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Fandom Power Rangers: Bio Strike

Olivia was right to get a little irritated with everyone.  They hadn't had doubt, but...they all posed a good question.  

Both Jane and Calvin's attention had been caught by Olivia.  Dr Wilson was on screen all of a sudden.  At first they thought it was him contacting them, but the time stamped on the message...dated quite while ago?  What the...they sat back and watched the screen.  Dr Wilson was briefing the Colonel on the Ranger project!  This had to be old!  Of course 3 out of 5 morphers were better than 0.  It still made sense why the civilian Rangers got their powers first, Calvin was long over that.  Given what Deminar did a while ago?  Calvin preferred the team as it was.   He and Jane watched the screen and listened.

Human Spirit...Protection, Compassion, Intellect, Redemption...that gave everybody else power.  As for them...Jane was chosen on part of Imagination.  And Calvin, Honor.  Wilson managed to tap the morphing grid and enable Human Spirit as a power source?  That's...incredible.  They knew he was smart but damn!  Not that smart...this is a little unbelievable.  But boy was the timing great.  Just when they'd all asked this very question...

By the end of the message, Jane and Calvin were shaking slightly.  The inspiration, the drive they felt.  Protectors of the Earth, saviors of the galaxy...did....did Dr Wilson, and the Captain, have that much faith in them?  Sure they were doing well so far.  But...is that really the tipping scale?  The Bio Strike Power Rangers, so he called them...Well, that's backwards now isn't it?  

"I had no idea that's what led us to this...Human Spirit?  The ultimate power source?"  Calvin asked, shaking his head slightly.  Jane let out a breath and let go of Drew's arm.  "I don't believe this...that's it?  We're chosen because of our...Spirit?  I guess we aren't just people after all..."  She said aloud.  Calvin nodded.  " I guess not...we really are special, it looks like..." He said.

They both looked so shocked, so...ready?  A new drive entered their minds.  Refueling their motivation.  "Leave it to Wilson to make things seem weird but sensible."  Calvin added on.  Jane grinned and nodded.  "If that's the reason for us being Ranger...can't argue with it.  We're the Rangers...and it looks like the only ones who could ever be." She said.
Lucas and Tidal were somewhat taken aback by Olivia turning a bit authoritative there. Just let the them all feel down for a moment, damnit. As Drew pointed out, they weren't doubting. At least, not anymore. But the questions had lingered in their minds for far too long and now they had finally been asked. When told to look, the two gazed at the screen. An older video message send by Doctor Wilson. Well, that certainly caught their attention. They silently listened as Garret Wilson told them... well, the Colonel, actually... why the six of them had been chosen. How convenient they'd stumble upon this message right when they were wondering why. Anyway... coincidences aside...

Hardships to overcome, not being pessimistic, and seeing the good in people... Lucas was left utterly speechless. It was true. It hit the nail right on the head. He knew what it was like to suffer, and it'd be a cold day in hell when he'd let anyone else go through something that even remotely resembled what had happened to him. Though he couldn't exactly blame the Armada for the things he had been through, it was largely Armada's fault that so many people were hurting every day, losing people they cared about, watching everything they had taken away from them, watch their world crumble before their eyes. His fists clenched and unclenched. "I..." he started. "It... it's true. Scarily accurate, even."

Tidal merely nodded, letting the words he heard sinking in. An oddity... Yes, that's quite what he was, wasn't he? A man of conflicted characteristics. Broody bad boy with a soft spot for children and fluffy things, real and planted memories constantly fighting in his mind for the upper hand. Enemy turned hero. And by God was it true. He wanted to protect the world, to restore the Earth to a livable state for everyone, to see that even the people outside of the domes could live in safety. He wanted to redeem himself for the wrongs he had done, to crush the Armada, to... "Armada's gonna suffer for what they've done," he mumbled. His gaze quickly shot at Lucas. Having just heard the words Lucas didn't want anyone to suffer, then saying he was going to make someone suffer... that was odd.

"Sorry 'bout that, dude," he said to him.

"No harm done there. I'll gladly make an exception for Armada," Lucas said, smirking back at Tidal. For Dr Wilson to be able to do such a thing... using their very spirits to tap into the morphing grid.... It was truly amazing. This was all weird but sensible indeed. All seemed... ready. Having their questions finally answered seemed to lift quite some weight off their shoulders.

"I guess it's time to stop moping and get back in action, then?" Lucas asked.

"Well, we do have a planet to save. We can't be the saviors of the galaxy if we let our world be destroyed, no?" Tidal chimed in.
It was no doubt that the had all been touched.  If not a little surprised.  Dr Wilson nailed it all on the head.  It never occurred to the Rangers that they were chosen based on simple personality aspects.  Drew would do anything to protect Isaac...and that was enough to deem him a leader of a hero team?  Is he a leader?  Drew didn't pictured himself as their leader, really.  Everyone had equal say so in everything.  And if anything, Olivia or Calvin should be their leader.  Calvin in combat, Olivia in strategy.  Then again...doesn't Drew already lead them all?  Really, who made him leader?

From the far corner of the command center, a man cleared his throat.  The Captain of the Capital.  Olivia jumped and quickly shut off the message.  "Sir.  Please forgive me.  I didn't mean to intrude on Smith's personal data."  She said, taking full responsibility for opening it.

The Captain shook his head.  "At ease, Olivia."  He told her.  He knew their names before ever knowing them, and going on a first name basis was okay with him.  Gee, Captain Scott took forever to warm up to everyone's first names...this guy just starts with them?

The Captain walked over, holding a case in hand and setting it down on a table.  "Please, everyone, come here."  He said.  Drew and Olivia nodded and did as he told them, gathering around the table with everybody in a circle.  "Rangers.  I overheard the message from Dr Wilson.  It seems he regards you all very highly.  And based on your records, I see why.  Your Human Spirit gives you power.  Your hearts, your minds, your drive.  All of it is key to your power."  he began.  "And that power will help you defeat the Empress and her general."

"But sir, we lost that fight against Kentanon.  And he took the Colonel.  I doubt just being extra motivated is enough."  Drew chimed in.  And the Captain agreed with him on that front.  "Indeed."

The Captain opened up the case, revealing six miniature pistol-like weapons.  "Dr Wilson must have discreetly slipped a strand of coding to Smith's PDA.  A vital strand of coding, that is.  These devices were created to harness Human Spirit, as well.  In an effort to launch a super soldier program, way back in the beginning.  At least the beginning of the Ranger program.  You see, the Colonel had Dr Wilson create these as prototypes to access human spirit potential, hoping to advance our soldiers beyond comprehension in order to make them stronger.  Sadly, all six of them failed, only injuring the soldiers who volunteered.  They recovered over time, but the program was deemed to severe.  But, Wilson noticed that these devices could tap into the universal morphing grid, where he discovered your Ranger powers.  These need not only human spirit, but also grid energy.  He called these the Squadron Project.  Powerful devices able to latch onto your spirit for power as well as amplify your powers.  There was a missing code to activate them again.  I"ll be you anything Wilson sent the code so Smith would see it and get inspired.  He knows these are here  And what power they hold.  These devices would not only amplify your Ranger power, but also add defensive and offensive bonuses."

Olivia eyed the pistols like candy.  "Incredible!  An upgrade to our powers in Ranger form.  These are...Squadron Morphers, essentially.  Predating our current powers.  Fascinating."  She said.  The Captain nodded and smiled.  "And knowing Dr Wilson, they'll be of great use to you.  Convenient there are six of them, as well as six of you.  No matter what, they should tap into the grid as well as your spirit."  He said.  Drew stared at the new set of morphers in awe. 

"Amazing...can we use them yet?  They have to give us an edge against Kentanon."  Drew said.  The Captain shook his head.  "I'm afraid not.  You see, the code is still being uploaded.  It'll take a little time to fully prepare them"  He said.  Drew and Olivia nodded, understandingly.

Suddenly, the entire base began to shake.  The emergency alarms were set off, blaring loudly.  Olivia covered her ears, fumbling as the base shook.  "What's going on?!"  She called out.  Drew tried to stay on his feet.

The Captain made his fumbling way to the main computer and brought up a visual.  "It's Kentanon.  He's firing a concentrated beam at the force field.  He's gonna bring it down.  And when he does..."  He started.

"Like Hell he will.  Captain, keep the upload going, we'll head outside and keep him distracted"  Drew promised the Captain.  "With luck we'll draw him away in the meantime--" Drew began to say.  "Wait, Rangers...Kentanon isn't alone.  I can see the Colonel and several more civilians being dragged along with them.  Dytrons...and the Empress herself.  They must be making a full assault on the base, trying to break the field."

Splica....she's here?  Drew shuddered, Olivia freezing up momentarily.  "Doesn't matter.  We have to try, anyway." Drew said hesitantly.  Olivia nodded despite her apprehension.  "Indeed.  We should hurry outside.  Open a bubble in the field and we'll get out there.  They won't take the Capital."  She promised.

The Captain nodded.  "Alright.  I'll keep it going.  May God help you, Power Rangers."  Both Drew and Olivia nodded.

Drew and Olivia ran down the hall with the others, the base still shaking slightly under the pressure of the blast coming from outside.  They instamorphed as they ran through the hall, not wasting time and running out the entrance, finding a small opening in the shield and running through.   Just a few hundred feet across the way over in the city center?  Kentanon, firing the beam, as well as Dytrons dragging around the Colonel and several other people in those metallic nets...and Splica.  Drew and Olivia ran with the morphed team, rushing to face Kentanon once again.
Olivia was awfully quick to take responsibility.  They weren't snooping...just...snooping.  Oy.  But the Captain wasn't mad at least.  Jane and Calvin glanced at one another before joining the others in a circle around the table with the Captain, a briefcase on the table.  What's with everyone in City Defense and briefcases?  Morphers came in one, weapons can come in one, now more stuff?  How do these people leave for work in the morning?  Don't forget your briefcase, honey!  Which one? I have one for every day of the week!  Now Jane couldn't help but imagine someone having seven cases in their closet and packing/unpacking them every day with the same stuff.  Anyway, back on topic.

So he now knew about their power, their Spirit, all that dandy stuff.  But Drew voiced Calvin and Jane's thoughts.  How?  Just being motivated is enough to stop something with all that firepower capable of completely immobilizing them?  Not really.  But ya know what is enough?  Six shiny new mini pistol-morphers!

As the Captain explained these devices, labeled under the Squadron Project, Jane an Calvin stared at them like kids in a toy store.  Six devices built to tap into human spirit energy and draw on the strengths.  And tapping into the morphing grid underneath it?  Sadly they hurt people testing them...which wasn't reassuring.  But as the Captain explained they'd basically make perfect additions to Ranger power, they both grew giddy.  And again, leave it to Wilson!  He thought of everything sending that code!  Someone would have to either pat that man on the back or but him a freaking puppy and a cake for this.  Dr Wilson really pulled through behind the scenes.

