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Fandom Power Rangers: Bio Strike

"Following that logic, it might just be any bird. Or reptile. OR a platypus," Lucas commented, making a bit of an odd face. Platypuses,... Platypi... whatever the plural may be, were already weird enough to see as they were, but a space-platypus...? Now that would be a sight to behold. He just had to give this all a weird turn, hadn't he? It wasn't even intentional, just his mind starting to wander. Maybe it would somewhat ease the tension here? He just presumed nit wouldn't help too much. Thugs dying down there and everything... Anyhow, if this were an egg at all, nobody probably wanted to find out what's in there. Which is why they'd have to retrieve it as fast as possible. It meant more fighting Dytrons and thugs, even some Deathtrons... And being cautious not to be swept away by an acidic wave. Joy! Why did the thugs even want that space rock in the first place? Did they have a genius hiding among them telling them it was valuable and could potentially be sold at a high price? That's really the only reason Lucas could think of. Who with half a brain would just decide to pick up a space rock without needing what to do with it? ... Wait... that's kind of what they're doing too. They just know it's valuable, potentially dangerous, and should be taken to the city ASAP. He couldn't help but chuckle as Jane continued to taunt Calvin my making chicken noises, which caused Calvin to flail. Very out of character, but also vry funny.

Rusty was still just really confused at this ragtag bunch Tidal seemed to have gathered. Some child who went batshit with a bat and kissed the grease-monkey, a black guy whipping people with a chain who got nervous when chickens were mentioned, a woman basically referred to as eye-candy with a whole lot of hidden sass to her and could fight pretty damn wel, a redhead speaking in an accent and language that was hardly understandable... And all of them fought off thugs and dangerous space robots like nobody's business. Maybe it wasn't this bunch messing with the wrong people here... maybe the Landsharks were the ones messing with the wrong people. They lost a couple of men to the robot attack in the city's ruins, those who survived may as well have fled for their lives never to return, and down there things weren't looking too great either. The Landsharks were rapidly thinning in numbers, lone scavengers were dead at their feet. Yet the Dytrons and Deathtrons were still plenty.

Tidal frowned at Lucas, lightly shaking his head. Sometimes, he really was a strange guy. But now there was no time to think about that, or really comment on it, if it were up to him. There may be no honor among thugs, but he wasn't a thug anymore. They needed that meteor and would get their hands on it one way or another. Preferably while keeping at least some of those thugs from dying at the hands of robots or dangerous water that melts your face off.
"Now, Rusty. Why don't you head down first and tell One-Eye who saved your sorry ass out there," Tidal said as he freed Rusty and gave him a slight push down the path. "I'm sure he'd love to hear who's back and here to take that rock off your hands before you all get yourselves killed."
Rusty hissed, still obviously not amused by everything that was happening to him, but he wasn't protesting anymore. After seeing them fight, he knew it would be a bad idea to go against him. And he'd really rather not figure out where this Cupcake-lady would stick a lead pipe. Cue mental shuddering. Better to just quickly hurry down the path, and hope the six of them would draw more attention than he did. One-Eye wasn't going to like this... not at all. But really this space-rock was giving them more trouble than it was worth.

"You see," Tidal told the others as he headed down the path as well, a small distance behind Rusty so he wouldn't be able to overhear him. "If you couldn't tell already, I've made some enemies around here. Especially with these guys. Since Rusty 'ere is the only one to have seen what happened, we need him to negotiate on our behalf. None of these folks would take a word of what I'd tell them. Or anything you'd tell them." That really was his only reason to drag Rusty along all the way to here. If given the chance, he'd much rather have left him behind and sent him fleeing to some dark hole with his friends. But, they needed him. Tidal felt like he ought to clear that small bit up, lest the others would think he was totally fine with kidnapping strangers and putting them through misery. That never had been his thing... except when he was being mind-controlled, so that didn't even count. "Now let's hurry before they DO all get themselves killed."

Lucas nodded slightly. He definitely didn't approve of the way things went out here, but in a way it... kind if made sense? "Right then..." he mumbled, heading down the path with everyone else. "By the way," he said softly to Olivia, a big grin on his face. "Nice going back there with the sass. Someone's been rubbing off on ya."

While Rusty tried his best to avoid getting hit or shot, especially since Tidal hadn't given him his knife back, the others mixed themselves in the fighting. Dytrons and Deathtrons were swarming the beach and the people on it. Tidal went after Rusty, to giv him a hit of cover, and to be around should One-Eye have something to say. He probably had, knowing the situation, knowing how much the two hated him... So much for gratitude for saving their butts out here! He eyed the meteor as they ran. It DID look an awful lot like an egg. Too much.
Lucss, on the other hand ran up to a Dytron about to shot a thug in the face and hit it in the back of its metal head with the wench. Dytrons thry could handle in civilian form. Deathtrons on the other hand... They may prove to be a problem. Was this an emergency allowing them to morph yet?
As beautiful as the gross ocean was, Drew was still hung up on the whole kissing thing. Jane's response was expected but...he couldn't help but stop thinking about it. Oh well, who would just not think about getting randomly smooched on? He'd bring it up again when it was more relevant. Now they had bigger problems to worry over. And not just Calvin being teased by Jane. Damn it, there she is in Drew's thoughts again!
The whole thug act was an interesting operation. But given now dire thins appeared down the cliff, the act might need to end soon. Tensions rose as Tidal kept it up. Why don't they just morph and take care of business already?

Now they're letting Rusty lead them down to someone named One-Eye? Huh...funny. Urthemial has one eye. Ya know, because Drew shot one of them out? One might wonder if there's a grudge now...there probably is. But at least Tidal's basic abduction of Rusty is justified. "So we use him as a bargaining chip, in a way? A negotiator," Drew thought aloud. Made sense to have him tell his friends what went down, they'd believe him surely. Unless he betrayed them. Which he might do regardless of the fact they saved his hide. Drew and Olivia both agreed to hurrying, though before more were killed. Against Deathtrons and Dytrons those thugs made not survive very long. They followed up with everyone down the cliff side path. Olivia shrugged at Lucas and replied in a whisper: "Well I have very good company to learn from." That company being...well everyone, really. She can crack a computer code and handle things in the most professional and intelligent possible, but when it comes to sass and comments? She needed work. Clearly she'd been getting some practice!

The approach to the meteor that truly looked like an egg was met with immediate ground resistance. Rexian forces swarmed the area, the tide crashing on the beach's shore. The water looked less than basic. Acidic liquid didn't seem appealing. Nor did the sounds of struggle coming from the thugs protecting the meteor. Tidal stuck to Rusty like glue as the others came in.
Drew took the crowbar and slammed it in the back of a Dytrons head, swinging it with the hook-side inward to get a bit of a slash going at the robots, using it to pry another robot off of a downed thug.
Olivia ran in with everyone, the pipe in hand. She jumped up to get some cover for herself and hit one of the Dytrons, grabbing a hold of it for leverage and kicking backward, pushing the one she held down on the sandy ground. With the Dytrons there wasn't a huge struggle for the team after so much experience. But Deathtrons? Sure they can fight them but maybe not in civilian form...hmm.
One-Eye? That's the boss of the Landsharks' name? What does he wear an eye patch, say "avast ye land lovers, yo ho, yo ho" and have a peg leg, too? Oh God....it would be so cool to meet a pirate. Somewhat interesting considering the kind if pirate that comes to mind is one that stays overseas and the sea doesn't look like much of an option right now for any such person. What's going on, again? Oh right, the group's following Rusty down the cliffside. Huh?

As they all followed down and heard Tidal discreetly give them the rundown both Jane and Calvin rolled their eyes. "Whatever, Lone Wolf. I still don't like this. Going in blind, not using our...'tools'," Calvin said quietly.
"Yeah, genius plan, dip shit. Let this Rusty guy lead us around and take us to his leader. How do we know those jackfaces won't kill us on sight? They might have more guns," Jane protested to Tidal. Like many, she doesn't like what's going on here. Even if the shit they were doing made a little sense, she didn't like it. Especially because Tidal, in his past life before the amnesia and evil Ranger thing, made a lot of enemies out here. And they're about to meet them. Actually, the fact Tidal remembers the Landsharks is baffling...how does he remember them again? Maybe it came back naturally, or like the ability to speak and eat he just didn't forget some things. If anything Tidal lost his identity, not his record...oh well. Oh look, violence incoming!

