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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

Date: July 25
Location: Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

Wait. They had saved someone from a giant Blast...blast...Blastoise? What the hell was that!? And what made it giant? How much bigger did something have to be to be considered giant here? 1.5 times the size? 2? 10!?! He didn't even know if he wanted to think about it. Whatever it had been, from the exchange between the two it seemed it had taken a good number of people working together to stop it entirely, which gave him the impression it was on a Godzilla scale of proportions. Suddenly....now he wanted a Godzilla sized companion. Well, except for having to feed it. Could you imagine how much food that would take? Nooooo thank you.

He flinched his head to get the thoughts out of his brain as the stranger went on to tell them the rules. One pokemon each.That was fair. Given the pokemon he currently had on his team, Theo could really only think of one pokemon that might stand a chance at catching up with the stranger and his Rapidash. Producing a Safari Ball, Theo would release the pokemon it contained behind him, his own Rapidash taking form and shaking the just released jitters off. This was as good a time as any to put Eos through her paces and see what she was really capable of. He did make a mental note of looking up whatever this Arkeus Chris was, though given the way it was used it was likely in reference to a religious deity of some sort. Was it a name? A title? Surely it wasn't a pokemon. That would just be a cruel joke. “What do you say Esther? You go left and I'll go right?”Yes, he could have just walked up, taken the money, and left. But where was the fun in that? This was going to be an excellent learning experience.

Eos turned her attention from her trainer to the other Rapidash, neighing out a hello in poke-speak. There was something different about the Rapidash across from her, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. The other Rapidash was in very good shape, she could tell just from looking at her. She'd make a good running rival. Is that what they were about to do? Here? This was a bad idea, she could just feel it.

Tuesday, August 9th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

Bug Pokemon? Reina wasn't an expert, but she wasn't 100% sure if those were all bug type. Still, they did match the idea of a bug Pokemon. "Oh hey I have a bug Pokemon too. She's an adorable Sycther, very shy. Maybe I can present you to her once this all clears up." Reina sorta of whispered to Jennifer, trying not to talk over the farmer.

"Op! I have no idea what is causing such a mess. Rangers and trainers have been running all around, trying to get this thing a settled but oh they just don't seem to get to the bottom of it." The farmer sighed and scratched his head under his straw hat. "I tell ya what, if somebody did solve it, I would give em 2 dozens of my finest Moomoo milk as a thank you. My poor girls can't go outside to pasture comfortably and they're getting anxious being cooped up all day."

"But any-who!" The farmer began to pick up the empty glass bottles. "Why don't ya'll let your Pokemon take a rest and come on in. We set up beds inside for y'all, they ain't the best but it beats camping out at night with those darn bloodzuckas." He nodded towards his daughter as she picked up the remaining empty bottles and headed inside. "This second barn is all yours, just step through these fine doors. If ya need anything just holler and I'll come running, my wife and daughter are at your service, the least we can do for y'all." With that, he smiled and gave a friendly bow before exiting the barn.

Reina sighed once the farmer left and looked around the trainers and Miltank. "Well I guess we should get some rest. I am a little hungry though. I'll set up my small grill if anyone wants to cook something up. Flor, you mind staying back here? I'm sure you can keep these poor Miltank calm." The Bulbasaur replied with a happy yip and began walking around the barn. "Don't worry Flor prefers to nap when it's sunlight so she's a night Meowth, if anything happens, she'll let us know."

Reina followed after the farmer, leading to a smaller barn with a few beds spread out and some dim lighting. The young trainer set her beg down at the bed nearest to the door and began taking out a small grill. "Anybody know how to make a quick fire? I always struggle since I don't have a fire Pokemon. I really need solve that..." She shook her head as she set the small grill in the middle of the room.

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Dracogar Dracogar Scarletti Scarletti

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Route 41

Rick raised an eyebrow as the girl referred to Iris's transformation back in Yellow Rock. He gave Iris a side look before asking: "What's smurfing?" The mare simply shrugged, knowing as much as him, before he looked at the girl again. "What you saw on the beach is the kind of stuff that is reserved for emergencies. So unless Lugia comes out to play with us, which... honestly it wouldn't surprise me by now given our record... I see no reason to resort to that. Besides, if I wanted to make it impossible for you, I'd just give the envelope to my Dragonair and then you'd better have a flyer with you." He told her. While Rick waited for them to make their preparations, he counted the bills on the envelope and sealed it, so the money wouldn't just scatter all over. He was not gonna dive into the ocean to pick it up, he tested the waters too many times already. He stashed what was left into his beltpocket and looked down at the trainers again. "Alright guys! Your prize is ready. Lets have some fun here!" Rick said, holding the envelope with two fingers.