"Hell yeah!  Let's bust these bad boys out for a spin!"  Jane commented just before being told they weren't ready. "Oh...nevermind."  She said, awkwardly scratching the back of her head making the embarrassed anime character face.  Oopsie!

As per usual, the most delightful sound of blaring alarms and emergency sirens blasted in the base.  And the base was shaking!  Hooray!  Was the city built over to of some fault lines, orrrrrrr.  Oh no, it's under attack. As the Captain brought up the visual while Calvin and Jane clung on to whatever was closest in order to stay on their feet, it was clear that Kentanon was indeed blasting at the force field with his cannons.  Great. Trying to take out the field and get inside, the dickface.  "If he thinks he's getting inside the base he's got another thing coming."  Jane muttered after Drew, agreeing to go and stop him.

Jane and Calvin nearly froze at that moment.  Kentanon isn't alone.  He has Dytrons...as well as the Empress herself.  Splica.  The powerful she-devil wife of Urthemial...is basically in their front yard.  Gulp, and another gulp.  Drew's hesitance and Olivia's fear was justified.  But nevertheless, no matter how strong they were, the Rangers had to stop them.  They had to do all they could to keep the Capital safe.  After all...its in their spirit.  

Both Jane and Calvin nodded at the Captain.  He'd keep the upload going on the Squadron Morphers, as Olivia called them.  And the Rangers would keep Kentanon and the Empress busy.  And hopefully save the Colonel in the process.

They ran with the others out of the base, instamorphing on the way out and running through the opening.  Off in the distance near the city center was indeed Kentanon firing the beam, and...the wicked bitch of the galaxy behind him.  If they hadn't been running...their knees may have shook a bit.  But the Capital had to be saved, as did Smith.  And so long as they drew breath, they'd stop at nothing and let no fear get in their way.  They ran with the others, eager to meet Kentanon again, as well as Splica.  Just had to stall until the Squardon Morphers were done....just had to stall.  
Everything came in briefcases here, it seemed. Lucas couldn't help but compare it to a spy movie of some kind. Top-secret papers, gadgets, weapons... everything was transported in briefcases. Geez... imagine accidentally bumping into someone with an identical briefcase, both falling to the floor, and then you take the wrong briefcase with you to wherever you need to be... That should give for plenty of complicated situations... But back on topic... A briefcase with pistol-like weapons. Morphers of some kinds, apparently. Interesting. Earlier devices, but with more power, huh? Well that was interesting. Not quite reassuring to hear the people who tested them all got injured, though. No wonder the higher ups in City Defense had been so hesitant to initiate the Ranger Project.

Drew was right. Just being more motivated, knowing why they were chosen wasn't suddenly going to make them stronger, be able to fight better. They had already given it their all and Kentanon simply had way too much firepower. But of those Squadrom Morphers could enhance their ranger powers, that would just be perfect! "If it's our spirit fueling those than let's-..." Lucas started as well before being interrupted. With the code still being uploaded, there was no chance they could use it just yet. So if anything were to happen say, right now, they would have to fight the way they were and hope it would be enough.

And of course something just had to happen right away! The base started shaking, and Tidal and Lucas held on for dear life to whatever was closest and seemingly most stable. Alarms quickly started blaring, a sound you'd think they would be used to by now. But damn... it somewhat startled them every single time. It was just way too damn loud! But there was no denying anyone would not hear this and know something was terribly wrong. Unless they were deaf. Still, then the flashing lights were still quite the give-away. The Captain brought up a visual, revealing HQ was under attack. Kentanon.
"No way we're gonna let him in," Lucas said..

"Indeed," Tidal nodded. "We've got a score to settle with that guy and a city to defend with it."

Hearing he was not alone, however, made them freeze for a brief moment. Of course we was accompanied by Dytrons, that much was to be expected.  It was others with them that made them worry. Captured civilians, the Colonel himself... and Splica. The evil wife to Urthemial who had so rudely turned the Capital upside down and deemed it her kingdom. It only made sense they were all at least a bit afraid. This might just be the most dangerous enemy they have faced so far. Well, and the Emperor himself, of course. Really, you get the idea. Still... now it was up to them and them alone to keep them away from the base and hope they could hold up for long enough for the code to finish uploading. They were outnumbered and overpowered, still somewhat sore from their previous fight... But they had to get out there and fight. If not for them, who else will stop the world from ending? The two nodded and followed after the rest as they ran through HQ.

In their run, they instamorphed. Not a second to lose. There was another bubble they could use to exit, but they'd have to be quick. Not all that far away from them awaited Kentanon, a buttload of Dytrons, and Splica, the evilest woman in the universe. If there had been time to think properly, Lucas would probably have turned right around and hurried to safety, and Tidal... well, he'd probably be shaking a bit. But there was no time to think, only to act. The people needed them, now more than ever. They couldn't let anything get in their way. For now, all they could do was stall them, keep fighting until the Captain was done... And they could only hope they would last long enough.
The upload into the Squardon Morphers was at 70 percent.  Almost done, it'd take maybe 10 minutes tops to complete.  The team only had to hold out for a little while against Kentanon and the Armada forces.  Just a little while.  Hopefully they wouldn't get vaporized in that time.  That would really suck.

Drew and the others, now morphed, ran out and faced Kentanon head-on.  Drew took out his blaster and fired a quick shot at him, right in the chest in order to distract him and disrupt the beam on the force field.  "Kentanon!"  Drew shouted at him, halting in a line with the others across from him.  The robot staggered back from the blast slightly, but only chuckled in response.  He turned to the Rangers....Dytrons, prisoners, and Splica behind him.  

"Power Rangers.  It is good to see you again.  Have you recovered from our previous encounter as of yet?  Last I saw you all you were on the ground, groaning in pain and whining that I took your Colonel away."  He said, laughing yet again in a most...polite manner.  And by polite, one could simply mean snooty.  Behind him was the Colonel along with several other enslaved people.  Ad the big bad herself.  Empress Splica.  In all her glory.  She stepped forward, clanging the bottom of her scepter to the ground.  Drew and Olivia froze at the sight of her.

"Ahh.  Rangers.  How very nice to finally meet you.  I am Empress Splica."  She introduced herself...a smooth, raspy yet feminine voice to her menacing gaze.  "And you...are history."  She said to the Rangers.  Splica quickly aimed her scepter and fired a quick wave of energy, blasting the ground behind the Rangers, an explosion erupting.

The wave knocked both Drew and Olivia off of their feet, the blast launching them upward, tumbling onto the ground.  Splica maniacally laughed as they were down, struggling and groaning once more.  "Pitiful.  Now, Dytrons, get rid of them.  I wish to see no more of them, kill them already."  She said, stepping back a bit to let the events unfold.  Kentanon stood idly by and waited for his orders to attack.  

Drew got up, despite having been knocked down again.  He watched as the Dytrons charged in on orders of their mistress.  He clenched his fists, Olivia looking up at him from the ground.  "I won't go this again.  Not the same cycle.  Now...it's on our terms."  He said, grinding his teeth.  Drew summoned the Astro Cannon from back home, materializing it in front of him and grabbing it.

"Astro Cannon, magnet mode, maximum power!"  He shouted out, aiming at the Dytron squad approaching and firing, the blast spreading out and catching all of the Dytrons.  Drew waited as the Dytrons, by force, were grouped together in a comically sized pile and flung themselves towards the Rangers.  Olivia ducked her head, thinking he'd gone mad and was about to basically have a Dytron wrecking ball hit them.

But in a moments notice, Drew switched to blaster mode.  "Astro Finish!"  He called, then firing his own massive blast, destroying ALL of the Dytrons in one hit.  Splica and Kentanon gasped.  That was...unexpected.  

Olivia looked up at Drew in pure shock.  How did....the Astro Cannon was powerful, but damn not THAT powerful!  "Drew..."  She muttered.

"What is the meaning of this insolence?" Kentanon beckoned.  Drew smirked under his visor, heavy breaths.  "It's obvious isn't it?  That's a basic plan for all of you Armada loafs.  Send your foot soldiers, we fight you, bing bang boom.  No.  You're in OUR Capital.  On YOUR world.  WE call the shots  And I say, we finish this, right now."  Drew said...extremely motivated all of a sudden.  Maybe hearing all of the stuff in HQ inspired him?  Good use of the Cannon, too.  Drew looked down at the others, switching at the Cannon for his Bio Saber.  "You guys with me?"  He asked.  Olivia nodded, picking herself up and summoning the Bio Claw.  "Always."  She said, possibly speaking for all of them.  Drew nodded back at her, as well as the others.

"Then let's do this.  Power Rangers, attack!"  Drew commanded, initiating the charge.  Olivia ran behind him, claw in hand, heart on fire.  Not literally.  Splica shoved Kentanon forward.  "Get them!"  She commanded him.  He nodded and ran towards the Rangers.  "As you desire, my Empress!"

Drew and Olivia both greeted Kentanon with their weapons.  Drew and Kentanon ran past each other, Drew slashing into his chest, sparks flying.  Kentanon quickly turned around and deflected Drew's attacks with his fists, Drew's sword hitting his hands, giving him a chance to kick.  Kentanon caught Drew's foot and toss him back a bit, enough clearance to blast him.  Sparks flew from Drew's chest, he yelped and rolled off to the side.  

Olivia came up behind him.  "Why you!"  She said, jumping up and slashing the claw down his back.  He turned around to face her, swatting has arms at her, Olivia dodging.  She spun, slashing the claw across his arm, aiming to go in for a punch.  But Kentanon swiped his arms out and blocked the attack, instead thrusting his fist at her chest, sending Olivia flying back and making a path for any other Ranger foolish enough to come at him.
So far the reunion with Kentanon wasn't pleasant.  Egging them on.  What a douche.  Jane and Calvin curled their fists as he spoke to them, ready to just walk on over and snap his mechanical neck.  You would think after getting trash talked by so many robots and monsters they would just get used to this sort of thing.  Maybe they just didn't take bull crap from anyone.  Or anything, in Kentanon's case, that is.  

Smith was behind him, Calvin already plotting a way to go and save the Colonel and the people before this got too messy.  Speaking of messy...

Splica.  The Empress stepped forward to introduce herself and greet the Rangers.  Jane gulped, Calvin taking a deep and shaky breath.  How were they to react?  They've met Urthemial but never her.  And they at least knew the Emperor beforehand, they had no idea this chick existed until about 24 hours ago.  Call it a rush.

She fired a blast, the explosion knocking all of the Rangers onto the ground.  Jane and Calvin yelled as they fell, falling on the hard ground and rolling in pain, already off to a bad start.  "I hate when bad guys do that.  The whole slow mo exploding thing."  Jane commented, barely holding herself up.  She coughed, Calvin nodded.  "Yeah...that gets old real fast."  He said, mustering the strength to pick himself up for the most part and breath.

