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Futuristic Planet XD-36

"I want to cuddles with mama..." He'd say. He'd yawn and shiver a bit. His clothes wet with the obvious stench of him being scared.
Korol nods and carries the little guy back to the pods. He lays him down on the blanket. "Stay here, I'm gonna get you different clothes." Korol walks to Shiros pod and looks for his different clothes. @Arubion Sivart
Korol nods as gets a new pair of clothes for Shiro. "I think so. He's not a bad kid, just a tad shy and protective. I think we're on good circumstances." He gives the clothes to Niko to give to Shiro. "These are for him."

@Church Burning @Arubion Sivart
Shiro would ignore him and continue to cry loudly. His lower end stinking a lot and makes squishing noises as he squirms.
Shirk mutters every curse word he knew under his breath as he grabbed Shiro and helped the kid up. He grabs his pants and yanks them off, looking away. "Alright Shiro, just put this stuff on." He puts the kid on the floor and gives him the underwear and pants @Arubion Sivart
Bound tight with chains and in a strait jacket in a pod furthest from the others was confined an eleven year old girl. Dark red hair flowed down the girl's back and she seemed almost peaceful as she slept. Yellow eyes shot open and a loud screech like an eagle or a hawk would make as it dove down upon its prey emerged from the girl's mouth. A number on the pod said she was #556, one of the more dangerous failed experiments due to childhood abuse and torture by the scientists and those pathetic creatures that called themselves humans. The fact that her mind was still laced with whatever she'd been given to knock her out only infuriated the eleven-year-old's rage as she struggled to get out of both the chains and the strait jacket.
Korol hears the scream, and he stands up, looking at Niko. "Poppy is awake. I'll go release her." Korol walks over to the pods and gets in front of Poppy's pod. He opens it, and he smiles at Poppy. "Hey Poppy. It's me, Korol." Korol starts to take off her chains and straitjacket. @eclipsehowls @Church Burning
"My head feels are weird and foggy," Poppy says once she recognizes Korol. "Where the heck are we? All I know is I was in my room, suspended from the ceiling and then something hit me." @National
Korol unbinds the straitjacket. "All right, you're all free to move around. And we're right now in a private island just for us experiments." Korol felt really bad for Poppy. Korol was tortured for most of his life, but he was able to contain his sanity. Sadly, Poppy wasn't able to. "How do ya feel?" @eclipsehowls
"Like I got ran over by a semi tractor trailer," Poppy snapped irritably. "Fucking humans are going to die as soon as I find a way off this piece of rock," she growled, a storm beginning to roll in from her anger. @National
Korol sighs. He knew she would instantly be pissed. "Calm down Poppy. We will find a way off, but you need to calm down. There are other people on this island too. And Shiro also awoke too. He's too young for your rage, alright?" @eclipsehowls
"You better keep your word on that. I don't know how you aren't wanting their blood on your hands for torturing you," Poppy growled inhumanly but closes her eyes and allows the storm to disappear. Rubbing at her sore arms she looks around. "How long were we out?" @National
Korols holds up three fingers. "Three years Poppy. You slept for a few more days too." Korol didn't want to snap at Poppy about him being tortured. She was only a child, and the scientists turned her into a psychotic revenge seeker. @eclipsehowls
Arms sore from being pinned to her body for three years and a few days, and she can count on Korol at least to speak the truth, she looks around. "Figures they'd put the crazy one at the end of the of the group. Probably thought I'd murder you all. Surprised they didn't shift me off into some other planet far from everyone else." Walking shakily, she looks around. "Are there birds here?" she asks. Due to her mind still recovering from the effects of whatever drug she was given and three years of sleep she isn't sensing any birds around her. Then his words penetrate her head. "Three years? Damn." @National
Korol nods his head. "Three years. And the animals in this world are very different. There are birds, but they are not your normal type of bird, that's for damn sure. Just be careful here Poppy." He looks at her, and thinks "I know who you were before all this Poppy. Looks like that Poppy died." He sighs. @eclipsehowls

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