While one of the trainers already had a Bounsweet out, she ended up switching to a Surskit instead, which was indeed a much more appropriate pokémon for the task. Maybe not for actually grabbing the envelope, but those things were deceivingly fast. Rick's eyes shifted towards the other trainer as he sent out their pokémon, which so happened to be a Rapidash as well, to much of Rick's and Iris's surprise. "So much for her biting your finger off, and you happen to have one of your own afterall?" He commented, raising an eyebrow and rubbing his hair. He didn't know this guy's backstory with his Rapidash. Maybe it did try to bite his finger in their early days and got traumatized? But he also didn't feel like going too deep into that for now. It's not every day he finds a trainer with a Rapidash aside from Flint, so he was at least interested in seeing how this one would go. Iris stared down at the Rapidash as the latter let out a friendly nicker, before giving Rick a side glance. "Well you can hurt that one. A little. No stabbing." He told Iris.

Hearing the two talking made Rick frown a little. He started questioning this supposed "animosity" between the two. The girl talked like she wanted the other guy to go to jail for harassment, but the latter was being too nice in spite of the accusations. Rick shrugged away that thought for now. He knew how much money can affect people. "Actually, you need to go up first, or make me go down there." He said to them, as one of them asked if they should approach from different directions. Depending on whether they were actual enemies or friends in disguise, this could either go on forever or be over relatively quick. As long as it was entertaining, he didn't mind either way.

Friday, July 25th — 9:16 a.m.

Esther Rosana Sophys
Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: R Rydge | Theo713 Theo713
Mentions: N/A


“Watch your step!” Esther didn’t respond to Theo, she merely winked in his direction and then set about her mischief. She was in no rush to go after the man and his Rapidash. After all, he had perched himself in a nice, visible, and somewhat isolated location. He wasn’t going anywhere without her noticing so why would she want to move him? No, no! Haste makes waste! She would go after him but only after she had made sure he’d have nowhere to go.

“Alright, Susu let’s get to work! «Soak» this deck.”

Soak wasn’t a move Esther had ever used before, but according to what she’d read in her AttackDex, Soak replaced the type of whatever Pokémon it hit with the water type. Thus, Esther figured the water produced by Soak was somehow thicker and more…watery. Whatever the process behind the move was, the Oblivian was pleased with the deluge that began to squirt from Susu’s antennae. It would take a few seconds for cover the entire deck but soon enough deck would be slick and slippery, not at all the kind of surface Rapidash and its hooves would have an easy time traversing.

While Susu worked Esther kept a vigilant watch on Rick. She couldn’t have him running off before her preparations were complete. Hopefully, Theo would keep him occupied whilst not slipping in Soak himself.

$??? | Pokéball x??? | PokéToy | Practice Ball | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

Johnathan Grayson
July 25th - Cianwood City, Johto Region

Interactions: Nakano Saito (Merciless Medic)

Johnathan blinked when Nakano asked him about what potential Legendary he could catch and started to ponder. "Hmmm, great question. Perhaps one of the legendary birds seen from either Kanto or Galar... or even the beasts of Johto... the giants of Hoenn... the Swords of Justice of Unova... but if I had to pick one from any one of those groups, I'd pick... uh... uuuuuuuhhhhh..." Johnathan started to think a lot harder than before as if he tried to figure out the correct answer in a difficult school test to the point where he seemed to zone out... Because he didn't even seem to notice his Wigglytuff reach her hand out to grab Nakano's wrist when she went to pet the Pokemon's head.

She didn't care that Nakano said she wasn't a danger to them, she didn't care that Johnathan gave the girl his permission to pet her, only her beloved trainer was allowed such a privilege! The look on Wigglytuff's face showed a menacing frown with a gaze that looked as if she stared directly in to Nakano's soul while her grip grew strong enough to hurt the poor girl. Once again she had to teach another one a lesson that absolutely nobody was allowed to mess with her or Johnathan...


...and Johnathan was far too deep in thinking to even notice what was happening.

Nakano Saito1705296080227.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: S.S. Mariné on Route 41, Johto
Interactions: Johnathan Grayson
Mentions: N/A

Red Guy Red Guy
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

As Johnathan thought about his answer, Naka had a peculiarly aggressive reaction from the Wigglytuff.