Dytrons were coming their way, of course.  Part of the routine.  They were about to get up, rolling around and feeling like Hell in a hand basket.  They watched Drew get up, seemingly...angrier than normal.  Drew's just full of surprises today.  "What's he..."  Calvin muttered.

Then he suddenly summoned the Astro Cannon, a favorite weapon of Jane's personally, and used magnet mode to draw the Dytrons--all of them--towards him.  And just when they thought they'd be pulverized, Drew finished off the robot cannon fodder with a big blast from the cannon.  Damn!  Jane stared at Drew, witness him take out the entire squadron of Dytrons all at once!  "Unbelievable..."  She said.  Calvin blinked slowly...just...God damn...

Then he really stood up to the Empress and her lackey.  Legit...he stood up to that bitch.  Drew didn't look like he was taking any bullshit right now.  Either highly inspired or just really mad.  Either way, Calvin and Jane were with him all the way.  Olivia spoke for them all on that regard.  They nodded as he asked if they were with him.  Of course they were.  Jane and Calvin summoned the Bio Trigger and Bio Ax respectively, standing up and following his order.

Power Rangers attack?  That a new thing he's gonna say?  Didn't matter.  They both ran with Drew and the others toward Kentanon as Splica sent him forward to fight them.  Whether they were strong enough or not, the battle started now.  Kentanon tore through Drew and Olivia, but not the rest of them yet.  Calvin jumped over Olivia's body as she was sent back on the ground, charging at Kentanon.

"Bring it on, you melted down scrap pile!"  He shouted to taunt Kentanon.  (using free range now)  Kentanon charged back at Calvin.  He swung his ax around, making contact with Kentanon's body a few times, the weight of the ax force Kentanon back a few steps.  Calvin slammed the ax on the ground, using its weight to allow himself to cartwheel kick at Kentanon.  When back up, he swung the ax around in a tornado spin.  Kentanon countered his attack and swatted the ax from his hands, chuckling and kicking Calvin harsh in the chest, sparks flying.   Just as Calvin went back ,Jane stepped up.

"You want to see some real fire power?  Take this!  Bio Trigger!" Jane shouted as Kentanon turned around after dealing with Calvin.  She aimed her weapon and pulled the trigger, firing quick blue shots at Kentanon.  Most shots made contact with him, striking his torso and shoulder cannons.  Sparks flew in the blasting barrage, Jane persisting in her firepower.  But her attacks weren't as good as she thought.  Kentanon chuckled at her, simply charging his cannons and firing a concentrated beam at her.  Jane cried out, the beam pushing her back, sparks flying, eventually forcing Jane up into the air, flipping around and landing on the ground, grunting on impact.  
Kentanon was nice as ever, as far as they could tell in the short while they had known him. He wasn't;t even challenging them, just ridiculing them all for having ben beaten before. Being trash talked was merely a part of the routine to them: basically every villain did so. Still, didn't mean they'd take this kind of shit. Especially not from someone   who had caputured the Colonel and worked the most wicked bitch in the universe. Neither Tidal nor Lucas quite knew what to do when Splica stepped up and addressed them. So this was her, in person.Someone they didn't know existed, and others regarded as merely a legend. It wasn't exactly scary to face her, but... well... they couldn't deny they felt a little bit nervous.

Of course she had to tell them they were history, but the basic blah blah- ... oh wait, she also fired a blast at them, causing explosions that send them flying up into the air. How lovely. They grunted on impact with the concrete, rolling around in pain. Lucas coughed and gasped for breath, rolling to his side and pushing himself up slightly.

"Might get old..."  he said. "But it doesn't get any less painful."  Or pleasant. Being knocked into concrete over and over and over again.  It was almost a surprise the sidewalks in Inezia weren't covered with people-sized indents by now. 

"Did she just seriously send Dytrons at us?" Tidal asked, scrambling to his knees, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs with air again. "Now that gets old."

They weren't even up yet when Drew had already gotten back to his feet, seeming more determined, if not even angrier than he usually was. Whelp, someone had crossed a line there. Bad call. He summoned the Astro Canon, pulling all Dytrons towards them at very high speed. Lucas held his arms up in front of his face to protect himself from the incoming Dytron wrecking ball, thinking Drew had just lost his mind. But then... all Dytrons were finished with a finishing blast from the Canon.

"I had no idea that thing had that much power..." Lucas mumbled.

Tidal stared in awe and nodded. "Now that's some firepower,"  he nodded. They were impressed, really. Even more so when Drew stood up to Splica, making very clear she was not going to get away with her deeds. And of course they were all with him. Olivia spoke for them all as she said so.

"From the very beginning until the very end,"  Lucas added with a nod. And it was true. They were a team. They wouldn't let each other down and would stuck together no matter what the Armada might throw their way.

The two followed as Drew led the charge. Kentanon and Splica were going to regret coming to Earth, regret invading the Capital, and regret enslaving so many citizens. It didn't matter if they would prove strong enough or not. If there was any time to fight, it was now. They just had to stall, remember? Granted, they didn't know for how long, but if they just stood together... all would be well, right? Right? Let's hope so. It would really suck if they were to all die right before the upload was complete. Those thoughts aside, Lucas and Tidal watched Kentanon tear through the others, making them only more determined to deal some serious damage.

"You're gonna pay for that!" Lucas called, referring to the friends that were already taken down. He swung his hammer at Kentanons chest, the impact making the robot stagger back slightly. He swung the hammer again, and once more. But this third time, Kentanon grabbed the Hammer and pulled Lucas close. He pulled the hammer from his hands and fired a beam at point blank range, sending Lucas flying back in a nearby car. And the hammer... the hammer soon followed, tossed at him as if it weighed almost nothing. And although the hammer missed him by an inch, Lucas still fell down on the hammer, knocking all breath out of him once more.

"Damn you, asshole!"  Tidal shouted, charging at him with the crescent blade in hand. He struck repeatedly, and though sparks were flying it didn't seem to be dealing an awful lot of damage. Just as Tidal split the blade in two parts, Kentanon took his change and kicked him in the chest. Oof. If it weren't for the suit, he'd likely have a few broken ribs now. He staggered back, falling over and having to use his Blade for support. He grunted. Too strong. Kentanon was simply too strong.
Splica merely chuckled as one by one, the Rangers all fell to Kentanon's attacks.  Kentanon watched as all six Rangers lay on the ground in a large circle around him, groaning, sparks from their suits.  "You stood barely a chance, Rangers.  Here I thought the protectors of the Earth would put up more of a fight."  He taunted.  Protectors of Earth...like Dr Wilson said in that video...word for word.  Drew clenched his fist, clawing at the pavement slightly.  Olivia did the same, catching her breath and looking at Kentanon, fire burning in her eyes.

Splica laughed once more.  "It is indeed a shame, Kentanon.  I thought these Rangers would be stronger.  But I guess this is where they die.  And soon, all the men and women and children of Earth will share their fate."  She taunted as well.

"Yes, my Empress.  These heroes cannot live up to their name.  They're not worth keeping alive.  And after they die, they may rest easy knowing the whole world came crashing down because of their ineptness."  Kentanon agreed.  And off in the distance, Smith yelled.  "Wrong!  The Rangers are the one thing standing between Earth and destruction.  I was wrong to see them as just civilians...they are heroes.  And I know they've overcome the odds before.  Trust me when I say they WILL beat you."  Colonel Smith yelled at the Empress, much to Drew and Olivia's surprise.  He believed in them...despite being tied up and weak, he was even standing up for them.  Splica laughed again...and swatted the Colonel across the face with her hand.  "Do not speak lest spoken to, fool."  She said.

Drew's fist curled up again, picking himself off of the ground.  "Protectors of the Earth...that we are.  I want to protect my brother, my friends, as well as every man, woman and child on this planet.  And I won't like the likes of you get in my way of that!"  Drew shouted weakly at Splica and Kentanon.  In those words, he displayed his spirit.  Protection.

Olivia nodded, getting up off of the ground, walking over to Drew and forming the team line up.  "Indeed.  It's highly illogical to sit back and allow your forces to take our world.  You think humanity is stupid?  Together, our minds have found a way to stop you so far.  And we will do it again and again."  She said, displaying her own spirirt as well.  Intellect.


Back at HQ, the upload had completed itself.  The new tools were ready for launch.  "Rangers, I'm sending the Squadron Morphers to you now, the upload is complete.  Good luck."  The Captain said to them via comm system in their helmets.  He slammed the button down, transmitting the morphers to the Rangers.


Olivia and Drew nodded on the Captain's word.  On the left side of their belts, materialized the new Squadron Morphers.  They both grabbed theirs and regained the line with the others.  Kentanon chuckled.  "Some protectors you are.  You think your spirit is enough to stop us, your rightful rulers?"  He asked.

Drew let out a 'tch.'  "Rightful rules?  Not on my planet.  We're the protectors of Earth.  Saviors of the galaxy.  Today, we WILL make our power known.  We're through playing games with you.  Now it's time to get serious."  He said, gritting his teeth again.  Olivia nodded, silent.  Smith watched from afar on the ground...eyeing the new morphers.  "Those devices..." He whispered.

Drew looked at everybody once they were all together.  He then looked at Splica and Kentanon, mostly Kentanon since he was in the way.  "You think you can really stop us?"  Kentanon asked.

"We'll have to see.  Rangers...let's do this."  He said, Olivia eagerly nodding.  They held up the Squadron Morphers like you would any pistol.  Out folded a visor-like structure on the side of it.  Time to show them the true power of the human spirit.  "Squadron Mode, Initiate!"  They both called out, raising them high to the sky and pulling the triggers.  As they pulled on the triggers, out came the visor on the morphers, as well as Red and Pink energy respectively for their colors.  Grid-like patterns surrounded them, materializing bits of armor on their bodies.  Shin guards, forearm gauntlets, upper torso breastplates, as well as light shoulder pads.  The visor from the morpher then attached onto the visors on their helmets, making them go from the usual black visor, to a visor matching their Ranger color, a silver lining on the trim of the visor.  New power surged through their bodies, highly experimental, but also highly morphenomenal! And as if taken over by a new drive, they both snapped into attention with the others.  With a new role call, same poses as usual.

"Spirit of Protection!  Bio Squadron Mode, Red!"  Drew called out, crossing his arms like usual, only with sweet new armor.

"Spirit of Intellect!  Bio Squadron Mode, Pink!"  Olivia called, hand on her hip like normal.

"Harnessing the very spirit of humanity, Bio Squadron Mode!"  They called out, in full unison with the rest of the team.  Just a one time team call, at least.  Simpler next time.

Splica, Kentanon, the Colonel, as the civilians watched in awe.  The Power Rangers...transformed?  Into..STRONGER Power Rangers?  This didn't bode well for the Empress and her lackey.

"What is this madness..."  Splica muttered.  Kentanon gulped, as much as a robot could.  "Interesting..." He said, sounding very...well, screwed.

