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Fantasy Plots, betrayal and intrigue...


If you like Game of Thrones, Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age, then look no further! This rp is inspired by them all! Particularly Game of Thrones. Each player will control a whole clan! They will be able to create their own characters within those clans and basically we will create a story about plots, betrayal and intrigue set in a world ravaged by war, dragons and other mythical creatures.

The story will be about an artifact that has been hidden for centuries, it is rumoured to bring wealth and fortune to whomever possesses it. It will be a centrepiece to the conflict between the clans.

Each clan can make an alliance with any other clan they desire and can also betray that alliance if they wish. Alliances can be bought or secured through marriage, however you want really, you will have free reign over your clan. (There will be rules pertaining to god modding and such which I'll go through if anyone is interested.)

Here are the different clans with their beliefs, land and other details:


The Miridians are ruled over by a monarchy. They own the most land situated in the south. They are largely pagan, but some believe in the one true god known only as "The Creator." Their lands are mostly plains and forests.


The Nordics are situated in the cold, mountainous region to the north. They worship pagan gods and have no interest in The Creator. Their lands are snowy plains and mountains. They are unable to farm because of the cold harsh lands, but the north sea and lakes in the area are abundant with fish and whales, so many fishing villages have been established.


Draconians are a bloodthirsty, warmongering race that thrive on conflict. They have a love for gold and worship dragons as gods. They live on an island to the South east of Miridia. They are adept at extracting poisons from the serpents that inhabit their swampy homeland.


The Numidians live far to the east of Miridia, they live in cities embedded into the mountains. Numidians believe that their royal family are gods. They hate the poor and look down on most other races. They train assassins who are proficiant at stealth. Their surroundings are mostly deserts.


The Elyssians are a religious fanatical clan that live to the north west of Miridia, inbetween Miridia and the Nordic lands. Their cities are huge and lavish for the priests who are the leaders of this clan. However, the outer city is populated with overcrowded slums. The priesthood send out templars and missionaries to neighbouring kingdoms to spread the word of the maker. Their lands are mountains, plains and forests.


The Gaians live in the forests, they are a divided people, as the Numidians invaded their forest homeland and captured many of their number to serve as slaves in their sky palace. (Gaian main characters will have to be divided into forest Gaians and slave Gaians.) The ones that remain in the forest believe that mother nature is the goddess of all things, and they worship her fervently. They have the ability to soothe wild animals such as wolves, bears and sabre cats. Their slave counterparts must serve the Numidian noble families as best they can until they can be reunited with their brethren.


The wastelanders are exiled Miridians that have been banished from their homeland for crimes against their country. They now dwell in the shadow of the red mountain, where the Numidians have built their cities. The wastelanders live in crudely built shacks next to a small oasis at the foot of the red mountain. Their numbers slowly swell, they train those that survive the harsh wasteland of the desert to fight so that one day they can fight their way back home.

The Orcas: A group of mountain dwelling barbarians, mistaken for savages and mindless trolls of the mountains, in actual fact they are an intelligent race. They worship the old gods and have a leadership system where their leader can be challenged for leadership. Located south of Elyssia and west of Miridia.

These are the clans. Although I've already designed their beliefs and such, whichever clan you choose can have multiple main characters. You will also control all minor characters from that clan too, including their armies. Like I said, if you want to swell your armies you can secure alliances through marriage or gold. Any questions? And is anyone interested? Let me know which clan you'd like to be. (I operate on a first come first served basis.)

Miridians: open

Nordics: @andujarprime

Draconians: @TheRevenant

Elyssians: @BigHippo8

Numidians: @Kiyoko Tomoe

Wastelanders: @Detective Rascal

The Orcas: @Fawn
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I'm actually quite interested in this, but I have a question, would we be able to have alliances with other clans? For Example, Maybe the Draconians making a deal with Numidians to take all of the Gaians from their home, and then they work together to make a small war?

(Also, I have my eye on the Draconians or the Wastelanders)
I saw the original post a few hours ago but got distracted lol glad I found it again I'm interested. Just have to read it over a bit more but I might want the north. I always wanted to be king in the north lol
HUZZAH!!! Now to figure out how to control a whole army T_T lol also. I'm probably going to be pretty warmongering myself. Getting tired of all the snow and stuff >_> or is that type of behavior reserved for the draconian?
Nope you can do whatever you want. And to control a whole army, just have one of your main characters be a commander or something, then you can write your army's movements from the perspective of their commander.

@andujarprime if you know anyone that might be interested then feel free to tag them.
Now THAT is an excellent idea lol also. How heavy is magic use in this? I'm asking a bunch of questions but this is exciting. I like rp with lots of action and plots
andujarprime said:
Now THAT is an excellent idea lol also. How heavy is magic use in this? I'm asking a bunch of questions but this is exciting. I like rp with lots of action and plots
Magic users are rare in the world there are a few wizards and such, but not enough to cause large amounts of damage. Each player will need to have several characters each for the sake of perspective narrative. But they won't need to make character sheets For them. I'll set up character sheets but just list the characters you're going to have in one character sheet. If that makes sense... If not i'll make a character sheet first as an example.
Bah. We of the north live by the laws of the old gods and the first men. So that's perfectly fine. I figured maybe a mage advisor her and there. But not a whole platoon of mages. O.o now if there are dragons, will we have other strange animals or races? Like ice giants >_> and a siege whale??!!! O___O oh jeezuss I need a siege whale lmfao. But yeah. If u can make a sample cs?
Yes there will be dragons, giants and undead and stuff like that. I'll make a sample cs once enough people show interest and the remaining roles have been filled.
If possible I'd take both Numidians and Elyssians, though I can stick with just Numidians since it wouldn't really be fair to have two.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]If possible I'd take both Numidians and Elyssians, though I can stick with just Numidians since it wouldn't really be fair to have two.

I'll put you down for numidians and see if enough people can take the remaining roles. If not then you can have two.
Hey, I think it's quite interesting and I'd love to join, thought I'm uncertain for which clan. I was thinking something like the daughter of one of the clans leader, who has an arranged marriage with someone from another clan?
SnowFeather said:
Hey, I think it's quite interesting and I'd love to join, thought I'm uncertain for which clan. I was thinking something like the daughter of one of the clans leader, who has an arranged marriage with someone from another clan?
Everyone has a whole clan to control and a handful of major characters in those clans. If you pick a clan you can have a king as a major character and try to marry his daughter off for an alliance.
Well, my plan for clan leader was an assassin girl who actually participates in attacks with a nice squad of ten that somehow can go unseen in an open grassy field that has no trees ^.^

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