The scowl did nothing to scare her, but it should have warned her about potential retaliation. The grip hurt, but it wasn't enough to completely break her wrist, the only expression that betrayed that she was feeling anything was a slight wince from the pain. However, sensing danger, her Pokemon released itself from their ball, waking up her Chikorita. While the small dino Pokemon on Naka's shoulder looked about in a daze, the one who revealed himself was her Sceptile, who hissed menacingly at the Wigglytuff to let go.

"Let go of her, you manic puffball. Or else I'll turn you into fur bootsss..." Silenus said in Pokespeak.

Naka managed to wrestle her wrist out of the Wigglytuff's grasp, lightly rubbing her wrist but not showing any fear still. Sure, the Wigglytuff's gaze would make someone balk, but Naka wasn't normal. Definitely didn't feel normal either considering her emotions were still being affected by other Water-Types nearby.

At least the researcher knew not to touch the Normal/Fairy-Type in the future. Some Fairy-Types were rather aggressively territorial and almost yandere-like in nature, and the Wigglytuff was acting in a similar way to the stereotype.

Patting the Sceptile's snout to calm him and surprise him out of his anger, she looked over at Johnathan. "Huh, those are quite the selection you have. If it's me, I'd like to just see Volcanion up close. Not to catch one, but just to encounter one." She looked at the Wigglytuff, giving the puffball a grin.

A creepy one, just to spite the thing for doing the same to her.

~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Cianwood docks, SS Mainé, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond...~

As Aldon sat there in his beach chair chilling, not a care in the world with the breeze blowing through his hair. Skol laid there motionless equally, tail whipping around in the wind. Aldon lazily leaned slightly to the left so to reach the outstretched straw which rest inside of a soda can. Boat trip was lazy trip. The man wasn't even wearing shoes or socks, the only thing that touched those feet were vibes.

He took a long sip from his drink as he listened to Desmond. Propping himself up against his elbow and turning towards Desmond. The purple haired boy blinked then fell back onto his seat.

"Nice...! Maybe spot the elusive diving pokémon. The guardian which sleeps beneath the deep-sea trench and raging storm with devastating power" Aldon's voice changed to a more serious tone, replacing his carefree attitude shifted into a cold dour humorless one. He choked on his drink for a moment before wiping his face. A cheerful smile lie on his chin as he cleared his throat.

"I'm going ruin hunting! I've done some research and theres one near Ecruteak City. A bit of a distance away, so I'll probably make a few stops along the way. It'll be great fun!" Aldon spoke with barely restrained excitement. With clenched fists, he scanned the ocean horizon, with eager joy.
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Tuesday August 9th Route 39
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Mareep(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

Hecotoro Hecotoro , Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Dracogar Dracogar Scarletti Scarletti

With that done, Andy sees a girl walk in handing out Moomoo milk no doubt from the miltank of the farmers. Andy then heads to the girl with her Mawile, "Thank you for finding that stray Miltank miss." he says cordially. The farmer also gives everyone a grateful smile, "Thank you all so much, my wife and daughter are preparing some refreshments, feel free to relax. The Zubat haven't been able to break the roof yet. Today it felt calm so I took the girls out to pasture since we've been held up in here for a week now, but as soon as we did the swarm swooped in. Thank Ho-oh y'all came around to help."

"Glad to be of some help sir, it's no problem" Andy replies watching Jennifers Gligar try and get the Ledian to chase it. He would let his fainted pokemon snooze, they would need quite a bit of recovery time before they were in battling shape again. Thankfully, the farmer offers them all to rest in the second barn. Andy gladly takes this offer, the farmer leaving the barn soon after leaving the anxious cow pokemon and the other trainers.

Reina then speaks up, "Well I guess we should get some rest. I am a little hungry though. I'll set up my small grill if anyone wants to cook something up. Flor, you mind staying back here? I'm sure you can keep these poor Miltank calm." The Bulbasaur replied with a happy yip and began walking around the barn. "Don't worry Flor prefers to nap when it's sunlight so she's a night Meowth, if anything happens, she'll let us know."