Drew and Olivia took a moment to observe their new power.  Drew held his arms out, widening his eyes at the gauntlets and everything else.  "This power...man, this is unbelievable!"  He said, overjoyed, revitalized, and energized.  Olivia took a deep excited breath.  "Spectacular!  Our human spirit is the key to new power!  A real upgrade!  This is....fucking awesome!"  She said.  Did Olivia just....swear?  Boy, she must be really excited.

As everyone took a moment post-roll call, Drew eyed Kentanon with a smirk under his now-red visor.  "Alright, Rangers.  Let's show what our new mode can do.  Attack!"  He commanded.  Olivia nodded.  Together with their team, they charged at Kentanon, who hesitantly charged back, right on Splica's command as she stayed back and watched.  It's about to get wild.

(so display spirit, follow the lead and morph, roll call, and then shit is about to explode! :)  ) 
Protectors of Earth?  That's what Wilson called them all in the message from before...and those very words were now being used to mock them?  Oh hell to the no.  Jane and Calvin both grunted, eyeing the Empress and Kentanon like a hunter does its prey.  Never before had they wanted to physically rip apart another life form like this.  Okay, maybe they had, but still.  Not within the last week had either of them felt this way, at least.

Colonel Smith tried sticking up for them, which was a surprise.  And he was struck for it.  "You're gonna wish you hadn't done that..." Jane muttered under her breath to the Empress.  This bitch had it coming...

She and Calvin both watched as Drew and Olivia voiced their spirit and called out to the Empress.  Whether they knew they were voicing them or not.  Calvin looked down at the ground, punching the concrete and raising up after Olivia went, going to join them in the lineup for the team.  "It is my duty to uphold justice and respect the laws of humanity.  But also to give the world a fighting chance.  I promise you, I will uphold that duty."  Calvin called to the Empress.  Vocalizing his own spirit like the others.  Honor.  

Might as well keep this little train going.  (totally copying Pen's format for this tbh)  Jane got on one knee.  "I can see a future without the Armada.  I can see a world where children can play outside under their God-given sky.  A world where our world is ours.  I'm also thinking of about ten ways to cram my foot up your ugly Rexian Armada asses!"  Jane shouted to the Empress and Kentanon, joining Drew and the others in line, fists clenched.  Her--colorful--Imagination was showing!  Oh shit, someone cover it up!

The Captain contacted them about the Squadron Morphers.  Finally they're ready.  Both Jane and Calvin nodded.  "Yes sir."  Calvin said into his helmet comm system.  The morphers appeared on the left side of their belts, both of them grabbing a hold of the small devices.  Drew's little speech earned a solid nod from Jane and Calvin.  Too long have they just went through cheesy stuff and played games.  Now, in the middle of this war, was the time to get serious.  Playtime.  Is.  Over.  They folded out the visors on the morphers and followed suit.

"Squadron Mode, Initiate!"  They called out with everybody else, a nice touch on the normal morph call.  Power surged over them in both blue and green grids, armor slapping itself onto their bodies, the visors attaching.  Suddenly instead of black transparent visors, Jane and Calvin could see blue and green respectively.  One might assume Tidal's visor went from black to....black again?  Maybe grey?  Eh, colors are weird.  

But this armor...they were totally supercharged!  Chests, arms, legs, shoulders, new visors, everything!  And role calllll!  Both Jane and Calvin in their new modes snapped to attention with everyone else, really official and serious.

"Spirit of Imagination!  Bio Squadron Mode, Blue!"  Jane shouted, her typical semi salute following.  Ahh posing.  Something she was happy to still see done.

"Spirit of Honor!  Bio Squardon Mode, Green!"  Calvin called out, fist out from his face like normal.  

"Harnessing the very spirit of humanity, Bio Squadron Mode!"  They screamed with the others, a new team call.  The Power Rangers had attained a new strength.  New power.  New suits, in a manner of speaking.  This armor...this power!  Their spirits felt like they were on fire!  Overcharged!

Olivia's word choice made Jane laugh softly.  "Right there with ya, Olivia!  This is crazy, I'm feeling super energized!"  She said, fist pumping the air.  Calvin observed the armor, covering the chest, forearms, shoulders, and shins.  "I feel like a walking tank...So this is the human spirit in action?  Feels good!"  He commented, looking at the others.  So shiny, the armor was!  Like inside the Capital's HQ!  Shiny!

Jane gave Drew a thumbs up as he ordered the attack.  Calvin nodded.  They both let out cries of power as they charged toward Kentanon.  With this power and this motivation?  He didn't stand a motherfucking chance against the Rangers.  
The words used to describe them were now turned against them, and how?! Oy. Only they were allowed to turn words against the one who had first said them in that way. Hypocritical, maybe? Meh, who cares. Lucas and Tidal were pissed and now even more eager than before to reduce Kentanon to a pile of scrap metal and send Splica flying back into dark space where she belonged. And then, much to their own surprise, Colonel Smith stepped up for them, telling Splica how it was. Of course the bitch didn't take it well and slapped the Colonel across the face. Bad move. She was going to regret that. And really quite soon too, if either of them had a say in it.

Everyone started voicing their spirits, whether they were aware of it or not. Every word they said... it just perfectly fit with the spirit Dr Wilson had used in his video message to describe them. Word for word. Under their visors, their faces turned more determined than before. Lucas pushed himself up, next to stand back in the line-up. "You have done more than enough harm to this world already," he spoke. "It might not be today, but soon enough the people of Earth will have to suffer no more. I'll stand for it, we all will. Knock us down however many times you like, but as long as people still suffer, we will get up, we will fight, and we WILL beat you!" There it was, his spirit of Compassion, showing bright as can be.

And last but not least was Tidal, getting back to his feet as well. "I may have been under your foul influence for a short while... But it was long enough to know one thing for sure. I will not let it happen to anyone ever again! And I'll do anything I have to to make sure that it will be so." Redemption, his spirit, spoken aloud.

And just in time, right when they were all back to their feet and had said what they wanted to say, the Captain of the Capital patched in, telling them the Squadron Morphers were complete and ready to use. Great timing! The two took the new devices off the left side of their belts and nodded at Drew's speech. Earth had dealt with the Armada invasion more than long enough now. Throw out (most of) the cheesy stuff. They were in the middle of a war. Things were getting more and more serious with each passing day. No more messing around. Now it was time they all got serious.  Like the rest, they folded out the visors and followed in the new morph.

"Squadron Mode, Initiate!" they called with the rest. Odd thing to do a morph and role call while already morphed. Ah well... At least it was a sign things were truly serious now? More power surged around them in yellow and dark-purple/black grids respectively. Their suits got covered in armor, and the new visors attached themselves. Not that it made much of a difference for Tidal. Just the silver lining, really. Even the armor wasn't entirely new to him. Remember his old mode, when he was still evil? This was similar. Just not... evil. And spiky. Which kind of came down to the same thing in his mind anyhow.

"Spirit of Compassion! Bio Squadron Mode, Yellow!" Lucas called, snapping into his battle ready pose. Hey, at least now Kentanon gave them a chance to do a proper role call and posing. No interrupting now. Maybe he was just too shocked to act now? Who know, really?

"Spirit of Redemption! Bio Squadron Mode, Shadow!" Tidal called, assuming his relaxed pose as usual. Redemption would continue with a good ol' beating the crap out of the enemy that taunted them.

"Harnessing the very spirit of humanity, Bio Squadron Mode!" they called in unison with the rest. New suits, new power, new role call. And... a new chance at defeating the asshole and wicked bitch.

Olivia's odd choice of words nearly made Tidal and Lucas break their focus and composure. I didn't know she could do that... was all Tidal seemed to silently wonder. Really, had anyone ever heard her curse? Or just use any kind of... informal language? If the answer was yes, it definitely wasn't used often. Meanwhile Lucas just couldn't help but chuckle. "Hell yes it is!" he agreed, still chuckling lightly.

Tidal tapped on the armor. "Feels familiar," he noted. "Less evil, but familiar." Armored suit was what he had started in, after all. And somehow it felt good to be back in it. Even more so now that he had full control over his mind and actions... Huh, was this another way in which Armada tech was somehow being used against them? Or at least a vague idea of it?

As Drew ordered the attack, Lucas popped his knuckles "Right behind ya!" he said. Tidal just settled on nodding as well. Together with the rest of the team, they charged and Kentanon, eager to figure out just what they could do now. Power Rangers transformed into stronger Power Rangers with motivation to spare? No way the soon-to-be scrap pile stood a chance against them.
Splica stayed back from afar, watching the events of the coming battle unfold.  "This is most unexpected.  But fear not.  I will kill your Rangers, regardless."  Splica said to the Colonel, chuckling devilishly and watching the ensuing fight.

Kentanon charged back at the Rangers, running past all of them, somehow missing every swing he took.  He huffed, firing a large concentrated beam from his shoulder cannons, spinning in a full circle.  Drew and Olivia dodged the blast, their new power giving them a rush, making dodging attacks a lot easier.  Kentanon cursed, his blasts not having hit a single damn Power Ranger.  "You bastards!  What is this madness?"  He demanded to know.

Drew smirked under his visor.  "It's the human spirit.  When it's at full power, there's nothing we can't do."  Drew said to him, Kentanon cursing.  He ran up up Drew and fired a direct shot at him, going in point blank.  Drew's eyes widened, thinking he'd be hit again.  And in that very instance for Drew....time nearly slowed down.  This was...strange.  "Wait...what did Wilson say?  My drive makes me...quick to act?"  He said to himself.  

Then he felt something spark in him.  Of course!  New power...Power!  As if he were the Flash, Drew dashed away, completely dodging Kentanon's attack.  He then ran again, this time slashing Kentanon with his arms, running by him four times with super sonic speed.  He came to a screeching halt across the way from Kentanon.  "Whoa...I've got super speed!"  He gushed, eyes widened under his visor.  He then decided to utilize it again, dashing past Kentanon in an X formation, striking him from all angles in a matter of seconds.  Kentanon's body was ridden with sparks as Drew dashed past him all those times.  "Why you!"  He muttered.  Drew snickered, running up to him, initiating his new speed and driving both of his fists right into Kentanon's chest, sending him flying backward from the momentum.  Drew grinned as he watched Kentanon fly back, rolling on the pavement.

Olivia watched in amazement as Drew discovered his new power.  Of course....their spirit not only grants a new mode, but also harnesses their power from within!  Really interesting science on Dr Wilson's behalf, she had to admit.  If he could teach her how he did this, she'd be absolutely amazed!

It was at this inner thought moment, Kentanon turned his attention to her after getting his butt kicked by Speedy Drew over there.  He regained his posture and snarled at her like a dog.  "Finally, a Ranger sitting still!  Take this!"  He said to her, firing another blast from his shoulder cannons.  Olivia gasped, snapping out of it.  She combat rolled forward, barely missing the blast as it struck behind her in a sparky blaze.  She snapped her gaze up at Kentanon as he readied another attack.  "I've gotta take out those cannons.  Hmm...Dr Wilson said I phase right my problems?  If Drew has speed..."  She put together in her head, running the calculations of her mind, if that made any sense.  Probably not.  But now, Olivia had a problem.  Time to phase through it!  Literally!