Rusty was expected to ditch them any second. Good thing Tidal's keeping close to him. Leaving the bulk of the bots killing Landsharks to the rest of the team. Better get to work before they get the meteor! And man it looks like an egg up close, too. Even more than from up above. Can someone say 'bawk bawk'?
The feisty tomboy happily skidded into the cluster of Dytrons with a cartwheel than resulted in her legs meeting a metal heads face. With a pumped up and familiar 'woo' she swung the bat right around into the Dytrons and sent a few down. Jane threw her leg back just to kick the butt of a downed Landshark. "Alright, losers. Move, or die." She warned. Mostly to say she would rather they ran than stay an die or get knocked out by Jane. They ran. Wusses! With a smirk Jane greeted more Dytrons incoming with the bat, a few good kicks and a severely pumped up attitude. And she's still bitter about the 'kid' nonsense, so that helped.
Calvin had gotten his chain back after Tidal freed Rusty, meaning he had something heavy and metal to swing around. A rifle would be better, or the Bio Ax or baton, but the chain would do for now. How does one go from elite combat specialist to...this? Swinging it around like he ain't got no sense at the Dytrons. He wrapped it around ones neck and intimidated Landsharks who thought he was still gonna be an easy target to them. Idiots. As he glanced around he noticed Deathtrons were around as well. Okay the group can probably take them on in civilian form but maybe that's a theory no one should test? After all they hit harder. And with more of an arsenal.
Yup, this was bad alright. Thugs falling by the bushes, Armada advancing with each passing second. Rusty was negotiating with One-Eye and Tidal could only hope he wasn't going to stab them in the back. But it was best to keep in mind that he might just do that. The guy had enough reason to want to see Tidal dead at any and all costs. He sighed and just started slashing away at the Dytrons, pulling thugs aside and throwing them out of the lines. "If you don't wanna die, get your asses off this beach!" he called to them. Genuine advice, delivered in a way befitting of a thug. Sure, they wouldn't take orders from him, but if lives depended on it...? The instincts and desire to stay alive might just be strong enough to disregard orders they had gotten from One-Eye who, by the sound of it, had just gotten word from Rusty and looked quite eager to walk up to Tidal and get nasty. Really? Were personal grudges more important than the safety of everyone else? Including his own? Rusty likely just told One-Eye he had his friends took care of Dytrons as if it here nothing. Heck, he was even watching them deal with Dytrons right now! Maybe he was worried over nothing and One-Eye came to help him out? .... Oh, who was he trying to convince. Tidal gripped the knife tighter, ready to use it if need be. He didn't really want to stab anyone... except Dytrons and Deathtrons... but if it were self-defense? He may as well resort to the old tricks he used to use.
"You've got a whole lot of nerve, coming 'ere and demanding that rock we found first," the man said.
Tidal rolled his eyes. "Since when's 'I got here first' a good argument?'"
"Since I'm in charge and we found it. Now get your asses off our turf before we get nasty."
Now Tidal really couldn't help but scoff and spit at One-Eye's feet. "Didn't Rusty tell ya what happened back there? Saved his sorry ass we did. Now if ya don't want to get murdered by the space invaders, I suggest YOU get your asses of the beach instead and let the professionals handle it."

As if that were a weird cue for something, the Deathtrons got more violent and started shooting at everything and everyone they could hit. Even the meteor took a few shots. And whether it just was time, or whether the heat of the blasts had warmed the meteor up, the damn thing started to move... and crack. Oh holy shit this thing actually WAS an egg. And it was hatching. While there were still thugs in front of it. "Well shit," Lucas and Tidal said nearly in unison as they watched the exterior of the meteor crack and fall apart, revealing what was inside. Would it be a snake? A platypus? A chicken? Something else entirely? Lucas knocked another Dytron over the head, motioning a thug to run for his life

It didn't really look like the chickens walking the Earth. More like... whatever you'd expect an alien mutated chicken to look like. Damn, it this was a tiny one, imagine the size of the momma! The creature didn't seem capable of speaking like most aliens getting to Earth did. It seemed to act more on instincts than learned tactics. And its instincts were telling the newly hatched alien that it was very, very hungry. In a bit of a cartoonish fashion, the creature's beak grew in size to ridiculous proportions, swallowing the two thugs still defending the meteor whole. Whelp... man-eating space chicken. Lucas and Tidal alike couldn't help but just feel really, really sorry for Calvin right now. This was basically his worst nightmare come to life... and they'd have to fight it.
Though its hunger seemed satisfied for now (thankfully), the creature felt endangered by all the sounds of combat. So it resorted to fighting. Since it didn't really recognize friend from foe, the chicken just attacked everything in sight with its talons and by pecking at its foes.
"What in the world?!" One -Eye called. Rusty just squealed. Was Calvin not the only person to be afraid of chickens? Or was Rusty just justly terrified of an alien that seemed far more dangerous than the robots wandering the land?

"Right. I've had more than enough of this," Tidal rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles. "Playtime is over, guys!" he called to the others. High time they'd drop this act. Dytrons they could handle, Deathtrons may be troublesome, but real deal aliens? No way they'd handle that in civilian form. Thankfully everyone either carried their morphers some place on them, or just had them concealed. "Fools may not take a word from a bunch of thugs..." he pulled his sleeve up, revealing his morpher. "But this may just change their minds."
Lucas nodded, pulling his morpher out of a pocked and strapping it on his wrist again. "I'm with ya," he said. Though they could drop the thug act by now, he was still minorly stuck in his accent. Wouldn't take too long to pull his mind to speaking understandable English again though. Tidal nodded at everyone and tapped the button. "Bio Morpher, Initiate!" he called in unison with everyone else. As the energy started swirling around him, he looked at Rusty and One-Eye once more. "Get out of here."
And then the transformation completed, right there in front of their eyes. "Bio Shadow, ready!"
"Yellow Bio Ranger, ready!"
Tidal then summoned his Crescent Blade, Lucas his Hammer. First priority: get the thugs away. Second priority: Deathtrons and the chicken. With any luck, the chicken would take care of the Deathtrons and Dytrons for them. Those who were near it, at least. There were still enough Dytrons and some Deathtrons keeping the thugs from fleeing.
What in the world... Or more like, what in the galaxy is this? The meteor was getting its fair share of heat, resulting in it cracking. Like an egg. Because dear Lord Almighty God--IT IS AN EGG! And it's hatching! Drew and Olivia both knocked aside some metallic losers before gazing upon the egg space rock. What could possible come out of there? Are the minerals still intact? Hopefully the rock itself is okay, the resources could help Inezia! And whatever doesn't help could go to other cities!
And out came the...thing. A non-speaking...bird. Really a giant chicken monster. Clearly alien, and clearly uneducated. The thing had literally just been born and its parents were nowhere to be found. Despite the horrifying appearance it was really just a baby monster...sure it's the size of an average human man, but still. "Ew...maybe it's...friendly?" Olivia asked herself, watching the chicken hatch and cartoonishly devour two guys up like a big bite of mac n cheese. "Or hungry. Hostile and hungry." She said to herself. Dang it...kind of a shame, really. For just a split second maybe there wouldn't have been a hostile alien.