"I can try making something, more an aspiring baker, " he nods nevertheless trying to make what would essentially be mini sliders for everyone should they want it after setting up a small fire using small rocks and a bit of hay. This takes a good 20 minutes making enough for everyone; quickly snuffing out the fire when done in case the bats come back. His Pokemon would have the Moomoo milk and some veggies instead, Tesla being an herbivore. Andy takes his time feeding the tiny star shape pokemon from a glass bottle while he cradles her gently. This, along with a gentle rocking, eventually puts her to sleep, the sheep cuddling up to the 2 babies using its wool as an electric blanket to keep them warm. Once the pokemon are asleep, Andy looks to get some sleep as well in one of the beds.
Date: July 25
Location: Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

There they went again. Naming off more pokemon he knew absolutely nothing about. Lugia gave absolutely no indication as to what it could be. But Dragonair? He could only imagine a pale white, almost translucent appearing Celtic dragon.Which then begged the question how would anyone, people and pokemon alike, know where or how to spot it? Could they just fly overhead without anyone noticing? He bet there was more than one report of two Dragonair crashing in to one another in some remote area somewhere.

“Well, you know. These things happen” was his reply to the man making the statement that he had his own Rapidash, offering alight shrug. He remembered looking at the information on all the pokemon he caught the day before after their excursion to the Safari Zone, but he only briefly glanced over it. He remembered that a good portion of Eos' known moves were fire based, which he wasn't too sure he wanted to use given they were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Then he put on his big boy trainer shorts and made a few,hopefully correct, assumptions. The first was that, given this world's ways with battling, a battle could happen anywhere at any given time. Even on ships like this. So the ship itself should be made out of material strong enough to withstand some pretty intense damage, right? And two, given that this stranger had a Rapidash, then surely the pokemon itself knew how to guard against attacks it either knows currently or knew at one time.

But what were all of those attacks again? Flame Charge. Fire Blast. Flare Blitz. None of those sounded like the one he was looking for. Ooh yeah! “Eos, use Fire Spin” The Rapidash breathed in deeply before releasing a stream of fire in the mast's direction, a vortex of fire meant to keep the man and his horse in place while Esther set in to motion what ever plan she had in store.
Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Cianwood City Docks, Johto (July 25th)

Interactions: ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon)​

"You certainly know how to put some flair on that old legend." Desmond mused, he had no idea if such a legendary Pokemon really could be found there but it was one of those wonders of life that had put him on this path to begin with. Well, one of the reasons anyway as he unconsciously clutched his locket around the neck as he listened to Aldon.

"Hum, ah yes those ruins. To be honest that was on my to do list so, who knows, we may be able to time least exploring one of them together. I-if you have interest of course." Demsond said, as he was still not the most well versed in this social conversation stuff.

Still, he had been the guy he got along with the most here of anyone in this party, well Emma is the one other contender but she had only recently met up back with him after their initial meeting at the Bug Catching Contest. Beyond that, having someone with him to explore the ruins would be helpful to avoid him chickening out or something had he gone solo.

As if on cue here, his own Pokemon Politoed popped out which spooked Desmond to reinforce that idea as Politoed seemed to smile happily and waved to Skol. "Politoed~!"
Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Route 41

Rick leaned on the mast with arms crossed and just looked on, waiting to see what both trainers would do. He primarily focused on the girl and her Surskit, which were already making their move. He raised an eyebrow as the bug-type spurted water from its antenna, soaking the floor all over and allowing the water strider to skate across the floor, while at the same time making it too slippery for Iris's hooves to get a grip. Once she was there, at least. They didn't seem in a hurry to bring them down to their level just yet. Rick glanced at Iris with a grin. "Look! This one actually seems to know what she's doing." He muttered. This looked promising so far. This girl seemed to have this thing called strategy. Unlike those randoms who just aimed for direct attacks and then wondered why they can't land a single hit. Rick wondered if the girl was aware of how the wet floor would impact the other Rapidash, though. Assuming it wasn't an overlook, she was either hoping for them to be able to handle it, or the two were acting independently and she was trying to hit two pidgeys with one geodude.

Speaking of which, Rick then glanced over the other trainer and his Rapidash. But since there was still no action on their part - "Well then. Don't mind if we make us a bit more comfortable. Make it shine!" - He turned to Iris, pointing at the sky. The mare raised her head and pointed her horn at the sky. As she was about to use Sunny Day, Rick's eyes shifted towards the Rapidash trainer, as he heard the command for Fire Spin. "Seriously?" Rick muttered, his eyes widened as a stream of flames rushed his way. Yet, he simply stood there, unconcerned. As the flames struck the mast's platform, and before they could fully shape into a vortex, they swerved towards Iris as they started getting absorbed by her Flash Fire, causing her mane to flare up and her coat to glow. Rick blinked twice, before questioning the trainer. "Boy, how long do you have that Rapidash? You can't use fire against one unless you're sure they're not the kind with Flash Fire. 'Cause if they are, they'll just absorb it, making them stronger." He told him.

