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Fandom PokeHumans ((Need trainers))

There will be more questions......... 1st: Should I allow limited legendaries in the next rp?

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Katy frowns. "Err...Kenzie, are you sure this is a good idea? Humans and pokehumans don't generally get along..."
Kenzie looked at her" you may be right what you want to do go to the forest or something" she say
Kenzie went to the forest wit her freind as she smiled climbing a tree as she liked being in the outdoors
Katy climbed the tree after Kenzie, smiling. "You know, it's strange. I always thought that there was no one in the world I could trust. But then I met you."
Kenzie looked at her" really i glad you took me as your slave i glad your my friend it been a while since i made a friend" she say as she smiled climbing the tree
Kenzie just smiled" i like being your friend" she say smiling" i had deprission before i met you" she say
Katy smiles. "Depression, that reminds me of one of the scientists at Team Rocket. He was a nice guy, but ended up committing suicide because he was disgusted by the things he was being forced to do."
Kenzie just looked sad" i'm sorry after we get the landiares birds we can force the boss to resign" she say to her
Kenzie just looked at her" come on don't be mad i want you to be happy" she say" i put master in bad mood i'm sorry" she say
Katy sighs. "No, you didn't put me in a bad mood, I put myself into one. Once I get into a bad mood it's hard to get me out of one."
Kenzie looked at her" what can i do" she say as she smiled to her as she jumped out of the tree as she was tree as she hit a rock" owie that hurts" she say trying to make her happy
Kenzie just nodded as she went back to the house as she saw the boss of team rocket as she didn't know what he was doing there
Kenzie just froze" i dunno he always come after me and my brother" she say scared as she saw her charging after him" what the hell you want why can't you leave us alone" she say mad
Giovianni was really passed out when he woke up" i give you my position of being boss" he say

Kenzie used flamethrower on him as she was pissed as she got on him as she punched him over and over again" YOU KILLED MY FAMILY" she yelled at him
Katy frowns. "Well, that was easy." She says, pulling a knife out of her pocket and stabbing Giovanni in the neck. "And now you're going to die, see you in hell."

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