The thing started attacking everything in sight, Landsharks, Rexian ground troops, and soon enough it'd attack the Rangers. Calvin must have been scared shitless by this thing. He is alektorophobic anyway...
Then just as this thing got really heated, Tidal called out to everyone, finally thinking like normal again. Drew nodded, as did Olivia, Drew rolling up his jacket sleeve and Olivia putting hers back on, morphers at the ready. There are still a lot of the Armada's forces around as well as humans. One could only hope they'd clear out as time progressed. At lest the Landsharks, everything else could be dealt with by blasting/slashing them all to death.
"About time you drop the damn act," Drew called to Tidal, a bit of hostility. Why did it take a monster to make him realize morphing was a good idea? Ugh. Drew and Olivia whipped back into their usual mindset and tapped the buttons with everyone. "Bio Morpher, Initiate!" They called in unison with everybody, energy swirling around them to formulate their suits.
"Red Bio Ranger, ready!"
"Pink Bio Ranger, ready!" Poses happened as per normal. With that out of the way, fully suited up and armed to the teeth, they summoned the Bio Saber and Bio Claw respectively. "Captain, we've located the meteor. But uh...it's an egg. And it hatched a deadly hostile monster. We're initiating combat." Drew patched in to the Captain, amazed he still had range.
"Acknowledged," responded Captain Scott. Okay, they just had to get the Landsharks out of here and take care of the enemies. Easy enough. First they'd have to take out some enemies to get the thugs out safely. Drew immediately volunteered to proceed after the monster, seeing it the biggest priority. He charged for it as Olivia decided to focus on clearing the Armada's forces to thin their numbers a bit, watching to see what everyone else would do.
A meteor crashed on the Earth's surface from outer space. Okay, cool. Said meteor is valuable with minerals. Again, cool. It's under attack/protection by wasteland thugs and the Armada's forces. Tough, but manageable. But the meteor turning out to be a legit egg that's starting to hatch? Questionable. And what extruded from that egg rock? Oh well that's just dandy. Out hatched a giant...alien...gross...space...CHICKEN. A bloody space chicken monster hatching before their very eyes! Bawk bawk! The sight of the alien chicken made Jane look away from the fight and just bust out laughing. "Oh God it's a chicken..sort of! Cock-a-doodle-doo!" She called out. Okay that last bit's a rooster joke but you know what she means. "Let me guess, it's a man-eati--" She started to joke then paused as soon as its beak grew giant size and swallowed a couple of guys whole, leaving Jane in a paused state with a derp face. "Never mind."
Calvin just gave it a look. A look of pure alektorophobic hatred. "Aw...aw HELL NAHHHHH!" He screamed in true stereotypical racial fashion. Now he's in touch with that inner thug of his.

"Oh Hell to the no I ain't puttin' up with this," Calvin muttered, instantly getting his morpher ready without even caring about the thugs' crisis and closing-in robots. "Not today, Satan, not today," he muttered again. He was legit so freaked out by this chicken...it didn't even speak, and it was a baby! He felt bad about wanting to kill it but it's totally a menace. So there.
Swinging the bat one last time at a Dytron made Jane giggle. And she don't giggle. "So Chainz, how are y--" She started to ask, still in thug mode. He put up on finger. "Don't say a word." And with that being said, Jane zipped her lips, snickered like a madman and joined in on the morphing fun! "Bio Morpher, Initiate!" They both called with the others, tapping the button. Energy swirled around them and the thug act had ceased, finally.
"Blue Bio Ranger, ready!" Jane called out as ready as usual.
"Green Bio Ranger ready!" Calvin quickly called out without usual pause or pose, just frantically wanting to not be around a space chicken. That phobia of his is strong...dang.
And then it started Calvin chose to summon the Bio Ax and focus on Dytrons and Deathtrons, getting thugs cleared out. He ain't going near that chicken. Jane, on the other hand, got out the Bio Trigger and made a B line for the chicken. At least with a blaster like this she can technically focus on the chicken--with Drew and whoever apparently--and also get the bots out of the way.
"Now listen up here," Tidal said, not quite taking Drew's hostility here. "I've got a pretty damn good reason why morphing back there would've been a bad idea. And it's got nothing to do with a bunch of low-lives thinking it might be a brilliant idea to rob us." He dodged an incoming attack from a Dytron and cleaved it in two with his weapon. "I'd gladly explain it all when we no longer have to worry about a fucking chicken eating us and murdering everyone in sight." This wasn't the time to bicker, really. Sure, there were enough reasons to, but this was a rather ill timing. Though he wasn't a thug anymore, Tidal still sorta considered these people to be... "his people", even if part of them wanted him dead right now. There was plenty of history with him and the thugs, the people in the ruined city, the ruined city itself... really, his entire history was out here in one way or another. And that exact history was why he thought it a bad idea to morph. Proper explanations would come in time, when the Landsharks were saved and this weird ass alien would be reduced to chicken nuggets. Or fried chicken... considering the explosions and such. Really.. Poor Calvin. Dude was terrified. Who wouldn't be if it was literally your worst nightmare standing right in front of you?

Ooh boy. Tidal getting heated, if not a little pissed. Damn, things were getting serious here. More serious than it already was with... well, everything fucked-up going on out here. Speaking of getting serious... high time to pry some robots off some thugs! Lucas smacked a Dytron where in a human the ribs should be, knocking it over. "Well hurry up then," he called to a terrified thug. "I cleared a path for ya. Now get running before something takes its place." The thug nodded and hurried to safety. The woman had only just gotten past him when, indeed, more Dytrons swarmed at him. Power Rangers... yeah, obviously more of a threat than some thugs. Best fight the people in the colored spandex who are known to have beaten the crap out of Armada really regularly. Ah well... at least the thugs could get to safety somewhat more easily now, right?

Tidal kicked another Dytron off before going at the monster too. The stupid bird was endangering his people, and he'd defend them. Maybe there's some honor among thugs? Or maybe it's as he said himself before: he's not a thug anymore? Whatever the case... there was a space chicken to fight. Alongside Drew and Jane, even if they maybe most of all the others had so openly disapproved of the thug act. This was one of the cases where Tidal didn't care what they'd make of him. These misfits, as he'd now probably keep (lovingly) call them... they were his people too. They were his friends, and at the moment the closest thing he had to family. Friends and family don't always agree with each other either... but they're aways there when you need them. You just stick up for each other, that's a natural thing to do.
He'd let the two of them have the first strikes before following the attack up with a diagonal slash of the Crescent Blade. As long as he could finish off this stupid chicken, Tidal didn't care who'd hit it.
"Bawk!" the monster went, fully evil space chicken like, charging back and attacking the three Rangers with it's talons and beak. Sparks flew, and Tidal stumbled back a little. Dammit... for a just hatched chicken monster, this thing was damn strong already! At least it had just eaten, right?
"Really don't appreciate the BS, man," Drew said to Tidal, huffing and getting annoyed. This group didn't argue much, so when they did it was bound to get heated fast. Just think about how Rusty and One-Eye must feel with their gang...watching a person they used to know transform with five other people to brightly colored super heroes, going from fake thugs to real military style fighters fast. Granted Tidal had amnesia and still somehow remembered the Landsharks super well, but they didn't need to know the amnesia bit. If that were explained with how he got it? The Landsharks might think he's still serving under the Emperor.

Drew charged with him and Jane, however, taking the first slash at the space chicken with Jane before Tidal followed up. He was still minorly pissed at Tidal for this whole act, finding it ridiculous. Not that he didn't trust him, just it was all a bit insane. At least now he's got some sense and they'e morphed to fight this thing. Granted it's probably unaware of whats going on and its just going on instinct. But it's killing people, so it has to be stopped.
Drew slashed horizontally across the chickens side going in with Jane however she attacked, watching sparks fly from the monster after all attacks. As he hit back with its own talon/beak attacks, Drew yelped slightly and staggered back a bit, combat rolling to the side and edging the saber towards it. "Any ideas how we take this thing out?" He'd asked the other two along side him.

Dytrons were all around and Landsharks were evacuating, at least. Olivia ducked down and twisted in the dirt to trip over the few Dytrons around her before they advanced too close to more gang members. "Run!" She alerted them, all of them thankfully doing so. So long as the Rangers kept this up the Rexian forces should leave the normal people alone and focus on them instead. Hopefully the rock was alright, too. But Dytrons weren't the only problems out here. The Deathtrons made an appearance as well. One such robot appeared behind Olivia with its bladed weapon ready. Just as she turned around she was greeted by a slash across the chest and sparks from her suit. Grunted, she fell back and clutched her torso. Okay, ow. At least the robots weren't giant...giant would be bad. Olivia kicked upward at it, getting a footing and thrusting the claw towards its stomach area. Enough Deathtrons for everybody, it would seem! At least these things weren't attacking Landsharks...yikes.
"Okay, ladies," Jane said to Tidal and Drew...had she said this before? "Take the bitchfest to the bathroom, we got a chicken to fry!" She called out in the most tomboy way possible to set the boys in line. This big-ass chicken was bawking up the place and already making life strange for those around it.
As if making a little show for the Landsharks to enjoy, Jane showed off by jumping up in the air, using Tidal and Drew as a net to bounce up off of. When Drew went in, she followed up before Tidal with a series of blasts from the trigger coupled with a wicked kick as she made the landing, vaulting over the chicken for Tidal to get a clear shot. When the Big Bird wannabe fought back it felt like it packed more muscle than it let on. Jane had staggered back with the others.
"No idea on how we stake it out," she replied to Drew, "maybe we level up to Squadron Mode or something?" She suggested open to anything.

