But beat them down and the Power Rangers come back strong. It didn't leave room for fun and games, however. Coming back strong is a lot of business when the bomb gets big. Drew got a punch in to the face. Olivia assisted the soccer bomb with Lucas, managing to balance power grids in the meantime. Lucas hasn't really gone so commanding in a Megazord battle like this before. It's very...erm.... flustering, to say the least.
Weapons powered up, Lucas could do this any way he wanted. "Siren Strike Finisher!" Firing the big burst of siren energy, cuffing it around Dynatorn until he imploded. Did he choose Siren for that? So the bomb implodes rather than explodes? Good thinking. Maybe he needs the Intellect title.
Siren Strike stands tall and victorious. The dust settles and the Megazord shines in the sunlight. Excellent job, Rangers.
Down on the ground, help finally arrived. Evie was loaded into the back of an ambulance. First responders were handling her carefully but effectively. Demorphed and bewildered they stood around catching their breath. Silent given how loud things were only moments ago. This shell of anger leftover slowly crumbled under a mutual concern for somebody they care about. Human emotion changes things like that. "You have nothing to be sorry about right now. I want to know what really is going on. But on your time. See you when you're ready," Drew said... he hugged Lucas. Bro hug? No. Just a hug.
Olivia smiled softly. Evie is the utmost concern right now and she knows that. Not seeing Lucas for a couple of days is the least of her worries, to be honest. Now, she will have eyes on him because that's her job. If there's a crisis going on outside of this she will be the first to know about it. "Be careful."
"Siren Strike Megazord! We're bringing you in! Or rather we're...blowing you up!" Jane called with much enthusiasm. The sirens are all cop-like. She's inspired for police quips. Leave it for her in any situation or circumstance to be the one thinking how funny she can be. Her defense mechanism. Just her personality being radiant as always. Her dad's esteemed position never taught her how to be less extra when things called for it. But lets be real, is she Jane if not a little wild?
Jane landed a series of laser beams in Dynatron's torso. A little 'thank you' for dying at least once.
"Roter Defense!" Calvin said, lifting the Heli arm with the roters attacked back on, spinning in such a speed they deflected an incoming bomb. It set off that bomb but no more than a few feet from the Zord. Sized accordingly, obviously. Like Olivia thinks, its endearing to watching Lucas take the reigns so much. Out of his shell like this, it shows his growth and his ability. The silent Scot is his perfect fit for a Ranger. This is a man worthy of his position. Even if first glances say otherwise. "Siren Strike Finisher! In shorter time than they've known him they unleashed a final attack and destroyed Dynatron forever. Huh...no ending line? They always say something when they explode. Implode, however it works with this one. Not to say its a disappointment, just strange, but its more a relief that he's gone forever.

"Bye bye," Jane said. Lucas told him to say bye but she'll oblige. Waving at the smoke plume left behind and all.

Groundside they had a second to cool their heels. Stretching her hands over her head, Jane let out one of those really relieved groans one feels after not stretching for a week. Calvin had a similar relief but as per normal he is less vocal about it. Rushing that fight isn't what they'd call it. After what felt like...a year? It was about time they end it. No flashy endings or showy moves. Well no more flashy or show-off than normal. Remember kids, this job isn't done right unless there's a little bit of showing off and performing.
Lucas is clearly still...well, obviously, still stricken with emotion and everything. "Your sister is what's important now. No sweat. Let us know if you need anything. We'll be there quick, fast and in a hurry," Calvin reassured him. Lucas needs some reassurance right now. He needs his friends.
Jane nodded. "Yeah... I'm sorry the last thing Evie had to hear of us was us being mad at you both. I wish I could take the that back, I swear. We'll make it up to you. Answers, healing...and a nap." Jane isn't emotional but she's apologetic. Still not having answers she wants, she's calmed down and realizes they were being a bit hostile when it didn't need to be as bad.