She ran toward him, Kentanon preparing to fire.  Olivia kicked at his stomach to knock his focus off the cannons.  She kicked him again to stagger him back, and then leaped forward.  She reached for his cannons in order to disable them...and her hands went right through them.  Almost like...she was PHASING THROUGH THEM!  That's it!  She gasped and pulled her hands back in shock.  "I can phase through solid matter?  Nice!"  She said to herself, getting an idea.  Olivia jumped toward Kentanon, phasing directly though his body, pulling something out of him in the process.  She came out behind him, wires in hand.  She managed to pull the wires powering his cannons out from inside him!  Sparks flew out of his shoulders, Kentanon cursing her.  She grinned and kicked him in the back, sending him forward to whoever wanted to take a hit at him next.  

Kentanon's shoulder cannons may have been disabled, but he still had the net launchers on his arms.  The Rangers had better be wary of this.  (hint hint.  Kentanon is again free range for this fight, feel free to use the nets on the Rangers if you want.  just don't destroy his launchers ,i have an idea for them xD)
All riled up and charged with new power, it took Lucas and Tidal almost no effort to dodge Kentanon's incoming attacks, much to the robot's dismal. Swings and a blast, it just had no effect on them. They simply dodged it. Man, this new power was amazing. And it was all thanks to their spirit and the genius of Dr Wilson. Lucas grinned under his visor as Kentanon wondered what had happened to them so suddenly. Drew was right. With their human spirit at full power, nothing would stop them. That was something robots and evil Armada aliens would never be able to understand. Suddenly, just as he was about to be blasted, Drew ran around almost faster than Lucas and Tidal could keep track of. Whoa! That was pretty awesome. And Olivia... she freaking phased right through Kentanon and pulled some cables out! "Awesome," Lucas said, nodding. "Kind of scary, but awesome." Soo... did this mean they were all super humans with strange/awesome abilities now? Seemed like there was only one way to figure out, and that was to...- Oy.

In a moment where he had been lost in thought, Kentanon had taken a chance and used the net launchers on him. Great, Just great. Now he was trapped, stuck in a solid net like the Colonel was. Lucas sighed lightly. Man, just as they had a new mode and new powers, he was likely to die. Thankfully the blasters were taken out, but stuck in a net and unable to defend himself, getting punched and kicked around was also likely to... well... hurt. Although... What was it Dr Wilson had said about him again? Besides the whole compassion thing... He didn't want anyone to suffer.. giving him... strength. A Strength nobody else has... Strength... That was it! Probably. Most likely, actually. It seemed as if something just... clicked in his mind. As Kentanon charged at him, screaming like an angry robot seeing a chance to hurt someone would, Lucas broke free out of the net, simply tearing it apart as if it was made out of... something that wasn't as solid as metal. "Why you!" Kentanon went again as his fists met with Lucas, who simply caught the hits in a way someone would catch a weak punch from someone who hardly meant it. Lucas just smirked under his visor. "Seems like I got Super Strength now," he said. "Which means that you. Are. Really. Quite. Fucked." He lifted Kentanon up in the air and threw him aside as if he was an empty cardboard box. And he happened to just casually throw Kentanon at Tidal.

Tidal didn't know how quickly he had to jump aside in order to not be squashed by Kentanon, who landed on the concrete. This time it was him leaving an evil-robot-sized imprint in the concrete instead of him making the Rangers leave people sized imprints in the walls. Sparks flew from his robotic body. Tidal looked up at Lucas. "First off: awesome. Secondly: DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!"  Really, would he have to watch out for not being squashed under things thrown at him by one of his teammates too in adition to watching out for evil aliens and robots wanting to kill them all? So clearly, everyone's new Super Power related to what Dr Wilson had said about them all. In his case: striking from the shadows. Fitting since... well, he was Bio Shadow. Now Bio Squadron Mode Shadow. With a nice power. Unseen, but not unfelt. Which... really quite gave him an idea of what he could do now. As Kentanon got up and readied himself to attack him...

"Now you see me..." Tidal disappeared into the shadows. "And now you don't." God I hope I'm right otherwise I'm making a total fool out of myself here.

Judging by Kentanon's confusion, though, he was quite right about what his powers were. Invisibility was really quite awesome. He chuckled, watching Kentanon hopelessly look around in search for his previous target. Tidal got behind Kentanon, Crescent Blade again ready in his hand. Just a split second before he jabbed the blade into the robot's back, he appeared again.

"Peekaboo," he said, kicking the sparking robot forward. Next up: Jane and Calvin and whatever they could do now. Also... no one ever dare to mention he said "peekaboo". Really. Don't. You. Dare!
Why did the Colonel never bring this up?  Man, this new powers are awesome!  Their own human spirit fueling it, Jane and Calvin, along with the others were able to dodge Kentanon's swings and blasts with ease!  He didn't seem to like that, but boy was Jane riled up and excited.  Unless that's the same thing.  Redundancy is a bitch, right?  Calvin, on the other hand, was just ready and eager to take back the Capital.

Just as the man in Red himself said, with their humanity at full power, this team and the rest of the human race is unbeatable.  Speaking of Red...Drew had super speed, dashing around Kentanon like a Grand Prix race!  Nice!  And Olivia phased through him and tore out wiring to his cannons, double nice!

So...their human spirit now only does this, but makes them...better?  Like...unique super powers!  Bitchin'!  Lucas was strong...and Tidal could turn invisible!  Far out!

Jane couldn't help but grin as Lucas threw Kentanon and nearly squashed Tidal.  Was the big broody guy scared?  And of course, her being her, she nearly shit herself as Tidal of all people said 'peekaboo.'

"Tidal said peekaboo!"  She called out and pointed at him, laughing under her visor, holding her stomach.  Wow.  She couldn't believe it, the broody one was daring enough to say something cute like that!  Awwww!  Wait...isn't there a bad guy?   Oh yeah!  Kentanon tumbled forward, rolling on the ground and picking himself up in order to continue his attack on the Rangers.  Now, he was faced with the tomboy.  Jane snapped back into it and realized it was time to rumble.  "Alright, scrap face, let's see what you've got.  That is, if you can even perform.  But it's okay, a lot of guys have trouble...performing, sometimes."  She taunted to him, referring to the shoulder cannons no long being cannon-y.  But of course, Jane made it sound like he couldn't perform in a much...different way.  Gross.

Kentanon snarled, too dizzy and staggery from Lucas and Tidal's attacks.  "You bitch!"  He said, pointing at her.  She rolled her eyes.  Kentanon fired a net at Jane like he did Lucas.  Only she wouldn't be able to break free like he did.  She widened her eyes.  "Okay...now what can I do?"  She asked herself super fast as the net hurled at her.  Wilson said she was leaps and bounds ahead of people, right?  Leaps and bounds...leaps...okay, this is a long shot.  Jane felt her legs hype up, quickly readying for it.  And as if she were on a massive trampoline, she leaped up into the air.  Very...very high into the air.  At least 100 feet.  Amazing...not only did she dodged the net, she was almost flying!  "Whoa...I've got super agility!"  She called out from high up in the air, Kentanon cursing at her.  She smirked under her visor while in the air, starting to fall back down.  She extended her leg out as she fell, guiding her body like a missile toward Kentanon.  An expert example of Imagination Spirit.  Kentanon beheld the view of the Blue Ranger soaring up high and coming back down right at him.  "Tomboy Fury Kick!"  Jane called out, making contact with him from high above, her foot striking Kentanon's chest like a blue missile, sparks flying, Kentanon tumbling back, Jane landing smoothly following a flip.  Huh.  Now tomboy fury is a real thing!  Nice!

Calvon shook his head a Jane.  Man...did she have to make Kentanon's performance issue sound so....ya know, he won't even finish that thought.  He couldn't help but grin as Jane also pointed out Tidal saying peekaboo.  First the kitten, now this. Tidal's loosing the bad boy vibe.  He needs to step it up, lest everyone starting giving him cute kitten-loving shirts and a tea set.  But back on topic, damn!  Jane went super high up!  And used tomboy fury as an attack!  Niiiiice!  Calvin smirked.  "Way to go, Tomboy!"  He called out to her, Jane giving him a thumbs up.

Now it's up to Calvin to finish it, right?  Kentanon tumbled over toward him, staggering about and sparking up a storm.  He took a breath and thought about what to do as Kentanon staggered around, maybe having had enough by now.  Okay...everyone has their thing.  What's mine?  Wilson said I'm basically a walking squad, right?  Hmmm  

Calvin felt something snap in his mind, a vague idea surfacing.  Kentanon snarled again.  "I'm gonna catch at least one Ranger."  he said, prepping his nets yet again.  If only he'd learn a lesson from this fight...Calvin smirked, feeling like he knew what to do.

"One?  No...how about..."  he started, then felt himself splitting.  Not physically, but...physically.  Somehow, he'd generated 1, 2...3...4...5 copies of himself!  He jumped slightly by how many Green Rangers there suddenly were.  "Wow...I can replicate!"  He said.  A full squad...booyah!  Kentanon gasped and counted 6 Green Rangers total.  Just how many Rangers are there?!  No matter.  He fired his nets again.  Only this time...he didn't know which Ranger was real.  Calvin snapped his fingers, his copies nodding on his command.  They all ran around, dispersing to confuse Kentanon.  Kentanon fired more nets, not caring how many Greens there were.  One by one, the copies all attacked him, and all got caught up in his nets.  He rejoiced!  But what he didn't know, was that in the confusing, Calvin snuck up behind him.  "I did it!  I caught...wait, weren't there..." He started to think.  Before his eyes, the copies vanished and left his nets on the ground.  Calvin tapped him on the shoulder from behind, like Tidal did minus the blade and peekaboo.  "Missed one."  He told him.  Kentanon gasped, Calvin summoning the 5 copies again, all in a circle around Kentanon.  All six Calvin's mutually punched Kentanon from all sides, making the robot spark up, the real Calvin pushing him back, his copies reverting back to him.

Best to finish him already, isn't it?
Lucas had strength...Tidal, invisibility...Jane, agility...Calvin, replication.  With Drew's speed and Olivia's phasing, they were all supercharged!  Both Drew and Olivia watched as the others displayed their powers, kicking the crap out of Kentanon in the process. Drew held back his laughter at Jane pointing out Tidal's choice of word, Olivia merely turning pink under her visor.  Huh...turning pink under and already-now-pink visor.  There's a new one for ya.

Also, Jane's personality shined through in its own charming way.  And Calvin's power came in handy in overpowering and confusing the robot, Lucas' power weakening him, and Tidal being the sneaky bastard they all loved him for.

