• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Posthuman ~ OOC

Well, until my pics are fixed within my CS, I suppose it still a WIP. ^^' The text is all complete unless someone can find a discrepancy within it.
Well, until my pics are fixed within my CS, I suppose it still a WIP. ^^' The text is all complete unless someone can find a discrepancy within it.
Did you try uploading your pictures to ImgBB first then using that URL?
Did you try uploading your pictures to ImgBB first then using that URL?
I have no idea what that is. I've never had to link images in a CS before. I've always directly uploaded the image itself.
Popping in to say I'm working on a character

And Lioness075 Lioness075 , I fixed up the code for you. Just copy and paste it in with RTE turned off and it should work. Let me know if there are any more issues, I dabble in code enough that this was simple enough to figure out :)



background-image: url('https://storge.pic2.me/cm/2560x2048/710/5550ef42d2325.jpg');









border:2px solid white;







text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px #7b78a5;

animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite;















background-image: url('https://www.iamag.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/detroit-become-human3.jpg');

















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[div class=openbutton][font=Timelord]Leandra Sinciato[/font][/div][/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][fa]fa-times-circle[/fa][/div]

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[B]Name:[/B] Leandra Sinciato

[B]Nickname:[/B] Lea (Pronounced like Leah)

[B]Age:[/B] 21-years-old

[B]Location of Birth:[/B] Great Britain, 20th Century

[B]Appearance:[/B] Lea has always dressed against society by dressing like a boy. She spent most of her childhood in trousers despite her parents' protests. Her twin brother found it amusing and never even tried to persuade her otherwise. She has a faint scar over her right eye, which is a light grey-color. Her left eye is a deep green and always has a sharp, observant appearance to it compared to her dull right eye. She is very lean overall, albeit surprisingly muscular when she shows her arms or legs. She grew up very athletic and made sure she was always in shape for whatever she may have to face.

[B]Personality:[/B] While growing up in higher society, Lea did everything in her effort to oppose attending parties or ever having to dress up and act like a lady. She was and still is the epitome of a tomboy. Her antics have more than once gotten her in legal trouble, usually leading to her wealthy parents having to bail her out and hope the public did not hear of Lea's troubles. Running through the alleys and dodging the cops for fun. While parkour had not been properly named in her time, Lea partook in it nearly every day of her life. The thrill of a race with anyone was wondrous and even more so when bets were on the table.

Despite her free-flowing and adventurous, even daredevil, nature, Lea had a soft spot for animals. She would not hesitate to stop everything to help a stray or to fight other children attacking strays. She adopted a tabby at one point and spent all of her allowance on the cat. The cat was often spotted running at Lea's side whenever she went out to cause trouble after that. Animals have always had a tendency to relax around her despite her fiery temper around people.

[B]Tagline:[/B] Angel of Death

[B]Backstory:[/B] While she was mostly a reckless child and despite the fact that she was from higher society, Lea did not end up an aristocrat herself or someone of higher power. The twins both became bounty hunters together and quickly rose in fame, albeit infamous as it were. Lea became renown for her ability to kill her targets very recklessly. She never tried to conceal their deaths and seemingly put on a show for anyone who was 'lucky' enough to find her completed jobs. Lea loved the fear in anyone's voice when they spoke about her. It thrilled her to have such power over complete strangers.