Question now is...what about Claire in the meantime? Hey lady, your daughter blew up and your sons having a mental breakdown about it...want some tea?
Lucas had gone straight to the hospital, fearing what he might find there. Much to his relief, Eveline had survived the whole ordeal. But she was severely injured and in a coma. The doctors couldn't say if she would ever wake up again, and if she would ever fully recover if she did. Lucas didn't know what was more painful: the idea of losing his sister, or the insecurity he was stuck with now. She may live, she may die, she may be fine, she may never be the same person again. It just felt as if everything he had ever known was falling apart right in front of him. He had been reminded he wouldn't be able to live up his promises to Lucielle, he found his sister again and figured out they had been lied to, his mother showed up and made things worse than they were, and now he possibly lost his sister too? His past had caught up with him faster than he had been able to run from it. So now it seemed high time to stop, turn around, and face it all. But could he? Would he dare to open up all those old wounds? He needed just a bit more time. Some silence. Whether the others would try to call him, text him, or anything else, nobody succeeded in getting in touch with him.
Tidal returned to the main room in HQ. He was worried. Lucas had told them he'd be back in a few days, and Tidal said he understood. But the complete radio silence just had him concerned. He'd show up when he was ready, for sure. But still he worried. Even more so since he hadn't really seen Claire anywhere around HQ either. Tidal hoped she'd visit her daughter now that she was injured. Maybe somehow that would reconnect Lucas and his mother? On the other hand.... things about Claire were still way off. What mother would say nothing but negativity of her children?

I'm okay
Tidal's phone screen lit up as he received the message in their group chat.
Come over to my place. Guess I owe you all an explanation.

Well... it seemed Lucas was ready to start talking after God knows how long. Good to see that he's okay though. Or at least he says he is. Time to head over to Lucas' apartment and finally hear their long awaited answers.
He sat with his arms tightly wrapped around his knees, still a distant look on his face, looking at the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the chestnut tree. Lucy's favorite. Lucas picked up another stone and tossed it at the lake, watching it skip a few times before it sank to the bottom. Honestly he wasn’t looking forward to standing up and go to see everyone, talk to them. But it had to happen. It should have happened long ago, but he just kept delaying it because he didn’t want to confront all of that old hurt again. His mother, looking and acting exactly like how he remembered her, had opened up many old wounds he thought had healed, brought back things he thought to have long since given a place. But it hadn’t. Instead she’d brought it all back, driving a wedge between him and the people he cared about the most until they called her out on her bullshit. Yet even in all of that bullshit was still a core of truth. Lucas sighed deeply once more, pushing himself up and dusting himself off before heading off to meet the others, mentally preparing himself to finally open up to the people closest to him.
He'd tried to make things as cozy as he could, considering the circumstances were still rather serious. He'd prepared a nice, bit pot of tea. Wouldn't be Lucas' place if there wasn't a cup of tea around somewhere. The photo album he'd been going through earlier that day was still laying on the table, open on the page of three broadly grinning young teenagers, fourteen maybe fifteen years old. A brunette girl with long hair, and two kids who were very ginger and very obviously twins. Complete with freckles and all. One of the last pictures that had all three of them in it together and therefor one of Lucas' most treasured pictures.

“Let me start with making clear I didn’t not speak because I didn’t trust you all, or because I didn’t want to talk. But because… well… No, I guess I didn’t want to talk. I just didn’t want to be a bother to everyone, like my mother would tell me I was when I tried to talk to her. Also, not even having a clue where to start isn’t exactly helpful either…” Lucas took a deep breath before making himself comfortable - mug of tea in his hands - and finally sharing his story.

“When we were younger everything always seemed to be just fine. Normal family, not much interesting going on. Had anyone known this would be the quiet before the storm, surely actions would’ve been taken sooner, but… that’s hindsight talking. Our parents would argue every now and then. When they did, things got really nasty really quick. Evie and I would usually just steer clear of the house when it happened until we hoped things had settled down. Which is in part how Evie’s incident occurred. I was hanging out with Lucy, and she was hanging out with some other friends of hers. Evie was pissed, and they were messing around with stupid stuff. Don’t ask me for the details because I wouldn’t know. What I do remember is both our parents being angry with her. It was one of the rare few times I’d ever seen my dad angry. He was shouting, but mom turned to beating Evie. She got hit so hard that later the same afternoon, my dad had to take Evie to see a doctor. That’s how CPS got involved. Within weeks, they’d taken Evie away from home and have her placed in foster care. It was determined that I was in no immediate danger, so I was left to live with mom and dad. Evie being taken away was what started to completely tear the family apart. Dad started to work longer, staying away from home more and more often. Which of course left me the only one around my mother. The only one she could release her anger upon. She’d torment me, saying how I wasn’t good enough, how I would never reach anything on my own. Small mistakes were punished, and achievements weren’t celebrated. She’d always just look for a mistake, something to tear into and bring me down. My house stopped being a home, and I just started feeling more and more terrible. Then summer came around. The summer of seven years ago,” Lucas paused, blinking a few times. He’d told the others about Lucy earlier, and how seven years ago, she suddenly came to pass away. And Lucas remembered those few weeks in detail.

