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Futuristic Planet XD-36

National said:
Korol smiles, seeing Shiro being happy with his new pet. Korol pets the baby otter, it's sleek fur soft and smooth. "Kitty? What a nice name. Don't forget to feed him." Korol looks back at the strange man. "What is your name by the way?" @Arubion Sivart @ArachneGlycon
...He opens the palm of his hand and examines it, the lines that trace from here and there making no sense to him. Before looking back at Korol...

My name is Shinzo... How about you?

...He glanced at the ocean and then back at Korol...

National said:
"The name is Korol. Nice to meet you Shinzo." Korol looks out at the ocean @ArachneGlycon
...He puts his hands back in his pockets...

So... we obviously landed here with something more than just the clothes on our backs... You want to show me to the landing site, maybe we can start putting up shelter.

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