Rick shook his head. Flash Fire aside, using Fire Spin against a pokémon that resists it just with the intent of trapping them wasn't that bad of an idea. However, in this case in particular, it didn't make much sense anyway. Why would one try to trap them in the mast, while the other set up the deck for when they came down? Sounded counter-intuitive and was starting to convince him that these two were just doing their own thing. Rick shrugged the thought. "Anyways! Where were we?" After the interruption, Iris shot a thin beam of light into the sky, scattering the clouds and allowing the full sunlight to reach the deck.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, SS Mainé...~
~interactions: Desmond...~


As Aldon got up, he walked over to the boat railings, leaning over the side ever so slightly, enjoying the breeze and the birds. He turned to look at Desmond whom seemed to quickly catch Aldon's legendary tale.

"Haven't seen it myself, but you never know!" Aldon commented, turning his gaze back to the ocean. He even brought a pocket full of dinner rolls which had certainly looked like they seen better days. Ripping them up like paper then tossing them to the wind for the wingull to catch. Watching them spin and do loops in the air to catch bread did not fail to make him chuckle. Without looking back, he listened to Desmond share his peaked interest in ruin exploration.

"It really is something else. They're the places where I met most of my pokémon after all. Some of them, the energy just feels different. Like dialga froze time there or something." Aldon commented. Skol was now sitting on the chair, Aldon had previously sat on. His sidekick was remarkably alert and chipper. It were as if Aldon's hobbies were rubbing off on him. Skol noticed politoed's wave and exchanged waves.

"Poke poke poke" Skol chimed in.
Johnathan Grayson
July 25th - Cianwood City, Johto Region

Interactions: Nakano Saito (Merciless Medic)

Wigglytuff was undeterred, not by the look Naka gave her, not by the sudden appearance of her Sceptile, not by the threat he gave her which forced her already wide smile to get even wider from amusement at the idea that the lizard was able to scare her. When Naka tried to move her hand free, Wigglytuff didn't make it easy, she made sure it hurt a lot before then as her gaze focused on Sceptile.

"You look as weak and empty as your threat, I'm going to enjoy putting you in your place." Wigglytuff responded with an adorable tone of voice, but anyone could sense the sheer malice and violence that radiated from those words, what she said certainly didn't sound like it was an empty threat. It wasn't the first time someone threatened to get between her and her beloved Johnathan, she did her very best to make sure nobody stood in her way, not even Johnathan's other Pokemon... except for Salamence that is since he was the only one besides Johnathan that she knew she could trust.

"I bet your skin will make for a lovely coat, I'll make sure you're still alive as I peel it o-" She continued to threaten them both before her mood and expression changed back to quiet, sweet and adorable the millisecond she heard a familiar voice.

"Honestly, there are so many amazing Pokemon out there that it'd be 'ard for me to choose just one, I'll just see where my journey takes me, who I end up meeting and who I end up earnin' the respect of. The fact I dunno which one I can decide or the fact I dunno which one I'll come face to face with is half the fun when it comes to journeyin'." Johnathan finally replied after what seemed like an eternity of deep thinking, he only heard 'Volcanion' from Naka which he slowly nodded in response to before he blinked in surprise when he noticed that her Sceptile was out. "Wow, cool Sceptile ya got there." He complimented, completely oblivious to the threat exchange that happened right next to him.

Friday, July 25th — 9:17 a.m.

Esther Rosana Sophys
Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: R Rydge | Theo713 Theo713
Mentions: N/A


Sunny Day? Esther’s brows squeezed together, and she eyed the liquid film she’d layered over the deck. Would the sun quick-dry the deck? Or did their opponent plan to follow up with a fire-type move? Esther’s eyes were drawn to Rapidash’s flaming mane. Its flames had bolstered when it absorbed the fire of Theo’s attack and then redoubled once more, raging beneath the light of the brightened sun. It didn’t take a genius figure out whatever fire type move it launched next would be far more powerful than normal. Esther was under no illusion that the bit of water she had slicked the deck with would withstand the heat of such an attack; frankly, she wasn’t sure the boat beneath them would survive it either.