Just a nice summer day like so many others. The two of them had been hanging out in the park, chilling on a thick branch of a tree nearby the lake, tossing pebbled into the water. A moment of cheerfulness where he could forget about all the tensions at home. He remembered how Lucy was quite suddenly turning paler and paler, saying how she didn’t feel good. Even before they could head home, Lucy got a nosebleed and moments later passed out. Lucas panicked and called her parents and an ambulance. Not sure in which order he did that anymore. The clear white halls of the hospital, a tight knot in his stomach, and soon after the heartbreaking news Lucy had leukemia in a far and aggressive stage. All they could do was give her medicine to ease the pain. They assumed she wouldn’t live to see the end of the coming school year. Their senior year of high school.

“I watched her wither away…” Lucas’ voice was soft, hardly even louder than a whisper. “Every day I possibly could I’d spend side by side with her, even when she couldn’t get out of the bed anymore. We’d just talk endlessly about everything and nothing. By the end of one of those afternoons, I told her “See you tomorrow”. But the next morning her parents came to knock on our door. She… Lucy had passed away that night. My best friend was just… gone. We all saw it coming, but we didn’t know it’d be so soon.”

“The news of her death, so shortly after Evie was taken away, broke me. I turned from an outgoing, social guy and occasional troublemaker to the quiet guy in the corner. Just sticking to myself, not wanting to get too close to others or let others get too close to me. And the fighting at home only continued. In fact it seemed to be getting even worse. My parents divorced, which ended up in a lawsuit my mother won. Lost the home, most of what he had, custody… Dad moved to a small apartment on the other side of the city. I could visit whenever I wanted, though. But legally I lived with my mother. And now it truly was just her and me. She somehow found a way to blame me for everything that happened. Evie being taken way? I should’ve been with her that day and keep her from doing something stupid. No, maybe it would’ve been better if I’d been taken away. Or if I’d never even been born. The divorce… if I wasn’t the pathetic loser I was then… I don’t even know. The fact that all of this made it nearly impossible for me to keep myself together? Also my fault. But I shouldn’t dare bothering her with my problems. No matter what I said or did, nothing was good enough. I’d only be told all the things I’ve mentioned just now. And if I dared to stick up for myself, she’d beat me. So I soon enough learned to just shut up and take it. And not speak to anyone because I’d only be a bother.”

“I’d visit my dad whenever I could, which was mostly during the weekends. He wasn’t doing too well after the divorce either, but he was happy when I came over and we always just made the best of it. He taught me most of the things I value in life. To look out for other people, to always try and see the best in them, to show kindness even when it seems impossible. But one day when I came over unexpectedly, I learned the hard way just how bad he was doing. It was after a massive argument with my mother. She told me to “get the fuck out of her house”, and I obliged. In a way it’s true I ran away that day, but not with the intention of staying away. I just needed things to cool down. So I went to visit the only person I knew I could always come to no matter what. My dad.” Lucas had been trembling a bit for a while now, but at this point it felt to him as if he were just shaking uncontrollably. Tears welled up in his eyes, his mind filled with memories and sounds of that one day. One of the worst days of his life and the part he dreaded the most to speak of. Sirens, shouting, a scream suddenly silenced. Despair. Hopelessness. A younger him trying to run over but being held back by the officers. Lucas covered his face with his hands, tugging his hair and desperately trying to ban the images from his mind. “He… jumped when I crossed the road. I-… I saw…” Lucas fell silent. What he had seen was too terrible to put into words. Too horrid to be said out loud. At last he broke, letting the tears of years of bottled up emotions flow freely. “And this is why I said I didn’t want to bother you…” he mumbled. Who’d ever want to hear a story like that? Who’d want to see him break down and see him at his weakest? God, he felt like a mess. Likely looked like one, too.