Kentanon rolled off to the side after the final attack, standing back up, sparks flying, the robot sounding like he was out of breath.  If he could breath, that is.  He raised his launchers again.  Drew snapped his gaze at Olivia.  "Olivia, now."  He said, she nodded, responding greatly to Drew's leadership.  Even if he isn't the official leader of this time...did it have one?  Anyway, he and Olivia summoned the Bio Blasters in this form, charging them up.  "Time to get rid of those launchers."  

"Bi Bio Blast!"  The two of them called out, red and pink blast hurdling at his launchers, blasting his arms and destroying the launchers, Kentanon staggering again in pain and sparks.  Olivia fist pumped the air.  Huh...that's a first Bi Bio Blast.  Like the Tri Bio Blast when there were only three rangers, only done with two this time!

After the whole ordeal, the team had lined up and assumed position again.  All six of them lined up and facing him, Kentanon cursing their names.  "Damn you, Power Rangers.  How dare you make me look foolish in front of my Empress."  he said, swatting his arms out, useless and beaten.

"And how dare you come here and try taking over.  We won't have a bullshit talk with you.  This is time to get serious.  And I for one, am seriously sick of you Armada types."  Drew said, pointing out at Kentanon, his eyes squinting at him under his visor.  He looked at his team.  "Guys, let's show him what our spirit can do.  Girls, you blast him.  Calvin, Lucas, follow up their blasts with slash attacks.  Tidal, you and me are gonna charge him."  Drew said.  Olivia nodded, understanding and keeping her blaster out.  Drew summoned his Bio Saber and stepped aside with Tidal so that the girls were behind Lucas and Calvin, and he and Tidal were in front of them in a train attack position.  Kentanon stagger yet around, cursing them all but unable to attack.

(now here I imply, you guys write it how you want)  First, the girls would go.  Olivia stood beside of Jane, and behind Lucas.  Whereas Jane would be behind Calvin.  She prepped her weapon with Jane and fired.  "Bio Blast!"  She called in unison with her, followed but Lucas and Calvin delivering Bio Slash attacks.  As the blast/slash combos traveled toward Kentanon, Drew nodded at Tidal.  "Now!"  He said, charging at Kentanon and charging his saber.  The attacks from the others hit, followed up by him and Tidal.  "Bio Saber Slash!"  Drew called out as he slashed across Kentanon's body, red trail following.

Kentanon went up in sparks.  All six Rangers had attacked him, their finishers cutting their him like butter.  As Drew and Tidal stopped behind him, Kentanon cursed again.  "Forgive me Empress.  I have failed you.  Avenge me....my queen!"  He muttered out before collapsing and exploding in a fiery blaze.  Kentanon was finally gone.  And as he blew up, his nest around the Colonel and all of those people vanished.  Everyone dropped, free and relieved.

Drew looked back at the others.  They'd destroyed Kentanon, gotten new powers, and saved the Colonel and civilians.  The Capital is safe!  But there's still the Empress.  She's all that's left of the forces here in the Capital.  "Alright, Splica, it's over.  Surrender now while you have a chance."  Drew said, eyes beaming toward her.  She's all alone.  Her slaves freed, her general dead, soldiers gone.  If she would come in quietly, they'd probably go easy on her.  Probably.

Splica hissed at him.  "Curse you, Power Rangers!  I know when I am outnumbered.  The six of you are indeed worthy adversaries.  My forces are gone, and my hold on the Capital has faded.  You have your city back, as well as your Colonel.  But heed my word.  You have not heard the last of me!"  Splica said.  And just liked that...she was gone.  She'd teleported away, vanishing into thin air.  Drew cursed.  She got away...but the Capital was safe.

"Glad that's over."  he commented.  "We'll get her next time."  Olivia nodded.  "Indeed.  Now, let's help these people."  And with that said, Splica escaped and the Rangers demorphed.  Eagerly, they rushed to help the Colonel, as well as the civilians that Splica had enslaved, reassuring them that they were safe now and the threat was over.  Finally.  And the Capital...was safe.
Calvin watched as Drew and Olivia took out the net launchers.  At least the peskier weapons were dealt with on this robot.  Bi Bio Blast...huh.  If there's Bi And Tri, are Quadruple, Quintuple and Sextuple gonna make appearances, too?  If you're going with that system that is.  Calvin had the thought, Jane just watched and thought "boom time!"

Speaking of booms....

Both of them rallied up with the rest of the tram, forming the line and facing off with Kentanon.  That robot was more trouble than he was worth, and he got on their nerves.  Drew getting serious really inspired Calvin and Jane.  They're in a war.  And it wasn't until now the Rangers discovered their power, the reason for their being.   The very heat of the war, the true impact they made on the world.  Drew's spirit might be protection, but all of the Rangers would do anything to defend the world and stop at nothing to defeat their foes.  

Both of them nodded and fist pumped the the air as Drew spat orders.  Time to finish this guy.  "We're with you."  They said.  Calvin got beside of Lucas, and Jane beside Olivia behind the two of the guys.  They summoned their blasters, Calvin converting his to baton mode, charging weapons up and readying themselves to end this scumbag once and for all.  And began the new finisher!

"Bio Blast!"  Jane called out with Olivia, working with her and firing a blue blast.  Next was Calvin and Lucas.  he nodded and Lucas to signal he was ready.  "Bio Slash!"  he called out with Lucas, slashing the back of Jane's blast when Lucas hit Olivia's, a green tail on her blue projectile.  (totally getting a Gokaiger vibe rn)

With the domino affect of attacks, their finisher destroyed Kentanon and ended his threat.  As well as his hold, the nets going away as he died.  The people and Smith were freed, finally.  Calvin and Jane let out breaths of relief.  Just gotta deal with Splica, now.  Yet another bitch who wants to rule the world.  Or destroy it, one of those usual bad guy motivations, one can assume.  Really, what other option is their at this point in the worlds time?

Both of them turned around and faced her as Drew started talking with her.  She just had to surrender.  But of course she wouldn't.  At least she isn't stupid and knows when she's out numbered.  But she's clearly very powerful...why didn't she attack?  Why didn't she engage them in combat?

Her final words sent chills down Jane's spine.  Something about them heeding her word and knowing she'd be back was...unsettling.  But Splica was gone.  "Yeah, better run.  Didn't even fight us...she knows we'd kick her space butt."  Jane said, full of cockiness.  Calvin smirked.

"Or she really is smart enough to back down when faced with new threats and everything."  He rationalized.  Jane rolled her eyes and blew it off.  But as Drew said, it was over.  The two of them demorphed with the rest and went to help both him and Olivia with the civilians.  The people seemed grateful for their lives and their city back.  The danger has passed for now, at least.  Something about the smiles on peoples faces made Jane and Calvin feel warm inside...they'd never really demorpehd in front of people before, had they?  Maybe it didn't matter now.  And maybe the adrenaline of that suit armor is still in affect.  Anyway, they were qucik to help all who needed it, even the cranky ol' Colonel.
Tidal eyed Jane as she called him out like that, including the pointing and laughing. Oh she was going to get some revenge her way. Some sweet, invisible revenge. Later. Maybe. Once this ordeal was over. Her personality shone brightly as she poked fun at Kentanon and... performing. Insert shudders from both guys. And maybe a held-back chuckle or two. Typically Jane... He and Lucas watched Calvin and Jane display their new powers as well. Really, this was amazing. Agility, duplication... all had very awesome and interesting powers. This was going to make the new fights to come even more interesting than they already were. All the possibilities of combining powers... Limitless! They watched Drew and Olivia working together, taking out the net launchers. That was the other nasty weapon down. Now what could Kentanon still do? Seemed like it wasn't much more than just stumbling around, cursing and sparking. High time to finish it, then.

 They fell in line with the rest for a final face down with Kentanon. He had done enough here, and so did Splica. Drew surely was in an inspirational mood today! They were already full of adrenaline with the whole new powers and armored suits, and still he managed to rile them up even more. And damn, he was right. They were in a war, and they had had more than enough of Armada and each and every field commander or general they had sent down. It was far beyond time to kick Urthemial and Splica back off into deep dark space where they belonged, never to return again. They all wanted to defend their world more than anything else, even if only one of them had the Spirit of Protection. Something they definitely all shared was a serious dose of Determination Spirit. Even if that wasn't a thing here and now.  They nodded to Drew's commands. "Got it," they said, taking their places. Lucas beside Calvin and in front of Olivia, Tidal right beside Drew... well, with enough space in between them for the others' attacks to pass through and not blow them up instead. Lucas summoned his blaster and converted it to baton mode, charging it up. Tidal held his Crescent Blade in hand again, charging it up as well. "Bio Slash!" Lucas called out, the slash hitting Olivia's blast, giving the pink blast a yellow tail, sending it flying towards Kentanon. And right after the attacks of the others hit, Drew and Tidal charged at Kentanon. "Crescent Slash!" Tidal callled out, leaving a black trail in the opposite direction of the red one Drew had left behind.. And that ended it. Kentanon went up in sparks at last. Lucas and Tidal let out a small sigh of relief. That was one enemy down. Now the big one.

The people were free, Kentanon was dead. Now, would Splica be smart enough and simply surrender? No, of course not. Well, she was smart enough to see she had lost now, and alsp smart enough to see that right now, she might not stand much of a chance. So she retreated to God knows where, saying she'd be back and strike again. Words Tidal and Lucas certainly heeded. She had seen them in action now, knew what to expect, and so she could only prepare all the better. But at least the Capital was safe. And the people were free, too! So that was a silver lining to this day. Actually... it had been a day rather full of silver linings.  "Agreed," Lucas said both in response to Drew as Olivia. Yes, Splica would be back, but they'd get her the next time. Now, the people needed helping. They demorphed along with the others, making their way over to the civilians who needed them, the Colonel among them.
Splica was gone, Kentanon was dead, and he didn't grow, thankfully.  And on top of that, the Rangers had a new power, and the Capital was safe.  All on top of finding out why they're the chosen few among all the rest in Inezia.  Kind of incredible, really.  And their work was all done in less than 24 hours.  Given the time that had passed, it would be dark by the time they arrived back in Inezia.  But really, the Rangers probably didn't care.  Just wanted to go home and see their families and friends.  Besides, if they left soon, they could arrive home just when it's getting dark, so no dangerous travel awaited them.  Meaning they had not a lot of time to get things in order.

After helping the civilians and seeing that all was well, Drew led the Colonel and the others back to HQ.  Inside, the crew and Captain applauded the team for their work, praising them for saving their city and loosening Splica's grasp on the Capital, as well as their Colonel.  The Captain brought in a folding chair for Smith to sit on, seeing he was still pretty weak from being tied so tightly and smacked around by the Empress.  He's a strong man, but as old as he is, he isn't much of a spring chicken.  Not like Captain Scott, who at one point fought off Dytrons and Marin/William himself.  The Colonel was...feeble, for lack of better term.

Smith sat in the chair and held his back, eyeing the Rangers as they all lined up in front of him.

