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Realistic or Modern Pic.ture Per.fect Mem.ories

[QUOTE="Antlered punk]I just posted :)

Haha! It looks good. Thanks Antler. :D I seriously do not get notifications for this role play. I have to stalk it every time.
Alright err, lol now that I'm done with my exam, I'll be on a lot more often. But I'm still waiting on a few posts before I get anything in so I'm going to take on that annoying GM and tag everyone.

@Ethereal @Kingly @NessieAlways @Aster @Sasil

Hopefully I didn't miss anyone that haven't posted.
I would post but I'm kinda waiting on Eva's reply. I'll just move Vivi out if I have to though I don't want to make it seem like she just ditched her friend ;;;;;
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Err lol sorry for poofing on you guys. There's not much I can do either since I'm waiting on @Kingly but I'll go ahead and post after Aivree. @Sasil, you can go ahead and jump back in.
Soo double post. I was re-reading posts and I realized I just posted before Antler so I dunno if I should post again or not. o. o

I could just get it ready for the party of course but I don't want to just make to hog all the fun lol!
Sasil said:
Soo double post. I was re-reading posts and I realized I just posted before Antler so I dunno if I should post again or not. o. o
I could just get it ready for the party of course but I don't want to just make to hog all the fun lol!
I'm going to post tonight but I'm going home so it's going to take me a while. Lol. You can post after me. C;
Okay before I smack in a post, I just wanted to hear updates on @Ethereal and @Kingly. Do you guys think a post by this weekend/Tues is possible?
Sorry guys. It's Chinese New Year so things are a bit hectic. C: I'll get a post up when I get home or by tomorrow.
Ooo there is drama coming. I can tell. Gotta think of some drama to use with Aviree. If anyone wants to bring drama with her in it feel free too o 3o

@FirePolaris Are you wanting me to post before you do or are you going to post o 3o
Sasil said:
Ooo there is drama coming. I can tell. Gotta think of some drama to use with Aviree. If anyone wants to bring drama with her in it feel free too o 3o
@FirePolaris Are you wanting me to post before you do or are you going to post o 3o
I got half way to my post but I won't be done until 10 pm. If you're done with a post before then, feel free to get it up. Sorry for the delays!
Post was perfect from the both of you.

I can't wait to have Eva cause more drama reply.
So... notifications stopped for me =S

I'm going to try and jump back in, but I think my character is in a position right now where she isn't contributing much to the story.

If I can't find a wait to have her contribute then I might have to back out.

I'll try my best to bring her back in though!

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