He took a good few moments to calm down again. “I went home as soon as I could after that. Only to figure out I wasn’t welcome anymore. When my mother had told me to get out, she’d meant it. She’d packed a bag for me with some essentials, and told me to not come back anymore, permanently kicking me out of the house. So on that day, I lost everything I still had. I went for the refugee camps since I had no idea what other places I could go, and stayed there for a while. There I had people helping me to sort of piece myself together again. I made clear I wanted to make a fresh start. Start all over again someplace else with a clean slate. They helped me with the name change, and arranging for me to get to Inezia. And the rest of the story… well, you know that. In the camp, before coming this way, I started writing. As a kid Evie, Lucy and me would make up the craziest stories, so it's always been a part of me somehow. The writing started as an escape, then it grew into a hobby, a passion, and a career. The last volume of the Equinox-series is a work in progress, but getting there soon. You're welcome to attend the releaseparty with me in a few months. But I digress.. kind of. I suppose me being an author with a pen-name also qualifies as one of the many things I'd been keeping secret until now.”

It was good to finally talk. Sure, it'd be a lot for his friends to take in, but at least he fully opened up about everything. The abuse, Lucy's death, his father... and a much more lighthearted and seemingly even silly thing that he, in fact, was B.C. Moore... An author Isaac doesn't like very much, but he knows at least a few of the others have been reading and enjoying his work. A lighter note to end a heavy conversation? Perhaps. For how he'd just let what he told sink in, and hear what the others had to say.
How many days went by?
How many hours were spent wonder, worrying about this? Spent in silence in free time. Lucas was off the gird, so to speak. Drew and Isaac took flowers to Evie's room at the hospital. Lucas wasn't there. They waited util he'd be gone so there was less chance of getting in his space. Doctors who cared for Isaac, even nurse Katie, were on top of this. Evie as well as every other patient here is assured top notch care with state of the art technology to heal them. Evie's gonna live. Just not telling what will happen. "We're here, Evie. Whenever you need us," he said. That moment is when his phone lit up with the text. Answers...finally.
Drew left the hospital with Isaac, setting the flowers down. Behind their flowers was another set. Pink flowers Olivia had already delivered herself earlier in the evening. A little stuffed bear with them so she'd have something cute to hold if she woke up. No...when she woke up.
His apartment's rather cozy. Inside, Drew and Olivia looked at the picture of the twins and Lucy. They listened. All they could do was listen.
"Evie was taken for her own good... your dad had her taken in order to protect her from Claire," Drew said. That's what he understood from it. Claire and his dad fought. They were kids, normal kids. Claire hit Evie...Evie left. Lucas left behind with an ill and dying friend, and in the fact of his parents' divorce she died. She died, only for life to be kinder to him and take his dad by a horrible means. His mom...is a bitch. Claire Allanach is a cruel...cold hearted...manipulative....BITCH.
"You're a writer? That writer... huh... I'll admit that part's a little odd to throw in. But hey, good for you... " Drew couldn't say much else, really. Could anyone? His story finally being told, it was a lot to take in at once. "Listen to me. Nothing about you is a bother. Nothing is wrong with you. Lucy...You dad... not Evie. All tragedies that happened in your life. That woman who's supposed to be your mom? For all the stories she tells, I don't believe her for a second any longer. You are Lucas Fletcher. A man all your own. You're my friend. My best friend. And I'm sorry I was so angry with you. Thank you for your honesty," Drew said, welping at the eyes but not letting it go. He felt horrible. Truly horrible. But this moment right here is the closest he's felt to Lucas in months.