Calvin made a mess of the Dytrons all around, swinging the ax in a hurricane fashion and whirling either side of the blade against the robots. Slicing and dicing them, He made a clear path of safety for more thugs to escape. They valued their lives, and he valued them as well. He also valued not going near that friggin' chicken...just no.
A Deathtron swooped beside him and lashed out, clanging against the ax and nearly making hims loose his balance. "Watch out! get that thing!" A thug yelled at Calvin. He rolled his eyes. "No, I thought I'd just watch the thing rampage and let it hit me!" he yelled back...and then as he was distracted, it actually shot him in the back. he yelped and tumbled forward. "Okay, I deserved that," he said to himself after retorting to the thugs. Calvin gripped the ax for balance and began furiously swinging at the Deathtron,interlocking in combat.
Tidal scoffed. Did they just really not want to see he had ulterior motives to not morphing back in those ruins? If only they knew just why... Hopefully they'd give him the chance to explain himself on the way back. Tidal wished they could see it from his point of view, but he knew that was impossible. Not only did everyone think in a different way... none of the others had actually lived out here in the Wasteland. They didn't know the true horrors of what could happen out here. Sure, they may have heard it, or sort of seen it... but nobody had LIVED it. The truth out here was more gruesome than they could imagine. And he'd tell them all about it when given the chance. But first... first Jane was right. They had a chicken to fry. Baby monster or not, it was still an alien monster that would kill them all if it wasn't stopped. Plus... If a baby was as tall as a human, nobody wanted to see the grown up version of that. "Squadron mode sounds like a plan," Tidal agreed. "Or just find a way to push it back into the ocean. It's acidic enough to melt a human, so why not a chicken too?" Granted, it would be a smelly mess. But they had to deal with this creature someway. Squadron Mode was probably cleaner. Just a big explosion and the smell of fried chicken, instead of... melting insides and everything nasty. "I'd say Squadron Mode though."

Lucas cleared some more Dytrons out of the way, clearing the way for more thugs. Seemed like those were about the last of them. Now the Deathtrons were getting there. Great! Just lovely. He was about to warn Olivia for the Deathtron coming up behind her, but... he was too late. Seemd like she took revenge quickly enough though. "You okay?" he called over to her. To see Calvin getting shot next. "And you?" Really, was he just gonna ask if everyone was okay and not get over there and he-... nope. Cue a Deathtron slashing his back as he was too busy worrying about his friends. Lucas yelped as his suit sparked and he stumbled forward. Almost tripping over a dead thug. Cue shudders. Lucas really didn't like seeing dead people. And for good reason. Cue even more shuddering. He managed to regain his balance and turn around, slamming the Deathtron's side with the hammer. Well.. for now it seemed the three dealing with the chicken would ahve to do it without them. Let the other three just keep the Deathtrons off their backs, for now.
How was it Jane always defused situations? Maybe because she's just that kind of person. Blunt at times, sort of loud, and she will totally pull you by the ear if you don't comply. Drew and Lucas both learned that lesson once before. "Squadron Mode sounds best," he added in. Maybe even Squadron Mode giving them enough power to not only finish the chicken off, but spare an explosion in somewhat tight quarters and knock into into the ocean when it explodes? Drew can just see it now...comically sending a giant chicken flying into the ocean to go kabloom! He prepped for Squadron Mode with Tidal and Jane. He was about to start transformation. (cue for Tidal to butt in and take the lead instead XD)

Lucas calling out to her and Calvin was...late, considering they were both in high action at that point. Going to hell in a hand basket real fast was a light way to put it. Olivia caught her breath as she continued fighting the Deathtron. She jabbed at its stomach, slashing at it with the claw and kicking out at the robot. She did a roundhouse over top of the Deathtron's head, barely missing it, met with a counter attack to her chest. She stumbled back, spinning her arms up and slashing downward at its chest.
Jane nodded at both of the guys. "Booyah," she said, also prepping for Squadron Mode. She just loved this bit! Also how kind of the space chicken to leave them alone long enough to talk and prepare to upgrade! Who's a good space chicken of death?! Jane enjoyed anything that gave them more power. And anything that made bigger booms! Being out in the wasteland, as depressing as it was, was also freeing for combat...they didn't have to worry much for wrecking anything too bad!

Calvin did a flip over a chunk of rock on the shoreline to get away from the Deathtron. He quickly took out his blaster and fired a few solid shots towards the robot, blasting it right in the chest and arms. Sparks flew and it stumbled, but it didn't stop moving. The Deathtron fired a shot back at him, sparks flying all over the ground.
He then ran from the smoke and through the cloud, heavily swinging his ax down the Deathtrons chest. Sparks flew and it struck him again, continuing their brawl. Its balded weapon clashed with the ax again, Calvin stumbling back, quickly trying another shot of the blaster to no avail. Gah! These things are a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes.
"Alright then," Tidal rolled his neck and grabbed the Squadron Morpher, glad this issue was settled. As far as deciding what to do with a space chicken was an issue anyway. "Squadron Mode, Initiate!" he called, pulling the trigger and letting the armor materialize on him. "Spirit of Redemption! Bio Squadron Mode, Shadow!" Tidal struck his pose and immediately charged at Clucky right afterwards. Slicer could be thrown, but Slicer could also... well... slice. Which is exactly what Tidal used it for, slicing the chicken across the chest. Horizontally, vertically upward, and the leaping back to let one of the other two go in for attacks of their own. Like this, it shouldn't take too long to deal with this bird from outer space. The monster stumbled, still bawking. It bakwed in ain and just utter confusion after seeing the threats change into different threats that only hurt even more! Tidal couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for the monster. It was just a baby, after all. Confused as of where it was, where its momma was, and why everyone around it was just trying to hurt it. Really, it was kinda sad. But it would be more sad if all the thugs were to die. And then the hungry chicken monster would go to the ruins and eat everyone there. Then continue to grow into an adult space chicken and murder everything in the Wastelands, possibly heading for the domes next. Nope, sad as it may be, there was no time to pity this alien. they had to take it down.

Lucas swung his hammer at the Deathtron again, missing and being kicked in the chest. He fell backwards and rolled aside to avoid getting shot at. Deathtrons... such a bother to take on on your own. Really, this was not going well. With any "luck" they wouldn't hold on much longer. And then the other three would have to deal with everything on their own! Yeah, that'd be bad. If only there was a way to... oh wait... The other three were changing into Squadron Mode. Lucas jumped back to his feet. "Maybe it's an idea to follow suit?" he said, nodding towards Drew, Jane, and Tidal. "It should make fighting these Deathtrons a bit easi-..." again he was knocked down. "Mhac na galla!"
Drew had just about started to initiate the power-up when Tidal butted in and did it instead. "Hey, I'm still the leader here," he mumbled to himself, a bit more tense toward Tidal and his odd choices today. He shook his head and followed with the Squadron morpher along side Jane. "Squadron Mode, Initiate!" he called and pulled the trigger, letting the armor swap onto him and boost his power tenfold. "Spirit of Protection! Bio Squadron Mode, Red!' He called in his usual folded arm pose, watching Tidal immediately set off toward the space chicken. "Mou!" Drew grunted, signalling Jane to come with him as he readied the Bio Shield and charged in towards the chicken monster. As sad as it was to fight a baby--sort of--it was a major threat to humanity in the wasteland. Tragic, still. Less tragic when Drew got close to it with the shield on his arm and the chicken bawked at him, firing a friggin' laser-like attack from its eye?! The heck? He used the shield to block blast. It then approached him again and attempted pecking Drew's face, but he used the shield to block again, this time giving it a good push and shield bask to the face, slamming it upward against the monsters head.

