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Futuristic Planet XD-36

"Yes, now this will hurt." She said, poking the wounds. There were four teeth puncture wounds dripping with black venom. She gathered some water in her hand and made four needles of water. She quickly stabbed them into his wounds and the needles became black, taking all the venom out. She then hardened the needles into ice and broke them, tossing them into the water. She cauterised the wounds again and soothed it with cool water.

Shiro would begin to cry as he saw the cooked fish. He'd stand up and start to run away crying loudly. He'd trip and land on his face making him cry even more.
Niko sighed. "Shiro! Stop you'll get hurt!" She yelled, running after him. She quickly caught up with him and grabbed him off the ground, skidding to a stop and falling on her back with Shiro on her from. She held him close. "What's wrong baby?" She asked motherly

@Arubion Sivart
He'd cry and point at the fish. "Its... dead...." He'd cry out louder. Even though he needed meat to survive he was normally fed it through tricking him or it was artificial. He mainly ate fruits and vegetables.

@Church Burning
"There can be no life without death. It died so that we could live." She said calmly, holding him to her chest, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You don't have to cry. The fish's death was quick and it went to fish heaven" she said soothingly

@Arubion Sivart
He'd be soothed by her voice and would calm down only sniffling. He'd look at the fish and would look at her. "B-b-b-but....." He'd bury his face into chest and would start to cry softly.

@Church Burning
"But nothing. It's in fish heaven now and it was glad to be of use. It died so we could live, and we must make use of that sacrifice. So always remember when you see that something is dead. It died so that we could live." She said calmly, kissing his forehead softly.

@Arubion Sivart
He'd hold her tightly still sniffling. His flame would float around him. "Alright mama....." He'd cling onto her and notice her wounds.. "Why are you hurt?..." Tears would come to his eyes.
"I had a bad accident. You know me. Always so clumsy!" She said, lying a bit. She knew she wasn't clumsy and it was no accident. Niko just didn't want Shiro to cry or be worried. It was a mothers job to protect a child, no matter what.

@Arubion Sivart
He'd then notice her partial nudity and blush. "Mama why are your clothes mostly off?...." He'd bury his face deeper getting embarrassed. His flame would dance up and down.
He'd stop sniffling and would hug her tightly.. "Only if mama feeds me.... and makes it taste not fishy...." He was referring to holding his nose closed. His face would light up bright red when his stomach rumbled..
She let out her loud and beautiful laugh. "Of course my darling." She chuckled, putting him on the ground. She took a piece of fish and held his nose. When his mouth opened, she stuck the piece of fish in and smiled as he chewed. "You should learn to like the taste of fish. We are going to eat it for a while." She smiled, not holding his nose anymore and holding a piece of fish out to him.

@Arubion Sivart
He'd look at it and looks like he will be sick at the smell and taste of it. He'd collapse on his side with him looking sick as a dog. His flame would vanish and he'd throw up while on his side.
"Oh baby...." She sighed and wiped his mouth off with her shirt that was next to her. She threw the shirt away and walked into the forest, coming back a few minutes later with some fruit. She had many bite marks on her legs and arms that were bleeding but she didn't care. "Little fox! I have some fruit for you!" She smiled, her legs wobbling but she continued to walk to him with a smile on her face.

@Arubion Sivart
Shiro would look at her and start to cry. His flames would grow in size and begins to engulf the area, even though they were growing they weren't burning anything, instead it was making her wounds seal up. He'd pass out after his flames died down.
Korol gets up and walks over to Shiro, picking him up gently and laying him by the fire. The large tattoo on Korols back glinted in the light of the fire. He looks up at Niko. "These new Animals, they are very different. We have to get on the top if the food chain." korol flexes his back as he esta more of the fish. @Church Burning @Arubion Sivart
"Agreed.." She said walking over and sitting beside him. She sighed, placing the fruit on the floor. Her own tattoo of a tiger in black flames glinted in the fire light. She sighed as the Suns set and the three moons rose up.

@National @Arubion Sivart
He'd giggle more and would pur happily. He'd press against her tightly purring happily. "Mama aren't the moons pretty?." He'd stare up at them.

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