Olivia, without a word, walking over and tenderly kissed Lucas. Not a romance movie scene. Just the comfort of someone you care about. She pulled back gently and sat beside of him. "I knew a lot of this in your file was true. But hearing it is different. I got the information from CPS records and just general social security. It seems invasive, but its our job to know people. I've known about this longer than you think. But this is yours to tell. Your name. Your life. I promise you... you do not have to hide any more." On that not...what will she wear to the release?
This leaves one mess still not mopped up. Hours later, there is a transport at the city gates. Olivia, Drew, and all who wish to be there are present. Along side of Claire. The transport is set to leave for a nearby dome. On the transport are shared goods to commune back and forth, as well as people traveling on board with soldiers. In the same vein that was Claire evicting her son with a bag pre-packed... it is Claire standing at the transport with a packed bag. "Claire Allanach. Your visit to Inezia has been...pleasant. But with certain things coming to light, I feel it in everyone's best interest if you head to Wiseland on board this transport. They need people working at the shelter. You have a bag of necessities, provided by yours truly. Your son, Lucas, is a good man who would benefit from this transaction. You found it just to remove him from your home when he needed you. You failed your parental duty. You disgust me. So...in the kindest way possibly...get out of my city or so help me I'll throw you out. This way is a lot easier." Olivia helped Claire onto the transport. Drew stood by, grinning to himself as it happened. From there...hasta la vista, Claire.
Later that evening. Olivia was true to her word. She returned to Lucas' apartment at dusk. He didn't have to know all of the details about how she got Claire out if he didn't want to. He didn't have to do anything tonight. She took over. Olivia followed a recipe in the kitchen and prepared a simple but warm dinner by candle light. They dined finely, warmly, spoke about normal things having nothing to do with the events of today. "I see you got my roses," she said. Yellow roses to sit in his window. She thought they were special for the meaning. "I'm immensely proud of you."
Olivia smiled at him, cleaned up after dinner...and really the night blended together smoothly. She made it her mission to help him relax that night. One more kiss and she felt it time to go. Work in the morning, as usual.
She turned her head slightly as she made her way to the door. "Lucas?" she paused. ".... I love you." She bid him goodnight.
To Evie many gifts were sent. Awkwardly Jane waited for Lucas to leave one day so she could slip in some balloons. Little balloons full of air, not helium, that have sticks in them and are stuck in a Styrofoam base. Permanent balloon-age. Calvin had Evie's dog tags copied into a silicone mold for a nice gift. A squishy dog tag with a small thing of flowers. He had them delivered along with Olivia's flowers. Nobody wanted to see Lucas. Well they did...
Lucas needed his solo time, though. Right now he needed it a lot. As refreshing as it was to be rid of that bomb threat in Inezia things were not the same for any of them. Dimmer, the light looked. Evie is going to be alright, thankfully, but they can't escape the dread and that initial shock of seeing her go boom. She likes booms, but not being in the booms. Lucas broke his silence and invited everyone over. That's good but something told Calvin that things would be grim and not as revelation-focused as he'd like.
Sat on the couch, loveseat, wherever they wanted, it was time for answers. Time to be quiet and listen to his side of everything. Put aside any and all grievances and just open their ears. Opening them, however, is going to prove very sad. The guys' been bottling his emotions and story up like pickles. Not good pickles that go nicely on a sandwich. The pickles that are bitter and in some preserving liquids not natural to them. The icky pickles. Everyone's had those pickles. Great, gags incoming.
Calvin listened to the entire story with no interruption. Jane the same. The fact of the matter is, they have had to listen for a long time. Calvin's been less feisty about it than her but he's listening all the same. Jane's hunched over, truly invested in his past and his story. His story. The things he's kept for so long, only eluded to in glimpses or small details here or there. He didn't want to share it because he was a bother. Because it wasn't a comfortable thing to discuss. Evie... she didn't get taken away for being bad. Claire isn't heartbroken over her kids. Lucas' dad couldn't take it, it seems. Lucy met her end. Lucas was left alone. In Zalfari, a well populated city...Lucas was left alone. Tregaron, or wherever Evie ended up, at least prepared her for her adult life better than Zalfari for Lucas. He had to build himself up. He essentially immigrated to Inezia. He had to.
"So it was you all those years ago. It didn't click until recently. But I was at the gates when you and your transport made it to Inezia. The day you came here. I was on guard duty at the gates. I think you and I bumped into one another when I was rushing to someone who needed help? You were concerning yourself with other people, making sure they were okay. You had just escaped that hell... Even then you were selfless. Compassionate. Unless I remember wrong." Calvin was right to his memory. Maybe. If he's wrong, this is awkward.