As her career flourished, Lea was oblivious to any enemies she made along the way. Too reckless and keen to find one target after another, she kept driving herself forward. Enemies began piling up and soon, but someone very unexpected came for her. Unbeknownst to her, a bounty had been placed on her own head. Pushed to the rooftops of London, Lea led the mystery man on a daring cat and mouse game in which she was able to dodge him for nearly an entire hour. She thought she would be able to flee from her pursuer, but he seemed unimaginably determined to get her. When she misjudged a jump due to her half-blindness, Lea ended up hitting the side of a chimney and stumbled to the floor of a roof. Her pursuer began to approach her calmly and removed his hood. Much to Lea's dismay, it was her twin brother. Not an ounce of love was in his eyes and while Lea had done terrible things herself, even she still had love for family. Scrambling to her feet and producing a gleaming dagger, Lea defended herself against her brother's cavalry sword. Metal rang out and the two danced this way and that, both trying to find a vulnerable spot on the other. Tears filled Lea's eyes and in a moment of weakness, she stumbled to the right of her brother, leaving herself vulnerable. He wasted no time and lunged forward to slash at her face. His sword cleanly cut through the right side of her face and over her eye. Her vision swam with blood and she cried out in pain, a hand shooting to her eye. Angered and terrified, she leapt forward to deal a blow in return. He had not been expecting such a quick response and cried out similarly when the right side of his face sported a similar wound, despite it being a shallow one. Glaring at his sister, Lea's twin brother wasted no time in lunging at her. Feebly, Lea tried to dodge to her right and merely ended up skewered in her brother's sword. Looking down at the piercing sword in her abdomen, Lea merely gurgled in response. Dropping her hand from her bleeding face, she struggled in vain to grip the sword with her hands and pull it out of herself. Her dagger had clattered to the roof by now. Her hands both welled with blood and her hands uselessly slipped along the blade. Her brother shook his head at her sadly and grabbed her shoulder before pulling her into an embrace of death, driving the sword further into Lea. Crying now, Lea closed her one good eye and gasped when her brother pulled the sword out from her. Except, her feet were no longer on the roof. Her brother had pushed her off the roof and now she was plummeting to her death.

When she regained consciousness, Lea quickly realized she was far from home. The world surrounding her was unimaginably different and somehow her body was in perfect shape, as if her fall had not damaged her at all. She could still hear the sickening crack of her body's destruction upon the impact, though. Entering this new society with technology beyond her understanding, Lea soon found herself joining the Watch and experiencing the very painful Cleansing. She had readily given up her useless right eye for the process to be completed and had not enjoyed the convulsions that came with it. Once it was over, Lea was delighted with her sharper senses and all of the benefits that came with being a Watcher. It did not take long for Lea to get a new eye prosthetic to fill her empty socket. While it did not contain any weaponized technology, it continuously glowed a dark red and Lea loved the intimidation purposes that came with it. The added perk of being able to see completely again was amazing, but her new eye had an odd way of seeing and had taken a lot of time for Lea to get used to it. She was able to utilize it as a single-lens binocular and could zoom in up to 200 meters away. Not long after this, Lea was able to gain her first weaponized technology and was gleeful about gaining a resource-scald piece that completely replaced her right arm. Seeing as she could see better with her new eye, Lea trained with determined purpose to learn how to best fight after gaining the rest of her vision once more. Her weapon came in the form of a cavalry sword and Lea reveled in how it glowed in the dark of the night.

[B]Cause of Original Death:[/B] Fall to Death

[B]Acquaintances:[/B] Manjano Sinciato

[B]Rank:[/B] Level One / Officer

[B]Plasmatic Classification:[/B] Resource-Scald

[B]Plasmatic Modifications:[/B] Lea's sword is rather simple right now, with her eye modification being a bit more useful at times. She hopes to be able to modify her sword to switch between elements at some point. She desires a spark sword as well and wonders if it is possible to have two elements in one plasmatic. She swears she has seen higher-ranking Watchers with such weaponry. Her cavalry sword is best used at arm's length from another person, but Lea has the ability to use it similarly to a dagger up close and personal from past experience.