"Rangers...I cannot thank you enough for what you have done."  He said to them.  Drew nodded.  "No thanks necessary, Colonel.  The Capital must be protected at all costs."  He said.  Olivia nodded in return.  "I'm only glad we were able to drive Splica out.  It's a shame we couldn't stop her, completely.  She'll be back one day."  Olivia said softly.  She did fear the day she'd meet Splica again...possibly properly battle her, as well.

Smith nodded again.  "That doesn't matter.  What does matter is that you got rid of her and her general.  Splica won't be coming back to the Capital, I assure you.  We're putting up stronger barriers on the dome than ever before.  Engineers are already working on it as we speak."  The Colonel was confident in this, for he now knew what to possibly expect in the future.  Next time, the Capital would be ready.  "Now, let us go to the gates.  I'll have a transport meet us there.  I think it's time we get you all home, now."  He said.  Drew and Olivia nodded eagerly.  After today, Drew just really wanted to be with his little brother.  And Olivia...she wanted to thank Wilson in person.  And see her father again...and give him a hug.  A really big 'I don't care if we're working, I love you dad' hug.

With that being said, Smith rested for a moment before getting up, escorting the Rangers personally with the Captain out to the city gates.
Today was intense.  Finding their purpose, meeting the Empress, going to the Capital--which is so big and...shiny--and getting new powers in order to defeat a general?  Who was possibly in the same rank as Volmour and Actera?  Far out!

And all in one day, too.  Maybe if they hurried they could go home today.  Sure it's two 5 hour drives in one day, but after all of this, Jane and Calvin wanted nothing more than to go home and see Inezia again.  Besides, that is where most of the Armada attacks happen for the big leagues.  Best to not dilly dally.  After helping out the people, the returned to base.

And at the base, they were met with a big applause from the workers.  Jane and Calvin grinned slightly, feeling no shame in getting a little praise for saving just the most important city on Earth, overcoming the odds and kicking ass as always.  Nothing wrong with a little pride, right?  Of course if this were a game, Jane would be screaming and yelling 'bitches wish they were me'.  But that wouldn't be appropriate at all, would it?

Seeing how weak Smith was sent realization to their minds.  He was an old man...not as fit as their own Captain.  But he was smart, they gave him that.  Of course this is the same man who sent hackable Cyborgs to replace them...but still.  

Calvin saluted him as he thanked them.  "As Drew said, sir.  The Capital must be protected.  It was an honor."  He said, very formal as always.  Jane nodded and put up a peace sign.  "Yep yep.  Nothing like kicking ass and taking names in the big apple of the world."  She said, grinning in a most cocky fashion.

"And when Splica does come back, we'll be ready."  Jane assured Olivia, hand on her arm.  Calvin smiled and nodded.  

Olivia seemed scared of her, still.  But no matter.  If they keep up the spirit and remember they're a team? Nothing will stop them.  Nothing.  Smart move, by the way, using stronger barriers.  At least they wouldn't have to come all the way back here just to fix a big problem again soon.  Not saying they wouldn't if they were asked, but still.  Nice knowing it would at least be a while before being called back.

As soon as Smith mentioned them all going home, they nodded eagerly.  They were going home sooner than expected, too.  But they had no issue.  Of course, Jane did say to her family she'd be going somewhere a few days...not hours.  Great.  Now she actually has to stay with a friend when she gets back.  Crap.  Oh well, maybe she'd go chill with a friend anyway.  Calvin wanted to go home, as he was eager to lay down and just...sleep.

In time, they joined the others as they left HQ.  Calvin and Jane followed up as everybody traveled to the gates.  Home was waiting.
After helping everyone who needed their help around the scene, they headed back to the base. It was still odd being applauded for doing what they did. Really, saving the city... it simply was in their Spirits, no? The Capital was safe, Splica was gone, and they could all go home, likely be there before it became too dark. Which meant dinner at home. And no sleeping on bumpy rides! Thank goodness for that! Today had been amazing, weird, interesting, and many more words. Probably intense above anything else. Getting new powers, new outfits, saving the most important man and the most important city on the surface of Earth, meeting a new and powerful enemy and blowing her general to pieces... Yeah, logically that could only be defined as intense. Tidal seemed relieved to head back home. Sally wouldn't have to miss him overnight, and she had probably been a good kitty for the day. Lucas... he just looked forward of sharing today's events over dinner with Eveline. Likely a store-bought meal or ordered pizza... since he was quite sure he didn't feel like cooking when he got home, and there was no way he'd trust his sister in the kitchen. It hadn't been a joke when he said she can't even fry an egg without setting off the fire alarm. Best get home as fast as possible, which would still take five hours, before he'd return to his apartment being reduced to ashes. That would suck.

They hadn't quite realized just how old the Colonel was until he was sat down in a folding chair. Sure, he wasn't an elderly man, but definitely older than Captain Scott, who could kick ass in battle really quite well. The Colonel... well, Lucas and Tidal doubted he'd be able to stand his ground, still. Especially not today, after being smacked around and tied up by the Empress and her lackey. Well, at least he was safe now, and sure Splica wouldn't be able to come back in when she came back. For she would come back for sure, that much they all knew. And then they were all thanked for having done what they did. Again. Lucas just grinned and scratched the back of his head. Praise made him feel so awfully... awkward. "It was nothing, sir," he said to the Colonel. "As said, protecting the world is what we do. And the Capital was an interesting change of scenery. Though next time I'd rather visit in a different context."

"True that," Tidal agreed, remaining quite relaxed in comparison to some others.

"We definitely will be," Lucas agreed, resting an elbow on Olivia's shoulder (confident, suddenly? xD). "She might prepare herself, but we can prepare as well. Next time she shows her face, we'll kick her back into space. "Unintentional rhyme... Likely to result in a push, punch, slap, facepalm, or any combination. But he'd take it. First facepalm came from Tidal. "That was even worse than your puns..." he sighed, shaking his head. Lucas just shrugged and laughed.

And then it was time for them all to go home. "Well... being home early means I'm gonna be stuck with my sis, marathoning a bunch of random movies. If anyone is up for joining in... please do. Don't leave me alone with my sister and movies." Knowing Evie, it would mean lots of snacks, soda, horrible references, talking the occasional line along... And IF SHE DARED PUTTING ON DISNEY.... It would mean singing all those horrible catchy songs. Please someone, anyone, join in!
"Movie marathon with Evie?  Sorry man, you're on your own with that one."  Drew commented as they all left the base.  Olivia shrugged.  "Give me time to change and I can probably come.  I wouldn't mind spending time getting to know her better, I supposed."  She said.  Why not?  Could be fun.  Besides, can't let Lucas suffer alone, can she?

That aside, the Rangers, the Captain, and the Colonel arrived at the gates of the Capital.  The same transport from before was still there, ready to take them and their belongings home to Inezia.  It had been refueled and the driver had a chance to eat before leaving to regain his energy.  Smith, the Captain, and the Rangers were stood in front of the shinier gates, cleaned up and ready to leave.  

"Thank you again, Rangers.  And in regards to those new powers..."  Smith started.  Olivia put her hand up.  "I know, sir.  Dr Wilson's message from long ago explained it all.  He must have slipped the finishing code to your PDA.  The Squadron Project is a success.  And our Human Spirit is the fuel."  She said.  He nodded.

"Hmm.  Tell that crazy bastard...good work."  He said to her. She nodded and saluted, "yes sir."  She said, grinning.

Colonel Smith and the Captain looked at all of the Rangers, Drew and Olivia looking at the Capital's vastness one last time.  "Goodbye, Rangers.  Be safe getting home.  And thank you."  The Captain said.  Drew and Olivia nodded.  "Thank you, sir.  Goodbye."  Olivia said.

As they turned to board the transport, Drew tapped Jane's shoulder, getting an idea.  He whispered in her ear something...devious.  He grinned, telling her to do as he did.  He tip toed up behind Tidal and whispered in one ear, Jane the other, "peekaoo."  After that, he burst in laughter over it, because it's fucking great, and bolted to the transport.  His Speed wasn't Super in civilian mode, but he still ran fast as possible, away from the brooding bad boy.  

Olivia just shook her head and watched, smiling.  She slowly followed behind, boarding the transport after the...silliness.


On the main ship of the Armada, Urthemial sat on his throne while Volmour and Actera were in the room, overseeing plans on the ship and quietly working toward their next move.  Hacking the Cyborgs was a bust, so they ad to think fast.  Literally...What is...

Something started beeping on his personal console on the arm of his throne.  "Hmm.  Generals, something's heading right for us.  Detecting signs of life but...also synthetics.  Prepare for impact."  He alerted his generals.  He had no idea what...or who, was coming.
As they made their way to the gates, Calvin nodded.  "I wouldn't mind tagging along.  Count me in."  He added with Olivia to Lucas.  Marathon movies with Evie?  Sure!  Commander Tucker is an...interesting woman, to say the least.  Might as well take part in some casual fraternization with his comrade, and hang with his friends.  Him, Lucas, Olivia and Evie...there's a bunch that never hangs out much.  But it could be fun!  Jane shook her head.  "Nope, I'm out."  She said, wagging her hand over her neck.  She had much better things to do...like play video games at a friends house.  Pretty much it.

As they arrived to the gates, she and Calvin lined up and faced Smith and the Captain once again.  Both of them nodded and saluted Smith and the Captain.  Smith didn't seem as enthused about the Squadron Mode...but hey, it worked.  Wilson's methods might be weird, but he's probably the greatest thing to happen to humanity, at this point, right?  He did develop some pretty fucking cool tech, after all.

Taking a good last look at the Capital, Jane and Calvin looked out in the distance, turning around after saying goodbye.  Drew tapped Jane's shoulder...and she grinned, snickering slightly.  "Oh Drew, you are my favorite."  She said to him and snickered again.  She tip toed up being Tidal with him, and in unison, tapped his shoulder and whispered "peekaboo" in Tidal's ear with Drew.  She burst out laughing and ran into the transport with him, knowing Tidal would likely chase them and be...broody.

Calvin laughed as they did so.  "Only they would do that..."  he said and shook his head.  He followed Olivia in the transport after the chaos was over.  At least outside, it was.  he laughed again.  At least the day ended in humor, right?  Friends being friends?


Volmour was stood by a large monitor, observing plans for new robots, as well as checking in on Dytron and Deathtron reports.  Doomtron's were working well, as were the analysis of the Cyborgs attack.  They were a fail, but something could be learned from the tech they had access to after hacking.  Something of value, anyway.  He was about to make a breakthrough when his Emperor alerted him of something approaching.