As things only got harder on them, Lucas had a great idea. Watching the others upgrade gave rise to a new thought. Why not do the same? Olivia nodded at the suggestion and slashed across the Deathtrons back, swerving over to Lucas as he'd been knocked down and kicking his Deathtron in the chest. She helped him up quickly and readied herself in a back-to-back triangle formation with Lucas and Calvin. "Ready guys?" She asked.
With the squadron morpher, she began the change. "Squadron Mode Initiate!" She called and pulled the trigger to summon the armor. "Spirit of Intellect! Bio Squadron Mode, Pink!" She called, now with the javelin in hand. Perfect. She could really pinpoint some damage! As they were ready, she distanced herself back to her Deathtron and twirled the javelin like a bo staff, jabbing at its chest with it and swiping it around, tripping it up and putting distance between them both.
Jane snickered immaturely and Drew being slightly grumpy that Tidal took the lead in advancing to the next mode. She blew a raspberry before following suit. Literally. "Squadron Mode, Initiate!"
"Spirit of Imagination! Bio Squadron Mode, Blue!" She called out, probably sounding the least heroic to the Landsharks watching as she did her semi-salute pose strike. Whatever. As Tidal charged in and got a head start at slicing the bird, she followed in with Drew, carrying the Bio Ring around herself, loosely handling it for a more fluid stance. After Drew went in with his attacks, Jane used her abilities to soar up high in the air, her legs like springs in a trampoline, spinning around and vertically striking the space chicken form above. She bounced back, just missing it's talons swiping at her. Probably scared to death...if it weren't hostile, she wouldn't attack! Jane bounced around a couple of more times before just tossing the ring over towards the chicken to imitate what Tidal's weapon does and slice across the monster before returning to her. "I wonder if this thing is ready be Kentucky Fried!" She said.

Calvin dodged an incoming blow to the head, barely evading and swiping hid ax outward. Seeing the others change sparked the same idea in his head as it did Lucas' and Olivia's suggestions. The Deathtrons weren't so bad, just a bit harder to take on your own. Granted the first enemy he fought as a Ranger...out here in the wasteland even, was a Deathtron. But that was a different time. First time morphs were so easy compared to this shit.
He moved over to Lucas and Olivia providing cover as she helped him up, joining them in a triangle form, taking out the next morpher and nodding on Olivia's word. "Squadron Mode, Initiate!" He called with them, materializing armor on them all in respective colors. "Spirit of Honor! Bio Squadron Mode, Green!" Calvin shouted and pulling the fist pump position, calling on Bio Enforcer to aid him. A big rifle shoudl do the trick! He dispersed from his friends and resumed against the Deathtron. He fired a burst of powerful shots at it, deflecting most of them. Calvin fired again, this time getting a good shot at its chest. Bam!
Things were going a lot more smoothly now. Clucky couldn't hit them anymore, and if it did, it didn't hurt as much. They on the other hand had just gotten a lot better at hurting the chicken! Though Tidal hadn't heard Drew's comment, it was quite obvious he was bitter about Tidal taking the lead. Hey, they were in the Wastelands. No better person around to take the lead out here. He knew the people, the customs, the unwritten rules... Geez, this was going to seriously have to be talked about when the chicken was, as Jane put it, Kentucky Fried. The three of them were slicing, spinning, and shield-bashing Clucky, forcing him further and further back to the shoreline. "Just a little more!" Tidal encouraged Jane and Drew. Not much longer now and they'd push the chicken into the acidic ocean. They'd have to hope not to be pulled along by the tide though. Or a wave in general.... best to stay away from the water as far as they could. Tidal took some distance from Clucky, charging the Slicer, ready to finish the monster off and sent it to a watery death. And a fiery one too. "Bio Slicer Throw!" he called. And there went the Frisbee of death, causing a large amount of sparks to fly from the monster's chest. As the other two did their finishers as well, Clucky was finally sent off into the air, sparking, flaming... only to land in the water some distance from the shore. ... How could you describe the smell of burned chicken now decaying in a pool of acid? 'Cause that's what it smelled like. Ugh.

"Thank you," Lucas said as Olivia helped him up. So now he was back on his feet, and back to back with Olivia and Calvin. Hey, his suggestion came in handy... no pun intended there seeing as how his weapon in Squadron Mode was a pair of boxing gloves, basically. He nodded upon being asked whether he was ready and pulled the trigger on the Squadron Morpher. Time for an upgrade. "Spirit of Compassion! Bio Squadrom Mode, Yellow!" he called. Now with the Knuckles ready, it was high time to punch a motherfucker. He had a score to settle with that Deathtron for knocking him over. Twice. He charged the Deathtron and punched it in the face with all his strength. Now it was a Dent-tron! He chuckled to himself. Gosh... if he had said that out loud, there would be people lining up to slap him for it. ".. Dent-tron..." he mumbled, still chuckling. Well... now he had said it out loud. Best prepare for getting hit if anyone had heard him. Well... on the bright side: in their upgraded form, taking out the Deathrons shouldn't take as much time.

And it didn't take a lot of time indeed. The Deathtrons were getting badly damaged by the attacks of the rangers in Squadron Mode. By now the thugs, looking at the battle from a safe distance, were cheering on them! Kinda weird, but hey. It was sorta motivating? Lucas tapped his fist in his palm, ready to finish the Dent-tron off for good. Or well... until it had its repairs, anyway. Just how did that even work? Monsters destroying the world actually care about recycling? Or was is just the lack of materials? Anyhow... "Bio Knuckled Punch!" he called, charging his superstrenght into the gloved and punching the Deathtron. It went flying backwards... and landed in the ocean. It sparked, struggled, and then the hissing sounds of things dissolving in acid could be heard. Lucas shuddered. Even if that was a robot bent on killing them all.... it was still a nasty thing to hear.

And that was it. Deathtrons: gone. Space-chicken: gone. Glad the battle was over and the thugs were saved, Tidal and Lucas demorphed along with the others.
"Well... this may just have been one of the weirdest things we've fought," Lucas commented. Really, there were many strange things in Armada ranks., And not in the Armada ranks, apparently. But something told him and Tidal both this wouldn't be the strangest thing they had faced or would face in the (near) future. Who knows what Armada still holds?
"Right. So... let's load the meteor on the truck and get the hell out of here," Tidal said, about to head over to the meteor.
"Not so fast," One-Eye interrupted. Tidal sighed and rolled his eyes, expecting more trouble to come.
"Let us help ya with that," he offered instead. "We don't want nothing to do with that rock anymore."
"Thank you... I suppose," Tidal said, not entirely sure what to make of this all.
"This doesn't mean we gonna forgive you what happened," One-Eye warned him.
"Didn't expect ya to," Tidal replied, starting to load the chunks of meteor in the bed of the truck. "By the way, if you and your people want to get out of here.... we can arrange safe transport to the city. It's a bit of a ride, but you'll be better off there than out here. Head to the city. We'll wait there for transport to arrive."
Now it was One-Eye's turn to not seem sure what to think, but he nodded. Who said there was no honor among thugs at all? Even with all the beef going on between them, even with everything that had happened, Tidal still offered them a decent way out.

Tidal turned to the others as they were finally done loading the meteor in the truck's bed, with the help of all the thugs. Suddenly everyone was being a bit more respectful than before. A combination of gratitude for being saved, and knowing better than to get the people in spandex against you. "We should ask the Captain to send as many trucks as they can miss. Besides these guys here, there's plenty of people in the ruins who'd much rather live in the city." See? His heart was in the right place. And with the tension regarding thugs and meteors gone, Tidal fell a bit silent. There was a lot going on in his mind. Some things he would explain when they got to the ruins and waited, a few others... a few others were just things he had to figure out. He got in the truck again, waiting for everyone to be ready. Then he'd drive them back. It was too late to make it back to Inezia anyway. They were gonna have to stay the night in those ruins. Which, he assumed, nobody was really looking forward to.
Kentucky Fried Chicken...that sounds good right now. Mmm. As the three of them pushed harder against the space chicken and continued their assault and driving it back to the shoreline, Drew hesitantly followed Tidal's lead. He still wasn't entirely sure on following him even if he know the wasteland well, not considering some questionable acts out here, not to mention the sudden attitude change back in Inezia before they'd even left the city. He had questions, and Tidal better have answers.
Drew moved in for a finisher as well to contribute to the monsters demise. "Bio Shield Bash!" he called, charging up the shield how he knew and whamming it right against the chickens chest with a huge push, watching it fly off after everyone's attacks landed and sent it flying into the ocean with a splash of pure acidic water and explosions. What an interesting smell that left behind. Friend chicken, more like just-died chicken.

Picking up the pace, Olivia decided after witnessing her friends' victories it was time to end the fray with the Deathtron she face. And were the Landsharks...cheering them all on? She didn't know if it were sarcastic or if these thugs were actually being genuine here. Oh well, perhaps this would be a thought process better left for later? She swooshed the javelin like a staff, stunning the Deathtron as it came in for a melee assault. Olivia cartwheeled to safety as she prepped the javelin for its final attack. "Bio Javelin Toss!" She called, throwing it like an Olympian and pinpointing the robots chest, penetrating the metal and causing it to explode. One less to worry about.
Following the battles, both she and Drew demorphed with everybody. They'd regrouped, nodding on Tidal's word and starting to collect fragments of the meteor and load them up.