[B]Skills:[/B] Lea is proud of her ability to fight with melee weapons. While many could have an advantage on her with long-range weapons, Lea is equally skilled in parkour and loves a good chase. One thing she has practiced over time is her ability to deflect bullets with her sword. She is not perfect at it, but it is a skill she is slowly acquiring. Lea also made a point of learning how to ride a motorcycle in this new world simply to avoid heights at all costs. She loves to manipulate others to her own advantage and one of those ways includes psychological tricks from very simple ones to rather complicated ones. It is not uncommon for Lea to look down on those around her, but if one proves themselves as useful then she will see them as an equal. Unless they stab her in the back like her brother did. Her last skill was one that Lea picked up after she became a Watcher. With whatever spare time she had, she fiddled with scraps and metals and slowly but surely learned to create small machines. They usually were not too advanced, but Lea messed around enough with everything to gain something of a mechanical skill. Her best invention thus far was a cat companion. Lea had watched others with mechanical skills from afar and learned both from her own mistakes and what she saw others doing. The cat is capable of acting like a cat and moving like one, even curling up at Lea's feet each night. It is often seem accompanying her wherever she goes and Lea soon had affixed deadly claws to the cat's paws and gave it sharper teeth. It did not take long for the cat to become a loyal, fighting companion to keep Lea company. She certainly preferred its company over that of other people. At least she did not have to fear the cat stabbing her in the back.

[B]Interests:[/B] Surprisingly enough, Lea is quite the artist. It is an unknown fact of her career and life, but Lea would actually take the time to draw the death scenes of all of her targets as trophies for her successful missions. Over the years, she became quite an incredible artist, even if she draws some very disturbing images. Lea is quite fond of music, too, which has advanced in a great way to her. It is not too surprising to see her sporting some wireless headphones around her neck. They glow red appropriately with her eye. An oddity compared to her other interests, Lea still loves animals and

[B]Fears:[/B] Lea fears heights for good reason. If ever given the option, she will ride her motorcycle to the destination rather than fly there. She always assumes everyone is going to stab her in the back like her brother did, too. While she may see others as equals, she never fully trusts anyone. If her own twin brother was willing to kill her, then anyone could. She purposefully avoids getting close to anyone and hates inquiries about her past.

[B]Other:[/B] Lea's British accent is so obvious, it sometimes pains her with the various reactions she can get for it. She does not try too hard to hide it, but dislikes how it can sometimes make her stand out like a sore thumb. She prefers to hide in a crowd unless she is after a target and wants them to fear her. Lea learned over time to stop saying British slang, since most were baffled by it and could not understand her.

Link to RPing/Writing Sample: I have made several posts of varying length within this RP: [URL='https://www.rpnation.com/threads/code-feral.404301/']Code: Feral[/URL]

[/font][/div][font=Timelord][div=text-align:center;font-family:Karla;font-size:0.5em;letter-spacing:0.3em;opacity:0.6;]code by Ri.a[/div][/font][/div][/div][/centerblock]
SkyGinge SkyGinge Hey, do animals exist at all in Apocalypz? Or have they all become extinct at this point?

Mechanical reconstructions exist in some cities (especially Eyvalon) but like in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep owning one outside of that city would be a pretty major status system.

Anyhow it seems ShadyAce ShadyAce has fixed things - in the future though if people have trouble with the coding just drop RI.a RI.a a line - it's her code and she's been lovely with helping both myself and Semblance Semblance with problems with it. I'm afraid I'm away from my laptop until this evening at a grandparent's birthday thing so coding is pretty much out of the question on my phone :P I will however have several hours of car journeying in which to read these new forms - thanks for sending them in! :D

Also, Reis Reis has been formally accepted!
ShadyAce ShadyAce Awesome, thank you so much! :D

I will update my CS with the corrected coding in a bit.
So pumped to be a part of this team! There's some familiar faces and some new ones, but excited to write with everyone :) Can't wait to see the other characters on board. Anyway, here's my writer's intro:

Brief Introduction: Hey! I'm Semblance (Or Sem- really doesn't matter to me). I just graduated college (or uni, for the Europeans out there) last month and I majored in Biology and Psychology. I'm hoping to be a Physician Assistant in the future (it's sort of like a mini doctor to those who aren't familiar with the title), which requires more grad school. Before I apply though, I'm joining Peace Corps in Cambodia and I leave at the end of October for 2 years, so that's exciting!!