"Something dares to invade us?  I shall prepare the troops, bracing for impact."  He said quickly, unsure of what was coming.  Who dared to assault the Armada like this?  What is the meaning of this?
"Yush!" Lucas grinned, glad he wouldn't be entirely alone with Evie. And hey, he definitely didn't mind Olivia coming over. Though if would give him a couple of funny looks from Eveline. Quite a couple. If she dared sneaking out and leave them alone... nah, she wasn't evil enough for that. He'd just not hear the end of it for quite a while. Ah well... And he hadn't quite expected Calvin to come over too... But hey, he didn't mind. More people equals more fun. "Just a fair warning ahead of time: random movies means random movies. We take turns in picking one from the results that show up in the recommended section. And those can be messed up at times... Last time it kind of went like this: 'You have watched 'A Bug's Life. We recommend The Human Centipede.' And then Pacific Rim... Really makes us wonder who programmed that stuff." Weird as it may be, it was a lot of fun. And with four people to choose what movie to watch next, things could only be more interesting, right?

Once at the gates, they said their goodbyes to the Captain and the Colonel. The latter wasn't quite pleased with the Squadron mode, it would seem. But it had more than worked and saved his butt. That's what mattered right? Humanity was safe in their hands once again, all thanks to Dr Wilson's technology, as controversial as it may be considered. The two saluted the people who were with them at the Gates once more before making their way to the transport again.

If Tidal had Jane's agility, he'd probably be on top of the nearest skyscraper right now. He hadn't seen either of the two coming, nor did he expect... well, THIS. He glared at the two. "Why you!" he called, racing after them to the transport. Once in there, he'd probably be broody for the coming five hours, and plot his revenge. The two had is coming at them, definitely. He should never have said what he did... Then this wouldn't have happened. He huffed and crossed his arms as he got into the transport, staring out of the window as the broody bad boy they all knew.

Lucas utterly failed to hold back his laughter as he watched the three. That was a very unexpected ending of the day. "True that," he agreed with Calvin as he climbed into the transport as well. Aaah, another five lovely hours of sitting still in an uncomfortable way ahead. At least tonight was going to be fun. Best text Evie saying he'd be back early and that they were coming over in a group to watch movies together.


"My readings don't give us any additional information, my Lord," Actera said, typing in data and trying to get a better scan of whatever it was that approached them. Odd. Who would come at them so insolently, so directly? And give off such an unclear reading? It seemed their plans in conquering Inezia and destroying the Rangers would have to wait a little bit until this matter was solved. "Strengthening the shields, bracing for impact," Actera said as she worked her magic... or rather technology, on her screen. Who or what could it be that approached? Soon enough they would find out.
When the Rangers got on board their transport, the door sealed itself, the driver inputting a command code to open the gates, Smith and the Captain saluted the Rangers one last time.  The Captain turned to the Colonel.  "So, sir...those were the Power Rangers.  Kind of an odd bunch, I say."  He said to him.  Smith nodded.  "Odd indeed.  But despite that, they have a bond unlike any team I've seen before.  They must be doing something right to have survived this long."  Smith said.

The Captain nodded again.  "Apparently.  I guess Dr Wilson isn't so crazy.  Nor is Inezia's Captain for hiring him."  he added.  Smith shook his head.  "I guess not."

The gates opened, the driver contacting the Rangers in the back to let them know their ride begins now.  Smith and the Captain saluted.  "Farewell, Power Rangers.  Protectors of our world."  Colonel Smith said, his opinions on the Rangers changing.  They're Earth's best shot.  And they won't fail.  The transport rolled out, and the Rangers were finally going home.


Urthemial rose up, clutching his scepter tightly.  Whatever or whoever was coming would regret crossing him in this manner.  Dytrons poured in, ready to assist the Emperor and his generals as they prepped the shields and prepared for battle.

And then...it happened.  A large blast struck the hull of the ship, if not for Actera's external shields outside, the air would have been sucked out, along with them.  So now there's a giant gaping hole in the ship, covered by the energy shields.  Smoke filled the room from the small explosion, alerts going off that they'd been breached.  What is happening?  The Rangers invading?  No...unlikely.  Not even the Rangers were this stupid.  But...what's this?

A feminine figure emerged from the smoke.  Her form, her appearance very familiar to Urthemial.

He called off the Dytrons as the figure stepped forward.  Splica revealed herself, her Rexian decor armor and twin scepter to Urthemial's shining under the lighting of the ships throne room/observation deck.  "Urthemial, dear.  I'm home."  She said smoothly.  The Emperor gasped and stepped forward.   "Sp-..Splica?  You're alive?  You've returned?"  He asked her, likely to the confusion of his generals.

She nodded.  "Indeed.  I'm back, and better than ever.  There is much to tell..." She started, noticing Urthemial's left eye had been blackened and shot out.  "What happened to you, darling?" She asked.  He snarled.  "Don't call me that.  This is the work of the Red Ranger.  One of the most vile humans I've ever--"  he began, she cut him off.

"Wait...the Red Ranger did that?"  She asked.  He was taken back. How did she know who..."I just met with the Rangers.  In Capital City.  I'd heard about them and how they're putting up a fight.  I invaded the Capital under your nose.  I would have succeeded if they hadn't shown up and destroyed my general."  She said, cursing the Rangers.

"Kentanon?  He's dead?"  He asked.  He...knew about Kentanon?  That didn't make sense...but she nodded.  "Yes.  Destroyed by the Rangers.  And a new armor/power mode of theirs."  She said, hatefully.  He gasped...so the Rangers have a power up now?  And they killed a general...as well as drove her from the Capital?  Interesting.  "Dear husband, I purpose we work together.  If anything, I hate those blasted Power Rangers as much as you.  The foolish humans will die, and I can help make that happen."  Splica offered.  Urthemial hesitated.  "We shall out differences aside, as well as the past.  I will work with you...dear wife."  He said.

Splica laughed, taking his hand in hers and looking at Volmour and Actera.  "Generals of your own?  This I have to hear."  She said, looking them up and down.. mostly Actera, for she looked human like the Rangers.  Already, she didn't like that general.

And with that, the two were reunited.  A new alliance of evil.  A new threat for humanity, Inezia and the Rangers.  Splica is back with Urthemial, along with the power of Volmour and Actera, the entire Armada fleet.  Dark days approached Earth.  But in addition to a new threat, the Rangers grew stronger.  Fueled by their spirit, the Rangers were more powerful than ever.  As it stands, the war is still on.  The day will come when only one side is left standing.  And when that day comes, the Rangers will be ready and more determined than ever to face it.  Splica will stay on now, but her presence only brings on more challenge for the Rangers.  Challenge Accepted.  And with Kentaon gone...Threat Terminated.

End of Arc 23.
@Lady Insanity @marorda

Arc 24: We Need A Leader

Splica had settled in nicely.  A solid ten days had passed by since her arrival on the Armada's main ship.  She and Urthemial had caught up, already solidifying a new alliance between them.  The Rangers keep foiling Urthemial's plans and took out his eye, and they interrupted Splica's domination goal as well as killed her general.  They had a mutual hatred for the Rangers, as well as a mutual desire to rule.  Power is what they wanted.  And while they didn't part on the best terms, they have formed a new evil union.  One for the reckoning. 

The Empress had taken this time to study the ship and get to know the new components of the Emperor's cabinet.  Generals Actera and Volmour, as well as the newer robotic soldiers like Deathtrons and Doomtrons.  She thought Volmour was strong, if not a little...flawed.  And Actera?  Too human-looking to be a loyal servant.  She looked like an Asmarthian.  Didn't Urthemial...oh, indeed.  Now THAT is evil.  Splica cared not for these generals, but they were useful enough.  What she didn't know was that they'd both been...corrupted.  Volmour given an obedience virus, and Actera a mind control headset.  Urthemial had turned his closely-rebelling generals into mindless slaves.  Pure evil, and highly submissive to his whim.  Impressive.

As Urthemial and Splica plot in the throne room and observation deck, the generals were off in one of their labs working on something.  Probably a result of inadequacy compared to the Empress.  (this is where you guys write in the generals feeling insecure and create Volemera.  leave details on Volemera to me.  just make it seem like they're making a new ultimate soldier, vague as possible)


Being back in Inezia was nice.  Nice to be home, safe and sound.  Well....home, at least.  A few attacks have happened in the past few days, just grunts, though.  

Upon their return to Inezia, Dr Wilson and Captain Scott both were happy for their operation to continue as usual.  When the Rangers told Wilson of their discovery on their human spirit and reason for being chosen, he was ecstatic.  They knew why they were the Rangers, and knew what fueled their power.  And on top of that, he saw the footage from the Capital!  The Squadron Mode powers are amazing!  Just like he had planned all along.  But only then were they in fruition.  The Squadron Morpehrs worked perfectly with the Ranger tech, a complete success.  Not only did the Rangers get new powers, but new weapons.  In this line of work, weapons are the key thing, really.  These new weapons were still in testing, but Wilson had them created long ago.  Only now they can be wielded, for they each work best--or perfectly--with the Squadron powers.  And now that the team has that little gift, the new weapons can be perfected!

But one thing was odd.  Ever since the return to Inezia...Drew hasn't been the same.  Even as they returned home, he just seemed stressed out.  Odd, he left the Capital rather happy!  He was goofing around with Tidal and Jane in the transport.  Why had his mood changed so much after getting home?  He just didn't seem like himself...and it was very obvious something was wrong with Drew.  But nobody directly confronted him.  

Olivia had spent the past few days helping Wilson in the weapons lab in addition to her basic duties in the base.  While running surveillance, she also checked thermal emissions on certain weapons and helped to tighten the hold on data locks in regards to the new powers.  Simple, really.

But when they'd first gotten back, she had fun with Lucas and the others.  Lucas, Calvin and Evie made great company on the night of their return.  Movies were nice, and spending that time with friends was better!  

She felt strongly connected to them all.  Not just that bunch, but everyone as a whole.  Different from the beginning when it was all business, right?

Speaking of business, time for that.  After getting some work done today with Wilson, Captain Scott had organized a training session with the Rangers.  As Wilson worked on the new weapons, he saw this as a perfect opportunity to get things back on track and whip the Rangers into good fighting shape.  Mandatory for them all to attend it.  Everybody was present and wearing the same outfits.  Everybody present...minus Drew.  Black workout pants, sneakers, gloves, and a t shirt that resembled their Ranger color.  The training center was open and cooled so they wouldn't get too hot.  Everybody had the option of either working out with weights/machines, doing some sparring, or some kind of physical exercise.  Olivia put her hair up in a pony tail and walked onto the floor, eyeing everyone up.  She looked at Jane specifically.  "Hey Jane, spar with me?"  She suggest out to Jane, stretching her arms over her head and taking a breath.  Some harmless girl-on-girl sparring never hurt, right?  Besides.  She needed to show the tomboy how a real fighter does it.  Playful tease is playful.

She couldn't help but notice Drew wasn't here.  Where was he?  He always came to training sessions.  He always made them feel complete and right, like they knew what to do.  What's with him, lately?  She shook her head slightly and refocused on Jane, glancing at the guys to see what they were doing, as well.  (reeeeally play on Drew being different/inattentive!)

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