As Drew and Olivia both lent a hand in collecting the space rock and loading them in the truck, the Landsharks approached them all. Great...more trouble. After what just happened? Really? But no. To their surprise, One-Eye offered to... help them? Maybe after seeing what hatched out of it, they just didn't want the damn thing. In fact, that's exactly why they don't want it! Sure they won't forgive Tidal for apparently killing someone close to them...but at least these thugs had brains to use.
"Thanks for the help," Drew told them all, eyeing One-Eye and Rusty, who he still didn't trust all that much.

And then Tidal surprised them both by offering them all a chance. A way to Inezia, a fresh start....safe transport even? What in the world is Tidal's sudden 180? They finished loading up the truck with the meteor fragments. Tidal suggested they call in more trucks. Olivia nodded, taken back by how...good Tidal's thoughts were. "Um...yes. I'll put in a formal request," she said, back to her normal self and dropping the act of a thug...to be fair though, she didn't really make a thug act. She then reached her morpher to her face. "Father, we're requesting immediate assistance. The meteor has been secured, and we're heading to Inezia as soon as possible. We've got refugees out here, send as many transports as we can spare." She pleaded. Captain Scott agreed. "Acknowledged. I'll send out all we can spare. Stay safe, Rangers. Well done."
Olivia nodded. She probably stunned all of the thugs, really, given her appearance now...met with such a profession and intelligent tone to her. Drew smirked as a few of those lug heads dropped their jaws. Who said hot people aren't smart? Drew and Olivia got back on the bike/in the truck and awaited the others...they'd have to make camp in the city ruins, though. Not fun...oh well.
Had anyone in this group ever imagined facing a space chicken from a meteor, bawking its way all over the place? Highly doubtful. And not to mention said situation was in the middle of a gang turf war? Even....highly-er doubtful. Okay that wasn't even English. Proper English wasn't important here. What was important was getting this freaking chicken to blow up already. If it even blew up...who's to say it dies the same way as the Armada's forces do? Jane kept pushing back with the guys, unleashing all she could against the bawking menace of a chicken.
"Bio Ring Fury!" She shouted with the others to add onto the layers of pummeling force applied to the chicken, grasping the ring around her and spinning furiously against it with the ring charged up. And off it went...flying into the ocean...the acidic...big...gross ocean. Yuck...oh Jesus the smell was awful! "That smells nothing like fried chicken..." She said. In fairness, the thing wasn't technical a chicken now was it?

Calvin replicated into six copies of himself, making a full squad of soldiers against the Deathtron and making pure Hell out of the situation against it. Being cheered was nice, though. Thuggish cheerleaders...oh wow, why does he all of a sudden picture the thugs in cheer leading outfits? Somethings do not need to exist. That is one of them. All six Calvins charged their rifles and aimed for the Deathtron. "Bio Enforcer Roulette!" They shouted, six shots firing toward the robot, exploding on impact with green shots. All copies fell back into one Calvin, victory emerging! He never got tired of multiplying, though. Who would?

Powering down with the others and picking up the meteor was next on the list. Jane and Calvin helped their friends carry the heavy chunks of rock to the truck bed, Jane volunteering for the heaviest bits--show off tomboy--and Calvin doing the same, but not out of showing off...he just lifted heavy stuff on a daily basis. When the thugs all came over, they expected the worst. And Jane just spoke up with: "Listen, if you guys and girls think you're gonna stop us after all we went through to get this fuckin' thing, I will take whatever's left of that chicken and make you--" She started...but then One-Eye instead offered to help them. She fell silent. "Oh...never mind," Jane said, gentle and care free...awkward. Calvin laughed, met with a punch to the arm for laughing. Jane growled, he shut up, they both kept lifting. The whole thing about them not forgiving Tidal brought up the fact he killed someone of theirs out here...are they just gonna not talk about that? Come to think of it, a lot of questions are lining up for Tidal to answer later. Tidal even offered to give the Landsharks a way to the city...is that a good idea? Sure these guys showed some honor...but...hmm.
At least the attention was off of Jane kissing Drew earlier. Whew. But the fact that the thugs were so compliant rose a little suspicion. Not much, but a little was natural. But that's the goal, help all they can. "Just so ya know, boys. Inezia is no picnic. Safe and secure, but there's a lot of action. And giant robots on occasion. Taller tan buildings." Jane told the Landsharks. Fatso spoke up. "Really? Taller than...that sounds cool!" He said. Jane...grinned. "Mmhmm. Really cool." She said. Funny how just an hour or so ago she whacked his face with a bat.
She got on the back of the bike, Calvin in the truck with Tidal. Back to the ruins, it would seem for the night. Great. Better than just driving all the way back in the dark.
The ride back was... sort of alright. Still bumpy, but at least they didn't have to race anymore in order to get to the meteor and the thugs in time. Speaking of thugs, they were mostly just walking back to the ruins. There wasn't exactly a lot of place for people on the one truck they had now. Or rather, no place at all. It'd get too crammed and that would only be dangerous. Tidal didn't say a word on the entire ride back, just keeping his eyes focused on the road and trying not to let his mind wander too far off. Lucas was on the bed of the truck with Olivia, watching the sun starting to set. "That'd be a lot prettier to watch if it didn't make the sky look like the gates of hell," he commented. Really, from what he had heard and seen on pictures, sunset and sunrise were really beautiful to see once. Now it still had something pretty to it... but more horrifying. He glanced at Olivia beside him. Nope, he really didn't see it... why did people assume the two of them even had the chance of being a thing? Lucas knew he liked her, and damn well knew in just what way. Granted, he had only come to terms with the idea... eh... not too long ago, really. But he wasn't gonna say anything about it. No, he would only make a fool out of himself. No way she liked him back. Really kind of hopeless. Ah well... best to not think about it and ruin the friendship, right? Though it was awfully hard not to think about it when you'd see each other this often.

It was dark when they got back to the ruins. Hardly anyone still dared to be out on the streets. The people of the ruins knew better than to stay out after a certain time. As if the Wasteland wasn't dangerous enough as it was, it got only worse after dark. Or so they believed. When driving back into the city, the rangers could see something rather... odd. A factory in what had been the industrial part of the city. It was ruined, like most of the buildings around it... but the chimney was smoking. As if it were being used by someone. Or something. Tidal shuddered and shook his head. Behold, one of the reasons why so little people dared to be out in the darkness. He brought the truck to a stop near the city's center, where most of the people were hiding in the buildings. A few faces peaked out of windows upon hearing the sounds of a truck and screeching tires.

Tidal hopped out of the truck, looking at the buildings surrounding them. Plenty of them would have space for a few people to seek shelter for a night. But that wasn't the main thing he was searching for. There was... something else he hoped to find. Anything that could point him to his past, help him remember. Hell, maybe his parents were still out here! If this really even was the place... Tidal was pretty sure, but not entirely. This may as well be the place Armada had sent him for some target practice. He shuddered at the thought. Thankfully those memories were sealed away. He knew he had done it, but he didn't really remember it.
"I..." he started, not sure whether he was gonna tell them there was something he needed to do first, or whether he was going to explain himself. Whichever it was, it was interrupted by sobbing not too far away from them. Tidal and Lucas turned towards the sound to see a child, seemingly the same one that had burst into tears upon seeing them before, standing in an alleyway, all on her own. But it didn't seem like they were the reason for her tears. The little girl looked heartbroken over something. And terrified in the dark too. Where were her parents? Oh gosh... they didn't... did they? Tidal glanced at the rest, not quite sure what to do with himself. He wasn't too good with humans. Let alone kids. He was good with cats though. But cats weren't little human girls.