Esther’s mind worked furiously for a solution. Fact of the matter was that if that Rapidash launched a powerful fire attack then there wasn’t much Esther could do to stop it. The most she could do was…bet on his inaction? Would he really launch such a powerful fire-move at the ship? That sounded like a worthwhile gamble, any attack that didn’t destroy the ship would probably be weakened and then—and only then—might she be able to contest it with a move of her own. However… the Oblivian’s gaze turned to Theo.

“You—can your Rapidash do that too? Absorb the flames I mean. Well, doesn’t matter—I’m gonna try something so I’m leaving down here to you. Make sure to block any blast of fire coming this way. Uhh…good luck?”

Honestly, if Theo’s Rapidash couldn’t do that too then they were pretty screwed either way. Since that was the case, why fuss over it? Esther licked her lips and eyed the ship’s mast. Time to climb!

“Susu, cover me with—«Bubblebeam – Special»!”

While their foe might not just let Esther climb up the mast, she figured she’d give him some trouble to deal with while she climbed. Of course, Esther didn’t think that would actually cause him much trouble and her real aim was in gauging his response. She had a scheme in mind but…well, Theo might suffer a bit.

Oh well!

Esther rolled up her sleeves and got to climbing while Susu skittered up the mast and released a font of bubbles straight up at Rick!

$??? | Pokéball x??? | PokéToy | Practice Ball | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

Last edited:

Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

The next day, the sunrise brought a few moments of silence. Reina woke up, having barely gotten any sleep due to the Zubat trying to break into the farm. She picked up her things and made sure her Bulbasaur was okay, getting a happy yelp from her once she saw her trainer walk into the farm. With the permission of the farmer, Rein was able to get a warm shower and then got a courtesy breakfast from the farmer and his family. Finally, Reina and the farmer walked outside.

"Can't believe there are still so many of them..." Reina said as she looked up at the sky, watching several flocks of Zubat moving about, not as many as the night before where even the moon was not visible, but enough to make trainers consider not wondering alone. "I hope the league solves this soon, it's terrible to travel around like this."

"Well thank ya and yer fellas for helping out, I recon you be leaving soon?" The farmer adjusted his overalls with a loud sigh.

"No sir, we can't leave like this. There must be a system we can use to allow your Miltank to eat without being in danger." Once Andy was with them Reina turned to face him and the farmer. "Any thoughts? We have some good Pokemon with us. There must be a way to keep you all safe, at least until the league or the rangers can resolve this. Unless, you're planning on leaving, Andy?"

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd


Jennifer, Violet City's Gym, Johto, July 25th
Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Jennifer felt anxious, feeling this may be the demise of her lovely Trapinch that fought so hard for her. She was proud of her favorite bug as the Natu's ghostly aura shot after Trapinch. She watched as her Trapinch fainted before taking a breath. She could do this, she returned her Trapinch before calling out her next Pokemon.
"Go Gligar! Quickly use Knock Off!"
The flying scorpion entered the field, quickly shortening the distance between the two Pokémon, its claw glowing in a similar dark aura as Bite.
The air space would no longer be a safe zone for Falkner's flying types.
Date: July 25
Location: Route 41 (Sea)
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Rick R Rydge

The fire spun wildly and ferociously,Theo hoping the man was going to be alright. But just as they came to the man and his Rapidash they vanished, and in their absence the flaming mane of the Rapidash grew in intensity. That! Was some video game bullshit right there if he had ever seen it. And then the man spoke in what Theo took to be a condescending manner. “Ok, so first off, I have a name, and it's not boy. You're not my dad, and you're not Kratos.” He quickly eyed the man up and down before continuing “Clearly. Alright. Second. Yesterday. Do with that what you will.” The disrespect was strong with this guy, wasn't it? He personally thought the plan was a good one. Lock the guy in place while Esther made with her strategy. How was he supposed to know the other guy's Rapidash had Flash Fire? And how was he supposed to know what that even meant? It's not like it came with a warning label or anything. He figured it wouldn't hurt the fire horse because it was a fire type. He didn't know it would absorb the flames entirely!

“Again with th...I have a name. You know my name.You have some variation of it saved in your phone. I am hurt, nay,offended even, that you didn't use it just now.” As for her question, he was about to answer when she said it didn't matter.“Eos, can you absorb fire like that?” The horse responded by neighing and shaking her head, Theo nodding. “Right. Got it.Then...” Then how was he supposed to keep the lower deck safe from whatever the other Rapidash threw at them? He just tried fighting fire with fire and that hadn't worked out too well.

