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Futuristic Planet XD-36

He'd blush and yawn loudly. He'd rest his head on her chest as he starts to doze. He wanted to see the moons more but he was exhausted from the day.
He looks at her, and his cheeks blush, but he recovers as fast as possible. "I was just wondering. I guess I took a while." He looks away, nibbling at the fish to try to divert his attention. @Church Burning
Shiro who hadn't fully fell asleep would notice. "My mama...." He'd huff obviously jealous. His flame would circle around him faster,
Korol laughs as he looks at Shiro. "Yes yes, your mama." He smiles up at Niko, doing his best innocent face. "Me, plotting something? I would never!"
"Alright, that's it!" She growled playfully and tackled him, holding him down. "Tell me your secret!" She chuckled, sitting ontop of him and smirking with an accomplished look. (Although she's half naked: underwear only :3)
Shiro would hug her and look at him sticking his tongue out. "You can't have my mama....." His flame would bounce around more.
Korol laughs as he looks up at an underwear only Niko and little Shiro. "It wouldn't be a secret if I said it out loud." He says mischievously. He quickly pushes up and flips her, now him on top of her, his hands holding down her arms. "What a cute view." He says with his mischievous tone. @Church Burning @Arubion Sivart
"Shiro! Calm down! We were only playing!" She exclaimed, getting up and tickling him. "If you interfered then your my opponent now!" She growled playfully
He'd giggle and laugh a lot. He'd try to struggle but his small size kept him from resisting. He'd laugh so hard he'd start crying.
"Shiro, you're going to have to learn how to share me. Momma likes to mess around you know" she whispered in his ear then but it gently, tickling his tummy and hugging him.
Niko smiled and nodded, although inside she was a bit saddened by that. She held onto Shiro tightly and gently rocked back and forth, trying to make him fall asleep.
Shiro would yawn and look at her. He'd pur and rest his head on her chest it slipping between them. He'd fall asleep purring.
Korol sits down next to them, looking into the fire. His eyes get serious. "Poor Shiro. So young and he has to go through this. It sickens me. Those Damn bastards." He clenches his fists tightly, angry.
Niko blushed a bit and nodded. "It really is, but I started at a younger age then him so I kinda grew up with this" she admits before walking into her pod and laid him down to sleep. She walked back out to Korol and looked around and then jumped onto him, pushing him down. "Never turn your back to an enemy!" She said, their fight not over
Korol pushes, forgetting how strong she was. He spins his body, pushing her onto his back, doing a fast pushup to shoot her into the air, and he grabs her gently and tenderly pins her. "Never underestimate an enemy." He smiles down at her.
Niko was breathless and smiled. "Forgot about that..so will you tell me your secret now that we're alone?" She smirked, tilting her head and smiling mischieviously at him.
Korol looks down at her. "I think you already know. I thought it was obvious ever since." He whispers to her.
(It's fine)

Niko kissed back and blushed, purring happily. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, batting her eyelashes. "I love you too" she whispered.


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