Though Lucas was eager to hear Tidal explain himself as of what the hell was going on and why they didn't just morph way before, it seemed it had to wait. Sad children had priority over the explanations of assholes. Especially when said kid didn't seem an awful lot older than Sean. Babysitter-instincts and Spirit of Compassion kicking in there! He climbed out of the bed of the truck and carefully approached the little girl. He'd notice soon enough if someone else decided to follow him. Lucas knelt near the girl, making sure they were at about the same height. "Hey there," he said softly, smiling kindly at the girl. She stopped crying and turned to look at him with frightful eyes. "What's the matter, hm? What made you so sad?"
On the ride back to the old city ruins, Olivia gazed up at the sky but she was hardly paying attention to Lucas. Instead as she looked upon that giant ball of flame in the sky hidden by layers of murky clouds, her mind pondered to the thoughts of today's events. They'd recovered the meteor, terminated a new threat and made somewhat of a truce with the Landsharks. All in all, it was a successful day. It'd be more successful if they hadn't lost any human lives. Damn it. In part, an alien was to blame, as well as the Armada, and the stupidity of some of the deceased. A shame.
Arrival in the ruins bred suspicion. Off in the distance as both vehicles came to a stop, Olivia and Drew both noticed a factory off in the far distance. Probably an old building being used for shelter by someone. Or used by Urthemial's forces to mass produce new creations here on Earth. That is a thing, actually. Sometimes the military bombs the factories. Other times, they get raided.

Drew disembarked the bike and Olivia left the truck bed. Cramped in there with the meteor fragments, anyway. She proceeded to use the gas can in the back to refuel both vehicles. Not much, but it would be enough to get them all home in the morning if the reinforcements tomorrow being no extra gasoline.
There was room for them to stay overnight in the ruined city. A lot of wear and tear on the this city for sure. It had seen battle, ruin, death, chaos, fear, and degradation over the years. As did the rest of the planet. This is but a tiny fragment of what the planet is like now...not even Tidal, someone who lived it out here, knows the full extent of the planet's condition. Sure experience breeds knowledge, but so does satellites and statistics. Olivia hadn't dared to tell anyone this, but...the planet is dying. Sure they all know that...but it's really dying. In a few years tops...there won't be an Earth any long. And the state of this city only reminded her of that. Just as Tidal appeared to speak up, sobs from a nearby location caught everyone's attention. The girl from before in the alleyway. She was crying...and alone. Where are her par-....oh....well then. Perhaps it's better to not say that out loud.
Drew and Olivia both sighed. Lucas went to help her, at least. Drew pulled Tidal aside where they could speak privately for a moment. "Tidal, what is it? You look like the city means something more," Drew whispered...he saved the 'what the hell is going on' question for later when everyone was around. Or whenever he'd bring it up. Olivia on the other hand, went to speak with One-Eye personally. In the most professional way. Just asking about the city and where everybody could possibly stay, organizing the details on the night to the best of her ability with him. After it gets settled, she has an announcement to make later.
Jane awkwardly gripped onto Drew the whole ride back. What went down earlier was on her mind now. Awwwwwkward. But it didn't affect her behavior. She's still the feisty tomboy whom everybody knows not to mess with or anything. Even more so today, really...after her arm was cut and she licked the blood? Chic is loco poco! Calvin sat in silence with Tidal as they rode in the truck. He'd attempt to talk to him, but he didn't know what to say really. So the ride was quiet. Tidal was probably thinking of ways to explain today to everyone.

The city looked different at night. It was totally torn apart and wrecked, but quiet, too. Faces from all over looked at the convoy as they returned to the ruins, looking eager, scared, and curious. Calvin had helped many people out here in his day as a soldier just rescuing people from attacks or recovering loved ones from scary situations. All soldiers served as beacons of hope to people in protecting them. Just did this people see hope here? Or some kind of mega-thugs who made the Landsharks their bitches? Hmm. The sight of a factory off in the distance caught his and Jane's attention, though. They didn't know what was going on there, but they didn't find it relevant enough. Calvin, like Olivia, knew the Armada used factories to mass produce on Earth sometimes. He'd never took part in raiding to destroying one, but he knew about it.
When they all got back on their feet from the vehicles, Tidal looked as if he was in a memory lane. Like he knew this place or something...was it important? This city special to him? Part of the memories the Emperor wiped from his mind? A girl sobbing broke the train of thought. The same girl from before...without her parents. Crap, that wasn't good. Jane approached the kid along side Lucas. She removed the shirt tied around her waist and offered it to the young girl kindly to show she was friendly, and to keep the crying girl warm and comfy. She knelt down like Lucas. "What is it, cutey?" She asked. Hey...Jane has a soft side! Who knew?!
Calvin sighed and rest his hands on his lower back, glancing around the ruins and observing the area. He wasn't sure what to do...
In between her sobbing, the little girl, who introduced herself as Abby, told Lucas and Jane just about the most terrible thing had happened to her that could possibly happen to a young child. She had lost her best friend, the stuffed giraffe by the name of Raffy. Probably happened when they were hiding in the alley before. She wasn't sure. It was still light when Abby went outside to look for her friend, but now not only her friend was lost... she was lost herself too! Poor child. Lucas couldn't help but think that at least nothing too terrible had happened. Sure, losing a stuffed animal was terrible, hew knew that from the times when Sean had misplaced Mr. Wuffles somewhere. But at least her parents didn't get murdered or something. Speaking of parents: they must be worried sick about their little girl!
"Hey," Lucas said softly. "Can you keep a little secret?"
Abby nodded, looking at Lucas with big eyes, giving Jane a questioning look. Was it okay is the big girl heard the secret too?
"Don't worry," Lucas smiled. "She can keep a secret REAAAAAALLY well. I promise." Ranger business and all that sorta thing. Anwyays... Lucas hushed his voice even further, similar as to someone about to tell a story. "Did you know that all stuffed animals are secretly superheroes?"
Abby's eyes widened. "Really?"
"Uhu. Your mama and papa probably told you something happened outside your home, didn't they? Something fell from the sky, I've heard. So Raffy just did what all superheroes so. He secretly sneaked away so he could see what it was. Just so you don't have to be afraid of it anymore. That's pretty cool, huh?"
Abby nodded. "But when will Raffy be back?"
"I don't know," Lucas admitted. "Sometimes the stuffed animals stay away for really long, but sometimes they get back the next day. did you ever wake up and see that Raffy was not in the same place where he was the night before?"
Again Abby nodded.
"Well, then it means that Raffy went away that night, going on a patrol to keep the things that go bump really far away from you. But when he got back before you woke up, Raffy forgot where he was before leaving. So he went back to the place where he thought he was."
The little girl nodded, now fully understanding why Raffy was away. "I hope he comes back soon though," she said softly.
"I hope so too," Lucas said, standing up and reaching out a hand to Abby. "Now, shall we help you find your mama and papa back? They must be really worried abut you!"
Abby took his hand, and Lucas hoisted the little girl on his shoulders. Abby started calling for her parents, Lucas helped out.

Tidal nodded to Drew's question. "It does, I think. I remember... I think I remember things. This place... I think it's home. Or it used to be. I recognize the streets, but hardly recall the people. Everything seems familiar, but just too vaguely to grasp," he said, looking around the buildings again. Somewhere vaguely at the back of his mind, there were memories of a little boy, playing in the streets when everything was safe. There was a painting on the wall inside somewhere. Little drawn people, somewhere between stick-figures and better looking people. And if it was true.... it should be.. right about... over there. His eyes fell on a building that seemed just a tad more familiar than the rest. Old remains of a curtain blowing in the wind. A door opening without an actual door in there... "Mind checking it out with me?" he asked Drew, nodding towards the building. But without really waiting for an answer, he already walked to the building, peeking inside first. Empty. Entirely empty, no traces of anyone having been there in a long while. Tidals heart beat so fast that it would make people in a hospital worry. Or so it felt. His limbs felt much heavier than they should as he stepped inside and let his eyes get used to the darkness for a moment. Yes... there it was. It actually was here! He walked over to the wall with the little people drawn on it. Daddy. Mommy. Martin. Damien. Names scribbled at the respective figures in a child's handwriting. "God..." Tidal mumbled, putting his hand on the wall, leaning his head against it.

One-Eye discussed the terms of staying the night with Olivia. He was surprised by the professionalism. And the fact she had called some important person her father. He told him whatever he could, but even he didn't know everything about the city. And there were a few things maybe just better left unsaid. There were enough empty buildings where they could seek shelter for the night, but unfortunately the chances were slim the people had enough things to spare, so the Ranges would have to do with whatever they had on them and what may still be left behind in other buildings. After all, people come and go, and sometimes they leave everything behind.
Olivia nodded as One-Eye told her everything he knew. She continued to speak as a military official, going so far as to introduce herself by her real name and not the nickname Tidal had given her. She calmly explained just who they were and what they did, as well as thanking him for helping out with the meteor and arranging sleep for everybody tonight. Really the 'slut' appearance with her legitimate intellectual brain was a weird combination. She still couldn't wait to get home and change into regular clothes.