"Lucas... I'm so fucking sorry about all of this... I feel like a horrible person. Claire is.... shit, she's a fucking cow. An abusive, lying cow. I feel for it... I'm sorry. Please, please forgive me..." Jane said. Not crying. Not even welping, really. Just raw. She's mad at herself, mad at Claire. "All I can say is sorry. I'm glad you've finally told us the truth about everything. Nothing can break my trust in you now. Nothing at all. Remember, again... you've lost...more than I thought. But all of this? You didn't just gain it," Jane said, gesturing to everyone and everything here. "You earned it. You earned everything you worked for. I'm happy I'm your friend."

It was quiet after that... everyone saying what they had to. Could Lucas forgive them? Would he?
It wasn't until they'd started leaving to the gates, in Lucas' building hallway that it dawned on Jane. "Wait...he's a fucking author too? WHAT?!" That 'what' wa s squawky one.
The gates. Claire, in true poetic justice, being made to leave as she made her son leave. Horrible timing, but oh this feels so good. And Olivia… whoa. The tone shift. Professional and sensible turning to cold and a little badass. Get out of the city or be thrown out. She's mad...and a redhead….shit, run!
Calvin helped Olivia get Claire on board to leave. "Just for incentive to stay away. Lucas when you kicked him out was an adult, but an adult that may just have been in the wrong state to travel alone. Maybe you didn't play by the rules. Or maybe, I don't know, it was child endangerment on top of forcing him into the wasteland where at the time it was under heavier attacks? That could be a serious crime if it got out. So you return here... I may have to place you under arrest." Is what Calvin is saying true? Can he do that? Maybe, maybe not. Is it going to scare her? Most definitely.

"Just don't come back, bitch." Well.... Jane put it bluntly. "Bye, Mrs. Alla-crack."
"That was me indeed," Lucas scratched his head. "I've had a hunch it was you for a while now... But I wasn't sure an I felt weird asking about it." Lucas remembered it well. Him wandering between the other refugees of his transport, ensuring they got help and a bottle of water before he even bothered to think about himself. If one of the workers at the time there hadn't sat his butt down and pushed a bottle of water into his own hands he might have fainted. But that didn't happen. He turned out quite alright.

It was strange they were asking him for forgiveness. For the longest time he would've expected it to be the other way around. "I'm glad we're all good now," he said, finally able to close this chapter for himself.
Tidal was present as Claire was involuntarily evicted from the city. Sweet, sweet Justice. He was grinning as well, thinking this was definitely what the cold hearted evil bitch deserved after the hell she put Lucas through. Their friend no longer had to keep any secrets from them, but having heard the story Tidal understood why Lucas had been hesitant to share. It also made him feel awful for having been so hostile before. He liked how Olivia in the most composed and polite way possible basically told Claire to fuck off and get lost. Poor Wiseland for having to deal with her from this point on, though.
Lucas somehow hadn't been too surprised that Olivia had already known so much. He appreciated she never really let on to any of it though leaving it up to him to decide when the right time to talk would be. He didn't ask for details on how they got Claire to leave the city. He didn't want to know. No, he was just glad to hear she was gone forever and she wouldn't show up to ruin his life again. Harsh? Maybe. But expected after everything that had happened in the past. With said past finally left behind him, he could focus on the future. A brighter happier future where nobody would have to go through all the things he'd been through, a future not ruled by evil robots and aliens destroying the planet.

It was nice to have casual conversation and a good meal with Olivia. The kiss from that afternoon still lingered. He hadn't expected it at that moment but he had definitely welcomed it. "I certainly did," Lucas smiled, looking at the yellow roses in the window. Lucy's favorite flowers and a symbol for friendship. Especially after all of today's events. Conversations continued for hours until it was getting late. Another kiss followed, leaving him flustered. Even more so with the words that followed. Three words, so small, so simple, but they carried the much weight and meaning.
"Liv, wait..." Lucas gently grabbed her wrist before she left. "I... really don't want to be alone tonight. Please stay?"
It was late at night when something woke Lucas from his sleep. He didn't even know what exactly it had been. A small blinking light on his phone however indicated it was likely an incoming message. Who'd message him at this time of the night? Lucas sat up, carefully getting out of bed so he wouldn't wake Olivia. The brightness of the screen blinded him for a few seconds, but when his eyes had adjusted he read the text.