Brief RP Experience: I started RP-ing when I was around 12. Back then, I was obsessed with the Warrior Cats series, so I started RP-ing on a themed website specifically for that book series. Yes... We were all playing as cats and posting one-liners and it was so much fun haha. But that got me into more advanced RP-ing later on in college, which is how I found RPNation! I've been writing on and off on this site for about 3 years now, and boy have I seen it grow

If you could invent a new piece of technology, what would you make? Hmm.... as someone who is going to have to learn a completely new language for the next 2 years, having an automatic translator (perhaps in the form of earbuds or something) would be super helpful

Country and Timezone: USA, EST -4
Fun fact: I think someone already invented an automatic translater for one of the Asian languages. I’ve seen videos circulate before of it. ^^
Fun fact: I think someone already invented an automatic translater for one of the Asian languages. I’ve seen videos circulate before of it. ^^
Oh seriously? That's so cool! I wonder how accurate it is though. It's probably for Chinese, Korean, or Japanese, as those are the more popular Asian languages. I doubt many people speak Khmer outside of Cambodia haha
Heyo, potentially interested in the RP because it looks super good and all, but I've got a question. How long will applications be open for? Noticed this sort of opened up on Monday and would hate to end up being that guy that throws in a character at the very last second or when things are just about to get rolling. Have not managed to read everything as of yet because of business atm so apologies if this is a question that has already been asked and answered before.
SkyGinge SkyGinge
Just edited my post quite a bit per edits requested of me. Idk if any of y'all besides Sky would be interested in rereading, but yeah. >.<
Ok so my phone magically came back to life for about ten minutes and I liked a few posts, but am back home now and have just finished taking a look at things. Regarding characters, Semblance Semblance and Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy have been accepted whilst Lioness075 Lioness075 works on some edits. I believe we should have ShadyAce ShadyAce , Epiphany Epiphany , Lemon Boy Lemon Boy and Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis all working on forms too, which would make our number up to 11 characters, with probably a few more which I'm unaware of. I'm really pleased this RP's been gaining so much ground over the last few days!

In light of Lemon's query I'm just gonna lay out what my plans are going forward. Tomorrow I should finally be getting around to creating the character database (in a trip through the coding underworld that may just drive me mad) and updating some of the lore. This will include the promised notable NPCs section, and a new little section on how language works in Apocalypz inspired by discussion with Fluffy. I'll also be outlining how the structure of the RP is going to work (for those who've been in some of my stuff before, it follows the familiar chapters/objectives structure). I've made some decisions on character application too - firstly, we will definitely be sticking at 1 character each for the foreseeable future. Secondly, I'm going to cap character application at 14 characters. This will be done on a first-come first-served basis, but I won't be 'saving' spots for people - it'll just be that the first people to get accepted by providing great forms will be accepted. The RP may then open up at a later stage dependent on how things go.

As for when the RP will be starting (and how!), that's dependent on a few things, but we will definitely have the opportunity to start writing something by Tuesday at the latest. But I'll be giving some more detail on what exactly will be going on tomorrow.

Hope you're all as hyped as I am!
Brief Introduction:
Hello! I'm Senor Fluffy, feel free to call me Fluffy. I'm a college student, and always looking to develop my creative skills! If you ever notice a habit in my writing, please do hit me up and let me know ways to improve! I am happy to be critiqued if it means I can get better at story writing. Oh! I will be playing Jaako Aguda, your mostly friendly neighborhood frost-shield plasmatic Watcher. :)

Brief RP Experience:
I have roughly five years of experience roleplaying off and on. I am also developing my own story outside of roleplay and might(emphasis on might) eventually have my own thread based in that universe.

If you could invent a new piece of technology, what would you make?:
I would make a little screen which could be worn as a necklace and show the emotion of the wearer. Much like a mood ring that actually works. It would prevent a lot of miscommunication if you didn't have to say anything and your necklace immediately showed that you are fine, not mad or sad. Also you could tell if someone is scared or overwhelmed in a situation and could help accordingly. The possibilities are endless.