Clearly Tidal knew something about this place. Something important, familiar...he looked so puzzled. Drew shot a look at the building he pointed out. "Sure." He replied after being asked to investigate further. Inside was abandoned, nobody had been there in...years it seemed. It was dark, but adjustable. Drew took out his cell phone which he didn't think to leave at home and used the light on the phone to illuminate the room. He ruffled under the curtain and shined light on the wall Tidal looked at.
"Daddy, Mommy, Martin, Damien..." Drew read. He got quiet. "Wait, Martin...that's your real name isn't it? And Damien must be....oh..." He said. Tidal's brother...may he rest in peace. He didn't know what to say.
"So this building...it's...home? Sort of?" He asked. If only he knew what Tidal was thinking currently...probably a lot of mixed feelings.
Good job, Curly. Good job. The story about stuffed animals being superheroes and all. Jane listened along as Lucas informed Abby her stuffed giraffe would be back soon, he's just off saving the world in his own way. Cute story. She smiled slightly, hiding the smile from Lucas to maintain her reputation as a 'not feely' girl. As the two hunted for Abby's parent, Jane decided to walk around a bit and see what was what. Drew and Tidal were going into a building alone...bow chicka wow wow? No, not that...weird. But she did pay attention to all details around her.
Like for instance, Olivia being super official, Calvin being a gazer, and Lucas being the babysitter. Funny how it all worked out today. Also funny how...wait...what? Jane glanced down at some rubble on the ground, rocks and dirt mostly, next to an old bus stop and trash can. Clearly everything was old and run down. A little pink button shined through it all though. Tilting her head, she knelt down and cleared away at some rubble to reveal an old stuff piggy. It was about 8 inches tall, pink in color, and had, believe it or not, a cape. Like a little super hero! She grinned...and then her Spirit of Imagination kicked in. A plot hatched.

Moments later, Jane caught up to where Lucas and Abby where looking for her parents. Poor parent shave to be worried! Jane hid behind a wall and whispered to them to get their attention. "Pssssst!" She whispered, remaining hidden. When they approached her, she extended the pig from behind the wall. "Hello! I am...Helga! The Pig Hero!" Really, Helga? And Why was Jane using a bad Russian accent? Russian pig super hero? So much for imagination... "Say, are you Abby? I am friend of Raffy! He's off being a super hero now. I am side kick! He told me to come find you very pretty girl. I, Helga, think we can be friends while we wait for him to come back!" She said, all in a bad Russian impersonation. Hey...she tried. And Helga might be a nice distraction until she finds Raffy! Jane then gave a small thumbs up below Helga as Abby looked at the pig so Lucas knew it was her. Duh.
(and Calvin is still wandering blah)
Tidal nodded. "That part I already knew, but..." he fell silent again, eyes still focused on the wall. Armada had damaged his memory to the point where he hadn't even remembered his little brother's name. But now it was there, right in front of his eyes. And still most memories were locked too far away, either by Armada or because he was too afraid to remember them. Tidal tugged on his hair pretty hard before covering his eyes with his hands. There was one memory coming back now though. And most likely the reason why this building was empty now.

It was a relatively nice day out in the Wastelands, as far as there were nice days here. But though the weather and all was nice, it wasn't a good day. Quite the opposite. Tidal... Martin, and his family were inside. Damien wasn't doing well. They hadn't been able to get medicine. It was so awfully hard to come by all the way out here. Sometimes they were lucky and they could get just enough to ease Damien's pain. Now wasn't one of those days. His little brother was sickly pale. Greyish even.
Tidal nodded. "That part I already knew, but..." he fell silent again, eyes still focused on the wall. Armada had damaged his memory to the point where he hadn't even remembered his little brother's name. But now it was there, right in front of his eyes. And still most memories were locked too far away, either by Armada or because he was too afraid to remember them. Tidal tugged on his hair pretty hard before covering his eyes with his hands. There was one memory coming back now though. And most likely the reason why this building was empty now.

It was a relatively nice day out in the Wastelands, as far as there were nice days here. But though the weather and all was nice, it wasn't a good day. Quite the opposite. Tidal... Martin, and his family were inside. Damien wasn't doing well. They hadn't been able to get medicine. It was so awfully hard to come by all the way out here. Sometimes they were lucky and they could get just enough to ease Damien's pain. Now wasn't one of those days. His little brother was sickly pale. Greyish even. He was dying, and there was nothing left they could do. Martin... Tidal.. -confusing if you suddenly sorta have two names- had refused to leave his brother's side, held the kid in his arms and hushed him as the pain became too much to bear. Damien had died before noon, right here. In his arms.

Tidal pulled himself free from the memory, not looking at Drew as he stumbled back towards the dooropening. "I need to get out of here," he mumbled. There was a terrible, sour taste in his mouth. Well, cue some nightmares tonight. If he would even sleep at all.

Lucas smirked at Jane's little act with Helga the Pig. He was so proud of her right now. Maybe she did secretly have a feely side? Somewhere deep beneath the layers of tomboy and "I will murder you". Abby was fascinated by Helga, and to hear she was Raffy's sidekick! So stuffed animals really were superheroes! That was so cool! And Raffy was even good enough to have a sidekick! She reached out her hands to grab Helga. Lucas made sure she could reach the caped piggy without falling off his shoulders.
"Now that's cool, isn't it?" he asked her.
"Uhu!" Abby clutched Helga tightly. Then their quest for finding the parents went on! After some more shouting for (Abby's) mama and papa, the parents rushed outside, obviously worried about their little princess and maybe slightly concerned she was together with a complete stranger who was part of the super thugs that had chased the Landsharks away before. But seeing how Lucas was rally just bringing their little girl back, the worry soon faded and got replaced by gratitude. Lucas reassured them it was no big deal, said goodnight, and went back to Jane.
"Nicely done there," he told her, grinning. Dared he mention the feely side of the tomboy? No. There were still too many layers of murder.

As some more time had passed and Tidal had made the announcement of the trucks from the city being on their way to the ruins to take everyone who was willing to Inezia, it was time to rest into buildings and get some rest for the night. After seeing what he had seen in that one building, he didn't quite feel like talking anymore, but... it had to be told. So as the rangers all retreated into the building they'd spend the night at, he leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. "If you were wondering on the not-morphing..." he started. "There's a factory not too far from here, as you've seen. Armada has been using it for many years to create hundreds upon hundreds of Dytrons. You never know how close Armada might be out here. Had we morphed here, there was a big chance Armada would have figured out the Power Rangers were staying in the ruins. We all know they have no mercy, and they wouldn't take chances in us getting away alive. They would've blown up the entire place with all people in it. The people out here... they're still sort of my people. I wanted to keep them safe. If Armada, nor anyone else out here, knew who we were, Armada wouldn't figure it out either and the people would be safe. Thugs are less of a threat than we are, after all,." He remained silent for a bit, giving everyone the chance to process the information and respond to it wherever they saw fit. Lucas just nodded. When put that way, if kind of made sense. A lot of sense, even. But he hadn't quite expected Tidal to be the person to think like this. "And if you're wondering why I offered them all a second chance in Inezia... Well..." he gave his friends a small smile. "I got my second chance. Why not them as well?"
Okay, now there was nothing left int he world that could surprise him. No, not true, there would be some things left. But for Tidal to actually be a good person? Like genuinely? This was, considering the circumstances, the last thing he had expected from Tidal. Well... best get some rest now that they could. The trucks would get there in the morning, and it was a long ride back. Thankfully, one without the tensions of the way out here.

And indeed, sometime during the morning, the trucks from Inezia rolled into the ruins. Refugees and thugs alike had lined up, waiting for the trucks, seeing where they would get on. A new life awaited them all, a second chance granted by people who had just a day before seemed like the worst thugs of them all. The Landsharks where the only ones to know the identities of these mysterious heroes. Only they knew of the deeds out in the Wasteland, and they knew to keep a secret. Among the refugees waiting, were Abby and her parents, all happily waving at Lucas and Jane for the help they had given them with bringing Abby back home safe, and cheering her up now that Raffy was gone. Or was he?

there was a long ride ahead. In Inezia, people would be waiting for the refugees to give them proper help, see if there were any sick people among them, taking the people to a safe location in the city, give them proper food... all things you'd expect. And back at HQ, the Captain would be waiting for the debriefing of this strange mission.

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