Zalfari has fallen. Our dome has shattered and I have no way of leaving this city. I'm sorry. Mom.

Lucas stared at the message in confusion. Of his mother hadn't been able to leave the city, then who or what was the Claire they'd been dealing with? And if Zalfari had fallen... Lucas sighed and shook his head. His old home was really gone then. Everything he'd known... Gone. Yes, he had a new life here, but there were still memories of his childhood in a city that no longer existed. A city that, way back when, he'd promised Olivia to show around in after their battle was over. Lucas sighed once more before he switched off his phone and put it aside. He'd talk to the others about this later. For now, he slid back under the covers and gently stoked a strand of hair out of Olivia's face. "I love you too."

End of Arc 34
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Arc 35: Something Blue

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Oh, and a sixpence in her shoe. Staples of traditional bridal adornments on her wedding day. All for good luck. Old for protection to the coming child (if any), borrowed from another bride to give luck, and blue for fidelity. New's probably just for the new path being opened up in life. The sixpence, or so some magazine article told Jane in the bridal shop, was a British coin to ward off evil. Piecing it all together makes it sound like the bride is going to war or she's arming up in an RPG. The old ring of protection, a blue bow for loyalty and a 'borrowed' belt for bonuses to attribute points! Collect them all and you too can defeat the dragon atop Overhyped Mountatin! Concluding Jane's browsing of bridal magazines in the waiting area she read--skimmed, really--that these elements of dress on the bride are to baffle or scare off the Evil Eye. Something about cursing people or diminishing fertility? She didn't get far but it sounds like that's the point. Not to mock those who truly believe in that sort of thing. Jane's respect for people and their beliefs in genuine, but she would be lying if she said she understood them. To her, gathering all of these things were ways for brides to get stuff from people.
Weddings in a domed city are a big deal. They aren't high priority like defense or rationing supplies, but they matter. Every marriage bolsters the community in some way. The marriage of interest at the moment? Jesse Patrick and Christy Romano! Soon to be Christy Romano-Patrick. Hyphenating the last name because she is willing to take her groom's last name as well as keep her family name. For all of the good her father did in his service, she can't think of a better way to honor him and her mother. The wedding is tomorrow! She couldn't be happier. Her dress is an elegant, white, flowing piece with stunning detail. And a poofy petticoat. Princess status finally achieved.
Christy's bridesmaids and maid of honor have chosen to have a girls day. Instead of the bachelorette party they're going to spend yet another day in the bridal shop just picking out their items for Chrisy. Items being the borrowed, new and blue. For old, Christy's mother gave her the veil she wore to her own wedding many years ago. It's lovely. Jane had been tasked with tagging along this girly adventure. While her sister has three bridesmaids, two really since the maid of honor is different, she insists on Jane being up there, too. Tanner is his brothers best man, so it feels equal to have her younger sibling involved as well!

"You know, Liv, I'm not thrilled about this. Every dress they try sticking me in something happens to it. And when I suggest a nice blazer/skirt combo they say nah mate and that I have to go out today to help her but really I'm trying on variations of the bridesmaid dresses. So I can stand out or whatever. I'm happy she's so happy but...I am really out of my element. Thanks for coming along. I'd have gotten my other girl friends to but they're busy and..." Jane paused. She's in a changing room, slipping into a dress as Olivia sits outside of it. Snorting Jane gasped for air. "...and I really don't want my other friends to see me like this. You've bandaged a lot of my wounds. And we never have girl time." So it isn't just a convenience invite! Jane rested against the wall. She can't get a damn hook to hook on this corset...fuck, why do people put themselves through this????
Love is in the air! Wedding bells are ringing! Birds are chirping! Amps are charging! Dynatron's failure let one plan too many slip through their fingers. That Yellow Ranger was nearly crushed like a guppy in the maw of a great white. Blood's matrix may be advanced but his readings didn't account for humans beating their psyches. Challenge compassion crossed with trauma and a pot of ugly soup will boil. Yellow stirred the pot and ladled it out right back into their faces. The bomb bot attacking, their tricks getting at the Rangers, Blood tossing that fooled girl into the blast. It was all too good to be true. But this time, Volmour will be the judge of what they use in combat. The amp in favor has yet to be revealed, but this one will bring honor as the victor in the coming battle.

