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Fandom Pokémon: Alola (Roleplay Thread)


July 27th, Melemele Island
Interactions: Reina ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )

"Mhmm...mhm...Of course you'd get beaten by a dragon specialist with your own dragon." Vinno mumbled in-between eating her food. "Dragon Pokemon are strong, at least statistically, but they're volatile to train, especially when pitted against each other." She added while looking over at Reina. Vinno didn't want to make assumptions about someone she had just hung out with for a day, but Reina seemed like the type to have her emotions overrun her. Well, she also partially admitted to it.

"I know it seems pretty cool to like, uh, have a dragon showdown or something, but strategically that just isn't great, especially since you're up against someone who knows all about dragons. If you can't get the first-move advantage, you're just going to get steamrolled. Dragons are weak against each other afterall." Vinno suggested, that although it was a viable strategy to battle a dragon specialist with your own dragon types, it was a risky one as well due to the double-edged nature of the type. If one can't gain momentum fast, they'll wind up on the defensive, which usually spells defeat in such a match-up.

Vinno tilted her head a bit and looked at Reina, it wasn't uncommon to have trainers that disliked losing, but it was the way they handled loss that was the key. "So...you think mastering Z-moves can help you win more? Why is that? Do you have battle plans built around one?" Vinno asked, a bit more sternly this time.

"...It doesn't matter, all of it. Z crystals, terastellization orbs, mega stones, dynamax bands...if you never understand how they fit into your battle style and your battle plan, they'll wind up as shiny trinkets and pointless spectacles in the end." Vinno sighed and took a sip of lemonade as well. "I've seen plenty of trainers who'll say things like that, 'only if my Pokemon could mega evolve', 'only if I mastered Z moves', but they just sought after power, and power will only ever get you so far. Most of the time people don't lose gym battles because they lack power - the gym system isn't set up in such a way." Vinno said while quietly sipping her drink, eyes closed serenely.

"So tell me, Reina, why do you think you lost those gym battles?"

July 27th, Melemele Island, Route 2, Reina Amaranta Esmeralda de la Santa Cruz Caballero Cortez, Rank 29,574. Team: Hawlucha Blue Demon

"I don't know?" Reina groaned and leaned back on her chair. "First I thought we lacked power, but the gym leaders fight us at an even power level so that can't be it. Then I thought maybe we need better strategies but I've won using the most simple ones, to some deep thought out ones and some have just been luck! Chuck says I need to concentrate on the battle more, focus focus foucs. That's all I've been getting. I'm doing meditation, going back to the basics and this Z-move is supposed to help me with all of that somehow."

She pouted for a second or two, but then reached out for some berry, biting into it. "I guess I can't fix it on my first day here huh?" With a smile she shrugged it off and went back to her cheerful self. "But I really appreciate any and all advice you have to give me Vinno. You must know a lot because you are always watching strong trainers, right?"

Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, x6 Sitrus Berry, x5 Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR Undecided



July 27th, Melemele Island
Interactions: Reina ( Hecotoro Hecotoro )

"Mhmm..." Vinno tilted her head, seeming lost in thought. Reina appears to have a grasp of what she has done right and wrong in the past, even if it was tenuous.

"Well, even if gym leaders are top trainers, they're still people. People have different personalities and battle styles, so there's no one-size-fits-all all solution. You might be able to beat some of them with simple strategies, while others would totally shut them down." Vinno sat back and replied to the other girl's confusion.

When Reina mentioned how she must know a lot because of her battle watching experience, Vinno looked away for a bit. She looked lost in thought while clenching her hands underneath the table. "I...Perhaps. Perhaps I do..." She muttered. "But...I'm not actually good at battling." The girl finally sighed out. "Even though a lot of people ask me for advice, and I do talk about it quite a bit...when it comes to doing it myself...I don't perform too well." She added, though not as melancholic as before.

"It's easy to understand what to do if you removed yourself from the battle, perhaps that's what your master meant. It's much more difficult to make proper decisions when you are in the heat of the moment."

July 27th, Melemele Island, Route 2, Reina Amaranta Esmeralda de la Santa Cruz Caballero Cortez, Rank 29,574. Team: Hawlucha Blue Demon

Reina looked at Vinno with a lost expression on her face. Then, out of nowhere, her face lit up, almost seeing the light bulb switch on over her head. "You're a genius!" She cried out loud, getting some others from the table to look over their way. "We don't need to be the perfect battle tag team, to be a team. If you're not busy, could you stick around for a while? If me and Blue take on some Alola trainers, you could give us some pointers. See, Blue Demon is determined to nail that Z-Move, but I'm pretty sure it's my little of focus, in battle and during the training, that's keeping us from ash- ashea, reaching it! Could you watch us please? In return, we can practice some battles together or team up like today, you have to admit we were an awesome team."

Reina's eyes lit up with emotion and inspiration, as her ancestors did when they saw the gold in Metztli before taking over. "Oh pero que genial seria!" She threw her hands into the air and sighed. "Sorry, I get carried away. If you're not sure, at least sleep over it? This could probably be better with a friend." She gave Vinno a smile as she reached for her lemonade glass, "I almost forgot, a toast, to our friendship!" She held up her glass, waiting for Vinno before drinking the remaining liquid in it.

Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, x6 Sitrus Berry, x5 Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR Undecided


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