He watched as Esther began her climb up the mast of her own power, Theo shaking his head. “Doesn't she know he's just going to jump away when she gets ¾ of the way up there?” Huh. That gave him an idea.“Hey Eos. If he does jump, I want you to jump at him and do the thing you did yesterday against that big bird. You know, with the fire and the jump and the swoosh.” Now he was regretting not offering up the name Zhu Li to the Rapidash. Eos replied with a heavy exhale of acknowledgment. Even if he could absorb the flames from the attack that would be coming his way, stopping the full weight of a charging horse was an entirely different story.
Tuesday August 9th Route 39
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Mareep(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

Once Andy wakes up on the next day, things were only a little bit better. Thanks to the many Zubat trying to get into the farm, he didn't get much sleep either . At least his pokemon were okay; dealing with these bats was proving quite the annoyance for them and dangerous for the farmer and his miltank.

There were still quite the swarm of them, even with all they did the night before. "Can't believe there are still so many of them... I hope the league solves this soon, it's terrible to travel around like this."

"No, it really isn't" Andy agrees looking to Reina, "We can't just leave them like this so im not going anywhere till we have the league or Rangers on this issue. As for how to deal with this swarm, do we have any natural predators to Zubat? or a way to have the Miltanks graze in the barn? Not the best idea as they do need to roam but its a thought at least." as he isn't quite sure how to quell swarms too much.

Hecotoro Hecotoro Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Dracogar Dracogar Scarletti Scarletti
Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
SS Maine, Johto (July 25th)
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101

Politoed seemed happy to see Skol once more, as a familiar face only made this little cruise that much more exciting! It hopped over by the fellow Water type and as it returned its greeting it couldn't help but try to catch up and see how it was feeling.

"Politoed~!?" ("Good to see you, enjoying the cruise!?")

During the Poke Conversation of sorts, Desmond had been locked with his own dialogue with Aldon as mid-talk Aldon seemed to toss some scraps towards some Wingull who flew or swam by the boat which their presence had been something that nerved him but he managed to adjust as the ship moved along and the young photographer nodded along to his words. "Indeed seeing is believing part of what brought me to this point."

"Such wonders are something that's had my interest for a while. Ironic, I can barley handle a Skitty crossing my path yet the thought of going to a vast network or a mysterious dungeon has me excited. I feel like I am a walking contradiction." Desmond said, fully aware that his Poke-Phobia was a constant hinderance given his career choice but a bit late to pivot course now.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Cianwood docks, SS Mainé, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond...~

Skol did not hear Politoad, for the jolly pink pokémon who seemed to be gazing into the distance. Occasionally his eyes would turn as if to be looking at something.

"Slo poke poke... (Nothing is real and all life as we know of is proof of it)" Skol closed his eyes with a satisfied grin. Opening them, he stood there in silence before his vacant eyes fell on Politoad. Skol bobbed his head in joy and whipped his tail around eagerly.

"Slooo (Hello, friend. The sun is shining, and the clouds are singing. How are you?). Waves rippled by and Aldon continued to watch the view, but now with his hands resting over his eyes so that he might look further at sea without the sun's bright rays distraction.

"Stepping out of your comfort zone also helps you discover new hobbies and maybe a thing or two tou didn't already know about yourself" Aldon replied.

Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

"Well aren't y'all sweet n stuff. Welp, I rekon we could think of some-thin. As long as my sweet lil ol Miltank can get some field time, for n hour or so, that should help." The farmer scratched the back of his head, trying to come up with a solution along with the others.

"Well, is there something that Zubat don't like?" Reina crossed her arms and walked back and forth, looking around as if hoping the solution would appear before her. "I got it!" Reina slammed her fist on her palm and turned to face the group with eagerness in her eyes. "Mint! Oh and canela... I think you call it syna-... hmmm synunnum?"

The farmer chuckled, "If yer talkin flavors like mint, you must mean cinnamon."

"That's it!" Reina pointed at the swarm of flying Pokemon. "Back in my home town, my grandma used to set up bags of mint and cinnamon to keep Zubat away from our farms, since they would scare the Pokemon there. So, if we can have your Miltank be covered in something that gives off a minty or cinnamon smell, the Zubat should not see them as food! What do you think Andy?"

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Tuesday August 9th Route 39
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Mareep(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

"Hmm, I've never heard of smells like mint or cinnamon keeping Zubats away but definitely worth a try." he says to Reina before turning to the farmer, "I currently don't have either one of these on me at the moment, though even something like a mint plant would work. That is, assuming you don't just have some of that spice around already?"