"Power Rangers. The Emperor failed to mentioned there would be Power Rangers in our way when we arrived here on Earth. He failed to mention they would be colorful pests with no special skill being thrown at us who would met us every step of the way. Fool." Volmour's monologue to himself is concerning. Has he always done this or is it a glitch in his mainframe? The monologue came to a close as the general marched into the throne/main area. "Empress. A word if I may?" Volmour wielded his blade like a pointer for presentation. "Blood's bio matrix lined with the amps for the Rangers leaves the decision of which Ranger to target to him, I understand. But given the failure of his recent endeavor I propose a target. It is a sure fire way to single out one of the Rangers as well as cripple Inezian City Defense. And I have just the warrior for the job."
Reports come in every day. Hours on end people sift through files and recordings begging for different outcomes to the stories inside. The fight on Earth is getting more intense. Inezia's last go at the Armada is proof enough of that. Hospitals are beginning to overfill, volunteers are strained to the limits, and schools devote a lot of resources to relief efforts. Resources which normally go toward their students. Earth has a lot of drastic measure needing to be taken. This is only the start of something bigger so it hasn't come in full blast yet. Inching closer and closer to the battle of all battles. Earth's holding out. Heat is on but a lot of people thrive in warm weather.
No weather is warmer than that in City Defense. Metaphorically speaking. Literally speaking the temperature in HQ is constantly comfortable. Heat gets intense when the person sifting through the files and recordings is a red-headed agent. Havoc to keep up with it all. Olivia's happy to get out of the command center and put on casual clothing for a change. She's in uniform a good chunk of the time. Wearing a day dress in a dress shop. How on theme. She was surprised when Jane invited her to come but it's true these girls never have girl time. "Do I suspect you actually like girl time? We aren't exactly girly girls, after all," she pondered outside of Jane's changing room. Tomboy with a fury and intelligence military officer. Girly girls are molded in many ways... these ladies just don't mold that way.
Jane's grunts concerned her. Christy must have something awful tight picked. "Do you need help?" Olivia asked through the door.

"A jog through the park, I said. It'll be fun, I said," Drew murmured to himself in dissatisfaction. The girls are spending the day together, why not let the guys do the same. Gender roles certainly weren't being questioned here, no not at all. Having a lot of the damage cleaned up it really is a good day to get some exercise and stay active. Jogging pants and a t shirt are nice for lounging around but actually jogging in them is so sweaty. At the front of the line, Drew lead the jog of the Bio Guys through Inezia Park while families visited, small animals lurked and that sweet filtered air blew. Coming back from the big drama that was Claire Allanach, Allwhack, Quack Quack, whatever, left something thick in the air. It's better now but parts of it are hard to not reflect on. Drew had the line jog stop for a second. They'd been running for about thirty minutes at this point in time and it would be good to take a short rest and drink water. "You guys know what the girls are doing? Dress shopping...for Jane," he said. It's a shock, really. Wiping sweaty hair from his brow, Drew dowsed his lips in cold water from the bottle in his pocket.
"I decided which Power Ranger I go after next. Not you, tin can," Blood retorted immediately, bursting through the door after the general made his comment. He's insulted that Volmour would dare suggest picking the next one for him. Yellow fought and won but that is no matter. One of six Rangers leaves five more to be completely crushed under his heel.
"Silence," Splica said. Blood hung his head. Moments before Volmour suggested his plan she checked the injection site. Oh dear. It's turning colors, pulsating and giving off a foul odor when uncovered. Pheromones to some form of Zeninian cousin. She can feel it. Her experiment working perfectly. It'll be fully developed when they land on Earth for their settlement. "If the general has a proposition so sure of itself let us hear it. Actera, kindly take Blood to his chambers where he will await my instructions."

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