Country and Timezone:
'murica, Pacific time (UTC -7)
Last edited:
Brief Introduction:
Hello! I'm Senor Fluffy, feel free to call me Fluffy. I'm a college student, and always looking to develop my creative skills! If you ever notice a habit in my writing, please do hit me up and let me know ways to improve! I am happy to be critiqued if it means I can get better at story writing. Oh! I will be playing Jaako Aguda, your mostly friendly neighborhood frost-shield plasmatic Watcher. :)

Brief RP Experience:
I have roughly five years of experience roleplaying off and on. I am also developing my own story outside of roleplay and might(emphasis on might) eventually have my own thread based in that universe.

If you could invent a new piece of technology, what would you make?:
I would make a little screen which could be worn as a necklace and show the emotion of the wearer. Much like a mood ring that actually works. It would prevent a lot of miscommunication if you didn't have to say anything and your necklace immediately showed that you are fine, not mad or sad. Also you could tell if someone is scared or overwhelmed in a situation and could help accordingly. The possibilities are endless.

Country and Timezone:
'murica, Pacific time (UTC -7)
What an interesting invention, I love that!! I could definitely see some downsides of that tho... What if you're delivering an important presentation at work and your necklace shows how nervous you are, but you're trying to feign confidence? Or what if someone says something in conversation that makes you nostalgic/sad but it has nothing to do with them and the other person misinterprets that?
What an interesting invention, I love that!! I could definitely see some downsides of that tho... What if you're delivering an important presentation at work and your necklace shows how nervous you are, but you're trying to feign confidence? Or what if someone says something in conversation that makes you nostalgic/sad but it has nothing to do with them and the other person misinterprets that?
Good point! I would imagine in a work setting you wouldn't be allowed to wear them because you should keep your personal life away from the workspace. Also people can always not wear the necklaces. If anything the nostalgic/sad things people may bring up can help be an ice breaker and allow for deeper connections between individuals.
Good point! I would imagine in a work setting you wouldn't be allowed to wear them because you should keep your personal life away from the workspace. Also people can always not wear the necklaces. If anything the nostalgic/sad things people may bring up can help be an ice breaker and allow for deeper connections between individuals.
That's true (the discretion of wearing the necklace.) I would imagine most people just wouldn't wear it then, right? Although it would certainly help in therapy sessions or important relationship conversations. And what if the sad/angry thing is connected to something deeply personal (i.e. past abuse) that the person wouldn't be comfortable sharing and only make things awkward?
That's true (the discretion of wearing the necklace.) I would imagine most people just wouldn't wear it then, right? Although it would certainly help in therapy sessions or important relationship conversations. And what if the sad/angry thing is connected to something deeply personal (i.e. past abuse) that the person wouldn't be comfortable sharing and only make things awkward?
It certainly would have a stigma of sorts, yet again it could create confidence when interacting with people you already trust. Since in western culture it makes someone very vulnerable to have their emotions just out in the open. I would hope that if it were something deeply personal the one who is asking about it respects such sensitivities enough to not pry further.
Yeah hopefully! And I would say it's even more vulnerable in Eastern culture, where emotional expression is not as encouraged
Yeah hopefully! And I would say it's even more vulnerable in Eastern culture, where emotional expression is not as encouraged
I wonder if some places would even ban its use! I wouldn't be surprised if it had a negative stigma but I wonder if certain places would go as far as banning their use.
Okay, guys, I swear, the text edits went through properly this time...I hope...>.<
I wonder if some places would even ban its use! I wouldn't be surprised if it had a negative stigma but I wonder if certain places would go as far as banning their use.
Definitely in places like North Korea I could see that happening haha, or perhaps conservative Middle Eastern countries

What if it was used to teach children emotional intelligence? Or even with developing (or adult) psychopaths?

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