Hecotoro Hecotoro
Last edited:
Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Route 41

Rick raised an eyebrow, as the trainer expressed their discontent about not being called by his name. Rick was silent for a moment. He didn't know "boy" could be seen as offensive to some, but he was even confused by him saying that he should know his name. Rick rolled his eyes, thinking. He mentioned his father, and some other Kratos guy. Maybe he had a troubled relationship with those two who called him "boy" and that was the reason? "Why, I'm sorry... but I actually don't know your name. And we never met before, so I couldn't have it recorded on my phone either... specially since I don't have my phone in the first place!" He told him, scratching the back of his head. "You can always tell me, though. Hi! I'm Rick! She's Iris! More details once we're finished." He said, waving at them, before crossing arms again.

Rick's attention then shifted towards the Surskit's trainer, as she made her way to the mast's ladder and started climbing. Rick wasn't much concerned about it. Iris's tail was on the way, so the girl would be holding on to that ladder for quite a while until Iris was forced out of position. Then again, this girl had shown to have pretty strong arms and a good grip back in Yellow Rock, so Rick didn't discard the possibility of her shimmy around and up the rails. Worst case scenario, they would simply jump off the mast once she pulled herself up. While he was looking at her, he saw from the corner of his eye a jet of bubbles coming his way. "Hehey, she's targeting me? I like this girl's attitude!" He exclaimed, before snapping fingers. Iris swinged her head, and her flames started swirling around the mast and forming a Fire Spin about 6 feet tall to serve as a barrier against the Bubblebeam and also hide them.

Too bad it also took the privileged sight from Rick. The Surskit and her trainer probably wouldn't be a concern for as long as the vortex was raging, but the other Rapidash could simply leap into the platform if they wanted. So he climbed the mast to the very top to take a look at what's going on at the deck. The Rapidash and his trainer seemed to be just looking on and waiting. Rick frowned. If they were waiting for them, then they'd be waiting for a long time, 'cause Rick had no intentions to leave. He liked that spot. Though, he was curious to see what would happen if they did leave. "Hey, you guys wanna see a magic trick? I call this one The Splits!" He shouted, pointing out. Iris then leapt out of the vortex into the air without disturbing the flames. Her mane and coat also seemed to be back to normal despite her Flash Fire.

Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

"I recon I don't got any." The farmer said a bit disappointed, his eyes set on the swarms flying around the farm in the sky.

"Don't worry mister, we are near Olivine, a port. That means lots of spices and herbs are brought in and out through trade. We should be able to find a distributor if we ask around." Reina adjusted her backpack with a confident grin. "Come on, Andy. The faster we get to the Olivine, the faster we can come back and set everything up." With that, the duo departed the farm, with the hopes and prayers of the kind family on their shoulders, wishing the trainers would come back with a solution to their problems.

Olivine City.

Reina and Andy were soon upon the port city once more, the place busy and crowded as people ran away from the Zubat while trying to do their daily routines. The port of course, was easy to find, it was the bussiest and most populated place. There were endless stands of different materials, goodies and all kinds of exotic shops all over the shore. It was making Reina worry a bit about finding the materials they were actuallly looking for.

"Alrigh Andy, I think we should split up. First we should locate where to get mint or cinnamon and then meet up to agree which vender or distributor will make a better offer." Reina whistled and looked around. "We sure have our work cut out for us. But, such is the life of a trainer, right?" She smiled at Andy and turned to leave, "Meet here in an hour!"

Interactions: mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Tuesday August 9th Route 39
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Mareep(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

"I recon I don't got any"

"That's fine, just means we have to buy some" Reina adding that Olivine being a port town would have lots of various herbs and spices to buy.

Olivine City

Now back in Olivine for the moment with Reina both know what they are looking for "Alright Andy, I think we should split up. First we should locate where to get mint or cinnamon and then meet up to agree which vender or distributor will make a better offer. Meet here in an hour!"

"Works for me" Andy nods as Reina leaves and Andy gives another look over to the many vendors around the area,most just selling either baubles or other herbs and spices not needed for the current issue at hand but as he and his pokemon continue walking around they do see vendors as well as a little herbal store selling both spices but for a marked up price. "Hmm, seems we have a lot of options here, plus I need a few things myself" not too much other things around concerning mint and cinnamon appear for the next 20 minutes and as such he would keep the ones he did see in mind before heading back by Olivine Lighthouse as the meeting point,

Hecotoro Hecotoro

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